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>Are you going? What is your
>Cosplay lineup
>Stories from Dragoncons past
>General Dragoncon discussion (good places to grab a bite near the con, party plans, things you’re excited for etc)

About a month and some change out. I’m really excited. I feel bad for the people who got fucked over by the Courtland Grand (former Sheraton) who had all their rezzys cancelled due to a billing issue. Also that whole Mariott Hunger Games error page (pic related) was a massive shit fuck too holy hell.
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>Am I going? Duh
>Hotel: Mariott Marquis
> TBD on dates but Arkham Batman, Fry from Futurama, The Mandalorian, Jack Torrance from The Shining and Lazslo from What We Do In The Shadows, Milo from Pokémon Sword and Shield
> Stories from Dragoncon past: Dragoncon 2014 Was my first and I got super plastered and almost stepped on one of the guys doing the Mariott carpet camo laying down for a photo (in my defense I didn’t see him til the last minute) and Dragoncon 2022 we got super plastered off the Bacardi from the Bacardi tent and I still have no idea how we made it back to our room

As far as the Courtland Grand goes, that hotel is the definition of buyer beware. Supposedly (again not confirmed) a lot of the people who got their reservations cancelled was because the hotel tried to charge the other half (they charged the first at booking) and they didn’t have the sufficient funds and it bounced, therefore canceling the reservation. Like I know it’s expensive and all but god damn if you’re a whole ass adult and a charge around 500-800$ puts you in the negative you have bigger problems to worry about and need to save more money before going to a con
Pics my dude. I gotta see that one
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Lil group shot from last Dragoncon idc about people recognizing me irl bc everyone who gets to know me knows I’m a fucking autist sometimes and love shitposting on here to pass the time

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