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Opinions on the Little Nurse release?
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I love it, and appreciate that it's a blouse ans skirt rather than an OP.

Hate the socks though lol.
I like it more than the other things they've released in the past 10 years or so. I especially dislike their printed releases with few exceptions. I usually consider nurse themed lolita to be a little bit too costumey for my liking. But this release is so cute, I look forward to seeing people's coords with this. It doesn't fit in my wardrobe (when it comes to style) and I wouldn't feel confident wearing it, otherwise I would have considered buying it.

I just checked their sizing for the long sleeved blouse and it's that thing again where the plus size starts way too big for me (even including ease), and I technically fit within the range of the regular size but considering the placement of the shirring and the fact that it has sleeves, the shirring will probably not do much. They even cover their asses for this problem by saying "Please note that depending on your body shape, you may be feel tight, and it may be difficult to wear even within the size range." That means don't have a large cup size and don't be more than a couple centimeters over the minimum bust measurement.
It makes no sense to me why their current size options are the way they are. The plus size is so large that most overweight Japanese lolitas are probably too small for it, so it just seems to serve the western market. The plus plus size is so big that they probably don't have many customers for that all together. But in between the regular and plus size is probably a large number of people who don't fit into the regular and the plus. Seems like a better idea to start the min measurements of the plus and plus plus size a little smaller.

Also why is the min waist of the regular size so big? It starts at 82 cm so if you take ease into account the smallest body this will look nice on is mid 70s for the waist. It's not even supposed to fit that loosely according to the photos on the mannequin.
Yeah I was becoming increasingly confused reading the measurements on the skirt and top. Worried about my arms being tight in the long sleeve blouse but if I get even the plus size I'll be swimming in it.
The measurements are really odd. I don't know why the regular size seems to be so big compared to some of their other recent releases. It's the only thing that is making me hesitant to buy a set, but I probably will anyway and see how it looks. It's the best thing Meta has released in a while!
I still like the original op. I also wish this was shorter like the previous ones.
seconded. the original OP was adorable, and only ever shows up in crummy condition for scalped prices. meta would make bank on it if they'd just stick to the original design.
Only fatties buy Meta now they had to cater to their current demographic.
>a-anon t-take u-ure m-meds
would take all the meds
I like a lot of meta but it's so frustrating they never re release any of the good stuff but will pump out shit no one buys on a weekly basis.
More of a vent but I’m tired of missing out on all the good lolita releases because of my size. I’m usually a size 00 or 0 in America and modern brand is out of the question for me, with the very rare exception of a few pieces. I tried ordering a new AP dress some years ago and was disappointed with the fit, also adding that I couldn’t adjust it in anyway expect for the waist ties. I looked at the measurements for the little nurse blouse (new) and to no surprise I couldn’t wear it, maybe I could wear the skirt but what’s the point if I don’t have a suitable blouse to match. I’m not a oldschool fan nor am I keen on buying old pieces like most lolitas are, mostly because of scalpers and the awful conditions most of them are in. I could wear the original set almost perfectly so maybe there’s some hope for me, the challenge would be finding it under 350 dollars.
>I’m usually a size 00 or 0 in America and modern brand is out of the question for me
As a triple 0, you are either exaggerating or have not looked at much.
Genuinely so excited as a fattychan ^-^ It looks like I'll fit the plus sized blouse perfectly. I've always adored nurse themed dresses
should we invite bella hadid?

its larger because I think its cut like a double-breasted peacoat.

That type of pattern requires at least 3-4" below for the placket to fit correctly since it crosses over the bust, otherwise it'll have a weird diagonal wrinkle
ok but oversized clothes are kawaii

also there’s waist ties on the blouse
which colorway should I choose? I can’t decide
the itas from my comm are going feral over this release, going about how much it resembles a patissier uniform lmao
just have it taken in, it's not that hard.
I can see the grey and black colors being customized into military uniforms
If you think I’m exaggerating what pieces have you looked at? The average bust for most brand JSKs and OPs is 90cm or more and it simply doesn’t look good on me, unless it has corset lacing that can be tightened heavily. And if your actually a size that small, you would understand that the shape of the bodice/waist area and body type is the problem more then anything else. This is why I usually stick to jsks and old AP salopettes.

You are right, one of the perks of being petite is the cute oversized fit. And I didn’t notice the waist ties so thank you!
Imagine bragging about being the size of an average Japanese woman (aka the intended customer audience size) and thinking that makes you special
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This simply isn’t true, a quick google search will tell you a japanese women’s typical size chart. Of course this doesn’t count for all brands, but even in the top result I’m a japanese size SS. That may have been true in the 2000s and early 2010s, but ever since the western market got invested in lolita it’s harder to find brand that’ll fit me without modifications.
this is the same issue as being too large to wear brand. you should either find a style or brand that better suits you, such as mary magdalene, or get your items tailored.
Oh no, you have to modify brand, just like many other people have to. How terrible. If modern releases are too big for you and you're too cheap/lazy to alter, then just buy older smaller sized pieces.
>If you think I’m exaggerating
Ruling out modern brand as a whole when you're a size 0 or 00 is completely over exaggerating. I buy 3-5 new releases a year on average and all of them fit well. Pieces that were released in the last few years and even a bit older that you can commonly find NWT secondhand are the same. You just don't know how to look out for pieces that will fit you best and flatter your body type, and it's ok to just say that instead of defaulting to "no brand fits me at all" when you cited literally one AP dress and nothing else. You need to keep looking and get more experience because it doesn't sound like you have a lot.
>And if your actually a size that small, you would understand
Is it that hard to believe you're not the only petite person on earth and someone is smaller than you? I only disagreed with your initial post but now you sound like a NLOG.
It's just the common ED humblebrag "I'm so tiny and small no adult clothes fit me my life is so hawd" bullshit
All the hambeasts going feral over skinny lolita problems per usual. You may have your own orbit, but it ain't Earth.
mary magdalene isn't as small as advertised, and i know plenty of people who have their MM pieces taken in.
It's just so stupid because it's an easily fixed problem. Eat a donut every day and you will no longer have this "problem".
skinny people have to do the same thing fat people do when their clothes don't fit - either get it altered or buy something else.
The whole point of elastic in the back is to fit a variety of sizes, big and small. The flat measurements being on the larger side when compared older pieces says something.
This is plain retarded and disrespectful, just because someone is small doesn’t mean they have a ED or need to eat lots of sugary foods to gain weight.

> You just don't know how to look out for pieces that will fit you best and flatter your body type
If you actually read through all my posts you’ll see that I understand certain brand pieces will fit me fine, I also said I stick to jsks and salopettes for this reason. And yes, it is shocking to find a lolita that isn’t built like a whale these days.
never said you had an ED but you're displaying the same NLOG behaviors many of those people do
you are absolutely and completely delusional, trying to humblebrag that truly any modern lolita release is too big for you. to my knowledge, only moitie truly panders to western markets and aging japanese lolitas w/ vanity sizing their smaller customers out. AP occasionally has strange patterning that is unflattering to the point that tailoring is needed. lolita is not the fashion to be slim and sexy in, it’s meant to be modest and dare i say- little frumpy from all the layering. there’s VM and MM if you want to show off your wittle delicate build w/ little tailoring, otherwise take your ass to actual 50s housewife fashion if you want to show off your figure. i’m saying this as a true 000 in america with a natural 21 in. waist and minimal breasts, i literally cannot wear ANY fashion in america. but i had very minimal issues with lolita, only moitie. occasionally fatties stretch out cardigans where i have to take them in. that’s it.
>i literally cannot wear ANY fashion in america.
I was with you until this, you're over exaggerating as much as the AYRT. I'm the same size and there are plenty of American stores that carry xxs and even triple xs.
when it comes to regular clothes, i only wear 100% cotton and won’t spend over $50 for some plain cut top. the only brands i can think of that was flattering for petites without alterations was brandy melville (non-american) cardigans or occasionally uniqlo (not american). i save my money for EGL when the yen has crashed so it’s not like i know if there’s any new changes. already have my regular closet established by now yk

on side, when the options are maybe 3-5 affordable brands that even offer sizing in america out of hundreds including indie. i might as well feel that it’s impossible to shop. i don’t want to dress like a 40 year old lady not a teenager
I grabbed a black set. It's nice that it will come in time for Halloween
This is a pointless chart because so many jfashion brands are one size and always have been, both in and out of Lolita

Anyway it’s very silly to complain about fatties in lolita since most Japanese Lolita’s are skinny and they love/seek out the oversized fit because it makes them uwu smol.
so you're just poor?
agreed, i adore this but i just don't think it'd be cute on me with the skirt being as long as modern meta is
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Old-school Lolita's eating good this year
This cut is so ugly
I wonder if the person who's winning the auction for the trumpet sleeve OP on Lacemarket regrets it. The original is nicer but they re-released the same cut.
Oh no, it's an Australian gal. That exchange rate is gonna be murder for he
the older one doesn't have shirring though, so the cut isn't exactly the same
It looks like it isn't being sold on Lacemarket anymore from the comments
I feel like they made the cut uglier, maybe because they had to make it fit a larger variety of sizes? It looks simultaneously too big and small on Misako, the waist and arms looks baggy (and not deliberately) and the entire bust area looks squished. I think Antique Bouquet is hideous but the cut is much nicer, I dunno what they did to the nurse set.

Honestly MM looks pretty bad if it’s oversized, especially if you are rectangular, because of how fitted it is. Looser/squarer cuts like old school Baby stuff is much more flattering when baggy on thin girls without the exact measurements.

Well if you’re in the size SS category from that chart and not smaller there are still tons of old school items that will fit you and aren’t scalped. But if you are only wanting trendy pieces that’s the price you’ll have to pay. I also can’t tell if you are simply writing off slightly baggy clothes or not, because most lolita is meant to be baggy. The newest AP model is likely around 84 bust 64 waist or smaller and everything looks great on her.
AYRT. I agree, I've seen baggy MM and it really does look awful. I've also received dresses that had damage from the corset lacing being overtightened, and dresses that had undisclosed alterations to reduce the size. MM does have cuts that do work better on very thin girls, but the roomier ones usually don't. If you're very short, you might also have trouble with the length. I recommend the mini cuts. They're shorter, but most of them are also smaller in general, and will fit better on a smaller figure than the standard versions do.
Which cuts would you consider roomier?
The shirred cuts for sure, but a lot of the short sleeved OPs as well. Whyteleafe (standard length) OP, Adella Rose OP, and Eglantyne OP come to mind.
Is Meta's site crashing for anyone else?
yes, it took me an hour and a half to purchase my dress
I'm assuming the rose pink colorway was waaay more popular than the others. If that colorway was the one you wanted, were you able to get every item you wanted?
yes luckily I got a pink jsk and bonnet. the green colourway was the last to sell for quite a few items
Good to hear. I was able to get the pink colorway items I wanted 1.5 hours on the meta site after the official release time. And that was spent constantly refreshing, trying to add to cart, almost being able to finish the order process and then being faced with an error page again.
I checked rakuten and found a lot of items still available for the 2term items more than 24 hours after the release. I was tempted so I bought my favorite items in the other colorways as well. I didn't get the jsk though, I thought about buying it and making it shorter but eventually just went with the OP and accessories.
Same thing happened to me but I was luckily able to get the Blue op and bonnet. I wasn't expecting the pink colorway to be so popular to be honest. It's so low contrast.
ayrt, I think the pink was the most popular because it's low contrast so it gives a soft impression. The blue one is a bit more in your face because of the higher color contrast with the ribbon. People might also just prefer pink over dusty blue with navy ribbon, or find pink easier to coordinate with stuff from their wardrobe. The green was the least popular because it's green, lol.
My "problem" is I really liked all of the colorways so I spent a heck of a lot of money in one go. I knew that I would regret it if I didn't buy them. It's been a long time since I last loved a meta release this much. If they release more old school-esque dresses this year I'm going to be broke but also very happy.
I'm so bummed they didn't release a skirt. It would have looked great with that capelet and bonnet. After I bought my stuff I saw a coordinate example of the jsk with the white blouse and the capelet and I thought that really elevated the jsk, which I otherwise don't like because of the short bodice and lace placement on the skirt.

This release is a lot more formal/luxurious looking compared to my usual basic printless outfits, but I think this would be good as a special occasion dress and for meets. I'm really curious how many people in my local comm got it as well, I hope it's a lot because it's such a beautiful print and I hope it encourages meta to release more oldschool-esque designs, also I would be able to twin with my comm mates which is a hecking lot of fun.

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