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Dear /cgl/, I need posing advice.
To provide context: me (male) and my friend (female) are going to con to cosplay as characters from Needy Girl Overdose (picrelated). We have similar heights and builds. The question is: for the love of gods, how are we supposed to pose for photos and stuff? We just have no ideas, heads empty.
Pls help
do couples shit like heart hands, facing each other and hands intertwined, back to back with hands, one in front of the other from the side, etc. you can also get some ideas from fanart with both ame-chan and kangel next to each other. i would also recommend some solo poses too because not everyone will want you both together (or well, i would want some solo shots of each as a photographer)

props to you guys i like needy girl overdose and would take photos if i was at whatever con. all my big cons in my region are over besides comic con so i assume you're across the country or otherwise
Pose with your feet forward one behind the other, like you're walking an imaginary tightrope. This emphasizes the hips and lengthens the legs. Lolita wearers do this all the time.
Mirror mime pose with your palms against each other.
Kangel behind ame-chan, looking over her shoulder with her hand on ame's shoulder, neck, mouth or eyes depending on how aggressive you want tthe mood to be.
Holding both hands like in a folk dance, with one pair of arms pointing towards the camera and the other away

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