I never went to these as I wasn't old enough but I've heard that conventions used to be more fun. Actual nerds going there having a good time.No social media attention whores trying to get cloutNot overly woke and annoying bullshit shoved down your throatJust nerds nerdin' out
>>10926084the thots were always there, there's just waaaaaaay more now.no lgbt shit or feminism in anime type shit in the panels.watching anime was one of the primary activities besides panels.it was a magical time
>>10926084It was more fun only because anime was a lot more obscure back then (especially in the very very early 00's), so it was rare to actually get to interact with people who understood the same things as you, and VERY rare to get to buy weeb shit in-person. So the adrenaline rush of having access to "that thing you like from the internet" was pretty high. Anime wasn't nearly as accessible back then, not like today where you can buy anything you want on Amazon or stream any show you want instantly. You actually had to put effort into hunting these things down back then. Social media also really wasn't a huge thing yet, and cosplay wouldn't have been a good way to get clout because A) anime wasn't cool (or even known) to most people and B) buying cosplay was a lot harder, you had to "know a guy" or learn how to sew/craft everything yourself, so the barrier to entry was higher but the standards were lower. So yeah, conventions were fun because it was less people, but those people were more authentic and very dedicated to enjoying their obscure esoteric hobby.>>10926091No idea what this person is on about though. "LGBT shit" has always been around, it was just more lighthearted back then. See: yaoi paddles
>>10926084Yep, no trannies and almost zero fat girls. Great times
>>10926153It was almost exclusively fat girls. Go be a zoomer somewhere else
Certain things appeal to me about old cons but I'm also not for rose tinted glasses either. Starting with the positive>OP picBreathing room + it's not a game of Where's Waldo to spot the lone cosplayer >Smaller scaleThese were always better and always will be. I know social butterflies who turn cagey at the giant cons, and who can blame em? Everything in one spot makes for a better experience in every way, unless you're a "Line go up = always good" type>EnthusiasmMGScon last year felt like a real return to form on that. You know everyone's there for the exact same reason you are, and never have to worry about some fag saying "I dunno what any of this stuff means, cause I don't care about anime". And being unapologetically weird has its perks too. Just check the announcements page here, the calls for official meetups and panels at ACEN and Okaton from almost 20 years ago are STILL up. But leads to the bad>Extreme tismI go to cons to hang out and chat with weirdos, not get up my own ass about being a godtier lore master of 100 franchises. Some online stuff translates well in person-- this ain't one. Today there are more spergs who understand rebuffing everything to be "contrarian" is a dick move. The "Druk" thread's a great case for that>Social media / clout chasersNothing that hasn't been said before, except I now like when the cell towers get overloaded and force everyone to put their phones down
The thots used to be booth babes but some twats decided that was distasteful so now they try to make everyone else simp and pay them instead of the companies. It was better when they were booth babes.The internet wasn't so widespread and everything wasn't so widely available. So going to a con actually meant finding new things and it was fun. Now I can hop on the internet and Google everything in 2 seconds and sponsor companies have taken over cons so if your not into current thing you'll be accosted by it.
>>10926084It used to be really shameful and embarassing and now it's like going to a football game. I still have a good time no matter what.>No social media attention whores trying to get clout>Not overly woke and annoying bullshit shoved down your throatIf "people acting in a way you dislike" is an issue, you would have HATED 00s conventions, some of the worst cringest and behavior I've ever seen and experienced.
>>10926499>some of the worst cringest and behavior I've ever seen and experienced.Yep. (Almost) any good feelings I have for cons of old goes away when I remember this. Oh and this too>>10926154>It was almost exclusively fat girls
>>10926153There were definitely trannies, a few of them existed in my social circle back then. >>10926154 is wrong though, there definitely were SOME fat chicks but the percentage was way lower, especially because it was the era of anorexic goth/emo/scene girls rather than "thicc" so any girl who wanted to be attractive HAD to be skinny.
cons were more fun before discord
>annoying bullshitelaborate because glomping and yaoi paddles definitely werent welcome
>No social media attention whores trying to get cloutSocial Media wasn't prevalent, but the attention whores like yaya Han, alodia gosengfiao and jessica nigri were already doing grassroots movements during this time
I've heard that weebs were huge party animals, I imagine it's nothing like that anymore
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOeuqo875z4these videos make me hate cons
>>10926219booth babes were always a western comic con or sci-if convention thing. They never were much of a thing for anime cons. 1. anime was why more neiche so there was just less industry over here in general (so few/no sponsors for such things) 2 there have always been the anime girlies who were willing to put on reveling Dirty Pair outfits or sailor moon outfits purely for love of the character >>10926609not welcome but still fairly common. Early cons had little to no social decorum. It was the one place you can just be fully autistic and annoying in that weeb way for a brief window. By the 10's you started to see more demand for social decorum because less autistic weebs started to fill out the community and their sense of shame pushed back on unalloyed autism of the previous era. No we are to a place where the social decorum has broken down again but that is because it's extensible normies ballooning the numbers at cons and they don't see themselves as a part of an anime or cosplay community so they there are no social pressures on them to no act in an anti-social way>>10926670They are but it's different. It's much more normie coded now. A image macro that was a inside joke in my friend group was a split poster which on one side had picture of a house party that said "how you spend your weekends," and on the other was a pictures of some cosplayers with the caption "how we spend ours," because anyone in the cosplay sense knows everyone does both. Yes we do the halloween in July thing and where our costumes we made to get photos but we are all day drinking and going to room parties by the evening. >>10926612It was an arms race between Yaya and Nigri to figure out how to monetize cosplay and turn it in job. Yaya tried really hard to try to pitch it as a legitimate art form. Getting her little sci-fy to do a tv focused on crafting (at frist) but it really was Nigir that just saw the trends online for how normies interacted with cosplay and just leaded in
>>10926722I lived in CA 03-07 went to lots of conventions; big, small, amine, comic, mixed. Booth babes were at all types. Anywhere viz and tokyopop were had them.Does viz still give out those super durable totes?
>>10926219Thank god booth babes are still a thing for people who aren't nerds. Restaurant expos have them everywhere. Hell there's a pizza-centered one in Vegas that has to literally just be hiring local strippers to promote wing sauce.
>>10926670>were>imagineWhen's the last time you went to a con? genuinely curious
>>10926736I've mainly gone to midwestern cons. Viz certainly didn't not have booth babes. Again there was little industry to speak of.
>>10926737all of those girls are ugly asf
>>10926545Yeah but nobody wanted to be attractive at anime cons. It was all virgin losers back then and everyone accepted that they were all equally on the lowest rung of the social ladder.
>>10926743The one on the far left is kinda cute. She looks like she's had the least amount of injections
>>10926771Im here for self improvement and fitness, but i hate the trend of jocks who only watched dragonball pulling up to cons acting like the big fish in the pond
>>10926771That's not really true, cosplayers obviously made an effort to look good, and fewer people there were virgins than you'd think, it was a level playing field and didn't take much to get laid in the con scene back then, if you could dress and groom yourself decently and had enough social skills to handle a retail job or whatever you were already ahead. I'm an awkward loser who can't get a date nowadays (being old and overweight isn't helping there though) but I got laid a bunch and got a few GFs out of the con scene in the '00s, and a bunch of them were girls who'd be completely attainable to all but the biggest chads nowadays.
>No gay shitFujos. >No fat girlsFujos.>No pride flagsFujos.>No troonsFujos. Put some respect on our Fujoshi foremothers, you silly bints.
>>10926084Anime cons exploding in size and popularity did not help. The generally smaller cons made everyone there feel like part of a community, not just strangers in an over crowded convention center. I found it far easier to approach people and just bullshit about anime and other nerd shit. One of my favorite con memories is just playing Oregon Trail on an ancient Mac with 2 other Touhou cosplayers in the hallway at a tiny local con.
>>10926783small hotel lobby cons still exist btwdont know if the culture and atittude is still the same
>>10926805I'm pretty new to cons (post-COVID was my first) but the one hotel lobby con I've gone to definitely had more of an interpersonal feeling, a lot easier to meet up with people you hit it off with again and much more chill vibes. Plus extremely easy to go back to rooms and drink lol
>>10926805Sadly not in my area. The last of them died off due to covid. Closest smaller con is about a 5 hour drive away.
>>10926742Sorry to hear it anon, on the west coast we went home with our weight in free stuff.
AX 2006 was my first con and I loved that I could just chat with a random stranger while waiting in line and I certainly miss being able to take pictures in the middle of the hall. Now it feels like everyone is in a rush to somewhere.
considering yaoi paddles, carpet fursuit guy, and glomping both yes and no. also due to being a fairly new concept there were a lot of creeps due to more lax rules.
>>10926865I wanted to ask about this, did cons 10+ years ago have way better freebies? Like grab bags full to the brim with shirt, sweatshirt, books and other quality stuff? I feel like billion dollar companies are doing the absolute least nowadays and barely give you an "exclusive" plastic keychain for waiting in a line for 3 hours .nikke booth at ax had the most stuff in their free bag this year by FAR and it was barely anything
>>10926905At the very least, Gencon used to give way better Free Stuff bags, nowadays it's just a coupon book that requires you to spend 50-100 dollars at a booth for a single free thing, when they used to just give you the free thing in the bag or free at the booth. That's the only con I've been going to long enough to remember, but it did definitely get worse.
>>10926865am i the only one who hates “””free””” stiff from cons?No i dont want another pin/sticker/lanyard of your shitty show or company
>>10926917>free stiffhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wYgnwk3X1w
>>10926917>Free lanyards I miss this these days. All of the conventions in my state have switched to selling lanyards to squeeze even more money out of people. Even the lobby con non-corpro cons. It sucks. Lanyards made collecting buttons and dumb little trinkets more fun.
>>10926907What kind of stuff do they give out at tabletop gaming cons? do games have shirts or is it more like models + dice kind of stuff?
>>10927616It used to be lots of minis and dice and promo cards, and still largely is with those deals. Obviously nowadays that includes redemption codes for video game versions and the like.They've just gone for free in the goodie bag or at the booth to being at the booth with a big purchase.
>>10926609i would rather be glomped and yaoi paddled by a fat retard every weekend morning for eternity if it meant tik tok would be somehow magically erased from ever existing this timeline.
>>10926084Yes. All known cons are expos for the media and normalfag consoomers now. Nobody cares to interact with strangers or put effort into costumes unless paid models now. Also full of twitchfags and youtubers and their underage armies.
>>10927628Speaking as someone who recently got into minipainting, free minis sound nice.
>>10926779To this day fujoshi are the only women whose presence I will never ever question. I know they are real ones and it makes me sad to see them be bullied out of fandom spaces by normie "nerds" for shipping crimes.
>>10926905Absolutely. I recently got into one of my old stuff and sold some to cut down on my collected junk and it if was packed away I can live without it. I had the viz bags which they gave away with 3-4 manga in it if you lined up day one (a Thursday) then friday-sunday they gave it free with any purchase. I have all sorts of signed shit, I've never paid for an autograph. I learned back then to grab things from other promo stations to take to get signed. Like a promo card for an anime which I then took and got the VAs of the characters in the cards to sign. Plus the poster they'd give you to get signed for being in line. Someone used to give out these giant plastic bags with goodies in them that you could fit 2 toddlers in. I came away with tons of shirts, downside is they're always XXL sized and I need a small so to eBay those go. They used to setup these cool cages of heat presses so they had shirt options and you told them what one you wanted and they made the shirt right there. I had a hoard of blow up swords from ninja scroll and vampire hunter d so those were quite old. Last like 7 cons I've gone to I walked away with nothing worthwhile free. Shoe string lanyard for your badge. One had kindbar giving out granola bars and they gave me one of those reusable shopping bags. Another had Jimmy John's giving out food. So I guess at least I didn't have to pay for food. Maybe Colorado conventions are just shit I dunno. I haven't been to any after covid because the last ones I went to were just boring.
>>10926779>troons and pride shitreal fujos were based terfs and hate 3dpd faggots/troons
>>10927658no correlationYaoi paddles look like the type of trend tiktok/vine/snapchat would make up nowadays.
>>10926973>I miss this these daysWhat cons you going to because i still get an ass ton of lanyards from san diego
>>10926973This reminds me, I miss the old badge holders with paper badges in them. You could stash your room key and some cash or a debit card in them when wearing a cosplay with nowhere else to put anything, or stick some extra "flair items" inside the badge holder for fun. You can't do that with the modern "hard card" badges that just clip directly onto the lanyard. I also attended a con recently that didn't even have badges at all, just wristbands, custom-made fabric ones but still lame in comparison.
>>10926148Having some random merch called "yaoi paddles" and having half the panels dedicated to sexuality are very different things. When I say there was less LGBT shit I don't mean a few off items or the presence of actual people in that community, I mean the programming of cons itself.
>>10928745you're delusional, i went to otakon for the first time in 2006 and it was basically a fucking yaoi-fest. you couldn't turn a corner without seeing Gravitation. i don't think the amount of LGBT shit has changed, i just think the format in which it is presented is different. gay shit had more of a "^_^ teehee" vibe back then
Was a mixed bag, but in retrospect I much prefer earlier cons.It was a bunch of weird fuckers getting together in a borderline uncontrolled environment to do cringy shit.While there were far fewer thots back then, it was much more degenerate. Like holy shit levels of degenerate. Especially in the early days of hotelroom parties shit was basically a swinger meetup. I have a bunch of stories that are bordering on unbelievable.These days, everything is cleaner, neater and better organized. Tell someone in 2003 you have a high quality, accurate sub collection of anime and he'll call you a liar - show him some Jap figurines and he'll shit his pants.Nowadays, most cons are 60% relatively high quality but generic vendors.Also cons were much more fucking dangerous. Not just because of the people, but also because of the nonexistant controls. I member a dude brought a crossbow, and dared people to shoot shit from their hands / off their heads. Not even kidding.
>>10928749>gay shit had more of a "^_^ teehee" vibe back thenYes, exactly, and that's how it should be. These events exist as places to have FUN, not get on a soapbox about how great you are for supporting xyz causes>Gay panel about being gayFuck off>Gay panel (actually) about animeMore power to yaI don't dare so much as hint at my homo inclinations at conventions cause it's so annoying to deal with. I'd imagine it's somehow more bearable to discuss in a lefty Protestant church
>>10926084A bit later and talking about my country but sure? But that's only because they were more obscure and homebrew. Plus like other anons said, they were the one place to get anime merch before it became popular.There are still cons like that but the whole culture is different too. Anime is no longer for weird forum ^.^ ;_; kids, everybody knows it and the culture is much more centralized.Was at a small local con a month ago and it was comfy ah, but hearing the 60yo booth lady talking about Hazbin Hotel pins with kids almost broke me, kek.
>>10928770>based vegetabasedreally though, many supposed “far right” people don’t really care if you’re gay, because it’s your business. What they care about is the promotion of gayness and other extreme sexual paraphilias as “normal, natural, healthy, and praiseworthy” being used as a sledgehammer to break apart the foundations of a healthy, functioning society.I’m fine with you being gay. I’m fine with people having foot fetishes. I’m not fine with people licking each others’ feet in public.
>>10926084Yes, and no. Zero smartphones meant there was no worry about being posted as cringe, but the panels were more narrow in subjects discussed and there was less to do overall. They did, however, feel fresh and exciting because access to anime, manga, j-fashion, and merch was much more limited.
>>10931683>there was less to do overallIs this why old cons had arcade halls and anime watching parties?
>>10931683The panels and thing were much more secondary back then though, cons were far more biased toward socializing with other nerds and the best experiences at them were had with hardly any involvement with the actual con itself.
>>10931565Yes. Glad we agree, and I'm even more glad that my local scene has very little need for "Diverse Cosplay" panels. And on one hand, yeah the "far rightists" aren't ever critical of me. No one is, aside from normans (and their small children). I'm also amused when asked "What are your pronouns?" for several reasonsand yeah, fetish is best saved for behind closed doors too
>>10931565What bugs me is the double standard, seeing the same people that cheer on any kind of open gay or trans degeneracy shame straight people for the slightest hint that they're not puritanical monks/nuns.
Yes, conventions were a lot more fun before all the lgbtq and woke gender bullshit. I miss having panels on actual topics, and not playing a guessing game every time I talk to someone. It's so sad to me that zoomers have nostalgia for past stuff and don't realize a huge component of why the past was better is it didn't have their stupid bullshit. Same with old internet nostalgia
>>10931722Even outside those problems the zoomies are, on average going>Bruh like...this is too much energy for me bruh we just need like lowkey...all times bruh you know?>10 PM? God I'm tired better call it a night>You know, I just turned and I've never had a girlfriend. it's LITERALLY over bruh>I'm too old for this shitNot all but too many
>>10931714>> implying that modern cons do not also have arcades and anime watching parties
>>10928008real talk, the first time i met a terf, she was also a hardcore fujo, she claimed that she hated trans people because the whole thing about being a tranny was like men making fun of women even more than normal
>>10926084>were conventions more funYES, they were smaller, people knew how to take a joke. Everyone played along. No one had reason to be an uptight piece of shit if they attended. People were amazing and eccentric, and not afraid of ridicule.
>>10932461>waaaahhhhhj why cant i say slurs and creep on women anymorelol get wrecked
>>10932614YEP! *snap* Thaaaat's an upvote!
>>10926897>there were a lot of creeps due to more lax ruleswhether it was explicitly in the rules or not creeps were still getting the bootwhats different now is everyone having a camera in their purse or pockets. shit happens? someones bound to record it
>>10931722i dont know whats more out of touch, your post or specifically that you think these are 'zoomers' having nostalgia here grandpa
>>10932714legalizing rape only benefits the genetically unfit like you lol
>>10932714you say that but when you become jamal's thrall im not so sure you'll be so much talk
>>10932810 lol no not really since nobody willingly wants what you have to offer
>>10932817you know the statistics for female orgasm during rape right? and how many romance novels feature rape as a prominent element?
>>10932818An orgasm doesn’t mean anything, you could get an orgasm in prison being somebody’s bitch doesn’t mean you enjoyed it
>>10932817Pretty sure more ppl want them than want you.
>>10932821You would definitely enjoy it.
>>10931565Yeh and I hate how ppl make it seem as though it's impossible to be gay but still want a traditional style monogamous relationship.
>>10932854>>10932853samefag lmao, you fantasize about rape because you can’t get any in real life
>>10926084They were a lot more fun. I think to get back that feeling I'm gonna stick to smaller cons, or more niche topic cons.
>>10926545>it was the era of anorexic goth/emo/scene girls rather than "thicc" so any girl who wanted to be attractive HAD to be skinnyGod, I wish society would go back to that every day. I thought we might have a chance with OF and TikTok becoming big because I expected for the most attractive women to be the most popular on those platforms, but instead we got the most perverted women being the most popular, and hamplanets continue to dominate as people's "goth goddess dommy mommies".
>>10926722>It was an arms race between Yaya and Nigri to figure out how to monetize cosplay and turn it in jobI remember Yaya being a regular guest at one of the major cons in my area when I started going to cons back in 2014, kinda wish I actually tried going to her booth if I knew she was that historically significant, but at the same time I see the whole cosplay for money thing as one of the things ruining the community so it's not surprising that I didn't.>>10926917>>10926973>>10928004The free sunglasses a lot of events in general give out can go, but I don't miss free lanyards. Most cons post covid now just give you some shoestring-looking thing for your lanyard, if you get anything to begin with. I have my own lanyard I bring to cons now and it's annoying because it's basically an additional thing I have to keep track of and make sure to bring with me as opposed to last decade when they'd just give you one and you didn't have to worry about it.>>10931714>anime watching partiesAnime rooms were the original panels. Before anime had its own dedicated cons, the closest thing you had was room parties at sci-fi cons where people would spend the entire time screening anime in their hotel rooms.
The one thing I absolutely dont miss is the faggot raver kids. You know the kind, not into anime or anything adjacent, not into any of the jp music scenes, and really just only there because its a venue they can loiter, although now they just shit up vrchat insteadthose scenes preach about being accepting and welcoming in a no-homo kinda way but to the surprise of few, they're about as judgy as a bunch of boomers at church, normalfags addicted to gay party drugs please stay at home. seems a flip of the coin the ones still alive they either turned into an even more prudish like some catholic, or became some massive woe is me homo normalfag, or sometimes both. I am in nothing but glee that their scene here is in absolute shambles over nonstop drama of the most retarded kinds
>>10926737>cute>cute but bad boob job>ratchet>mid but nice hair>mid>too many injections and browthreadingAll of them have a sheen of that sex indutry wear and tear
>>10933336If the two of us shared a prison cell you would be the catcher buddy:)
>>10933420I kinda miss the lanyards myself, if only because it was fun to flex with them years later. Some cons don't even have badges that fit on the old lanyards anymore though, and I was even recently at one that didn't have badges at all and just had custom-printed wristbands instead. (Which were annoying since you had to keep them on the whole weekend, though knowing this from other people who'd posted about it I set mine just loose enough that I could slip it over my hand but not past my watch.)
Way better despite the cringe that bordered on harassment. Don't go to cons run by Leftfield. They are extra soulless. Right now cons are in another dark age of gacha slop, vtumor oversaturation.
Cons have fundamentally changed in the past 20 years. Anime was a lot more niche back then and cons were places weebs could go to socialize with other weebs and it would be exciting to meet other likeminded freaks who were into these weird Japanese cartoons same as you. Nowadays however, being an anime fan doesn't mean much since it's so mainstream and less people care or get excited about it. Big cons are just places to consume industry marketing and popular people go to be seen or advertise their instagram.
>>10935039>Don't go to cons run by LeftfieldOath.
Nigga anime culture as a whole was more fun back then. It felt like WE decided what was in and what was not in. Nothing was being forced and pushed onto us. The fact that an entire streaming website disabled comments because people didn't like the gay boy anime is RIDICULOUS and not talked about enough. We didn't have people on Twitter dictating the type of cartoon characters we should masturbate to.
>>10935250What gay boy anime
>>10935261Twilight Out of Focushttps://kidscreen.com/2024/07/15/crunchyroll-removes-its-comments-section/#:~:text=Crunchyroll%20has%20stripped%20the%20ability,Friend%20Nokotan%20(which%20some%20fans
>>10935039>gacha slop, vtumor oversaturationI noticed that at conventions. I don't have any problems with gacha games or vtubers, but man there sure were A LOT of them. And the costumes aren't easy either. Are they just that popular? I must be really out of the loop. I get popular anime shows getting more cosplayers, so I guess vtubers and gacha games are just as popular if not more? It took me by surprise. I must be getting old.
>>10935584genshit is legit poular
>>10935250...This is the reason crunchyroll deleted all the comments?
>>10935391>>10935250>heavily marketed boylove anime flops because it's pretty shit>it's the homophobes>meanwhile, the oceans of comments shitting on isekai and harem anime of all stripes is chillinIt really was about people calling out the shitty translations they were putting out. Can't maximize profits if your least effort practices is called out, y'know.
What I miss most about cons of yore? They weren't full of whinging children saying "I just graduated high school, my life is literally over". Or the 'classic' "Man I wish was around when cons were good! Everything SUCKS now" (Those were always a thing, in every fandom ever of course)
>>10936045Dont know why people romanticize going to cons as a teen. I would have hated the concept if i was one, but thats because i was broke growing up
Conventions are better now because more people are willing to cosplay.
>>10936101It's an offshoot of the Republicanposter "this is what they took from you" shilling. You just have to ignore all documented evidence. For me it's funny to look at old con photos from the 60s and 70s and realize that con thots were always a thing, nerds have always been nerds, and cons have always been pretty much the same.
>>10936101>because i was broke growing upBy that same token, all these dumb children crying "It's over for me" often also say "It's over for you, stop going after a certain age (when you can actually afford it)." Right sick of em. I also don't miss dropping out during the peak years of capeshit, as it might have soured me entirely>>10936106Lardass, say what?
What's with the crying about fat chicks?Fat female cosplayers will always have more value than any failmales going to cons to creep. If you were attractive then naturally attractive and fit women would flock to you but because you are mediocre and low value you get no pussy and then only notice the fatties you hate getting the attention you can only dream about receiving. That sucks, but don't be a bitch about it. Wear deodorant, lift weights, learn to style yourself, and develop some charisma so you can finally get a gf and stop caring about fatties and porn.
>>10936110Lose weight.
>>10936112Fatties don't need to. They pull simps and orbiters now.
>>10936113Why speak in the second person?
>>10936110they just look ugly is all yknow
>>10936108>Lardass, say what?I looked this up on urban dictionary and know your meme and came up blank. Is there a story behind this meme?
>>10936119Looks like they make it work and are happy.
Probably how professional they try to make themselves seem. Also, due to the popularity and availability of subtitled anime, there isn't too much of a need for english-speaking anime voice actors. As a result of this, the only popular voice actors you get are cartoon/videogame voice actors, who may be pretty expensive.
>>10936137i dont follow cons, but am i the only one who notices that more and more japanese guests are more open nowadays to attending overseas cons
>>10928745girls liking yaoi and political ideological faggotry are not the same fucking thing.modern lgbtards would consider most of the 2000s fujos disgusting immoral disgusting pedos and people ''appropriating'' gay culturehere's chicks dressed as the boku no pico girls, it was indulgent not about morality
>>10936771Elaborating on this notably the Japanese have long had the same relationship with gay/lesbo stuff. It's all about indulgence and having fun.The West has always had ''top down morality'' on gay shit. First governments banned homosexuality and preached against it for hundreds of years, now it's encouraged by the state, there is gay faggot propaganda on the tv and in schools. Japan never had such restrictive ideas about sexuality, obviously people would be homophobic but it wasn't legislated against to a large degree. It's like even now Western world changed their opinion, the state still wants to intercede in it. In the 2000s western anime fans actually treated sexuality like the Japanese, it was fun, enjoyable about indulgence not ideology. Now gay shit comes prepackaged with anti fun/indulgence politically correct views which is hilarious really, like I said anime is inherently super degenerate with a lot of pedo shit and fujos LOVED itI mean young people in general are super political compared to years back, most young people in the 2000s just had a ''fuck authority'' i wanna smoke weed and fuck mindset and there was a kind of fairly homogenous view among young people about that.
>>10936773it's incredible that you wrote 5 paragraphs and not a single word was true
whoever talked abt boku no pico cosplaying boku no pico the girls are weird pedos because boku no picos literally animated cp and its fucking weird
>>10936780Hope she sees this, bro.
>>10926153Crossplayers have always been here, maybe you just didn't notice?
>>10936131As an ex fatass, no they're not. Being fat is awful. You feel like absolute shit 24/7, you can struggle walking up stairs and the idea of walking a mile indoors despite being in an air conditioned building can be a pain too. Not to mention that deep down, you know you are physically unattractive and if you're young, the pain of knowing you're wasting your youth being a tub of lard does serious psychological damage to you.
>>10926153trans people in cons have always existed, you were probably just too dumb to notice
I hate the hideous tumblr reject art style thats infested artist alleys. I want merch of my favorite character that actually looks like the character and not a My 600lb Life participant in a wig.Artists that actually draw aesthetically pleasing art only sell genshin and flavor-of-the-day waifus >>10931722Thats why I always find it funny when extreme anti-fujo moralfags wish they experienced being an anime fan in the 2000s. Almost the entire female deviantart and gaia online userbases were fujos, and if they werent they usually openly hated gay people kek
>>10939251Kill yourself.
Was there a big party scene back then or is that newer?
>>10943048compared to the zoomers today, yes because they don’t know how to party
>>10943049The party scene ages as the newbies get older and the oldheads remain
>>10936780Go away homo
>>10926084sadly, yes, old cons were for weebs by weebs, modern cons feel like you are going behind enemy lines if you're not woke.
>>10943048yes and no By most people's standards here not really, you had to be more social and freaky sex shit was way more normal behind closed doors.What is gone and thank fuck are all the retard scene raver kids that would just try to hijack any space they saw as a scene without participating in any of it one bit. Retards here whine about roasties and instagram thots but scene sluts were literal and absolute cancer. >>10944314Pipe down latinx, seeing a groid at a con and not being allowed to call them nigger really ruin your fun that much? No ones making you go to odd gay panel that exists, no ones cancelling edgy or nsfw panels or saying you cant have fun if you arent a flaming homo. No one stopping you from wearing what you want and taking substances so long as you dont act like the niggers you hate. The enemies lines havent moved, you've just grown bitter and retreated.
I don't know that they were better in every way, but the internet and popularity of nerdshit has definitely made things worse in a lot of ways. Like with literally anything else today, things just seem a lot less social.
>>10926600Basically this>>10926779I will never respect a fujoshit>>10926153wrong on the chicks, right on the tranny part, the few crossdressers you saw were memeing and (mostly) straight
Of course like all things it was more fun when it was more obscure. Nowadays even small hole in the wall cons feel like they're wall to wall with people (and "influencers") to the point where there's zero sense of camaraderie between attendees and no one looks like they're actually enjoying themselves. Hell, sometimes I wonder if most of the people attending cons nowadays even like or watch anime. It feels like there's nothing new or interesting anymore. It's all either hyper mainstream shit that's been around for years (DBZ, One Piece, Pokemon, etc.) or FOTM shit (e.g. Chainsaw Man, Dandadan).
>>10936137It doesn't help that the English VA circle feels like it's less than 30 people because of union bullshit the top dogs like Mercer and JYB use to gatekeep. You hear the same handful of voices in everything dubbed nowadays and they give the same phoned-in performances for everything because they know no one is actually watching dubs anymore.