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it fell off the board
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how do lolitas exhibit the eating prefferences of an obese manchild, wven though more refined, but being thin af, what is that witchcraft?
for me at least it’s called “afternoon tea is my only meal of the day”, maybe I’ll eat a protein bar for breakfast while I wait
it's yogurt and a peach, waffles and a peach. each peach is the main food item. be serious gull
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do you think lolitas are eating like this every day...? having a mostly-fruit yogurt parfait or 2 waffles once a week isn't going to make someone fat
>being shocked at fruit, waffles and iced tea
are you american by any chance?
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having food like that is a special occasion, not a daily thing. Even if you were to eat complete junk for one meal a week you still wouldn't get fat if you eat sensibly for all the other meals that week.
Say it with me: ice cream is a "sometimes food", fruits and vegetables are a "always food".
You don't attend a tea party more than once a week, I hope.
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There's something very unsettling about this and I can't pinpoint what it is.
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she is so smug that I want to punch her in her face
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usakumya says trans rights!
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this activates my coom instincts
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My pathetic collection of squished boys and girls. I'm not sure how to display them. Also, I am unsure why they are so appealing besides being cute. Definitely have an obsession.
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How is the QC on the 2024 mini minis? I'm looking at picking one up secondhand and I'm not sure if it's just a weird pic but the embroidery on the nose and mouth looks like... really lopsided. I'm not sure if the muzzle was just squished and would thus be somewhat fixable or did they just fuck up the stitching? I'm wondering since I've seen others have the same issue.
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>trans rights
No thanks
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