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File: cosplay.jpg (93 KB, 640x640)
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Hey everyone, I was directed to this place (didn't know it existed lol) so I'll just copy it here to see if anyone has advice. So, does anyone here have experience with buying cosplays vs making them yourself?

I really really want to buy an Ahri cosplay for myself to wear but I'm afraid that it will be low quality. Something similar to this pic. I want to go to a con and think it would be fun to try out. I'm a little lazy so putting together the effort of making on myself would be challenging but maybe worth it in the end. I just don't really have much experience with tailoring so I would be starting from scratch. Anyways, if anyone has experience please let me know what you think please!
it’s fine to buy a premade one if you are starting or just doing it for fun, but if you goes serious in it later I suggest trying to do custom ones, either partially or fully
But if it’s a starter, sure

Also, pre-made cosplay often will be a bit costlier than homemade ones if they are in good quality. Usually the cheaper they are, the less the quality follow. Though popular characters like Ahri probably has plenty of choices
Importing from other countries can help too though be careful how they calculate their heights
When buying online try to get measurements in cm. Don't think "I'm a medium at Walmart I'll buy that size." You'll actually need an XL or XXL. Your pick has no pants so you may be fine but height is an issue if you're taller then 5'5. Go for skirts to avoid it. I once didn't think about it and picked up a kikyo outfit to find while it fit, it was a good 4-5inches high watered.
Don't worry about people noticing. More then half the con will also have bought theirs

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