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Can’t believe I’m resorting to 4chan but idgaf I NEED COSPLAY IDEAS con’s in like barely a month and my tarded ass can’t come up with shit cuz I’m an idiot so if y’all got any ideas at all feel free to share thank ya kindly and have a good day
rn needy streamer is trendy, nikke is super popular if you got the body for it, and theres always genshit and honkai thats being done to death by everyone
Imagine having zero personality or genuine interests to the point you can't come up with a single character you enjoy enough to dress up as. Is this what it's like to be an NPC?
Tbh I’ve been so busy with college lately that I haven’t had much time for any other hobbies, I used to have no problem with ideas but now I’ve become so focused on schoolwork and shit that I practically am an NPC lol T-T I kinda just need a refresher of characters so I can just be reminded of different shows and franchises and my fav niche characters along with them (ig moral of the story higher education is a prison that destroys your cosplay ideas)
why dont you try watching some anime then poser
give us some more details. what kinda cosplay are you going for? a casual look (like a high school girl from an anime) or a "cooler" look (like a character from an action anime)? what kind of characters have you already cosplayed? what anime/manga/games/whatever do you like? are you open to doing cosplays from stuff you're not familiar with? what kind of stuff do you already have on-hand that you're willing to work with? there are plenty of options to go with and we could just as easily spend our time throwing out random characters, but if you really want good suggestions then give us some more information about the limitations you have (or maybe even lack of limitations) and what you want

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