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What animes have won the cosplay battle this year?

Con season is about halfway through so good enough to see what characters are dominating the cosplay scene this year.

Is Yor still topping the chart?
Will Genshin ever stop?
I've seen some vtubers cosplay starting up.

What are you seeing at your locals?
Genshin, a whole lot of JJK, and SpyxFam.
Hazbin, Helluva Boss and a side of Hazbin
>not anime
It still beat everything. My last con had an usually high turnout for Metal Gear, Fallout and Resident Evil
Wtf how have I not seen hazbin cosplayers what side of the country are you on?
East, but that doesn't count for much when it was #1 most popular at sakuracon too
Never seen a single one hazbin anything.

What did you go to a con sponsored by amazon?
In Europe (Japan Expo) it was

1) Genshin
2) Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
How did gacha phone games take over?
Genshin, honkai, zennyless, nikke.
Sakuracon has a photo Facebook group I spotted a single recognizable hazbin character. Even when searing the crowds on the backgrounds there's more undertale then hazbin. I expected this to be like the days of Homestuck grey pain goblins.
Fuck me for phonefagging. Searching* and paint*
Hazbin shills show up first? You can tell that's fake. Look at tiktok and you'll only see good cosplays. Meaning they were paid for. If its real you see a range of good to terrible. Amazon paid for that trash and has spent so much trying to make Satan popular.
I was hoping to see pics or chat about where cosplay is heading instead I got hazbin fighting. Thanks /CGL stay classy.
aggressive marketing
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Yeah, I need to stop answering questions in good faith. On the ground? Facebook pictures? What's the difference, there is none. It's a hard lesson I still haven't learned, even when the end results are always the same: Pedantic autistic children never change, are never worth engaging
I'm surprised Pomni didn't explode in popularity as a cosplay.

Hildern also told you to trust the government.
Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss dominated the UK scene for the first half of the year both on social media and at conventions. Interest has plateaued but still higher than most franchises at the moment.
Second half of the year will probably be Deadpool and Wolverine, Joker and Harley Quinn, then Arcane towards the end of 2024. The local scene is fairly predictable.
As for anime, JJK seems to be picking up interest but not at all like anything mentioned above.

Same here. Pomni was popular for, like, 2-3 weeks? Thought the second episode would create interest again but nah
Comic-cons != anime.
I'm surprised I haven't seen more friren. Guess the costume isn't as easy as throwing on yors sweater dress.
It's had a decent enough presence. I think Frieren and Fern will be a popular duo for the foreseeable future
>yors sweater dress.
Funny too, the more time passes, the more girls have switched from the assassin to the casual costume
But increasingly comic-cons != comics
They're becoming more catch-all "pop culture" events
At cons specifically for "anime" this year I saw a fair share of Hazbin/Helluva and Genshin cosplayers, neither of which are anime.
Just went to a con this past weekend and it was all Hazbin, Helluva, with a sprinkle of Hazbin then some more Hazbin. Less Genshin than usual and a TON of specifically Leon S. Kennedy. I’m not going to say RE because it was really only just him. Guilty Gear is picking up more than just Bridget which is nice. CSM is kinda dying out compared to previous cons, same with Yor even though I saw a few.
Basically, way too much fucking Hazbin.
still anime-adjacent, more-so genshin and other games with an anime-style, it’s still popular with the same types of people into anime… i’ve also seen kpop events and merch at “anime” cons, i think anime will always be central to these cons though
AX this year had a ton of Frieren/Fern/Starks, like a crazy amount, and they were all of relatively high quality. Couple of Himmels too
Now I'm sad, I missed out
What was really sad was that the Frieren panel filled up like three hours in advance in the early hours of the day, and a ton of these cosplayers missed it because they spent the morning getting into their outfits
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>addicting gambling elements
>sunken cost fallacy as a result
>wish fulfillment (the waifus are always being nice to you and you can even marry them in-game)
>LOTS of booba
Having said all that, I feel like gacha is starting to lose to vtubers in popularity since a vtuber doing the whole parasocial relationship thing feels more authentic than a titty monster from a gacha game giving you a pre-recorded line about being happy to see you. We just had the Gawr Gura Dodgers Incident, I don't think any gacha character did something like that before, especially with a western audience.
>CSM is kinda dying out compared to previous cons
I saw plenty of CSM cosplay at the last con I went to, works on my machine. But that was also last spring, maybe things are different now after the nut chapter. Someone on /a/ pointed out that you almost never see cosplay of anyone from part 2 except for Asa/Yoru, to me that's a better indicator of the franchise losing popularity.
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CSM has less presence now than before the anime was even announced. I knew it peaked after going to one with literally 100+ Makima's alone which was a year and a half ago. Since then it's been thinning out (especially Power's and full custom made chainsaw heads which are almost gone entirely). Clearly still some love, I see plenty of Reze's, and even caught a Beam last week. Otherwise, yeah part 2 has failed miserably at making people care about anyone other than "literal me!!" girl
>works on my machine
Not a flex, try again
Yikes, that is sad I heard so many of the panels were bad.
Agreed, CSM cosplay peaked in quantity during 2022. I haven't seen/read it but I liked seeing good Denji Chainsaw Man cosplays at cons, the ones with moving "chainsaws" were awesome. At my local cons you would see Makimas and Powers all over the place, but now they're far less common.
I never got to see a moving chainsaw one in person.

Does anyone else have the random breakout of Mexican Naruto cosplays? Do I just live too south?
>I never got to see a moving chainsaw one in person.
They were at their most popular in early to mid 2022
>Does anyone else have the random breakout of Mexican Naruto cosplays? Do I just live too south?
Naruto's dead in the water in my area and has been for years outside one mandatory Kakashi and MAYBE a Jiraiya
this CANNOT be real, was that live? jesus can china nuke us already
This last 3 years i noticed that anime is super popular now so more normal casual people are into it which is fine. But since theres more casuals the cosplays kind of stagnated. Like currently only gacha and slice of life anime are popular. Yeah theres the occasional surge for a cartoon or videogame but thats about it. Otherwise old anime are still cosplayed by the older cosplayers. So now you have the dash of naruto and one piece in the sea of genshin and yors. Tiktok influencers are also huge now so teens are copying each other even moreso than before. The popular kids like JJK, Yor, and genshin so the ones that wanna be cool will consume that content only. Last con i went to was genshin one piece and an army of teenage girls dressed as gojo. All of them had the same white eyelash tiktok makeup tutorial on. An MHA movie is dropping soon plus the manga ended so therell be a spike of new haircut dekus

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