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Seriously it's getting frustrating
At the very least bar them from cosplaying Yor and Mitsuri, it's every single time
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No, I need them to stick around so I look even better desu
Honestly, they make winning competitions easier, even as a guy, besides once they make their tiktok/insta pages get hated into oblivion, someone in their life finds out they look like shit in a con it's over, they'll weed themselves out. Now fat men in cosplay, at least those bastards know they're one mcchicken away from a heart attack
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Fat Mitsuris are fucking hilarious, I dunno why they make me giggly every time I see one
I definitely feel like this is an American phenomenon
>fat men in cosplay
are nowhere near as delusional as fat bitches
the "thicc mommy dommy" in question:
Yes. We call those walking lard mountains wrapped in curtains - Eatas. Fat people shouldn´t be accepted in the lolita and cosplay community.
>>fat men in cosplay
>are nowhere near as delusional as fat bitches
Probably why most of them won't bother at all
i literally won't go to a cosplay event without the promise of fat women

rail-thin femoid hands typed this
the modern day fat Tsunades.
Its like they've deluded themselves into thinking because they've got those huge deflated sock tits typical to hogs that they can pass as cute big boobed characters.
Skin apron =/= big boobs
Is this in response to the fat cosplayers on tiktok crying about having gone to AX and Californians shunned them. How all the claps and cheeks stop when a fatty came out during a fashion show or cosplay contest?

NGL I laughed.
Why does it matter, genuinely? I’m a fatty and I love cosplaying, and I don’t think I’m anything special, in fact I get really happy and flattered when people ask me for pictures. I never expect anyone to ask. I know that thin people look leagues better than me, but that shouldn’t stop me from enjoying things I love. I just like dressing up as my favorite characters.
t. trying to lose weight
OP here

Good luck with weight loss. I found counting calories for a couple months helped.me learn what foods I should be avoiding. Don't do cheat days, you will nullify your progress every time. Avocados in smoothies sounds odd but it's based as fuck and makes you feel full. Take a multivitamin every day. Ocean Spray makes diet juices that are 5 calories a serving. Only weigh yourself once every 2 weeks, you should be loosing 2lbs a week if you're super heavy.
Google Calorie Calculator to find an online calc that tells you how many calories you burn per day, always go with the lowest figure you can find. A lb of fat is roughly 3500 calories.

I literally made this thread because the jannies are annoying fat people and I wanted to piss them off.

Good luck bro
Literally just walk.
I changed nothing about what I ate, which was mostly fried chieckn fast food. Only thing I did was walk 20 minutes to and from school during the week. I lost weight and couldn't gain no matter what I ate. Soon as I stopped walking I ate less because I was less hungry but gained all the damn weight and no amount of calorie counting fixes it.
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That's the point I'm making, I usually hang out with them just so I look better myself, more often than not they're orbiting some OF girl, pretty easy way to get a room party started, but don't expect anything, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I do remember a total bro who was doing a roadhog cosplay back in 2017, fun times best wing man I've ever had

You should've seen the amount of porkers who dared cosplay best girl lucoa
Do you have the videos? That sounds hilarious
I get not wanting to see a slim character cosplayed by a fat person because it's too different from what the character should look like.

But lolita? Wanting to ban fat people from wearing a fashion is so fucking weird. And how do you propose to achieve this anyway?
If you don't want to see fat people in lolita the only solution is to not be in online lolita spaces. I doubt you would see one in the wild anyway. You could still follow lolitas you like on IG, go to brand websites and hang out with your lolita friends, although I doubt you've got any of those.

Calorie counting apps are really convenient, not just for calorie counting but to keep track of things like macros and how much fibre you're getting. You can of course lose weight eating junk food but I don't recommend it. I also doubt a 20 minute walk every day helped you lose weight without changing your diet. A 20 minute walk doesn't burn a lot of calories.
Ever heard of "you cannot outrun your fork"? It's much easier to lose weight by controlling what and how much you eat than it is to burn calories by exercise. You could easily undo an hour run within 5 minutes of eating. Walking is great, but do both.
yeah walking at a decent pace is like 3mph so 20 minute walk is one mile. One mile walk is pretty much 100 calories.

So eleven if you did it every day during the week that's like 700 calories, or less than one chipotle burrito. You also spend 2.3 hours of your free time doing it.
I just Google mapped the walk and it's just under a mile, so ignore my 20 minutes and walk 2 miles then. You'll be slow at first but you'll the time time down once your used to it.
It was 20 minutes one way* I guess I wasn't clear on that. It was also done at separate times because I got my ass up walked to school did my class then walked home. Are usually an egg on toast in the morning cause I was lazy lunch would be pizza, bag of chips, soda. Walk home get a snack of cookies or cinnamon roll, whatever I had from Henry's that day and dinner would be a large combo from whatever fast food I choose that day. Usually spicy chicken sandwiches and a milk shake if it was jack n the box of Carl's Jr. Random Gatorade and soda throughout the day. I don't eat well.

I hovered between 115-120 while regularly walking. When I stopped I shot up to 150, I went back to walking for a while, lost some weight then moved and stopped again because it's ghetto outside and now I'm 165. I'm 5'8 if it matters. It is easier when you have a goal to walk to like I did it to work and school instead of just randomly meandering.
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This is a shill thread, this image has been pushed by the JIDF on pol for the last... 2 months? Anyone triggered or whatever is just getting made forcibly angry by yids. This has been a forced meme. They want to equate all femanons with whales, and all anons as incels that only date whales. While this may apply to some, it does not apply to all, so gtf over it.

Fats awful troons have always existed in Cosplay and travesties are just part of the experience. If are you want to lose weight try walking 30 minutes a day outside of what you normally do. E.G. do not count walking in a store, or parking lot. Go for walks outside your normal routine.

No one cares how bad your costume is, or how bad you look in it. Yeah, you might get laughed at or poked fun at because again, that's part of the con experience. If you think you're too fat to wear something, don't wear it. Honestly, if you want to a comic con as the state puff marshmallow man, or an anime con as a gundam, everyone is going to want pictures of you.
lmao fat fuck
Duh, that's why I said people need to get walking. Instead of make excuses like 'omg I lose 2 hours of my week if I do that' the fuck? Then fucking starve I don't care but obviously some people just want to be fat. I either have to move out of the ghetto so im not terrified and get walking again or stop eating.
you ever try not eating pizzas and fast food? That's your problem, it's not the fucking walking
would you? be honest
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> I take the carpet off and then I got a tragedy.
So I ate fast food a d walked = skinny I still eat the fast food and do t walk = fat but it's not the walking but that's the only thing that changed. Well sorry I'm wrong I no longer have lunch because I'm lazy so I'm one less food and no walk and I'm fat now. But sure it wasn't the walking.
depends how it looks without the the bottom
fupas are a turn off
but i would probably do it anyways because pussy drought
Yes now give me her exact deets you Tekko incel
No, I don't think they're ruining anything. Let people do what they enjoy, Anon. Does it really hurt you that much?
>>10930144 why are u getting mad at fat people for cosplaying kek
just look awayy anonnnnnn look away! nobody is forcing u too look at them XD
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It's good to see someone else who knows Slampigjak is a mind poison, and even better that it's already almost dead. Barely anyone sees how much damage irony poisoning can cause, and it's too obvious when all the ironybros idiots would say I'm "reading too much into it" and then cry "it's over, I'm gonna kill myself, billions must die" the next minute

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