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“ITT: booths at AX that had more consumers than Nijisanji” edition

FINAL THREAD for the year for all the cosplay dumps and post con talk

Thread theme

Previous thread

>overall thoughts?
>damage report/your spoils of war?
>you enjoyed yourself?
>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
>what panels did you go to?
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
>you going back in 2025?
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.

See ya next year, space cowboy.
I've only been to 2023 and now 2024, but this AX was way better than last years. Cosplays went over really well and were easier to wear than last year too. Even got to hang out with gulls at the westin party before the maniac got bodied by security, that was fun. I accepted moonshine from some dude there and that fucked me up bad, life lesson learned I guess lol
I went to get coffee at the place in the JW Marriott in the morning of day 1 and saw cosplayer pussy by accident (presumably).
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So AX is fixed now?
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>Sounds cool but AX might not allow it since it's "piracy"
They would enforce that? How fucking lame.
>unless you focus more on the history of it
Sneaking in a how to would be pretty easy with the backdrop of history and statistics a la Weird Al's "Don't Download This Song". Regardless during the panel we could say what we want; getting kicked out after a couple days at the convention would be okay with me.
Damn, I didn't know about this company. Their booth was one of the one's I didn't check out after being disappointed by the others. If I knew this guy (I asked for the photo) was running a shop and hosting a panel I definitely would've come to see it; I wish they had recordings... All I did was go to the Fakku panel and it was the same "lololol hentai and [reference]" shit you see everywhere among normalfags.
I notice all the thirsting gayers stopped posting after Friday afternoon. Got your rocks off or just gave up?
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The CDs were my favorite purchase. A funny thing that happened at that booth was two young teenage girls were beside me checking out the jewel cases and trying to figure out what they were since they never used CDs for whatever reason. It was really funny, so I told them and they asked where to find "miku" CDs as they were looking at a pretty well-known wowoka album.
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>overall thoughts?
Positive Overall, I loved it, Just wished there were better Booths in the main halls and shame Artists I follow didn't get a spot in the Alley this year.
>damage report/your spoils of war?
Got this wicked Signalis and a Juri print, I won a a fapboy in a gacha spin (Kino). lots of stickers, a Sonic chain for my sis, and a bunch of free handouts.
>you enjoyed yourself?
Hella, I went solo for the first time and it was nice.
>what panels did you go to?
The bluelock (I never watch it. I just wanted to sit and have AC lmao) and the Kotobukiya Bishoujo panel for the hell of it, was pretty cool.
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
No but I heard some black chick was doing BJs for like pushies or something
>you going back in 2025?
Most likely, AX is a mandatory thing for me.
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.
If you think the only problem with it is the lines and the flow of traffic
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>didnt get to have sex and still virgin
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Did you try to make an effort to?
Thank you to all seagulls that came to the gay orgy party at the AC. Let's do it again next year!
Does anyone know why the project saisei booth was shut down?
there were more people abusing ada this year. i think it's only a matter of time until the out of state casuals figure it out and ruin the con. legit saw a few people running from the ada line into exhibit hall. only like 100 scumbags out of 100k people need to abuse it to ruin everything.
i think the lines only weren't a problem because there was nothing mega insane this year. another aot or boku no pico academia phenomenon and things will devolve again. it's inevitable.
>damage report/your spoils of war?
spent less than $60 on merch where before i would spend like $2k. i wonder how much revenue was lost this year.
>you enjoyed yourself?
i'd rate this ax 5th out of the 13 i've been to.
>what panels did you go to?
a few of the big main events ones, and the music industry panels.
>you going back in 2025?
>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
that line really gives perspective on how many people are just at ax to scalp. there's no way that you would miss a once in a lifetime event just for a tshirt if you were a legit fan. nearly all the japanese fans that traveled skipped the line entirely. you can't see it from the merch line but there was a couple thousand jp there.
>project saisei booth was shut down?
Some booths got slapped with a C&D from Viz and were forced to shut down. It could be related to that.
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>two young teenage girls were beside me checking out the jewel cases and trying to figure out what they were since they never used CDs
I feel like I'm turning to dust
Didn't get my rocks off and was too busy to post, but didn't matter, had fun
>overall thoughts?
Excellent improvements to general flow control and line management over previous years. It was still hard to get through certain areas, but it's miles ahead of what I have come to expect from the hell that AX tends to be.
>damage report/your spoils of war?
~$500 down, biggest grab was an Armored Core kit I could finally get on-site after years of staring at Gunpla I already owned with a blank stare
>you enjoyed yourself?
>what panels did you go to?
None that mattered
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
I am aware that there was actually an orgy my sex-fiend friends threw together, but it was more of a swinger's party where everybody already knew each other.
>you going back in 2025?
Absolutely, but I really hope the improvements this year persist into next year. I'm honestly excited to treat this giant mess like an actual convention again.
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.
For all of you who go to the con singularly to have sex with people, lacking the charisma to actually charm people or the ridiculously good physical features to instantly be "in" or the confidence to actually step into a group that is not your own, please just stay away from AX. I've made this post in the past and some people keep reposting a screenshot of it, but this is not the con to "get laid". Everybody is perpetually frustrated and exhausted and nobody is in the mood for anybody but those they've already vetted. Having one of you lingering around my circle because some of my friends are wearing """revealing""" outfits to public parties and you think this is your chance to lay pipe is the equivalent of having an annoying fly buzzing directly next to my ear, and I'll take efforts to excise you every chance I get. Fuck right the fuck off.
>overall thoughts?
Generally fun. Better organized than previous years. Managed to run into many of my friends who are pretty spread out across the country and hang with them all for awhile which was nice
>damage report/your spoils of war?
$600 for airfare, $400 for hotels, $200 for food and liqour, $50 for concert tickets, $150 for my badge, another $30 for transit fare, $500 on merch (granted, I should get $150ish of that back since I bought it for other people).
>you enjoyed yourself?
Yeah, mostly. Totally drained still, but was nice seeing my friends, going to panels/gatherings, and drinking.
>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
Didn't go, but the videos of it on Twitter I saw looked like a fever dream.
>what panels did you go to?
Planned on a bunch, but only ended up going to the gachimuchi panel and the FGO anniversary. I did go to quite a few random karaoke/concerts/VA hosted events at random booths though.
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
>you going back in 2025?
50/50. Was in a weird living situation this year so ideally I'll be able to find cheaper flights next, but it's expensive and across the country for me and I'm getting older. Going to need to either book early flights home, take more time off, or book 1st class seating on a redeye so that I can recover if I do go, which adds a ton to the cost and makes me really reconsider if it is all worth it when I could go to Japan for 2 weeks for that same amount of $.
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.
None of this is AX's fault, but l have I had awful luck with scheduling of things every year and this year was the worst. Seemed like all my plans had a conflict with something else.
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had nothing to do with that. if you check their merch they mostly deal with original characters or chinese/korean trash that have no copyright claim ability due to their own nonexistent ip protection laws. i think that rumor was about artist alley as well. since i only saw one other booth empty in exhibit hall, and it's more likely due to bootlegs.
the only two things i could imagine would happen would be the fact that they were hosting basically 18+ cosplayers at their booth outside the 18+ area or maybe poor line management. i only went after the booth was already shut down but the cosplayers were still hanging around outside.
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>overall thoughts?
pretty good, shame that there weren't many panels I was interested in going to. If they really did cap badge sales, good on them. It really only felt crowded on the afternoon of day 2/Friday. Other than that, just fine. Crowd control was pretty good on that one corridor between the exhibit and entertainment hall, with the divider making 2 lanes of traffic. Shame about some artist alley booths telling staff that they may need help with line mangement, having those concerns dimissed, then getting long lines that spill over into foot traffic and other booths, then having staff angry at them anyway.

>damage report/your spoils of war?
See pic related 1/6

>you enjoyed yourself?
Hell yeah. Just need to find more panels for more down time, fucking tired myself out this year.

>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
Dodgers game was fucking great. I lurked the /sp/ thread during the game. That 8th inning was amazing and I understand sportsfags and going to live games.

>what panels did you go to?
Just the AMV competition ones on day 1 and 4. This is the first year I've been to the award show and I really havent missed much all those years. Good to know that if I want to skip it or happen to miss it day 1 any other year, I can just go day 4

>you going back in 2025?
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I have so many of the oshi push card packs because on the last day, one of the guys of the booth said, pull a holographic pippa in front of me and I'll give you 100 packs. Took me loke 20 packs before I pulled one.
Weakest, least-devoted Phasebro on site.
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>some people keep reposting a screenshot of it
You mean this one?
Literally that one yes
>Finally caught up reading about the cease and desist thread on X
Kek, fuck artist who sell copyrighted art.
We'll see next year. AX is known to fix something one year, only to fuck shit up the following year.
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>overall thoughts?
Mid this year and also exhausting as fuck.
>damage report/your spoils of war?
Some anime soundtracks, some manga for a series that’s out of print, some hentai doujins and some Studio Ghibli soundtracks on vinyl. Most of my money was spent on food I ultimately never got tot eat because it went bad
>you enjoyed yourself?
Yes but also see the TEDtalk part.
>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
N/A. Spent that night and leaving the con early going to a hookup outside the con with someone that was supposed to go to AX but their PTO got denied.
>what panels did you go to?
None this year.
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
Was looking into it but already got my rocks off, so irrelevant at that point
>you going back in 2025?
Maybe, not sure if my job appreciate taking time off for two nearly week long vacations in the same month next year. It’s either Hawaii or anime expo in 2025.
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace
Not being a hololivefag rooming with female friends that are massive hololivefags this year is the epitome of “being with friends that make you feel alone”.
Honestly if they put those dividers they had in the hallways inside Artist Alley to regulate traffic then all my final gripes would be fixed.
>overall thoughts?
after a 6 year gap of not going, it was a mistake to go at all this year
>damage report/your spoils of war?
nothing, no spoils of war for me, no purchases beyond a water bottle and 3 freebie bags
>you enjoyed yourself?
no, not in the slightest. i have never been to a year of AX where i didnt come out net neutral or positive
>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
>what panels did you go to?
very few due to both the lack of desire to see the selection on hand, and the ones i did go to were either just an advertisement or a straight disaster to bail from the second you got in
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
i had an orgy with my hand and several terabytes of pirated doujins instead
>you going back in 2025?
fuck no, this is my last AX and if i ever get the urge and do actually go back im going to go out with a bang
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.
If an event is stated to be 18+, and requires that 18+ wristband, it better fucking be 18+. im so legitimately mad about the fat elf screening. leave feedback for panels you walked out on if the panel was a disaster. going to the weeb mingle was a mistake i waited 2 hours for, only for the all-black hosts from new york to shill their music and blast our eardrums out over the speakers, in a workshop where youre supposed to socialize. well guess what we cant fucking socialize if you keep deafening us and talking over us. not to mention how crowded it was. the amount of hazard they created was insane and they should never be allowed to host shit here again. it was the first time i ever asked an AX volunteer/staff to take some notes to pass forward. fuck the dark magical girl panel too, both of them its 1 slide in and we've wasted 10 minutes
what size nikke shirt did you get? I didn't realize until after I left the booth that they fucked me over with a 3xl (I am s - m) but that mightve been just what they had left on day 3
>Fireworks in 2018
>Massive brawl in 2024
I can't wait for someone to show up to the Westin Pool Party packed with heat next year.
one guy at one year's AX showed up with a gun with colored cardboard hot glued to it because of how bad the bag checks were. he got in and posted proof. honestly i think the bag checks this year while nice were underperforming hard with the actual checks. i regularly got told i dont need mine checked which was a bit unusual to me
I tried talking to some cosplay girls but I couldn't hold a conversation outside of some compliments and a few comments about their shows
j18 panel is cool because they heavily go into how they make, translate, decensor, name, find artists, etc. Its more scripted them fakku but fakkus is just dude porn lmao. Their also cucks who wont put loli or shota titles out while j18 had a entire section for both on their table and part of their panel was them explaining why they kept "child lover" as a chapter title or something like that. They sell on h market. Im not a paid shill just shilling because want them to release more lolishota content. I regret not picking up their jairou yaoi doujins before they sold out.
I hate niggers too anon. the ones tryin to push their CDs or whatever were super obnoxious and harassing people. fucking niggers.
now we're talkin
I got my bag day 1. I didnt get a nikke shirt in mine. fuck, I got scammed didn't I? I didnt want to bother going back for another check in and losing to the rapture throw. Couple guys in front and behind me lost when I got mine and didnt want to gamble tempting luck again.
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i have a feeling those with known gambling problems had a genuinely unpleasant time this year given how much gacha shit there was. i know im in that boat, anyone else?
This. They also need a system for queueing at a booth without causing a traffic stop on one side and forcing the artists to manage it.
>overall thoughts?
Really fun con, but too far for me to go yearly (I live on the East Coast)
>damage report/your spoils of war?
I just bought one of them haori hoodies and a boba candle
>you enjoyed yourself?
Was great!
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
>you going back in 2025?
Probably not
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.
Wow, I knew LA was gonna be gross, but experiencing it first hand was, interesting.
I saw them surround this nervous Asian guy and watch him pay for that junk with his credit card. Apparently they carry around those chip readers.
>Wow, I knew LA was gonna be gross, but experiencing it first hand was, interesting.
ive lived here my whole life, youve merely seen a glimpse of the reality
>Wow, I knew LA was gonna be gross, but experiencing it first hand was, interesting.
DTLA is a really interesting place. A lot of people LARP as if they are LA natives/residents and act like it's full of violence and murder, but none of that is true. What /is/ true is that it's in a near-perpetual state of disrepair, there are effectively zero public cleanup crews, and due to countless city ordinances, you cannot hose down the front of your establishment, nor can you manage trash collection outside of your immediate framework of business. If some subhuman homeless person vomits on the sidewalk and then shits himself and then passes out in his own waste, but it happens to be outside of your store, you /cannot/ legally hose it down, so unless you go out there with a mop and bucket, you will be violating some law or potentially running into another ordinance that will result in fines that you cannot deal with. Your best answer is quite literally one of three things:
>Put in a ticket with the city "Clean Team" which takes about as long as any other government service
>Wait for rain, which is honestly a massive boon for cleanliness overall
>Cooperate with your business neighbors and agree to clean things in a don't-ask-don't-tell manner so none of you get in trouble but all of you benefit from a well-maintained storefront
Apparently Karen Bass is taking efforts to fix a lot of this shit, but DTLA is still generally a cesspit owed primarily to all of the public works services homeless take advantage of, the abandoned structures many of them take refuge in, and the complete and utter lack of active police response to their open vagrancy. If they were all forced to the outskirts of the city and people could simply hose off the filth they left behind and place their own trash cans outside, DTLA would be a spotless paradise within a month.
Somehow some japanese guest will still stay or visit around little tokyo in dtla. God the place surrounding it is like bedlam
the god damn niggers were literally extorting nerds all weekend.
>LA natives/residents and act like it's full of violence and murder, but none of that is true
except it is, leave your ivory tower fag.

Your right about the fucked laws, which fyi is why the cops cant do shit either. prisons 99% full of illegal spics and no room for crazy negros. and god forbid a cop try to remove one, all the retards get out their iphones and scream WACISM till the cops fired no severance. so other cops dont want to do shot anymore.
Little Tokyo is generally far cleaner because the residents literally just ignore the laws that prevent them from keeping it cleaner. It'd be a similar story in Chinatown but it's clear that their issue is more of a lack of actual upkeep moreso than simple pileups of filth, so many buildings that need new paintjobs or replaced rooftops or the like just decay, while they tend to keep the actual streets and public spaces neater.

I really don't know what you're on about. There were people trying to sell mixtapes and trying to sell badges in various places like they do every year, and all you have to do is walk past them and ignore them.
>except it is
No it is not. I've lived in the Civic Center for the past 25 years of my life and while violence is absolutely present in DTLA, it is about even to the majority of LA county districts, which is to say disappointingly high but not everpresent. The only violence any of my friends experienced through their entire con stay was some retard fighting in the Westin, and he was a con attendee.
>overall thoughts?
I'm impressed that the lines were handled really well this year. Last year I had to wait 3 hours to get in but I had practically no lines this year aside from panels.
>damage report/your spoils of war?
Got the conflu I'm pretty sure also sunburned. Sore all over. Also drank waay too much whiskey and can't remember Saturday night that well. I think I went to the wrong hotel after the dance.
>you enjoyed yourself?
Sure. Kinda. Maybe?
>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
Didn't go to the dodger game but I got the Gura Tsukemen at Tsujita Ramen. Pretty good.
>what panels did you go to?
Chained Soldier, Dungeon Meshi drawing panel, Shibuya Kaho drawing panel, Sumire Uesaka, handful of other panels like the Trivia one. Almost made it in to the Bocchi panel but it capped out.
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
was it Saturday...yea no probably not.
>you going back in 2025?
Sure. I don't see why not.
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.
Got locked out of my hotel room at 3 am so I was pounding on the glass like an idiot until someone finally came out.
just because you, probably some retard who lives in a condo or other place with security, doesnt see it doesnt mean its not happening. I was born here and its not all palm trees sugar. Been at AX since it was in san jose and never seen noggers selling mix tapes or scalping tickets till this year, maybe asking for change or a smoke.
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Yeah you got robbed. They had shirts of crown and marian too (same pictures on the bag).
Did they actually not give people bags if they failed the toss? Thats hilarious, imagine waiting in a virtual queue for two hours to drop your spaghetti on a kids game
Didn't go to the 18+ sections this year because I didn't want to bother getting a wristband. Would it be worth browsing if I'm a fujo or is it all geared towards men?
I'm thankful I didn't go to the Entertainment Hall until day 3 because I know I would've blown $100 on those little claw machines.
Some of the booths had BL sections.
Not that anon but the CD sellers were around in previous years. I know because those cunts shoved a CD in my hands before.
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Hell the 2nd Booth entering is nothing but cocks, in other booth BL is kinda limited and for the most part not in English and pricey.......
>Would it be worth browsing if I'm a fujo or is it all geared towards men?
If you found at least ONE thing worth then yeah it would've been worth to visit it.
I believe it just hadnt seen any till this year.
>shoved a CD in my hands before.

Can you just drop them or return them back.
I remember when it happened to me outside san diego comic con and these black men complimented my cosplay, shoved what i assume their free mixtape then started chasing me asking for payment after i left the conversation

I just returned it them with a no thanks
I remember someone walking around the entertainment hall with a sign that said something like "God Loves it when Shotas kiss" or something like that. It's insane someone was just waving that around in the con, and even crazier that they let him in with it.
Good reminder that these cd's can have viruses / keyloggers, even if the people handing them out actually look like braindead soundcloud rappers
NTA but those guys have been around for at least a decade. It's not even uncommon anymore.
I saw a guy in a mask waving a sign with North Korean propaganda or at least I think it was (for a meme idk), and I had a convo with another person who also saw the same guy and He told me that it was his shtick every con he goes to.

I only had a "You lost the Game" sign tho.
sounds based
>braindead soundcloud rappers
yeah their called NIGGERS.
A sign that says 'shota' at a con with corporate booth babes and ahegao gear in the Exhibition Hall is kind of a drop in the bucket, no?
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This guy or somebody else?
The dude signed the CD while giving me some spiel about Kevin James or some shit and then demanded $20. I just handed the CD back to him.
funny how its a "free" mixtape when they are basically waiting to grab $5 out of your pocket. I see these niggers at Venice and the like too.
>yeah their called NIGGERS.
my favorite was the guy the first day of con with a cardboard sign asking for tickets. Should've tried to sell him an "admit one" paper ticket to the con
Someone else and LMAO I saw that guy as well.
did you lads meat any cool non-cosplayers this year? tell me about your unsung heroes
shoutout to everyone in the Cunny Archive line + panel. best group of the entire con
i was there, i feel like i was an annoyance but then again i was hot and miserable. i was the guy in the black sweater with a laptop bag
Saw a tiny Asian chick at Artist Alley buy an artist's entire stock of charms for a character and wished I had that kind of fuck you money.
There were a bunch of people screaming at each other in the doorway to my hotel and I couldn't get inside because I didn't wanna get involved, security didn't seem like they wanted to get involved, and I didn't want to call the cops. In comes this big black guy with a mohawk (I couldn't tell if he was cosplaying or not, he looked like he was doing Tokyo Revengers?) who just walks up to them, shouts "HEY!", they all go silent, and something else I was too far away to hear, and then this whole mob of screaming people all walked away like they weren't just fighting seconds ago. He just walked through them. It was fucking surreal.
>boss nigger shows up
holy shit that sounds amazing
>overall thoughts?
Went solo this year at the last minute on a whim. I love AX just for the scale of it and wandering around in the crowds.
>damage report/your spoils of war?
I didn't find a Kikuri nendo so I did not purchase anything. They gave out free sake bottles at one of the panels which was nice though. About 200 for ticket, 150 for gas, 200 for food + drinks, 100 for parking+ubers, 0 to sleep at relative's house
>you enjoyed yourself?
Overall yes
>what panels did you go to?
gachimuchi panel, the bocchi panel, a few others
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
no I don't want to spread my seed
>you going back in 2025?
Probably not unless friends are going.
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.
I got way too drunk at the westin party and embarrassed myself. If anyone of you witnessed that or was at the receiving end of it I'm so sorry.
Crazy, if it said lolis everyone up in arms.
>not give people bags if they failed the toss
Yes. Fail the toss, dont get a stamp for your stamp card, cant finish the card, cant get the gift bag with stuff.

Yes there is stuff there geared towards fujo. Over priced resold yaoi doujinshi, along with the doujinshi aimed towards men, some shota here and there, one booth even had body pillows with dudes cocks out
>overall thoughts?
In terms of the actual con, pretty meh. In terms of my experience of non-con things during the four days, pretty awful. I had a friend who has a terrible, terrible relationship with alcohol. For his anonimity and mine, I won't go into detail on what he did, but his actions under the influence generally soiled my trip as I was in constant fear of his behavior. The actual con was pretty meh as well; panels this year were fucking ass. I only went to two, the Gachimuchi panel and the Mega64 one. The Gachimuchi panel was amazing, the organizers are really cool and seeing Kazuya IRL was really cool a well. The Mega64 panel is a mainstay but was kino as always. Kentai Hall was a fucking disaster like always. They really need to dedicate that whole place for the Artist Alley, shoving other shit down there like the 18+ section of the Exhibitor Hall is just limiting the very small amount of space allocated there already.
>damage report/your spoils of war?
Picrel, on merchandise I think I spend under $350. Overall damage report including food and board was $1,530.
>you enjoyed yourself?
Overall, yes. I had some really dark moments, but I try to just think it will make for some good stories in the future. The moments I was hanging with you guys or just chilling buying cool shit was great.
>what panels did you go to?
See above
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
>you going back in 2025?
Most likely. Due to the incidents described above, my group is a little doomed out, but I think come a year they will be hyped again (FOMO and everything).
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.
If you know about a Cirno cosplayer beating the shit out of a Reimu one or said cosplayer running away and waking up in an alley, then you already know too much.
All these stories of someone getting their ass kicked makes me want to watch sweaty cosplaying nerds fight piss drenched hobos in the streets of la
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The strongest
The next time I wanna use the excuse that "a giant con center makes it harder to get flirty", I'll sit back and remember that one of my guys got some. And that's while he was performing full-time duty as an actual, literal, not ironic tard wrangler
The tard wrangler thing probably helped him desu.
Was he fat? And if yes, was he decent looking like Scarra or an ungodly combination of Boogie2988 and Nikocado Avocado?
Would it have been easier to get laid at Anthrocon? I'm not a furry so I wouldn't go, I'm just asking.
I was surprised to see him indoors this year.
Furry cons in general are easier because the functional use of proper anonymity and the presumption that every person present is in a range of degeneracy precludes the common prude from attending. Anthrocon also tends to be significantly smaller than AX (though most cons are significantly smaller than AX) and thus a lot more welcoming to casual social interaction that can blossom into more as time passes. I wouldn't be annoying about it though, because a lot of furries are good with vetting and even the horny ones will warn their circles if you're being a sex pest. I would suggest you honestly just play it cool enough and make good enough friends until you find your way into a party and see where things go from there.
How so?
Not fat at all. Pretty much average sized in every way
ya, just wear some cat ears and a mini skirt and you'll have dudes lining up to fuck you.
As a filthy pirate, i legitimately cannot bring myself to spend money on the doujins and merch the vendors offered. unless it was some extraordinarily rare doujin that isnt online anywhere for some reason, what incentive do i have to purchase them? the money definitely isnt going to the author unless the author themselves is the one selling it (and they werent from what i can tell). the markups are insane and even legitimately rare stuff i questioned their sales pitch of "you couldnt even get this for double the price in japan" which is total bullshit and i know it but come on
>How so?
I see it as kinda like using your dog to pick up chicks. That kinda sounds cruel comparing a human to an animal but yeah.
there's no logical argument for stealing. you cannot reason other people into believing you are justified. you do not need to jerk off to animu girls. if you want to steal just do it.
It's not even about that it's how even if I wanted to support the author the only one getting the money is the one selling it, and again at some shitty markup.
When it's freely online in many many many places it only begs the question of why. Offering only physical versions is the only way to deal with this until scanlation groups do their thing. If you offer digital versions then it's barely worth it either.
I want to spend money but I cannot ever justify it just like video games, but I also crave the death of fakku.
>overall thoughts?
Didn't seem as crowded this year, but the crowds never bothered me in the first place.

>damage report/your spoils of war?
The only thing I wanted was just a prototype, so nothin. bought my girl a bunch of bleach stuff.

>you enjoyed yourself?

>what panels did you go to?
forced to go to the bleach panel, other than that i'm not a panel bro.

>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
it was in my room at the intercontinental.

>you going back in 2025?

>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.

I think the westin might be done for after this weekend's events. you people cant' hold your liquor.
Fuck the motherfuckers that were running the autograph lines for Briana White and Suzie Yeung and Brit Baron for royally fucking me and not letting me in. Fuck suzie Yeung for capping her line cuz her hand was too cramped from jerking off too many fans.
>overall thoughts?
meh good nuff /10
>damage report/your spoils of war?
elatively older and make enough money not to care how much I spend anymore.
>you enjoyed yourself?
>what panels did you go to?
Im not a loser so I don't do panels.
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
The Westin rooftop orgies were fun all 3 nights. I definitely groped a bit too many teens than I should have ;)
>you going back in 2025?
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.
The bigger the con, the more you can get away with doing f'd up shii
>The bigger the con, the more you can get away with doing f'd up shii
good bait
>overall thoughts?
amazing lines, shit exhibition hall. like holy shit they gave big companies way too much space in there
>damage report/your spoils of war?
just a few manga's, 2 art books/guides, an acrylic stand, and some gifts for my friends
overall including tickets, food, etc. about 700-800ish
>you enjoyed yourself?
didn't get to go all 4 days like usual but yeah still had fun
>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
N/A, but it looked fun and the normie reception towards it wasn't that bad from what I hear
>what panels did you go to?
gundam silver phantom, terminator zero, both delicious in dungeon panels, danmachi, demon slayer, mangaplaza, dungeon people, weebs mingle, and the charity auction
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
too tired and busy with my own shit
>you going back in 2025?
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.
just have fun doing your own shit
> I'm pretty sure also sunburned
I was outside only to pick up my food from a truck at AX Crossing and the walk back to my car and somehow I ended up lightly sunburned. The sun wasn't joking this year.
> Kentai Hall was a fucking disaster like always. They really need to dedicate that whole place for the Artist Alley, shoving other shit down there like the 18+ section of the Exhibitor Hall is just limiting the very small amount of space allocated there already.
Amen. Either use the entire space for AA or move to Entertainment Hall. I'm sorry, but the Annex needs to move too. They're Exhibit Hall lite and honestly hardly fit with AA. They'd be best as a small additional shopping area away from AA.
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You got one of MeltyImp's Smiling Friends sticker sheets?! You bitch, I'm jealous. What day did she get them in?
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love it when people cosplay as porco, it's not the most beloved ghibli film, but god dang it it's my favorite
It seemed like the big companies had less interactiveness and freebies to their booths. I didn't explore as much as I should've, but nothing really interested me. It seemed like it was just a bunch of photo ops.
fuck, forgot about rotation
>It seemed like it was just a bunch of photo ops.
pretty much, just a lot of wasted empty space really
I believe I bought them Day 4. I checked on all 3 other days, I think they finally came on that last day. She asked about my Kazuya sticker on my badge and I had the burden of explaining what the fuck Gachimuchi is.
18+ needs its own entire area at this point, its a cluster fuck in there. the annex should just be removed its just shitty "brands".
nice j18 pick ups and my friend drew that boomer poster, apparently sold out lol
>my friend drew that boomer poster, apparently sold out lol
The Osaka and Konata poster? I'm honestly not suprised, Azumanga has recently become pretty popular among zoomers.
for jpn doujins literally no point. its all resellers and scalpers. for english, j18 and fakku artists have all posted at length how they get much larger sums from their english books then jpn, and seem to enjoy seeing all the degens buying their shit and happy to see them unlike in jpn (ive been to hentai signings there).

Realistically its only worth if you enjoy physical media. I pirate a ton of hentai and enjoy having physical releases for collection reasons, and if I can get both jpn and english I will. I also collect blurays despite having multiple TB of anime downloaded over the years. Sometimes knowing you "own" an item is nice.
the retards spending $50 on a used jpn tank though lmao.
yes, if you look Lain is in the background too. The artist is a fellow 30yo boomer, I should ask the boomer to zoomer purchase ratio.
I didn't even notice the Lain, thanks.
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I'm fairly fit and attractive by other people's accounts, but no one held a conversation with me outside of asking me for pictures of the shirts I wore. No pretty cosplayers wanted to talk and I don't know why. Picrel was my outfit for at least a couple of days; I also wore a Wayne's World hat

These are all super popular anime, especially among zoomers.
don't reply sincerely to idiots who think millennials are boomers. anon doesn't realize that zoomers just like everything millennials like from the 2000s+.
30yo boomer is a meme newfag. Im well aware.
do people who werent watching seasonal anime in the 2000s even understand lucky star. its more then half references to anime less then a season prior.
QRD on that master roshi cosplayer getting his ass kicked
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that the black street preacher use to draw hentai outside AX and has a bunch of rape allegations against him. Now he yells at gays.
>talking about an already passed con when the weeb/anime/jp convention in pittsburgh is happening in barely over a week
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Anyone got a picture or the socials of the Dorothy base skin cosplay? Saw her on the 3rd day
Chances one of the preacher would try starting shit with me it I cosplayed as Sol Badguy, held up a GG round start sign (the "Heaven or Hell, let's rock"), and blasted the OST next to them?
I regret not complimenting a cosplayer, It was the only cosplay I saw that made me happy. I saw her on the sidewalk outside of ax and I wanted to get a picture inside ax. Didn't run into her ever again.
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I got fucking con flu. Fuck whoever shows up sick I fucking hate you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
that incel dude would just think it's validation. the thing that would piss them off the most is having koran or torah verses that contradict what they're saying. nothing pisses off pseudo religious more than other religions.
bonus points if you get your friends to come to you and pretend to be strangers that are super interested in what you have to say. because nothing pisses off attention whores more than other people getting attention.
optimal cosplay for it would be dressing like the shota from magi. older women stopping to take your picture every couple seconds might make him try to murder you.
Nah, you got COVID.
whats that
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>overall thoughts?
Logistics wise it was considerably better than last year but this was only my second time attending. Very few times did I really feel that sardines in a can feeling comparatively, AA could still use some better organization.
>damage report/your spoils of war?
Like $2500 overall, I invited a few friends and got a nice hotel room. $700~ on merch, pic related.
>you enjoyed yourself?
Absolutely, wished I went all 4 days.
>what panels did you go to?
Only panels I had an interest in were Day 1 which I missed, so none.
>you going back in 2025?
For sure.
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.
First time cosplaying, it's endearing being asked for a picture by someone who has your character plastered on their phone. I still don't know how to start a conversation with someone else but I consider this a start, maybe it's easier in smaller cons.
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I dont, but I have a doro
covid test came back negative
Aw man. I'm gonna sneak in to your house and steal 'em
>Logistics wise it was considerably better than last year
there was way less people. it's an expensive year. hotel and food prices are out of control.
>maybe it's easier in smaller cons.
at AX everyone is rushing to go somewhere so it's hard to strike a conversation with those people. but since there's so many lines it's easy to strike up a conversation with people who enjoy the same things you do. i think it's an even trade off.
>Rin, Miku, and Splatoon merch

What did you cosplay as?
>>overall thoughts?
It was a great time. I'm beat up. Wish I had the money for a hotel room.
>>damage report/your spoils of war?
Surprisingly left with a lot of skills from some cool panels.
>>you enjoyed yourself?
My cosplay and overall grooming/fashion prep really paid off. I felt separate from pleb impulse cosplayers. Was able to interact with lots of passers and meet some beautiful people. Was invited to hang out next day for a photoshoot. People bought/offered me drinks. Never happened to me before.

>>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
I saw the "take me out to the ball game" song, Industry Vtubers are low key powerful as fuck.

>>what panels did you go to?
I went to 4-5 real good ones.
The AMV contest was real good.
The feels category broke me.

>>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
Yuh and I was eye fucked and creeped on countlessly

>>you going back in 2025?
80% yes. If my life doesn't collapse and I have money/time.

>>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.

I chose myself this year and it adds aura. I felt attractive by enjoying myself but also caring for myself, taking breaks when I needed them, not rushing, sun screen, hydration.
>Rin, Miku, and Splatoon merch
I'm always on the lookout for Rin merch but seems like the Exhibit Hall either doesn't stock any or just plain runs out of it day 1. Thought I picked up more but it ended up varied enough.

>What did you cosplay as?
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Shouts out to this guy for entombing themselves within Kirby for hours on end in the main lobby
I can smell this image from across the room
Next time bring hand sanitizer and STOP touching your face if you can help it
That basically happened with me this year, I'm ex-industry and have been playing unofficial guest liason for years, and drove through some pretty sketchy downtown areas with my Japanese guests since they wanted to go to some stuff on the north side of DTLA. (Angel City, Dodger Stadium, etc.) They were all appalled by DTLA and hated the area around the con itself as well, and even my long-time friend who's been coming to AX for 10+ years said that this was his last year and he's gonna be looking for other American cons to attend instead.
for the locals, are any of you going to anime pasadena? friend suggested i go there after this year's AX and im considering it
funny since AX started in Pasadena
it started in san jose according to every pop quiz on screen
It's moving to Vegas next year according to everyone, whose uncle always happens to be the president of Anime Exposed, Inc.
ACEN is a nice alternate
Yeah, that might be an option. I also know Sakuracon is historically a popular one for Japanese visitors, and at least back in the day it had as many premieres etc. as AX but I'm not sure if that's still the case.
It's honestly rubbish and not worth your time. They still haven't figured out the 2-hour entry line situation and chibi being a week after (though similarly disappointing) really took its niche as the only local con between AX and ALA.
same here. I usually dont get conflu but my luck ran out this time.
I think you got a nice selection! I cosplayed as Rin Day 2. I'm sure the artists got a kick out of you buying vocaloid merch in costume.
I'm moving out of CA within the next month or so, so AX may have been my last con in the area ever, or at least for a few years while I get things stable enough to afford the time off and hotel/travel costs.

Incidentally, Phoenix is looking like the most likely place for me to move, anybody know what the con scene out there is like these days? I went to Taiyou and Con Nichiwa 10+ years ago but it was as a guest (ex was a cosplay GOH and I was press) so I didn't really experience the con the normal way, and that was a long-ass time ago. I know gackuto, who used to run them, got canceled pretty hard a few years back but not sure what's become of them sense, other than that they still seem to be going.
LOL nooooooooooooooo
>he escaped california
im proud of you, fuck this gay state
i just care if theyre selling doujins or adult material, if they do that ill at the very least consider it more, but AX is definitely a dead end for me. ALA i havent gone to yet
>im proud of you, fuck this gay state
Only took me 37 years and giving up my career to start over, fuck
im right behind you, just another decade and ill be free
that was me, I did it.
ignoring them completely would do worlds more then the meme images people take or arguing with them.
That was my friend and he was jerking off the entire time. Gets off too it.
least horny cosplayer honestly
Any more party rooms? I am kind of sad I missed them this year.
ignoring has never worked. that's just a thing people in the 80s made up when they couldn't think of real solutions after all the crazies who used to be in asylums started flooding the streets. then they started applying it to even stupider stuff like bullying or workplace harassment. the funniest one was aids.
ignoring AIDs would def have solved one gay problem in the world.
that is literally what all the retards in the 80s thought. so basically you're that dumb plus a little bit more.
There was a gay orgy room party at the AC. Why didn't you come by?
AZ sucks now since everyone from all over moved here to buy up property and rent them all out.

Taiyou con is dead, it was already mid and con parties were concerning. Gacktou rarely shows his face because everyone knows who he is especially since he paid a settlement in court to the girl he abused.

Sabo is probs the only worth while con. Every month there’s some kind of pop up con but it’s just mostly cars with anime on them, vendors and food trucks in the blistering heat.

Con Nichiwa is really whatever.

Pff(previously comic con) is absolutely mid now.
Thanks! One vendor did actually say "Sorry KAITO, we're out of your stuff" which gave me a chuckle, apparently that stuff does sell out quickly and they don't stock much.

There was a Vocaloid gathering on day 3 which had a solid turnout and a PJSK one day 1 but I missed it.
kinnikuman photo op was fun to watch
That's about how I figured it'd be.
Incidentally I feel bad about adding to the flood of Califags going there and don't really want to be in a place full of the same kinds of people I'm trying to get away from, but I'm also trying to change careers to aviation and the only real alternative is Florida and I can't stand the idea of living there. (For weather and geography reasons, not political fwiw)
Is it normal for hotels to charge a $350 fucking deposit or am I getting fucking scammed?
$350 is insane but you get it back if you didn't fuck up the room. it's only a scam if they don't return all of it or hold it for more than a coouple days. you can call them and demand it back sooner. blame the retards who spill alcohol all over the floor and break shit.
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>>For weather and geography reasons
>He doesn't enjoy 12 months straight of switching between blistering heat and tropical storms
>He doesn't like hot wind to the face
>He doesn't wanna turn into a soaking rag after 3 minutes outside in the dead of night
Boy, you some kinda fuckin queer?
>overall thoughts?
The best run AX I’ve been to out of six total. I hope Vtubers come back because they keep people out of lines.
>damage report/your spoils of war?
A lot of prints and other merch like usual, AA is the highlight for me usually
>you enjoyed yourself?
Not as much as previous years because I couldn’t go with all my friends this time.
>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
Oh I didn’t even try to get into that lol. Vtuber fans don’t mess around
>what panels did you go to?
Highlights for me were I parry everything premier and Frieren/Apothecary Diaries. I’m becoming an LNfag I think
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
I think I tired out before 4 PM every day kek
>you going back in 2025?
Probably not because I’m going to Japan in April
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.
If you want to get laid or hell, just make friends at AX you really need to make time for it. There’s not enough hours in the day.
I was the one who took said image, the other sign like "shotas kiss god smiles" in the style of Westboro Baptist Church

tell us more about this Lore because fucking with this guy is an AX tradition
>overall thoughts?
had a blast, way more fun than last year, but all through the past year I've been doing my social reps and making friends, so I had a ton of people to hang out with, parties to go, pics to take etc
tldr: do your social reps and make friends you shutin bastards, if even i can you can do it too
>damage report/your spoils of war?
didn't buy any merch
>you enjoyed yourself?
>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
surreal but also incredible. seems like the normies actually didnt hate it. plus, call me a fag, but hearing Stellar Stellar with the drone show at the end, over the stadium, made me almost tear up like a bitch
>what panels did you go to?
not many, panels all seemed pretty trash this year plus i was super busy. saw the Clover panel and the elusive samurai show looks neat
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
no but I did get my dick wet with a cosplay chick (not a total rando, from a mutual friend group). again, do your social reps
>you going back in 2025?
>any TEDtalk shit outside the con (the fight at the one hotel room, your overall personal experience) you need to get out of your chest? Say now or forever hold your peace.
if you want to have parties don't stay at the Residence Inn, their rooms are trash tier and they had the absolute gayest thing where you could only bring up a certain # of people by passing out a couple wristbands
you know what would be a cool panel concept? explaining how the fuck shit leaks. Manga panels, whole scans, scripts, etc etc. I would love to both give a talk about or attend a panel about such.
Not an expert, but a lot of it is just going to come down to lots of fingers touching things. Someone who works in distribution for shonen jump sends a panel/chapter to a girl he's trying to impress who is into HeroAca or whatever, a VA mentioning to a cosplayer that they're recording for that character for an unannounced work/one with an unknown release date, etc
I need tea
would it be more interesting to have a lost media/rare media panel instead then? like thos obscenely rare dragonball dubs or films thought to be destroyed for good, or hell just even a general preservation talk

people sell cels and cels need proper storage handling and preserving them is rough. i can see that being worthwhile to those not in the know, but it may be technical and hard to grasp
the joke is that ignoring aids would have killed al the fags. retard. and it was working for awhile.
why are the lines to the fakku booth so goddamn long every year?
Normalfags eat that shit up
i desire total fakku death
do you wander around the con drunk
oh man youll love this
>met up with the league of legends general lads
>one of them was an asian guy named Jons
>he was 19
>flew in from canada
>didnt tell his folks where hes going
>forgot his passport in another guy's car, so when he left we had to get him back somehow
>he had no cell coverage/reception on his plan once the border crossed, was wifi or nothing
>one of the group members gave him rum, snuck it in in a clear bottle
>he could legally drink in canada, but not america
>was getting progressively more drunk throught he day
>they ditched me with him as well, by then everyone of the 9 person group was gone
>had to babysit this drunk kid and take him back to his airbnb, for his flight at 5am, it was almost midnight
>he puked on my car
>left his broken fidget spinner in my back seat
>he got home because i decided to be a responsible adult
it was 2017, its been 7 years since then and im STILL somewhat annoyed
>>they ditched me with him as well, by then everyone of the 9 person group was gone
what a bunch of cunts, fuck them
yes but im not going to let this retard be alone in LA with no functional money or phone while hes barely able to walk and drunk. its what it is, i did what i needed to do, and theyre lucky i have some sense of responsibility
props to you, you definitely sound like a great person to hang around
no that's a great thing you did and all, but now I'M pissed at them
friends my ass, they sound shallow enough that they'd drop anything that causes even the most minor of inconveniences
in their defense some of them are legit cool people and just kinda there. its just situationally the problems created piled onto me
my boy Welding is based, Riddler is a bit odd, asking for boiling water at anime expo to make oatmeal in his thermos, which okay sure dude this is fine but where the fuck am i gonna get boiling water here.
im no weirder than anyone else, some of you probably saw me around this year. i was wearing a laptop bag, and a zone sweater. i definitely wanted to just socialize with randoms this year but im a bit too autistic for my own good it seems. only talks i got were while i was in lines and ended up talking about the times my car nearly killed me twice in 2017/2018 anime expo. coincidentally the people spoken to were mechanics and they had a field day

it is what it is, rather than going with a group i tried to just roam around and do my own thing, or tag along with a group for an hour or two, but it wasnt worth it. brought a ps3 with me on day 3 but only got it setup for about 30 minutes
the books are well made and they do con exclusives you can get the artists to sign. kind of dumb this year they let you preorder the karasuchan book in april, then announce they will be at AX in june, but wont let you take back the preorder thats not shipping till nect jan. so if you wanted the artist to sign their book youd have to buy twice.
really though they reprint allot and all their books are mostly online so no real point unless you want their con exclusive box sets. j18 however sells out and rarely does reprints and brings small amounts to the con and their line should be bigger but their content isnt as normalfag friendly.
>tell us more about this Lore because fucking with this guy is an AX tradition
he use to go by zeima or something like that, and would sit outside AX drawing hentai including shota loli and guro. posted it on facebook but would always go down because had a hate fan club of one sort for drawin edge lord stuff. in 2016 made allot of pro-trump troll shit. had allot of bpd white girls claim he raped them. sometime after covid looks like he rebranded to being anti-gay protestor.
that was that other booth that was next to fakku and was just open freely look at the boxes of shit right? their prices were fucked and i couldnt justify even one of them. i did appreciate the vintage selection but they had terrible handling on figuring out whether itd be what i like beyond the vague tag. ok yuri but what else it got? seeing the ntr section was funny at least since i know a cuck and sent him a photo of that section
the specific sections to certain IPs was understandable but fuck dude couldnt it be sorted more consistently across the board? i couldnt even get near some areas.
no. your thinking of one of the doujin reseller retards. j18 is like fakku in that they translate and sell doujins and tanks and run a website. the main difference is their online reader is completely free so you can read and fap to their books (decensored and translated) before you buy, and they also do a ton of loli/shota/d/ content. they were next to the booth with the VNs and such, giving out totebags and also had a line to get in but you could see their tables set up. their translated decensored doujins were $15 and their tanks about 25.
good to know because i didnt buy a goddamn thing thanks to the fucktarded prices of things
hmarket.io is where you can see j18 releases.
yes, always. a little buzz makes all the anxiety go away and you become King
how many days is this years AX crud lasting, I started feeling real sick yesterday
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>Mfw they still have not issued refunds for the canceled Nijisanji concerts.
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I’ve vaguely heard of this too, I’ve befriended him a bit over the years (god fearing weeb here) many find him absolutely annoying but I personally get a kick out of how he’ll stir the pot at each ax with the transtards who attend.
You're welcome for strengthening your immune system, you little bitch.
>people bought me drinks
cute femboy twink hands typed this
There's a lot more sick people this time around.
A bunch of different friend groups are mentioning they're coming down with something since Sunday.
I didn't get it too bad but I've been dealing with persistent phlegm that's annoying the shit out of me.
AX would be much better if Californians were not allowed to attend.
he doesnt believe any of it or know the Bible if you speak with him about it (also Christian weeb here). He does it just for the reactions, which is why the other groups dont associate with him. If Christianity ever became culturally relevant again he would become a satanist protesting outside church.
id like to see him try to argue with the hotdog sellers
Funkofags with their bullshit again this AX.
>replies restricted
lol, coward
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You got COVID.
Just move AX to Las Vegas, end of story.
>Christian weeb
Anime is a medium, not a genre, and many can be enjoyed regardless of your religious beliefs. Not every anime is full of fags.
This years auto was a mess too. Guarantee it will be a lotto soon.
My GoH autograph session was on day 2 so I got spared from having to wait in line for a physical ticket. How did the line for industry autograph tickets work? Did everyone just blitz to the ticket area after getting through the Kisegi gate? Wouldn't there also be a bunch of people who just wanted to get inside LACC in line on day 1?
how did you get your GoH ticket?
yes to both questions, nightmare.
>Karen Bass
She's a useless nigger along with shitters like Kevin de Leon.
Online reservation on Showclix. Just had to show my QR code and ID at the Marriott. Printer breaking was a blessing there since my session was at 11 am. Welp at there being no semblance of a line for industry but I guess AX did say they have no responsibility there
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>can be enjoyed regardless of your religious beliefs
For the people scamming you outside the gates and stealing your shit, yeah.
Does the Westin parties offer hot gay sex?
Lucky, I missed the signing by a few minutes from the showclix site. Was in que for too long.
Despite being a clear anti-Christian poster, you must see the large right-wing anime posters here and elsewhere. Anime is full of Christian morals, compared to kiked western garbage. Not every anime is a hentai, and you will never know how nice it is to watch a comfy CGDCT with your wife and kids.
how much do you want them to cost?
not 400 dollars for a vintage 80s doujin
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Well, when ya put it like that...
j18 doesnt even have anything from the 80's, what are you talking about?
im talking about the resellers. i dont know what it should cost from j18 or fakku. i want fakku to die and if i could buy a doujin and all of it goes straight to the author id be happier but the knowledge that they get some of the profit taken and given to the publisher hurts. j18 is more respectable but id still prefer to have it all go to the author
I was position ~3100 in the random queue so I was SOL for the GoH's day 1 sessions. Thankfully day 2 was still available since the guest would be at a panel right afterwards. I just had to get in the Marriott line super early so I could make it to both. Standbys got fucked over on day 2 though with none of them being able to get a chance, presumably due to more autograph sessions being added last minute
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southern californians have a respect for rules and general self awareness. more people also have decent jobs to pay for the higher cost of living, which contributes to a higher average intelligence.
i've been to a few cons in texas and illinois and the general douchebaggery and low iq bullshit i've seen has been astronomical. i've also been to anyc and everyone there is an asshole.
ax remains the most popular con despite fucking up constantly and holding vtumor concerts because people in socal are just better than the rest of america. san diego comic con is also in southern california. qed
because they let people shop around and waste everyone else's time instead of making buy sheets and/or forcing people to choose as soon as they get to the front.
No, I mean not letting a single Californian inside. Let them have fun in their crackhead filled streets that stink of piss and weed.
>typical californian smug aura of superiority
There's a good reason everyone in the us hates you
Go to Walmart and buy some, it’s like $2 too.
>SoCal have a respect for rules
locals kept trying to run over my girlfriend with their dirtbikes which is not something I ever experienced at ACEN
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>Anime is full of Christian morals
I don't believe in some magical fairy that lives in the sky. But to say bullshit like this makes me laugh so hard.
im a local here. the ones that care about ensuring this state doesnt fall apart are the ones that respect the rules. unfortunately the rules are changing in favor of the crackheads, nigs, homeless, illegal immigrants, and criminals. the fact pozzing is no longer a felony, the fact our politicians shot down a bill that guarantees human traffickers get minimum 12 years (i think it was) in prison, the fact you can steal just under 1000 dollars of shit, get booked and let out because its a misdemeanor, and repeat that 7 times in the same day without real punishment should be telling

im not saying youre wrong, im saying the state of the state is so bad that theres more people down to ruin it more than there are people to fix it
>southern californians have a respect for rules and general self awareness. more people also have decent jobs to pay for the higher cost of living, which contributes to a higher average intelligence.
Then why are people and businesses leaving California en masse you dumb spic?
I can see that Californians exist rent free in flyover minds. Cheapest real estate we'll ever get. Your cities will be flooded by Californians and there's nothing you can do about because you're all talk. Enjoy the In-N-Out :)
So is it safe to say that Nijisanji won't be returning to AX next year? I've never seen not one, but 2 completely empty booths of that size at AX before.
Take my upvotes. All of them. J-just do it NOW
>I'm a proud Californian!
>Flyover states can't stop thinking about how much better we are!
>Anyway we're moving to where you are because we can't stand living in this shithole
are californians really this dumb
just because a booth is empty doesn't mean it's a failure. cygames routinely is empty but still sells merch better than the ch*nk games. if anything i think the controversies probably galvanized a few fans and turned them into whales most likely.
Not everyone in California is a liberal democrat. You can't choose where you were born. California has way too many leeches who moved here and leeched off the system. If I were a hobo I'd move here too and set up camp.
>California has way too many leeches who moved here and leeched off the system
Leeches as in illegals?
>large right-wing anime posters here and elsewhere
Thanks for letting us know you browse /pol/.
Cry about it.
yea they are part of the problem but at least they work jobs. I didn't see any Mexican crackheads in DTLA.
illegals pay taxes and don't go to the doctor or get tismbux so they're leeching a lot less than your neet ass does.
retard tax for supporting that black company in the first place
>illegals pay taxes
How is that possible when most of them get paid under the table?
Anyone get pics of the large cosplay groups? I feel like I missed them or were there not many this time?
>Believing in this leftist propaganda
No wonder California is in the shitter.
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>Thinking Juan Paco Jimenez de la Cruz Ortega will argue in good faith on this matter
property and sales taxes. state income tax is basically negligible for minimum wage works anyway.
that's how you know when you're arguing with people that have never had a job in their entire life.
you can have a disability and be capable of running but not standing in lines my good retard
ada passes in general should require a doctor’s diagnosis/parking placard for proof though
There was a case where I saw a homeless guy throw punches and a radio at a group of 5 street performers, they ran across incoming traffic to beat the shit out of him after. The tubby older asian dude with a chopper hat seemed to be the most pissed.
im a flat enjoyer but i am not enjoying either of these. also you saved the small ones. i can tell because its a twitter filename and these are deepfried to fuck
upon reflecting this, i threw the filenames into twitter's shit, and the original size is that, so whoever originally got them and uploaded them, had them saved incorrectly, then passed them to you and that was the problem
i am truly disappointed beyond measure. heres the urls.
>capable of running but not standing in lines
all you retards who think your autism is an excuse for not being able to wait should be eugenics'd.
>ada passes in general should require a doctor’s diagnosis/parking placard for proof though
literally illegal with good reason.
Good job anon. Knew I could count on you
i wish you knew how much this behavior that creates lower res images angers me. it may not even be far off from the reality of what happened, but thoughtlessly sharing and saving whatever youre presented without considering "has this been reprocessed" does damage in the long run. i could do an entire several day long panel explaining this problem and how it works and how it fucks over everyone but it wont matter in the end
reverse searched it, its been around a while it seems. oldest one i can find https://x.com/ArmandinaT13630/status/1809892771404398769
why would you lie like this anon, i thought you were cool
autism isn’t a physical disability, cardiac and autonomic diseases are
kill yourself retarded tranner, you will never be female or above a midwit iq
Moron lol
Guys uh...I don't know how to take this. Next thing you're gonna tell me those "My sister and girlfriend caught fucking on camera" videos are fake too
>with good reason
Lol only faking munchausen “muh ammendments” Karens like you say that. Anyone else is more than willing to provide the evidence that they need accommodations. Keep crying about how other fakers will ruin your faking.
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>implying the autistic whale femcels who lie to use ADA passes at a cosplay orgy to get first in line for yaoi porn comics have any idea what an autonomic disorder is
that comment didn't say physical disability, retard. i assumed and got a bingo. it was obvious though from the way you type.
it's to prevent discrimination in things that actually matter which you don't have any experience with. like employment.
and it’s obvious you’re an autistic hambeast from the way you project and get offended at people calling out your bullshit
next you’ll pull out the “you guize don’t get pussy!” spergout because you’re too stupid to argue a real point without making a fool of yourself
you're welcome.
calm down fatass, nobody’s taking your motility scooters
Parking passes and ADA mobility accommodations aren’t given for autism, you stupid cunt. Backpedal harder.
>fat chick getting uppity about real disabilities because they can move faster than her
Why does this happen at every AX?
Dunno but it’s hilarious. They’re the same coloured hair trannies that screee and make angry tiktoks because some geriatric white male who can walk sometimes hopped out of their big truck in a disabled spot.
Hey I never said I saw her. If you look at the picture its a chicks hand pulling her braid
Too accurate.
a motility scooter would be an immediately obvious handicap so how is that relevant to the conversation? you wouldn't even need to ask.
the irony is that i'm attacking autists and you are getting personally offended.
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calm down fatass, have some bacon bits
atta girl, let’s quell that obese spergout before you blow a bloodvessel
gonna go to AX next year with 4 pr 5 friends all holding an ada pass and sprint around the halls with them somewhere really noticeable just knowing it makes roasties this upsetti
bonus points if we get stricter rules imposed
I mean in conjunction with the last minute canceling of the nijisanji shows, I think AX attendees have made it clear that they don't want em there. I don't blame em, had to look up some of the drama around them, shitty drama all around.
there were literally dozens my guy
they have a schedule posted and everything
pretty much every hour of every day there's at least 1, usually multiple, scattered at the 7 different meetup spots
i take pics so i tried to get around to as many as i could, but i still had other stuff to do so i missed quite a few
you could literally spend all weekend just boucning from one to another
Then post pics so we can see too, dumbass?
Anycolor may not even survive this year.
>Only 5 pix of the actual expo posted all thread
That bad, huh.
the other vtumor show was barely attended as well, it was just a small venue which is why it wasn't cancelled. i don't think vtumor live shows are an actual thing even though they're forcing it, it's just the hololive keks blowing money on it. the failure of the concert doesn't really mean anything to their revenue anyway.
Yes? It’s long since been a corporate normalfag expo and not a cosplay con.
NTA but not even fanime has any pics in their thread so I guess it’s just not AX
i wonder why
Bet they're all on d*scord
Hasn’t fanime also gone to shit in the last decade or is that just hearsay?
Where are the pics posted for the cosplay meetups? I was in the Touhou one but never inquired as to where they'd post the photos
you sound upset, ill pray for you sweetie.
Ca has the highest amount of registered Republicans but is brought down by 2 fully corrupt cities and the 9th circuit making our votes not matter.
yes this is 4chan with multiple boards, if you dont like it you can stick to tiktok.
they also take jobs away from actual citizens. the taxes they pay dont make up for the price of everything else going down or 80% of Ca prisons being full of illegals.
All on dicksword I presumed.
Wouldn't know since I'm not a fucking normalfag
I took some but they aren't worth posting. Plus discord has ruined thread formats like these
Fanime is same as always for the attendee minus the game room not being open late, but I expect that to come back next year. There was some internal fallout but that's invisible to the attendees. Guests are still meh but they've been meh for a really long time.

Park Con has gone off the rails and grown immensely though. I'm still amazed it hasn't been shut down yet, but they're supposedly getting permits now
Another sign of cgl being dead. We have a few threads that are literally years old on this board.
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Boomers are becoming an extinct race
Yeah, you can thank the moron who keeps necrobumping ancient threads then instantly deleting his posts for that
why are some of the handlers for the disability wheelchair people such assha4vpoles
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damn optimus lookin good
probably because they're using the disabled person for the benefits and not because they want to help the disabled person. they probably hate the disabled person.
I wanted to share some but I'm still fatigued.
I'm pretty sure they're from the touhoufest group, so their discord if I had to guess
pretty sure that every meetup has their own disc, so gotta hunt them down
I was propositioned multiple times and I'm a straight crossplayer.
No you can thank the drama ban for that. These uppity roasties can't get by without melting about how random girls in their local communities are slightly overweight and have sex.
>things that never happened
AX was shit this year and it always will be.
I'm thinkin Arby's
not all of us are women, anon. This is the internet
Would it be a good idea for a texan like me to go next year?
I want to experience a massive con.
Hololive sells out all their shit immediately and there were some larger independent ones who did a concert off site who pulled a decent crowd for the venue size (which was still admittedly small, but had a few hundred attendees). Unless they got Hololive it is fucking retarded in a business sense to be booking them for 1k+ seat venues like the Peacock Theater though. Hololive is the only vtuber group popular enough/with dedicated enough fans to do those large venues, though I hope the failure of the Niji show leads to AX just booking somewhat relevant Japanese musicians/bands again
Sure. Why not? Prepare to wait in a lot of lines for nothing because you won't know the optimal way to do things. AX is having issues due to maxing out all available convention space and doesn't have anything more they can expand into. Have plan b because plan a can be a panel or screening you can't get into due to it being completely full.
just go to anime matsuri dude, why self harm?
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>Anime Expo and SDCC will be in Florida by 2028
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Man this thread fucking sucks.
nta but the only thing anime matsuri usually has is a concert that's way out of its league with a sparsely filled audience of people that traveled half the country to see it and only it. but half the time it's some retarded kpoop that's completely unrelated to anime.
most of the cosplayers are in cardboard or wish.com trash. there's no food in the area. there's no parties because everyone is local and the hotels are hilariously overpriced. there's no industry because everyone knows it as the sexual abusers con. and most of the people there are fat and ugly texans trying to get laid.
the year i was there one of the booth cosplayers got harassed so much by ugly losers on the first day that she just abandoned her booth and left.
comparing ax to am is like comparing disneyland to chuck e cheese.
>Florida in the summer
Yeah no thanks
Just like AX 2024.

Good QOL improvements and literally nothing else
>florida any time of year.
i'll be very reluctantly going to miami next month if fruits zipper actually shows up at spirit of florida but i'm not going anywhere other than the concert and the airport.
really praying they cancel
Lol. I'm both a local and (quite literally) on site now. Yeah it ain't fun
Weather this weekend is cloudy at around low 80s. Where the fuck was it when we needed it last week?
Waiting for you all to leave (the same thing would have happened if the dates had switched)
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>i’m still fucking sick
im doin just fine. no sick, no unwell feeling, never even got a booster. sucks to suck bro, maybe stay away from the gay orgy next year
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ive gone every year since 2012 this is the only year ive ever gotten sick after the con. i bet its cause i forgot hand sanitizer but god fucking damn i was like nowhere besides exhibit hall and artist alley. didn’t go to any panels or meetups or have sex cause i’m not a degen like you chubby chink autismos

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