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File: 20240725_160438.jpg (1.11 MB, 1517x2612)
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Trying to do my cosplay for this summer covention. First time cosplaying/crafting.

What is a good way to measure a headsize for acurate printing measurements?
What's this supposed to be? How's it supposed to fit? It's different depending how it's meant to be worn.
It's more a joke picture, this is a reaper mask I 3D printed. It was more of a general question since my cosplay is not reaper. Printing a bunch of masks for my actual cosplay, Happy Mask Seller from Majora Mask
Here what I kinda want, a bunch of masks from video games/anime/TV on a backpack. Mine is going to be way simpler since I cant do frabric at all.
Either put a cube with your head's measurements in your 3D scene and use that to get the scale or cut pieces of paper with the rough shape of the mask you want until you get the desired size, then measure it and apply it to your 3D model.
wig color is off and the seller has more of a bowl cut going on.
Thanks for the suggestion

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