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It’s that time again folks, post embarrassing lolitas.
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So kawaii
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Why did this girl feel the need to post herself half naked?
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Hideous DollBe design + no bra + no bangs to hide that huge bulbous forehead. You can still get away with no bangs if there's some swoopy bits or something around the hairline that softens the appearance. All pulled back only looks okay in 0,00000001% of cases.
Some people either don't know what they look like in public, or they don't care enough that they look bad in order to fix it. If she just wore a proper bra, got a better outfit and fixed her hair she would look so much cuter. Being that size is no excuse, iirc meta's plus plus sizing goes very large.
Wait, is this the person who started DollBe? If so that's really embarrassing.
I don't hate the dress, it just doesn't fit her. Those seams will rip if she sneezes.
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The coord is mid but that room is definitely giving hoarder vibes
This whale destroyed a perfectly good AP dress.

It’s one of the reviews but yeah the quality is awful and metas infinity better. Most of these girls have mental disorders and can’t perceive themselves normally. And we haven’t even started with the guy in the goodwill ouji.
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This is a great example of how hairstyle can ruin a coord. The outfit itself is alright and it at least fits them decently, but then it all goes to shit with the haircut and awful color.
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Her username is delusional, petite tomoyo
Also my main question, is how do you let yourself even get this horribly obese? At what point do you not think to put the fucking fork down.
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These bubble sleeve blouses are hideous.
Her tiktok is retarded to. There’s one where she says she’s manifesting to not get pregnant like she’s capable of carrying a fetus lmao.
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The decor lmfao
What's wrong with these? Ugly =/= ita
this is 2 years old. Not that it makes it any less horrible. But hey, at least she recognizes it doesn't fit.

I don't hate pink hair with lolita, but her hair just looks dirty and the dye job looks bad. And with those short side pieces I would just go with natural black hair and let it grow out until the side bits are closer to chin length.

she eats an entire sleeve of cookies as a snack

this doesn't look lolita to me. Did she claim/tag it as such?
The first one is literally wearing a costume crown and looks like a complete man. The second one is wearing a low quality salopette and bonnet that’s just ugly. The third one is wearing normie shoes and no head accessory making it look low effort.

these weren't posted just because the people in the pictures aren't conventionally attractive. The outfits are just not good.

this crown just wouldn't go with any lolita or lolita adjacent fashion. It's looks like something you'd get for halloween. Then there's also the watch which doesn't go with the blouse. That blouse is too long and a bit too small for him. I can't see the bottom part of the coord but it's already evident from the top part that it's an uncoordinated mess.
I doubt that this was tagged lolita or ouji, but I could be wrong.

the suspender skirt is ugly and doesn't fit her properly. I don't care where it came from, if it looks ugly it's ugly. Just like I don't care where something came from if it looks good. She also just pulled her hair back which looks terrible with lolita in the large majority of cases. We can't see the rest of the outfit but I don't expect that it's any better.

The items don't go together aesthetically. If we use the vest as the main piece and choose everything else to go with it, then I wouldn't use those knee garters, those socks, those shoes and those polkadot and striped bows. Those trousers also don't look quite right, but it's hard to tell from the little we see of them. They appear to be way too tight. I'm not sure what's going on with the blouse, but they need to fix those long dangling ribbons.
This would be a good example of how it should look (there are other ways to coord it, but this is what I could find quickly) https://lolibrary.org/items/atelier-boz-2020-special-lucky-back-short-pants-set

Good footwear options from AATP (in black); clara short boots, Classical Combination Pumps, Lily Belt Long Boots (a little bit edgy but it works with the gold in the vest), tasseled loafers, Napoleon Boots.
I like how you basically said "if they just changed everything about it"
I mean, if the main piece is bad and everything else is too there's not much you can do except change everything. I could have said "she's too fat for lolita and has no taste, so she should just stop trying to wear lolita" but that's lazy thinking imo.
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Is this dude a fetishist or sissy? They have a man body and never show their face (except if their in a furry suit).
Yes, and a sissy is a fetishist because sissy/sissification is a fetish. This one is just double gross because of the furry thing. Yeeegh.
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wow, I could not have imagined a worse outfit. Knowing the lolita sewing community she(?) would probably claim to have won multiple awards for her sewing.
this is a homely woman. male legs do not look like this.
regular bedroom with band posters
>hoarder vibes
to be fair it does look like a 15yo bedroom but not hoarder
Pretty sure anon is talking about the junk shoved under the bed, can you just look with your eyes for once?
Looks like a dude to me. And not every guy has bony man legs, especially if they have a higher body fat % (which this guy obviously has).
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Wtf is going on here?
You live in a fucking millenialcore minimalist asylum room don't you
Man that warped shadow and cane is something else but I can't for the life of me figure out why! Pretty sure she's wearing compression stockings, but they're horrifyingly tight at the knee and are obviously causing some reflux into her foot, look at that bulge maybe her calves are more lumpy and she tried to make them smoother resulting in the insane cane warping?
The more I look the more horrified I get. The filthy shoes. The hem on the apron. The pleated trim on the apron and the umbrella. The socks. The bodice. The straps falling down on the bodice. The "bow" on the front. The obvious spoonflower print and crinkled fabric. The "shawl" that is just bolts of fabric tied at the front. Ugh.
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Replying to myself, that dress looked super familiar so I dug around and realised the creator was the very same person who made this. They self declare as "intermediate" in Lolita and in sewing.
(admittedly I think they've made promising art but sweet jayzus they need to take a garment sewing class I'm sobbing)
someone has sex with that...
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beauty is pain
i don’t think fat people want to spend a lot of money on brand when they know they’re not going to look good anyway.
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literally what was the point of shooping this. if you're gonna shoop then at least make sure the end result doesn't look ridiculous
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This entire website is a goldmine of horrible coords and horrible stylistic choices, I'm cackling.

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I cannot express how much I fucking hate this.
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birthday hat and party theme mixed with spiked punk collars WHY
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And the JSK/OP is meant to be medical themed "Medicine" Sleeveless Pink and White Nurse Dress"
I fail to see how edgy bondage collars + party hat = nurse
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it gets worse
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Whoever the photography director and stylist was for these shoots needed to be fired, the facial expressions are also embarrassing
>embarrassing lolitas
isn't that a bit redundant?
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I feel molested after looking at this
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Lor what the actual fuck, gold cake themed shoes and a crucifix?! she's experienced enough to know how ita this is and how badly it reflects upon those of us who don't want to look like a literal clown (unlike her)
at this point she's blatantly making fun of egl with this shit
white fishnets... girl I-
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>asking myself why people think lolita fashion is a costume after so many people explaining it and trying to make it known that it's literally not
>finds this fucking website
>realizes it was all for nothing
>doomer lolita mode activated
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I'm starting to think a man put together these horrific combinations.
It's giving: "Brb robbing the AP store in San Fran rq teehee."
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Why are these so weirdly suggestive, disgusting
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Clearly some perverted man wanted to try to make this photoshoot look like a weird maid fetish dress or some shit with the pleather gloves and the posing, bro just go shoot OF models it's not that hard to find them
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Drinking game, take a shot every time you see a coord in this thread that Misako Aoki would cringe at, go!
I can guarantee you'll be absolutely hammered.
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Ah yes, military hat with dress that has zero features of a military theme
When you're secretly a neo nazi but can't wear the swastika to the meet so you op for softcore nazi hat instead
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tattoos do not belong in lolita, Japanese culture is very much anti tats
DollBe is as expensive and sometimes more expensive than jpn brand. I visited their site once and was shocked. Hard to believe for how much better jpn brand looks. Going by the reviews that are on the site DollBe fills a niche for people who either don't want to buy outside of North America, are unaware of lacemarket and/or for people who think they don't have any other choice because they have a very large size.
They are still in business because people are unnecessarily scared of buying from Asia and/or unaware of better plus sized options new and second hand. Preying on the scared and ignorant. No one is saving money by buying DollBe.
Afaik most fat lolitas think they look good so if they don't want to spend the money (many don't, they go for lower budget chinese brand options that offer larger or custom sizing. Nothing wrong with that on its own. But it's sadly visibly lower quality and the designs usually aren't that good) you'd think they would try to compensate by getting their hair and make-up to look good. And probably spend money on at least one pair of versatile shoes since that's worth the 40$. But everything about that outfit looks bad, it appears no effort was put into any aspect of it. To go out like that you need to be a bit delusional.
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That looks like a man, if you're going to be a brolita at least ask your stylist to try to make you look less like a red haired Karen, yikes. Guy looks like he'd be screaming for the manager at the local hot topic for misgendering him.
> she's experienced enough to know how ita this is

She hasn't cared for years now. Always painful to see someone devolve from decent coords to ita mess.
Hopefully she's done with the fashion because she's found a new obsession with Jirai Kei. I really hope she announces she's leaving Lolita soon so that she can finally stop making a mockery out of the egl community.
I dislike how tattoos look with lolita fashion but Japanese lolitas aren't unified in being against them.
>Your libertarian asian wife, sir.


I don't think the problems are the tatoos when her outfits looks like this
The fact that almost her entire wardrobe is AP replicas is so gross. Why has nobody called her out on this. Idc if you can’t alter brand large enough to fit you, replicas still aren’t ok
wasn't this something someone photoshopped in a previous thread here
Gloomth has some nice designs but those stock photos are hideous
What is it with itas not ironing their dresses?
There is nothing wrong with this in my opinion. They are trying to be edgy and it's probably supposed to be experimental Lolita and they pull it off well. Nothing wrong with that. The only thing that is kind of funny are the double bloomers hahaha
Some of you all need to open up your early Gothic and Lolita Bibles and Kera magazines and look at how many coords you all would post here if the Lolitas were not Japanese
her legs look like two liters
Something I find very odd on cgl is when people attach incredibly normie activities to obviously experienced lolitas. Minimalist beige moms wouldn’t even like the idea of you wearing alternative fashion, let alone you having an entire collection you wear on a semi daily basis. In my experience with these types of girls young gen z don’t care what you wear to an obsessive extent, however it’s the middle and older gen z that are raised on conformity and hate anyone out of line. Maybe I’m overthinking it but I do believe it’s a conversation worth discussing.
Zillennials are the biggest scumbags on planet earth. They are 100% over-socialized conformist cunts. don't bother trying to wear anything interesting like lolita fashion.
>it’s the middle and older gen z that are raised on conformity and hate anyone out of line
go read /fa/ or /r9k/ and you will see this in action.
'shawl' is most definitely a lesbian flag, since their weirdass dress has that at the bottom too
i fuck with this lowkey. not good lolita but on its own its alright
The bunny hat doesn’t fit the aesthetic of the coord, there’s no bunny elements even in the dress that I could visibly see, and the girl wearing two pairs of bloomers should’ve worn something other than demonia’s as the OP itself doesn’t include punk elements, plus the mismatched gloves. Whoever styled the red haired models coord wanted to mix punk elements/v-kei hair/goth together and it looks really bad imo.
I could’ve understood some of the replies if the OP bunny hat and red hair model is wearing wasn’t a horrible design, but even Moite and Atelier Pierrot have better stylistic choices for their advertising. It’s not hard to do a simple google search as a stylist for an alternative brand marketing Lolita to actually find good street snaps to take inspiration from so your audience doesn’t have to see eyesores. There’s so many new Lolita’s in this thread trying to defend shit quality coords, that’s fine, but don’t get mad when people think you look like you belong in a psych ward because your outfit doesn’t seem like an ounce of thought on cohesion, themeing or color matching went into it
A lot of older gen z were around (specifically in the Lolita community) when a lot of millennials were in it too, and in the 2010s there was a lot of hatred/gatekeeping about letting teenagers come to com meetups, a lot of the time you would be ostracized and ignored by people if you were not in the local group/com upon creation or early days. There was little to no leniency as a gen z if you were just starting out and your coord wasn’t brand, the Lolita’s would make it very obvious they were embarrassed by you. I know I’m probably not the only one who’s experienced this sort of thing as I’ve heard stories from other people who were just getting into Lolita that got treated like shit by older millennials at meetups for not looking perfect. There should honestly be a thread on terrible Lolita com experiences.
Most people in Japan dgaf anymore unless you’re some old person in the boonies. Yakuza style tattoos on non yakuza is more common than the real thing nowadays.
Nayrt but just because someone is experimenting and/or trying to be edgy doesn't mean the end result isn't bad. It definitely doesn't shield them from criticism.

What stands out the most to me is that the bunny hat does not go with the rest style wise. Secondary problem with the girl on the right: the dress and apron aren't bad but everything else she wears with it doesn't go with the dress and apron. It's an unpleasant and messy mix of styles that makes the dress and apron look worse. The dress and apron would look so much better if they were paired with other items that actually fit that aesthetic. The girl on the left has the same problem with mixing aesthetics that don't go together, and some weird choices overal, but not as eye catching as the girl on the right.

Experimenting is good, but the duds don't need to make it out of the house.
Early GLB street snaps tend to be much more cohesive. And just because an outfit made it into the GLB doesn't necessarily mean it's a good outfit. Yes, the snaps that end up in the GLB are curated well according to whatever standards they chose to use. There is occasionally something in there that doesn't look good.

This is not about race or anything else besides the actual coord.
Nayrt. I've been in the comm since before the 2010s and I have certainly heard and seen drama occasionally nationally and internationally. But "treated like crap for not looking perfect" is not something I ever witnessed or heard about. People avoiding an ita who doesn't want to learn and has a bad personality, that's something that happens. But treating someone like crap even though they're obviously trying to coord well and willing to learn? If this happened it's extremely rare. I haven't even seen or heard about people treating an ita like crap if the ita was nice and eager to learn. In 99,99% of cases people are very nice and try to help them, they remember when they were beginners and hadn't mastered the basics yet, it makes them happy to help.

Brand elitists do exist, but they're not as common as some people think they are (even in the past). It's often something that's exaggerated by people who have some unfounded beef with the lolita community. And even the brand elitists who do exist most likely would never treat someone like crap. They don't have the balls to do that even if they wanted to, and I think only a tiny portion of brand elitists even want to say that out loud. They're most likely not going to though. It's not worth it risking being banned from the comm. The comm memory is quite long, if someone does something they're not supposed to then people will remember. Once you have a bad reputation you should assume you'll never be rid of it.
this one seems normal?
Board tourist who only came to /cgl/ to discuss conventions here. What exactly is the appeal of dressing up like this? Like I get dressing up for cons but I literally see girls fully decked out in these sorts of dresses + all sorts of elaborate accessories just grocery shopping at my local japanese mart buying sashimi and frozen takoyakis
this may sound fucking crazy to you but some people... actually enjoy wearing the clothes that they buy. mind-blowing isn't it
it just seems weird wearing "nice" clothes grocery shopping even if both the groceries and clothes are weeb themed
It's just fun
all these photos give me an idea of how i would market to western lolitas
i thought she was way into cottagecore a few years ago but she still wore lolita

i mean she’s an influencer so she’s going to probably going to stick to what people follow her for
you can’t because it would be fatphobic
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This was posted with the person asking for similar dresses.
For just a split second I thought this was peacockfeather
i'll try offering a sincere answer as someone who dresses up to buy groceries. wearing lolita makes me happy, and when i'm happy i have more energy and confidence. i get a lot more done if i'm feeling good about myself. i also used to wear lolita to class when i could because it made me able to speak up more and answer the professor's questions. i'll wear it if i'm feeling depressed or anxious because i know that if nothing else, i'll find enjoyment in it. and, sometimes, i wear it just because i had an idea in my head, and i just felt like wearing it. basically it's the same reason anyone wears anything that makes them feel confident
are you retarded
who is this
I recall seeing on a blog (maybe fyeahlolita, maybe just on tumblr) a very long time ago that Lolita fashion or alt fashion is like body armor. That it helps to protect the wearer from harm. Obvs not true in a literal sense, and for violent normies who hate fashion and women, but it does seem to provide that sense of protection for many. Normies get so tied up in the clothes they don't see the human the same way.
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With added caption because wtf.
I just saw this too and was about to come here to post him. Sad you cropped out his hideous stripper heels in that picture. His other outfits on his page are just about as atrocious, but the added factor of going near kids in that is making it extra offensive.
Right! I face palm every time I see people recommend newbies or anybody look to lor for tips and coord inspiration.
I’ve seen so many itas look to lor like she’s some authority on the fashion.
Lor is awful. as someone whose been in the fashion 15+ years she's done immense damage to the community.
are you stupid? many people take inspiration from non-lolita things to make coords idiot.
no one mentioned it being cultural acceptable or not, tattoos don't look good in lolita generally because they clash thematically with the feel of the fashion. are you one of those itas who thinks alt=edgy? it doesn't. lolita isn't an edgy counter culture no matter how much zoomers want it to be.
fat bitch from quebec city. she makes me skip out on sister comm meets with them.

Have you met her irl? I get bad vibes from her so I’d love to know what she’s like
Are *you* stupid? There’s so many better references/things you could say If you want green frilly lolita dresses. You really think a educated lolita would sight this monstrosity as a reference?
How can we stop the troon menace?
> This is not about race or anything else besides the actual coord.
Nyart but I think deep down you know that this isn’t true. Japanese girls will always get the better end of the stick because they founded the fashion and were designed for the clothes, therefore will always look better. There are a few coords that would be featured on these threads, but they aren’t for the reason I just stated.
Somewhat related, but I do wonder why no other brand rather than Meta has tried to tap into the fatty market. Also, I wonder why fats don't buy Meta. Dear My Love while not lolita has their own plus size brand and it seems pretty popular. JP brands could make fucking bags of cash from price gouging fats, and it would also reduce the amount of itas.
Atelier Pierrot has also done plus sized. Spoiler fatties are cheap and barely buy new, so its been a struggle.
you sound like a cunt.
>Japanese girls will always look better in lolita

I don't think so. There are some really pretty lolitas who are very suited to the fashion who don't even look remotely Asian.

If this is bait it's very lazy.
Fats DO buy meta and atepie, but the reality is that plus size lolitas are still a pretty small minority of their market, so it’s expensive to make small batches and that’s why they do so many preorders. We’re definitely buying them, though.
Wrong quote, meant for >>10929031
Ayrt, aside from Meta and Atelier Pierrot there is also maxicimam, Hiroko Tokumine, Marchentica, Rosina Blue and (fairly recently) ETC. There are probably more Japanese brands who do plus sizes who I'm not familiar with.

I also agree with >>10929031 about plus sized lolitas often getting lower budget options. There are definitely plus sized lolitas in the west who buy straight from the aforementioned brands but I think generally plus sized lolitas tend to buy lower price options. I see more plus sized lolitas wearing lower budget stuff compared to the aforementioned brands.
I just shoop my tattoos out of photos
every fatty in my community balks if a dress is more than $100.
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If you don’t believe it’s true, why don’t you post poorly dressed japanese lolitas? There’s definitely a few on glb and just a little digging on ameblo and other Japanese platforms you can find them. Practice what you preach. I can tell you have nothing left to say because i never said that international lolitas look bad, I just said that japanese lolitas will always be favored on cgl and in general.
you sound like an ita...
because these threads are for current itas not itas from 2 decades old street snaps. sorry about your yellow fever. also the reason the pic you're defending upthread was posted is because the outfits are barely related to the fashion and are a mishmash of zoomer trendy items they don't understand.
>in the 2010s there was a lot of hatred/gatekeeping about letting teenagers come to com meetups
This is normal and acceptable actually. In most countries minors left with adults become their legal responsibility. No one wants to babysit kids, and irl comms aren't required for the fashion.
Fats don't buy stuff and it's expensive to make. This topic has been driven into the ground and there is a ton of information out there about this. But fats don't want to hear it and don't care, they want AP making 150cm bust for every release, which they also won't buy.
I'm a fat that buys regularly from meta, baby and atelier pierrot and things in the largest sizes and even things that are plus size friendly sell out quickly. I think a lot of fats are out there buying new and enjoying lolita but just don't have an online coord photo presence because of low self esteem. Of course ND people with no shame who are happy to brag about how cheap their taobao coord are also the ones who aren't afraid to post photos of themselves because they don't even realize how badly dressed they are.
Plus size buyers say they will buy plus size releases if a brand makes them, but then when the brand does make the requested plus size only 30% of customers buy. Atelier Pierrot staff posted data about it. Fat lolitas demand plus size releases and then most don't buy it, putting the brand in a financially risky business situation.
Some of my local com members buy the plus sized options from meta and atelier pierrot.

>why don’t you post poorly dressed japanese lolitas?
I'm not a member of the japanese lolita comm and I also only follow the japanese lolitas on IG that wear what I like and wear it well so I'm not exposed to a lot of badly dressed japanese lolitas. They exist though, but no-one is denying that. I don't post images from glbs to the ita thread because it's a fucking dumb idea, they stopped publishing in 2017.

>I just said that japanese lolitas will always be favored on cgl and in general.
You specifically said "they founded the fashion and were designed for the clothes, therefore will always look better." That's what I responded to and that's not a claim about the perception of japanese lolitas by the western comm. It's a claim that japanese lolitas look better because of reasons.
One of the nice things about cgl is that you can't go and edit comments. You're trying to backtrack and it's pathetic.
You will never hide from the fact that japanese girls were designed for and invented the fashion. The reason why they are preferred for outfit threads and appear as our main image of the fashion is because of authenticity, it is apart of japanese culture so people of that nationality should be the front cover. It’s the same reason why people don’t like it when foreigners wear kimonos and such cultural clothing. I do believe that we should share cultures, but I respect my place as a foreigner whose simply wearing the fashion as a hobby.
>designed for
do you think they grow japanese girls on a lab
You sound so fucking weird lmao
Finally an ita thread. I was wondering why the board seemed deader than usual.
Good luck trying to appeal to them with garbage, AP has set the standards pretty high. Plus you don't see many coords that look like an idiot tried to mix western punk glitter demonia's with a sweet dress unless it's an ita.
>not something I ever witnessed or heard about.

Personally I experienced this going to a com meet for the first time ever, where only two lolita's showed up for ILD wearing a short sad bodyline skirt and a taobao blouse and matching purple teaparties. I was only 16 at the time and they were both in their 20s, decked out in full sweet AP coords. They made it very apparent because I was from a different part of the state and new to lolita that they were not willing to be friendly to me, and would often walk faster than me to try to ditch me or leave me out of conversations entirely or talk in front of me like I wasn't even there. I was a complete stranger, this was my first ever meetup, and I tried to be polite as possible but was met with such rudeness that it put a bad taste in my mouth, I'm now in my 20s and the experience has never left me. Was I considered an ita? Probably, but even so they could've tried to be nice.
*I was wearing bodyline
Forgot to mention it was my first ever coord as well so that made things ten times worse.
Do you think that maybe they just felt more comfortable talking to eachother because they were around the same age and were dressed similarly, or even already knew eachother beforehand, and you were significantly younger? With you being a minor at the time, you put a lot of risk on adults you hang out with, making them entirely responsible for your wellbeing. Maybe they were uncomfortable with being forced to babysit you. Because if you're a minor without your parents, that is what you were forcing them to do.
this is probably gal safari or another similar maleposter with yellow fever.
This. Many comms have rules about unaccompanied minors because it's a liability for the adults there. Not to mention minors are in an unrelatable life stage, even college is very divorced from high school. I would personally leave a meet with minors like I do when other entitled parties show up(men/poorfags).
>would often walk faster than me to try to ditch me
You walk slow and somehow it's their fault. Lol. Lmao, even. Did you ever ask them to slow down? Did you ever strike up any conversation? Or did you show up in your admittedly shitty coord and expect friendship and praise and adoration and instead you're still throwing a tantrum about it years later?

This whole post comes off as so annoying I can only imagine why adults in their 20s tried to politely ditch you. The entitlement is insane.
Yes I DID, I did try to talk to them, and I shouldn't have to be practically RUNNING after two people.

>did you show up in your admittedly shitty coord and expect friendship and praise and adoration and instead you're still throwing a tantrum about it years later?

I was a minor, getting into the fashion for the FIRST TIME. Can you stop being such a cunt holy fuck. You're the exact type of asshole I can't stand, you don't realize that it takes ZERO $$ to be a nice fucking person. I didn't expect to be adored I expected for ADULTS to be nice to me because I was a fucking child interested in a hobby. Also, how the fuck is it entitled to expect respect in general from other people. If anyone is entitled it's you, literally a bitch for no goddamn reason.
Don't come back and try to act like you didn't say something really rude and proactive to me about my reply. I'm sorry you were raised by shitty parents who didn't tell you to treat others how you'd want to be treated. It looks like I struck a nerve telling my own personal experience. You're salty bitchy ass is exactly why people think Lolita's are mean/bitchy/rude, your reply isn't doing the community any favors.
Chronically online sociopaths should leave the fashion, your lack of empathy is showing.
adults don't have to baby sit annoying brats, i hope you don't go to meets now with this shitty attitude.
nice samefag kek. calm down.
Annoying brats? Girl, don't act like you know me personally. I was a socially anxious teen who wanted to make friends. You're projecting so hard about yourself its really sad. At least I was raised with kindness in mind. Btw, I bet you must be such a nice person at meets too, it's clear to see you're the type to start shit behind people's backs or make sure to start drama for no fucking reason because it gets you all roiled up inside.
how many times do you need to be told that adults don't want to hang out with minors because they become their liability? you need to grow up and stop demanding that others cater to you. it's embarrassing. no one owes you anything.
You're so angry you're not getting asspats now it's hilarious.
I go to meets with the attitude of be nice to people because it costs absolutely nothing, it's not entitlement to be nice to others and expect others to be nice back, if this is such a foreign concept to you even outside the context of Lolita fashion I hope you have money to invest on getting diagnosed with sociopathic/narcissistic/psychopathic personal disorder because the signs are clear as day. Also I'm not demanding someone "cater" to me, I'm 24 now, its been years, I am allowed to share my own negative experiences if I want to. I have a closet filled with a decent amount of AP/Baby and have been wearing it for years since that experience, maybe I'm lucky at this point not to live in a major city with a lolita com if you're the type of person attending. Btw, the fact that you can't fathom that people wear this fashion for something other than it being for "compliments" and "asspats" is also part of the problem. I loved the fashion because it was something cute, and different, if I wanted asspats I wouldn't wear it on the daily as there's so many people who verbally harass Lolita's or for that matter anyone who dresses in alternative styles. You're so small minded and evil at heart that you can't understand the concept of the fashion is to literally stand out in general and is meant to be a positive influence so other people want to be involved in it. I can %100 tell why people are afraid to join the fashion and it's because of people like you.
You're having a meltdown because some adults much older than you didn't want to talk to you almost ten years ago and you have the gall to accuse other people of being sociopaths/narcissists lol
Nope, just pointing out the lack of empathy in the replies and sharing my own experience. God forbid I tell a story relating to my own EGL experience. All the tourists and new lolita's will see this thread when it's archived and know exactly what kind of sick monsters hide behind cute frilly dresses and will steer clear.
The replies make the western egl very repulsive.
Pls go back to lolcow, we can tell the type of personal you are, top kek
Consider therapy
>Lack of empathy and a deficient moral compass are characteristic traits often associated with sociopathic personality disorder, clinically referred to as antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Individuals with ASPD typically exhibit a disregard for the rights and feelings of others, often engaging in manipulative or exploitative behavior without remorse. These traits contribute to their difficulty in forming and maintaining meaningful interpersonal relationships.

I'm not the one who needs therapy.
it's pretty obvious to everyone else you're unstable with all these samefag replies. Get some help.
Telling a person who's sharing their experience that they were annoying a burden and egging them on is also pretty unstable and cruel.
Please leave the fashion, we don't need people around who aren't welcoming to newcomers or people who paint the community in such a hostile light.
>unironically saying this in the ita thread
did lor namedrop the site again?
Yes, we are begging you to please stay away from the lolita comm. Other anons need to be nastier to get you out for good.

Imagine spending hundreds of dollars on dresses and accessories just to police other people who have less money than you wearing similar clothing, and have the gal to call other people entitled for having an awkward experience and sharing it, when they were just starting out. You've never heard of an ita phase and it shows.
This is the exact reason that one girl left deerstalker pictures.
That just motivates me to wear it even more and be kind to other people while out and about just to spite you.
>I'm 24 now
You need to touch grass. I can't imagine how awful you were at 16 if you're like this at 24.
You need to look in the mirror.
>tfw when you find out you're arguing with an autistic women with lolita as a hyperfixation
>Must be a fan of LovelyLor.

Actually watches;

The Stitchess, Pearlie Cute, Unicorn Princess, Princess Peachy, Heather Hodges, Fairyanne, Sea Princess Selkie, wickedbunniez, Dodo the Extinct, Lanie in Wonderland
>All the tourists and new lolita's will see this thread when it's archived and know exactly what kind of sick monsters hide behind cute frilly dresses and will steer clear.
They're gonna see you sperging out and having a meltdown over something that happened nearly a decade ago across 20 different replies in the ita thread when there's literally a comms thread still up. If you're not embarrassed, you should be.
The lolita community and society in general hates neurodivergent people.
Sperging out/meltdowns are just part of being inflicted with autism, oh wise pessimist please enlighten me on how to cure myself of my genetic defect of autism.
Have you tried not existing?
>I'm not reading any of that
>I'm not reading any of that because you're right and I don't want to acknowledge my behavior
>you can stop replying.
That was my first post ITT, unlike you.
AYRT, You can stop samefagging and shitting up the thread now. Most of us are autistic and don't act as shamelessly retarded as you do. If you're self sufficient enough to go to a meet at 16, you can adapt. Unless you're saying you shouldn't have been there in the first place? You probably caused a huge scene there and you're leaving that part out kek
Nah you're not autistic, I can tell just from your replies you're not on the spectrum. Also I didn't cause a huge scene, I was quiet almost the entire fucking time because I was waiting to get a word in, I was the third wheel.
Meltdowns are a part of having autism but it's not everyone else's problem to placate them. That's on you to do. Realize that you're having one right now and step the fuck away.
You can't even take my story at face value because you refuse to even believe that people can treat them like shit even if they haven't done anything wrong.
It is when they egg the person on and start shit with them intentionally, then try to silence them for replying. Half of the responses here are just hateful as hell because my experience wasn't sunshine and rainbows at my first ever lolita meet and it's disgusting.
i think it's a male.
Yeah, I'm just reporting for spam and moving on instead of feeding it. 3 replies in under 5 minutes from the same person is ridiculous.
No one cares that you were treated like shit, that's what you seem to be missing. Minors don't deserve to be in lolita comms unsupervised anyway, it's a risk to the people that you are obligating to take care of you. They can be held liable for you getting injured, in trouble or whatever else. Look up the law and stop whining.
Ayrt, that's not a good first experience. I hope that you never encountered something similar with other people, and I hope that it's also your experience that the large majority of lolitas are pretty nice people. CGL is not representative of the community. The anonymity attracts all sorts of people including some who were kicked out of all the other lolita spaces.

To me it doesn't matter why they did what they did (liability issues or something else), these were people in their 20s so I think there is a reasonable expectation that they also behave like adults. If they did not want to be in this meet with you they should have cut it short and left instead of letting it drag on and trying to make it so uncomfortable that you left on your own.
It's not a good experience but we have an unreliable narrator who's shown in this thread they have terrible manners and behavior. Thinking there's more to it than what's being said because it sounds like the stereotypical "elitist brand whore bitches ignored me because I wasn't wearing brand!!" story that gets parrotted a lot.
Ayrt, good point. I tend to take people's stories at face value, unless they're obviously ridiculous/satire/trolling. I also probably didn't read all of the comments. But I do hate when people make stuff up or heavily embellish whatever happened because they have unfounded beef with the comm. It's often someone who asked for advice on BSOLF and then threw a tantrum when people did not kiss their ass. Or got told something wasn't lolita, but they insist on being able to call it lolita so they start making accusations of elitism.

If this was an isolated incident for that anon, and the rest of their lolita "career" (for a lack of better term) followed the normal trajectory, then I'm more inclined to believe it. People who make stuff up usually talk about multiple bad experiences with lolitas, or they generalise the community and go around telling non lolitas online how awful the lolita community is.

It's a very rare occurrence imo, because the large majority of lolitas are nice, especially people who attend meets. And even when they're not super sweet they're usually still polite. In my experience truly horrible people usually leave the comm on their own if they're not kicked out, and they're not likely to attend meets as they believe the others are beneath them or because they don't "vibe" with the entire comm because the entire comm has a different idea of what socially acceptable behavior is.
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I am 70% sure that this is a replica
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What is it with men and pretending to be e girls? I swear this is a epidemic on Reddit.
It’s a shame because gloomth used to have decent oldschool dresses and some of their photography wasn’t bad. My theory is that they weren’t making enough money so their tried to branch out into different “styles”.
When was the last time you interacted with the lolita community? Western lolitas pay ungodly amounts for garbage, it’s literally the cover of the thread. AP hasn’t been the standard for quite some years, the designs have been better recently but the quality still doesn’t live up to their Burberry cotton.
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some of the biggest kimono/wafuku accounts i follow are westerners. people like people who wear them correctly, and you don't have to be japanese to learn how to wear them correctly. same's true for lolita
ah yes because masking and differing degrees and presentations of autism don't exist, all autistic people definitely type the same and act the same all the time, 'when you've met one autistic person you've met all of them' for sure is how that saying goes
One of the things that gets me the most is how often men trying lolita stand/pose so weird. It's either a really masculine way of standing or a really overdone fetishy caricature of how "kawaii girls" pose. Or they look expressionless and stiff.
I hate this shit; this isn't a Disney movie where if you wish on a star you get what you want. If you want something try to actually take the steps to get it.
You wanna not get pregnant there is a million and one birth control methods out there to use.
Another round of "is this an uggo woman with drag-style makeup or a man?"
she looks constipated
Imaging being in your 20s-30s and having gone to Disney no more than 23 times. And buying a different pair of Mickey ears every time.
the shorts peeking out in the back is so embarrassing… jsk is way too short to be worn in public like this. also sadly that isn’t a replica but is the recent mto.
Loads of these coords are so cool. No wonder ya'll are rotting on this forum, you must have no creative bone in your body to be this bothered.
this really frustrated me because not one thing on this person save for the skirt is even loliable, much less a lolita item at all.
Something you should understand about lolita is that the fashion isn’t designed to be very experimental. The fashion has roots in retro and Victorian eras of dress which were also not very experimental or artistic, even though we see those fashions today as extraordinary because they used actual sewing craftsmanship. All artists use some type of formula for their work, this doesn’t mean that their art isn’t “cool” it just means they’re comfortable in their own identity and don’t need to completely reinvent themselves to convey a meaning. There’s many more popular styles and communities you can join if you like experimental fashion, but that doesn’t mean that formula in art and fashion is inherently bad.
There is plenty of room for creativity within lolita fashion imo but that's no reason to look bad.
The pictures in the ita thread are there not because they're experimental but because they're either not lolita or, more commonly, a very badly done attempt at lolita.
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This girl is seriously retarded. Every time they post their house it literally looks like a hoarder house with shit just thrown everything. You know their a perma ita when their posts get deleted even on r/lolita.
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Her coords are alright but it’s kind of annoying that her clothes are always ill fitting like this, she’s to tall for literally almost all of her lolita clothes.
this is so weird, it doesn't even read as lolita to me. What's up with that skirt?
her coords are always garbage and she does not fit the clothes, why is she even in this fashion?
it's autogynephilia

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