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OP is called Sybb
He's been at this kind of thing for 20 years
When e-girls took it over
When women realized there is money to be made.
There were lots of women doing cosplay in the early 00s, and they didn't whore themselves out. That came later.
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But that's accurate cosplay of a mainstream character. A good chunk of Japanese media is just soft-core porn, why is this so controversial.
since the beginning
Zoomer detected

If anything con orgies were more commonplace back in the 00's than they are now
The people that care about craftsmanship are still there just like how the softcorn porn makers are there. theres also like 10k+ of people that care about neither.
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Once girls starting selling "Prints" of their fucking cosplay photos. It escalated from there.
> they didn't whore themselves out.

looooool there been stories of con whores dressing up as slave leia or wonder woman as far as the 1980s
>The people that care about craftsmanship are still there just like how the softcorn porn makers are there. theres also like 10k+ of people that care about neither.
The vast majority of cosplayers 20 years ago were REAL cosplayers. If you go to a con today, the vast majority, and definitely the ones getting most attentions, are the whores.
loving the attention but didn't ask money for it. When you start charging money, that's actual whoring.
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Post more Crystal
Ever since the best cosplayer embraced the truth of being a woman--all women are whores and are only valuable to the extent they can get my dick hard, suck, and/or fuck it.

Imho the top best cosplayers of all time:
1) Raido Gai
2) Young Jnig before she got old
3) Claude Marie Bourbon.

Even if you don't like these 3, the best cosplayers all have hot honking tits, a nice ass, and/or a great tummy. Even better, you can buy lots of them as prostitutes.
Boomer here. Back in the olden days there were "cosplayers" (term didn't exist back then) who literally sucked dick for money on the convention floor. I was once part of a blowbang with a wonder woman cosplayer in Chicago in 75. She charged $25 and swallow cum. If you think women being whores and men being paypigs is something new and shocking, then you're a retard.

OP is highly autistic lmao

LOL, they totally did, but back then it was bras and undies on eBay, photo sets sold on their own Geocities and AOL Hometown web sites, and shit. It wasn't as proliferate as it is is now, but it was happening.

My buddy used to do boudoir shoots after hours, but it was spread word of mouth, not like today in public where folks are asking for them publicly.

Girls 19 being asked by adults for photos in swimsuits for $200, easy money. Then it graduates to nip-slips, topless, then full on nudity. By then that 18-19 year old teen already made 1K off one guy alone easily.

Now everyone does it, and you see e-girls selling sets for like $3 to $6, because it's so common
Francesca Dani was already selling sets in the mid 90s
reject modernity, embrace tradition
There were always boothbabes and whores around that would do "sexy" versions of characters. But there were a lot less of them and they were generally looked upon with disdain, especially by other women. When did it start shifting to the norm? Maybe about a decade ago.
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Remember when this Dhalsim was actually seen as normal weight?

>you can see his ribs
That's actually normal. People today are just fat.

Also, Crystal always had a flabby ass, look how it's hanging.
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Huge ass for such a slim girl, and I can spot some cellulite. She's brave.

She doesn't cosplay anymore
That pic sums up why "cosplaying" is the STUPIDEST word ever, and why doing it at all is equally stupid. ESPECIALLY if you are an adult.
Fat. Looks like a certified diagnosed low functioning co-morbid SPED in Goodwill/Salvation Army thrift store clothes fished from the adult rehab center dumpster.
Is THIS supposed to be "cosplaying?" Just standing there, staring STUPIDLY with STUPID as fuck facial expressions off camera in an "Oh--I didn't see you there!" manner like the retarded deathfat cows and whores do on Instagram?
Because if that's what cosplay is, then an asteroid needs to hurry up and glass us now. Because...Goddamn...
Is that fucking cosplay? I don't know whether to laugh or cry or puke. And I'm not even getting into that wig. This is supposed to be a woman. A GROWN ASS WOMAN
This bitch belongs on the sex offender registry right before being forced into a group home. The FUCK is wrong with her?

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