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Thread for all other lolita topics and releases.

Misako posted a new release. It's an Innocent World x Oshi No Ko collaboration.
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i'm sick of all these maxi length dresses.
wow, the Oshi No Ko IW collab falls flat for me. it's so bland, I really wish they added more details to the jacket and skirt. I dropped the ONK manga bc of the sibling situation but I hope they collab with meta or baby or something and make a lolita appropriate version of one of Ai's stage costumes.
innocent world used to be the best, now the dresses are all way too long and the designs 9 times out of 10 are extremely boring. like they couldn't have added lace trim to the ONK collab skirts or something? or even a braid detail? so depressing, man.
they've also gone the mostly-polyester route, too. IW used to have such nice cotton, but their most recent cotton release felt like cheap quilting fabric, and their poly feels costume-grade. sad. at least they still make good socks, i guess.
the socks are gorgeous designs but they stretch throughout the day and fall down on me if i'm doing a lot of walking, unfortunately. i never have that problem with baby but baby's stuff doesn't always go well with classic. ugh
strange, they stay up well for me. maybe you should get sock glue.
none of my IW socks have ever stretched out like you describe and I'm very tall, is it just one pair or multiple that this has happened to?
nayrt, I don't dislike maxi length but I just think it doesn't work with the large majority of the designs shown here. Like they got a knee length dress design and just kept going.The dress that misako is wearing in this picture >>10930242 is the only one I really like and I would still ditch that petticoat/underskirt.

I love most of the old school IW designs. Who decided to change direction and why I wonder. There is obviously a demographic for this, just not in the western comm afaik.
supposedly the long length is popular in japan, which is why so many brands are doing it.

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