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Anyone heading to Capeshit Con 2024? Are you cosplaying? You better not be getting Funkos, fucker.
Anyone noticing way more security and cops? Volunteers I've been talking to say they've seen nothing like this, not even when that guy got stabbed.
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Yeah I'm a voulenteer there. I don't dress up because I get too warm already plus I'm fat so my options feel limited. If I was more committed to the bit I wouldve be inspired by a silent bob fella ive seen for a few years who just stands there and nods at people. To other anons post there does seem to be a lot but it's such a shit show I feel like they don't do anything.
Yeah, my normal cosplay requires a wool sweater. I only wore it at Fanime and Sac-Anime indoors, or if outside, so I could run back into the AC as soon as possible. Even then, my spirit gum fit my fake beard kept falling off due to the sweat. Dunno how the cosplayers here do it.

How was your volunteer experience? Mine has been okay, save for the fact we all got stranded when our 7PM shift was near an offsite we didn't know the exact location of, and the rover with us didn't know. Hell, Helpdesk didn't know. We had to run back to volunteer reg to get situated.

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