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why do they always look like this? I call them EATAS
because they'd rather spend $1000+ on a coord than $200 on some free weights and a diet plan. it's mental illness desu
LMAO I have a friend who is just like this. She lives in her own little world.
she could be cute if she lost weight. And hopefully still use that jsk. Is that a replica or did she alter it?

going on a diet/healthy lifestyle should cost them less than whatever they're currently spending on food. I'm against the idea that you need exercise to lose weight, but even if that was true she wouldn't even need to buy any equipment. Walking is free.
Cuz that's how everyone looks these days and it's disgusting.
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Would anyways
it's such a shame, she would be so cute if she wasn't so fat

exercise is important, I lost 1/3 of my body weight walking and cutting out sugar. it saved me so much money
I kek'd
LOL I know what you mean. But the image is a bad example in my opinion. She looks cute and the coord is good. Also it is not criminally tight on her as modern "Eatas" choices
Lolita is for people who'd rather show off their clothes than the body underneath them. So I think compared to thin girls, fat girls who have the self awareness to realise their bodies aren't very attractive are more likely to enjoy lolita fashion.
They shouldn't show off at all when they're offending our eyes.
Exercise has many benefits but it's not necessary for weight loss. It helps but you can still lose weight without it.
Weight loss is CICO (and macros to some extent). Whatever you do to maintain a calorie deficit in a healthy and sustainable way is good.

Congratulations on achieving and maintaining such a large loss. Maybe a weird question but if you feel different now compared to your highest weight, in which ways do you feel different?

And I'm sure you have many more lolita options now. Do you fit into the "standard" size now?
I would think that fat people are less likely to get into lolita, as I have heard quite lot from people who just got into lolita that they were previously under the impression that it just wasn't made in large sizes. Also let's be honest, it looks better on body shapes that are more commonly seen within the healthy weight range.
OP is cute, weak ass thread
True, Lolita clothes always looks better on skinny women
she looks cute and put together which is usually rare with fat lolitas, there’s an ita thread full of fat lolitas that are dressed badly, i don’t know why you wanted to start this thread in particular but it’s really unnecessary
More cute-faced girls in cute clothes please.
She looks adorable
eat less
How much do you weigh?
Don't be silly now. Her coord is cute, could add some accessories but it works well. Her hair is also nice. Would she look better if she lost weight? Obviously, but that's not necessarily the point with lolita
This thread is pointless. This girl is cute. Fat≠ugly, those are separate categories. Whoever the OP is is so upset that they're hideously ugly they want to direct some hate at fat people, and then if anyone calls out how ugly they are OP asks how fat they are. Ad hominem fallacy.
You should cut back on dietary salt. Also bullying is a pathetic hobby.
Dang, OP really hit a nerve, huh?
you arent a good friend.
Fat absolutely does equal ugly lol
Based department?
fat is a subset of ugly. so is unflattering. that silhouette and those lines make her look about 3ft tall and considerably heavier than she actually is.
consume fewer calories than you burn
I am underweight.
Different anon, but how underweight are we talking? Slightly, or full spoopy skeleton mode?
Slightly below healthy BMI. >>10928861 was my sincere post. Anyone's free to assume that I'm a lying landwhale if that's what they want to believe, I've never been fat in my life so it's just funny.
fat girls are hot, that's why all the fat lolitas have boyfriends
>tfw no EATA gf
Not as much of a nerve as making an entire CGL thread about hating on fatties. Don't have enough of a hobby crying over your uglyface
>Countering mean disparaging personal comments with mean disparaging personal comments
Can't speak about OP's circumstances, but I just find it ironic
i weigh 100 lbs and i think ur retarded for bullying a girl whos wearing cute coords and minding her own business
What do you have against retarded people?
They are a burden to society
gb2tiktok namefag retard
>i think ur retarded

sounds like you're the bully
you have to be 18 to use 4chan
Sorry to all fat people, 4chan must weight you before you’re allowed to wear lolita.
Stop playing around. We all know that most cgl members are jealous of petite women, because they can wear practically anything lolita or cosplay related. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why you’re butthurt. As for the thread itself, it’s very poor quality and doesn’t display a good image of an ill fitting fat lolita. Just go to the ita thread if you want to discuss fat lolitas.
I believe that she's thin, but the sperging makes me think she's also a child.
I'm obese and I say fat people should lose goddamn weight. Ugly creature.
180 lbs
When are fat people allowed to enjoy things? When you approve? Hobbies shouldn’t stop for you because you’re fat. That’s stupid. Buying replicas is bad, yes, and being fat isn’t an excuse for that. But skinny and fat itas both. Y’all are just trying to scare yourselves with spooky stories of ugly fat people.
They're allowed to enjoy things and we're allowed to think they look like shit, simple as.
Nayrt, I'm fine with fat people in general and I would never tell anyone to stop wearing it because they're fat. I don't think it looks good on all body shapes though. I think it looks terrible on apple shape, unless they're hiding it with an empire waist dress or sack dress. Sack dresses look best on narrowly built slim lolitas though. Same thing with full shirring. It gives fat people the opportunity to fit in a dress, but fully shirred dresses look progressively worse the further someone is from the minimum measurements.
This is such a fucking tragedy. Dated a fat cosplayer/lolita girl and she was so cute, but I got a major ick if I had to see her naked.
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>a thread for fat lolitas
who asked for this?
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I don’t understand, if you are overweight or obese why you would not want to strive to get into the healthy weight range- especially if you are into this fashion. You have so many more options when you are in that range or below, plus the clothes look so much better when worn. I would never put a photo of myself out there when I was at my heaviest, I waited until I lost all the weight I gained and feel so much better for doing so. It took a lot of discipline, but eventually got to where I am happy with the way my clothes fit now.
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i just like fat bitches lol
this is so real
I did, it's good fatspo.
>When are fat people allowed to enjoy things?
at mealtime
That’s wild
>at mealtime
Damn, they must be happy all the time then!
You can't stop aging, you can't choose your race, if you are born ugly you need makeup skills or plastic surgery to look attractive but if you are fat the only thing you have to do is stop eating so much, you fat bitches are addicted to eating, get some self control, get some self esteem, look in the mirror and see what your are doing to your body, doesn't it deserve better?
I don't support discrimination unless it is against fatties, they choose to look like that, it is their decision to look bad
Went from Steampunk to Steamedham
Steamed ham
Men will fuck anything, having a boyfriend would be an achievement if it required any kind of effort, but it doesn't
>if you are fat the only thing you have to do is stop eating so much
It's always interesting when I hangout with a girl who is overweight. For whatever reason, they always bring up the weight issue themselves. They always say they've tried their hardest to get skinnier, but then admit they don't exercise. This is then followed up by 'but I don't eat that much', which is immediately contradicted by them ordering multiple large plates of food if we're at a restaurant. I swear like they want to make it seem like they had already tried everything within their power not to be fat, so they can feel more comfortable with continuing on their doomed course.
Because of threads like this I've lost 80 pounds and feel so much better about myself. I look way better in my coords too. Keep up gods work
NAYRT but I’ve lost 80lbs so far through CICO and daily walking (over a couple years) and people really do act like it’s impossible these days. Like believing that fat people are born fat. When I started my weight loss I could only fit into some fully shirred AP and some babydoll cuts from BABY (had a bust around 115cm).

Now I still have about 40-50lbs to lose before I am a healthy weight for my height but my bust measures 92cm and I can almost wear brand OPs now. I can’t lie it feels incredible. I can’t wait to fit into the OPs I’ve been admiring for so many years while I thought “well this is just how my body is. I can’t change it”

Weight loss is simple, but it’s not easy. It takes a ton and a half of self discipline and cutting out that part of you that says “I deserve a little treat” whenever something mildly frustrating happens.
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A fat woman wearing print is like a fat man wearing hawaiian shirts. You look like you drapped a tablecloth over you. Stop complaining about people not liking the sight of you when you look like shit.
i'm a woman and i love my fat girlfriend
OP here. I am glad this thread caught the attention of some of you. I think I need to clarify a few things. the term EATA applies to ANY fat chick who is into lolita or cosplay. regardless of how someone´s dressed. The lolita/cosplay culture revolves around slim, petite, attractive people with certain aesthetics and not massive mountains of lard wrapped in curtains. Fat chicks ruin it all and they generally shouldn´t be accepted in the community.
If all of these could join hands at once while in the air, they could block out the sun. Total Eata collection
You're a faggot
probably a pedophile too
Don´t get too mad. Your blood pressure might go up and you could get a stroke.
based and true
Fatty detected
That sounds like a you problem.
>admit they don't exercise

nayrt, I don't think this has anything to do with it. It doesn't matter how you create a deficit. At my smallest (and weakest) I was a couch potato but nobody said anything negative about it because I'm not fat. I know some fat people who are very active. An example would be my tall and fat friend. She's on her feet practically all day long but she doesn't limit what or how much she eats. I know she regularly drinks beer (socially) and eats fried food multiple times a week.
There's a massive (no pun intended) double standard regarding exercise. If someone who is fat doesn't exercise and isn't very active people are very quick to blame the fatness on their inactivity and will say "it's so unhealthy not to exercise, you just gotta find something you enjoy". But (nearly) nobody says anything when a slim person is mostly inactive. The reason why strangers complain about the existence of fat people has very little to do with health concerns. Being fat is an aesthetic sin, people just don't want to admit it.

Lolita fashion, especially sweet, is not flattering at all. Makes you look bigger. I think that contributes to the fat people hate. The large majority of fat lolitas wear sweet.
Anyone got good egl thinspo?
>The lolita/cosplay culture revolves around slim, petite, attractive people with certain aesthetics

Most people in the lolita comm, regardless of size, are just average looking.There have also always been ugly people in the comm (in japan and internationally) since the very beginning. Look at really old street snaps, they might have awesome outfits but they sure as hell weren't all pretty. It was even what japanese lolitas were known for in the late 90s early 2000s. It was said that most people wearing lolita didn't suit the style, and that most of these people were plain/homely looking and many were a little bit too chubby, and dressing themselves in frilly clothing so they could feel pretty (as a way to compensate).

There's a list of requirements to meet the idealized image of a lolita (see kira imai's illustrations, and the most popular models) but the people who meet those requirements are extremely rare within the community. It doesn't revolve around them, and it doesn't revolve around striving to be that idealized image either. That might be a personal goal for some, but the backbone of the community in japan and internationally has always been average looking people and some ugly looking ones. There are a lot of pretty lolitas but many of those aren't pretty in the way of the idealized image of lolita.
Lose weight, hole
At my smallest I was addicted to Ragnarok and just not eating because I was busy playing. But everyone goes "omg you look great" let's be honest I don't even care about that part I just want Ragnarok to be good again. I'd go back to being addicted and be thin as an accident.
I'm not sure Ragnarok will ever be good again, sis. At least not in an official capacity. I also want to loose weight the same way.
damn it's almost like lolita wasn't invented to be attractive to other people
> they sure as hell weren't all pretty. It was even what japanese lolitas were known for in the late 90s early 2000s
Yeah because serious photo manipulation didn’t exist back then, you can immediately tell the difference when digital photos became the norm. The problem is people like you who believe in the “idolized lolita face and body” idea, it’s inherently racist because the ideal face for the beauty standard is common european features on girls (blue eyes, blonde, short, nice jawline, etc.). It’s a shame japanese fashion turned to please the awful beauty standards. However your also part of the problem for believing those girls weren’t attractive for simply having Asian features.
Looking at old street snaps most girls are thin/normal weight, normal looking and not ugly or homely, and many of them are not wearing makeup. Few are fat. Some are conventionally attractive. Stop rewriting history and turning them into ugly fatties, they were normal not the chunky uggos that make up 70% of western comms

Being thin means you don’t overeat. Being fat means you does, even if you exercise. Being a big, greedy glutton who takes more than you need is generally looked down upon
I think you're jumping to the wrong conclusion here. I'm acknowledging that there is such a thing as "the ideal image of lolita", but I'm not saying that that's something people should strive for. Lolitas are ultimately still dressing for themselves, and not to please other people. Having an ugly face is fine, it's not a sin or something you should feel forced to "correct".

The homely girls in street snaps were homely for japanese standards of that time period. I'm not shaming them, I'm not assigning value based on what their face looks like, and I'm certainly not judging them on how close they are to european standards of beauty. I'm just saying the comm/culture has never revolved around that idealized image, most people are average looking and that's okay, being ugly is okay, lolita isn't about what your face looks like.
I never said that girls in street snaps were often chubby or fat. Almost none of them were. You have to remember that street snaps are still curated, it was easier to weed out the fat ones than it was to weed out the ugly ones. That does not mean that the stereotype of a chubby homely girl wearing lolita fashion did not exist.
I would love to tell you to read the old japanese blogs, especially about the scandal involving a popular japanese band member who complained about the lolitas attending their shows and how they were "so often the stereotypical homely chubby girl that doesn't suit the style", and that the blog then talked about that stereotype. But it probably disappeared in the massive blog massacre of 2019.
I'm not rewriting history, I'm not calling japanese lolitas ugly fatties. I'm saying there was a stereotype, and there was some truth to it.

I'm not saying they were obese. There are more obese lolitas in japan right now than there used to be, and that's the same in the west. It was rare to find an actual fat (more than chubby) japanese lolita. But remember that in the early 2000s this was a time when the biggest lolita you would commonly see in the western comm was a US size 12 maybe a 14.

I'm not denying that being fat means you eat more than you should. I'm saying that there's a double standard regarding exercise, because if a fat person isn't active everyone's concerned about the health effects of not exercising, but it a thin person isn't active almost no one will notice or say anything. It is not about health because if it was everyone would regardless of size would have people concerned about them if they were not very active. Health concern is often a guise people use to justify whatever they say to/about fat people, some may have even told themselves that it's because they're concerned about their health. It's so obviously not the case though.
>Being a big, greedy glutton who takes more than you need is generally looked down upon

yeah people moralize weight. And it's fucking dumb. Looking down on someone for "taking more than they need" suggests there is a food shortage and fat people taking more than they need is actively taking away food from the underserved. A lot of food is thrown away every day, often still perfectly safe to eat and still in the original packaging. There is no food shortage. Poverty exists, food distribution issues exist. Those usually overlap each other. In the west the fattest people are usually not well off financially. Fat people eating more than they need is not actively taking away food from other people.

No-one is saying anything to me about me taking more than I need of Ikea duvet covers, lolita shoes or fake plants. No one needs 75 pairs of shoes or a closet full of brand. At most people would say I like those things a lot, but not that I'm greedy. People moralize weight more than anything else even though you can be equally greedy with other things.
If you- I mean "your fat friends" aren't well off financially why the fuck are they wasting their money on lolita? Why shouldn't being a fat senseless retard be looked down upon? Fast food and processed garbage that you get obese on aren't cheap and add up over time, and the fatter you are the more you eat. Chances are those fatties are wasting money on both food and clothes. Literally none of the women in this thread are even mildly overweight, they are all obese to morbidly obese. You don't get that way by overeating beans and rice, which is actual poorfag food not $20 fast food meals or $10 chicken tendies. There are millions if not billions of poor people who aren't fat, stop making excuses because you don't have enough self respect to put down the fork and stop ordering cheeseburgers.

>No-one is saying anything to me about me taking more than I need of Ikea duvet covers, lolita shoes or fake plants.
Yes they are, there are plenty of people making fun of turbo consoomers who purchase in excess, like you, right now. It's possible to wear lolita without hoarding hundreds of pieces you rarely wear. I primarily see fat women hoarding lolita, I've only ever seen one thin woman with hundreds of brand/taobao pieces. Makes sense you defend fatties though considering you both share low impulse control and don't give a fuck about the planet or the actual poor third worlders making your shit, you just have to hoard your 75 pleather shoes and plastic plants. But no, the fatties are the poor ones! Greedy and nasty.
People shit on skinnyfat people too though. Certainly not as much as fatties, but that's because it's easier to hide flab with clothes. I'm sure Lizzo has far more muscle below her flab than the average bedrotting zoomer considering she has to jump around and dance while carrying 300 lbs of fat, but she's still at a massive health risk for having so much fatty tissue around her organs. It's absolutely a health thing to be concerned about fatties. Again you're not fat because you don't overeat, even if you don't exercise. And your fat friend, who gorges on beer and fried food, is overeating even if exercises. Or do you think fried garbage and alcohol are healthy as long as you walk? Kek
This thread just makes me depressed.

I had a baby a year ago and went from 145 to 180lbs. Mid normal BMI to almost obese. My hormones are fucked and my thyroid is acting up. I had a 4th degree tear that’s still making exercise (and normal stuff like, you know, squatting down) painful a fucking year and a half later. The weight loss is so painfully slow because my body just feels worn out. I’ll keep up with diet and exercise, I envy these fatties that could just put down the fork and go for a hike without their vagina falling out. I’ve tucked away my brand and will probably never get to wear it again because I refuse to alter it. RIP.
How tall are you? I honestly wish you the best of luck, since you seem to have been dealt a pretty bad hand. Can't fault somebody for legit medical issues.
my friend is doing well financially, that's not the point though. It's a fact that in the west, especially the US, obesity levels are higher in poorer areas.

>wasting their money on lolita
>wasting money on both food and clothes
>purchase in excess
>fat women hoarding lolita
Are you even a lolita? Why would you care about people buying things for a frivolous fashion hobby? Normal people would consider having more than 10 dresses is excessive, but those are beginner levels for lolita. Most people with a workable lolita wardrobe have at least 30~50 main pieces. And these are not even the people who are passionate about collecting prints. If you actually look down on people with a 30~50 main piece wardrobe I doubt you're a lolita. Fat women aren't buying rare pieces either. I'm not defending buying the fast fashion equivalent of lolita but there's nothing wrong with having a lot of dresses even if there are some you only wear once or twice a year. And no, me having a lot of duvet covers, shoes and fake plants does not get the same hate that fat people do. People don't hate fat people because of a supposed lack of morals, that's just what people like you tell yourself in order to justify why you hate the way fat people look.

>the planet
if you get your brand from overseas you're a hypocrite. Lolita is just not a very sustainable hobby so unless you make everything yourself from materials you found in a local second hand shop and only buy lolita second hand locally you really need to shut up with your fake concern.

>Why shouldn't being a fat senseless retard be looked down upon?
because being fat doesn't automatically make you a senseless retard. You don't know what's going on in people's lives and why they overeat.
NTA but it depends on what country you're in. Poorfag food in North America is incredibly unhealthy and easy to make one obese. The average American is going to balk at the price of a giant sack of rice and instead be buying things like bulk dried pasta and instant ramen. Which from their perspective is the "same size" as the rice sack for 1/3 of the price.
>People shit on skinnyfat people too though.

like you said, not as much as fat people get. But also not with the same vitriol. No one actually hates you for being skinnyfat, or makes threads about you for it. Japanese people have a tendency to be skinny fat, and I'm sure some of the lolita models are too. Misako and Midori aren't toned, they look very soft. People don't care, I don't care.

>It's absolutely a health thing to be concerned about fatties.
No, it's not, because if it was people would criticize other types of unhealthy behavior just as much and they definitely do not.

>Or do you think fried garbage and alcohol are healthy as long as you walk?
No, I don't, but it's good to see you have some sense. Now be consistent.

It is a fact people don't "food police" thin people or skinny fat people to the same extent as they do with fat people. I can go out right now and buy 2 cartons of ice cream at the local supermarket and I will not receive negative comments and people won't stare judgingly.
If a behavior is unhealthy for fat people it's also equally unhealthy if thin people do it, and I know you agree because of your earlier comment. People don't care about what thin people eat because, ultimately, the hate towards fat people is not rooted in concern about health.

good luck anon, please see a GP about your hormones and thyroid.
nayrt, I despise instant ramen but I do buy a lot of dried pasta. I just make a healthy sauce with lots of vegetables. There's nothing wrong with having pasta often. You really have to look at the big picture when it comes to nutrition.
I don't live in the US but you're right, the situation there is fucked up.
Yeah it's really fucked up. The price of vegetables there is higher than the pasta. You can get 1000g of pasta for the price of one cucumber, and most poor Americans are just going to be doing oil, salt and pepper as a sad flavourless sauce.
I was in the same boat as you 6 months ago! I was at 170 now down to 130, now fit into all my old brand again. Did this without exercise but was pretty extreme, would intermittent fast and only ate when I was starving. Avoided bad fats and carbs for the most part. Though, wouldn’t recommend dieting this way, it’s not an healthy way to lose weight, especially if you are breast feeding. But fuck, it worked!
nayrt but rice in america is absolutely not expensive, relative to the average salary? it’s like $1/lb, same as pasta. dried beans are even cheaper but canned is a little bit more. they are also non perishable. only top ramen is cheaper but even poor people don’t eat top ramen for every single meal because being poor doesn’t mean you’re dumb... as someone who grew up poor, even though i ate shitty ramen, rice and bean dishes were always a staple, also eggs. even now eggs in america are still cheap in non hcol areas, still cheaper than meat. sure certain produce like cucumbers or grapes are insanely expensive, but carrots are cheap, apples are cheap… look at japan, all their fresh produce is much more expensive than america compared to the min wage and other grocery offerings, and their poverty rate is much higher, but their obesity rate is far lower.
You're missing the part about perception. The average american isn't looking at weights of things, just the physical amount of space that it takes up. A package of rice the same size as a package of pasta is going to be 3.50-5 dollars, whereas the pasta is only going to cost .50c to 3 dollars.
do you have any idea how many skinny lolitas use cocaine and cigarettes?
Who the hell has money for lolita when they’re spending it on cocaine and cigs (that they’re just going to stink up with yellow smoke stains)
Probably a very small amount, cigarette smoke ruins brand and the intersection of lolita fashion wearers and hard drug users is like, a handful of people. Skinny lolitas are most likely either lucky genetically, work out, or have an eating disorder over drug usage.
>. Skinny lolitas are most likely either lucky genetically, work out, or have an eating disorder over drug usage.
That's such an American take. There are over 30 people in my comm and I'd guess only 5 or 7 are overweight or chubby. Most are skinny due to healthy eating habits free from ultra processed calories.
This is entire thread is psychotic. Y’all have a pathological level of investment in someone else’s fatness factor. It’s fucking weird. Get some help jeez.

Im average sized ~80cm waist, 98cm bust. Guess how much time I’ve spent speculating on my comm mates weight or watching what they eat to determine whether they’re skinny/fat genetically or due to eating habits? Literally not a millisecond. It’s not my job or interest to monitor other people’s bodies, and there’s so much mental illness ITT that it reminds me why so much of the comm is unhinged. Fucking weirdos.
And those people that have healthy eating habits are probably also exercising which was kind of my point; i should have been more specific and said "healthy lifestyle" instead of just exercise.
>average sized
>80cm waist

I've got bad news for you, 30 inch waist chan...
unless you're 6ft tall you're overweight or obese depending on your height.
Tell me you are fat without actually telling me you are fat lol.
Same, I was pretty thin, worked an active job, and then my medications had to be changed and that fucked everything up for me. I gained 15lbs. Trying to go from 130lbs back to 115lbs. Wish me luck.
I'm fat because I think most thin lolitas are thin for reasons other than drugs? OK
Kek I’m just a Nordic girlie but thanks for proving my point. It’s not normal to care this much but stay bent I guess.
Thinking people who are skinny are skinny because, in your words, are ‘lucky genetically, work out, or have an eating disorder’ is such a fat person take. That’s why.
But it's true. People are thin most likely from genetics, have a healthy lifestyle, or are anorexic. These are more likely than cocaine.
5’4”. I’m blessed with good fat distribution, so I can get away with 150lbs perhaps. And thanks, the childbirth bordered on medical negligence, but my local medical system is kind of known for not being the best, unfortunately.
Thanks anon. I’m currently living in the US waiting to go back to the UK where I can use the NHS, it’s pretty terrible, but it can’t be worse than what I’ve experienced here.
Congrats anon! I think I’m going to try fasting now that I’m not breastfeeding. My ability to exercise is a bit limited, but I feel like if I loose some of the excess weight there will be less strain on my body and then exercise might be an option again.
Good luck anon!
I mean I’m pretty fucking thin and eat what I want and don’t work out. So is the majority of my family despite objectively eating like shit. I feel bad for the fat black sheep because they genuinely eat like the rest of us but clearly didn’t get the metabolism gene. Even Dr. Now from my 600 pound life acknowledges that genetics is a huge component and he’s among the most anti fat excuses people out there.
I know at least 5 lolitas offhand who have admitted to stimulant abuse, there's probably dozens more who hide it. And I definitely receive enough smoke scented secondhand dresses to indicate smokers.

This doesn't mean "skinny women are only skinny because of drugs", I'm pointing out how stupid it is to pretend this is about health concern and not just you personally thinking fat people are ugly.
you know a lot of fucked up people then, I've only met maybe 2 lolitas in over 15 years of wearing it who ever admitted to using hard drugs and it was never for the purpose of abusing stimulants to lose weight.
your vibe attracts your tribe desu
I had the metabolism to keep up with my shitty eating habits until around 26/27. I commented further up, my medication change seems to have effed up my metabolism, so now I’m fatter. It won’t last forever.
>It won’t last forever.
NTA but for you maybe. It is for me, and the same for all of the women in my family a generation before me. It's different for everyone.
I’m 32 now. Pretty much all of the women in my family keep the stick thin frame into their 70s despite a high calorie high fat southern diet. I guess it’s a harder pill to swallow if you’re naturally fatter than insisting that everyone has to work to be thin, but genetics is huge. Some people have to work a hell of a lot harder to be thin, and some people don’t really have to work on their figure at all unless they want to be toned. Cry about your sad genetics I guess…
Nah. My husband eats like a pig and struggles to gain weight. He’s full Auschwitz mode most of the time, and still eats whole bags of crisps in one go. He has a heart condition so he’s mostly sedentary and is physically incapable of taking drugs without dying. His metabolism is just crazy. It’s not a ‘fat person take’ it’s literally just reality for a lot of thin people.
Ironically, thinking that’s a fat take is very telling that nonny is probably fat herself, and likely isn’t very close with very many skinny people. Pretty much all my skinny friends put zero effort into it.
It was within 10 minutes of joining a public discord but okay. Cope if you want to.
The cope in this post is off the charts!
That's a guy!
>Weight loss is simple, but it’s not easy. It takes a ton and a half of self discipline and cutting out that part of you that says “I deserve a little treat” whenever something mildly frustrating happens
This is 100% true. The problem is that 90% of people lack willpower or the capacity to gain it. Most fats are fat because they are chronically allergic to even the hint of dis-comfort, tho ironically have such a severe mind/body disconnection that they don't even realize how much discomfort their overweight bodies are in. It becomes cyclical: "I'm in pain so I deserve a treat, treats make me fat, fat makes me in pain, I'm in pain so I deserve a treat" ad nauseam. Great job on the weight you've lost and the realizations you've gained! You'll fit into brand in no time :)
sorry I didn't reply sooner my internet died.
exercise isn't necessary but it makes weight loss much easier, it's a big part of the CO in CICO remember.

as for your question, I feel incredible now compared to my highest weight. my knees and feet stopped hurting, I feel light and energetic all the time and I was able to start my lolita wardrobe because I actually fit the clothes. I still have some issues with my bust but I'm a large busted woman so there's not much that I can do about that anymore since my BMI is at 20 now. I started gentle weight lifting last year and my body has become toned and beautiful now
congratulations! keep going, you'll fit in no time
what kind of fucked up discords are you joining anon, I have never joined any lolita discords where the topic went to "we abuse drugs for weight loss" or anything even close to it
I said it wasn't for weight loss, and that my point is no one is that concerned about the health of lolitas that abuse drugs compared to ones that are just fat.
nayrt, I have absolutely no problem with you having a 80cm waist. What surprises me is that you think that's average. Would you say that most people in your comm are that size and shape?
nayrt, I think the % of lolitas taking hard drugs is really low. And I don't think they do it with the purpose of losing weight.
>90% of people lack willpower

It takes consistent effort and patience for obese people to lose weight. I think people in general find it difficult to put in consistent effort and be patient regardless of the topic.
I’ve seen dozens of obese lolitas cry about how they’re super opressed for being fat then post pictures of their calorie dense, fatty meals or eating multiple cake slices and pastries in one sitting. It’s one thing to make an effort over time and another to not try at all. Most of them are just stupid and lazy. It’s not like they hide it either, they’re very open about overeating and not moving.
Even my 5”10 friend have 74~ cm waists and they’re very middle of the road bmi. 80 cm is quite high. Are you way taller than that or just super rectangular? Nothing wrong with those as I’ve known short light women with wide waists because of unfortunate bone structure, but most women have more defined waists than that.
friends* in lolita btw. Only reason I know their measurements is because we multi twinned at an event but neither of them are fat or thin, just normal.
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>it's a big part of the CO in CICO remember

I wish it was.

Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't exercise or that exercise is useless for weight loss. It's just far less efficient at producing weight loss compared to nutrition.

Exercise can have indirect effects that help you lose weight. It can help with controlling blood sugar levels, it can help with reducing stress, it can help you sleep better, there can be a social component to it that's beneficial to mental health.
If you are able to build muscle it does have an effect on how many calories your body burns by just existing. But afaik when most people talk about exercise for weight loss they're more likely to think about cardio first and foremost.

I'm glad you're doing well. It's always nice to hear people change their lives for the better.
studies have shown that weight related discrimination and stigmatization lead to worse long term health outcomes. In other words bullying people for being fat does the opposite of what you want (if you actually want them to lose weight). And when bullying someone into losing weight does "work" it's usually not through healthy and sustainable means.

>calorie dense, fatty meals or eating multiple cake slices and pastries in one sitting.

I do that too for special occasions such as lolita tea party meetups, birthdays and holidays. So do my local comm members, nearly everyone finishes what they're served regardless of their bmi and most of my comm isn't fat. (note; I'm in europe so portion sizes might be different from the US). Not just for tea parties where you serve yourself from a multiple tier stand, also when we order food at a restaurant or cafe and the food is not shared.
That's not an accurate representation of what I eat outside of special occasions. Overindulgence during special occasions is something that the large majority of people do regardless of weight.
Ever heard of that phrase "it's not what you gain in the time between christmas and new year that's making you fat, it's what you gain during the time between new year and christmas" or something along those lines. So if the obese lolitas are posting the food they ate during special occasions that's not what's making them fat. And "not moving" is also not what's making them fat, there are plenty of slim sedentary people. Their energy balance (they consume more than they expend) on regular days is making them fat.

I personally think it's frustrating to see a fat person complain about being fat but then also shamelessly posting proof of their terrible eating habits. Eating an entire sleeve of cookies every day as a snack is not normal.
But being a jerk to fat people about their weight helps no-one. People have to want to lose weight for themselves for it to be both effective and sustainable.
>Are you way taller than that or just super rectangular?

nayrt, but going by their waist size and the small difference in circumference of their waist and bust the only logical conclusion is that they're quite rectangular. My super tall fat friend has a 80cm waist and a bust way bigger than 98cm and I wouldn't say she's unusually busty in proportion to the rest of her. Just regular.
80cm waist anon is delusional.
I don't know how many times I can keep saying the drugs are unrelated to weight loss.
>do you have any idea how many skinny lolitas use cocaine and cigarettes?

if you put it that way it suggests you think their weight has something to do with drug use. If you meant that people's hate for fat people isn't rooted in concern about their health then yeah, but you should have phrased that differently.

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