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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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It's almost time, are you're going?
How do they manage to consistently have better musical guests than Anime North each year?
Being professionally run, having actual money behind it vs AN being a shit show with no money. But I think Otakuthon is lacking this year, gone are the days of Man With a Mission
4chan panel 9pm on Friday
kors k, Ryu, Maozon and DJ BOSS at OtakuDance tho....
Anons represent!
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>csq 10 ans depuis mon premier otakuthon
Late tomorrow for shopping and the degenerate panels, maybe late saturday too if I feel like making the drive to montreal again
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im still not sure im going, all that interests me is visual novels and there's only 2 panels for it and one of them is super late
No. It's fucking gay, and you're retarded for even bringing it up. Go neck yourself, you colossal shit-skinned faggot.
I'm in the loooong line
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Took over 2 hours to get my pass
Got sand in your vagina that you can't go because your too busy feeding your teen pregnancy baby or something
4chan cup panel in half a. Hour
>want to challenge yourself? get ready for full unhinged!!!!

lists the most basic shit known to man
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forgot the pic
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>browsing doujin
>packs of normals intermittently come up to the kiosk to snicker and giggle and performatively act like general faggots
Can I be a lost cause degenerate dreg of society in peace thanks
100% this
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I got blisters under my feet from walking aside that I went to this panel.
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Iktf bro
Every hentai panel I went to today was shitte except the JAST one which was really good
honestly pleasantly surprised by it. The energy was fun
A saw a black girl cosplaying a sailor moon girl with a white guy yesterday...
I only went to the Is it hentai or anime panel and it was the most boring thing so far. The hosts had 0 charisma and weren't funny
The guy was a pajeet
that explains it
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BA panel was great. I even won a keychain.
Looking foward to the 18+ VN panel tonight, I bet its gonna slap.

Also the place is fucking packed. Last time I went was pre covid and it wasn't even close. There was a lineup earlier just to enter the con
I went to one that was like showcasing weird hentais and they just showcased two tame ones while making bad jokes the whole time
The amount of people is getting downright silly. I went late yesterday expecting a much quieter time than when I went midday saturday last year and it wasn't even that much different. Some might enjoy that but I don't think I'm gonna go again, honestly
The tribute to Akira Toriyama panel was boring as fuck. It was mostly listing stuff he worked on and it just felt a copy paste stuff from Wikipedia.
I missed it and I don't remember why I decided not to go.
Got screwed twice for a workshop.
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truckfag spotted
I've never had fun at a panel, I know some can be fun but it seems like too much of a gamble to get a great one so I just don't bother going anymore.
was too slow getting to montreal today to see the BA panel and have time for the rest of the stuff I wanted to see. how was it?
>Walked into the burlesque.
>They instantly started chanting "Black Lives Matter"
I managed to lose my poster of Godzilla Minus One and I don't know how. It was a big poster.
Nigger spotted
I have never felt as old as when I went to the wtf panel and couldn't laugh at 98% of the clips shown while the room was howling

I watched some interspecies reviewers though and that was great
god I hate niggers
God I hate fr*nch people
Then don't go to a french province retard
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It's over... until next year.
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Touhou Quiz 10/10 Great questions, contestants were cracked at them too. I love 2hu autism
JAST 9/10 carried by great host. Was essentially a VN panel
Blue Archive Chaos in Kivotos 9/10 Chill vibes, small waifu war and some giveaways. I think some of the questions were too spoiler heavy though
After Dark Spicy Ecchi 8/10 interspecies reviewers is just that good
Beyond the great visual novels 7/10 because they kicked us all out midway into the presentation. The organizers though we had infinite time because we were the last panel of the night. We didn't even get to rance, jesus
Alternative hentai 5/10 when I went the crowd wasn't popping off so much and also I hate how they are constantly checking every seat with flashlights
Weird and unusual videogames 5/10 too much bg3 and yakuza wanking. I wanted to see more niche weird shit
Bad hentai reviews 3/10 They just showed two tame hentai and the hosts were not funny whatsoever
WTF Internet 2/10 actual dogshit and I was in line for an entire hour for it

I spent all my downtime at the gaming room touhou stations and the free craft rooms
Heat was unbearable the whole con and there was way too many people. Any semi popular panel I went to had a huge line 30 min before
Merch was alright, I got some BA posters and they all look great. Also chatted with a lot of the vendors

overall I enjoyed my time. I would say by far the biggest issue were the massive lines to do anything. And I don't even go to concerts or the ceremonies, I'm just going to random panels. I can't even imagine how long you had to wait in line for the big events
That shouldn't be something to brag about at this point. It's not fun when there's so much fucking people, especially in the hottest time of the year
I got fucked twice over for a panel/workshop the Saturday night about Bring Anime To Light which I'm not sure what it really was about. The first one was supposed to be at 6:30 tried to get there like 45 minutes before it starts and it was already full, then for the 2nd one I moved down to the artist alley to buy a 35$ Godzilla poster which I manage to fucking lose and when I tried to get to 2nd Bring Anime To Light I walked back up and it was also full again.
>especially in the hottest time of the year
Why don't they have cons in winter or fall? We could wear cool cosplay jackets and not sweat. It'd be so much more comfortable
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some photos I took...
>con during winter
horrible idea, there would be mud everywhere
it could quite a hassle for cosplayers
>not sweat
you would sweat tons from having to hold your coat everywhere
alternatively you would have to pay extra for them to store your coat
winter sucks
where are you from?
DJ Boss was amazing
>In literally the hottest weekend so far.
Idk how you people do it, I keep vomiting and nearly feinting when it gets this hot&humid.

Quite fucking LITERALLY the worst time of year to hold this, yeah yeah hide in the metro and stay at the con till 8pm when it finally cools down.
>Montreal winter
w-what? Srsly tho holding something late nov/early dec when its like 0 -5. Its not cold(I mean there would be the random unlucky chance of freezing rain) yet, no need for a real jacket. Also not at prime fucking sketch out junkie town where there is literally a massive homeless shelter across the street from the event, while everyone is extra fucked from spending their check on crack&fent. The amount of fucked up shit I have seen at VJ man.
I went there too and bought a t-shirt
>>Montreal winter
Dirty snow from your boots melts on the floor and creates mud
Con was overall a good time. Definitely way too many people. A decent amount of them were ugly troons but at least that made people watching more interesting.

I might have gotten a little too drunk and too regrettably retarded at some points but that's the classic con experience.

Not entirely sure if it was worth the price + travel. Though not many things are.
The weather was just bad luck, it's not like the entire Montreal summer is like this. It was fine last week and it's already 10 degree celsius lower today.
Why do people complain about the weather when there's AC inside?
>Autistic children
>not looking for a reason to get mad at everything
Pick one
Because it doesn't do anything when there's that much people.
it was shit to get there, I was sweaty from the outdoor heat, the metro, and the walk upstairs.
While walking around, I couldn't stand the heat emanating from people.
I was getting sweaty from just walking.
Bunch of staff that are pretentious assholes that never grew out of covid or grew up when I asked simple directions was getting me heated.
The sight of brown people and the smell was horrid with the heat.
>bad hentai preview
>it was dog shit
100% honest
Yeah well major city cons are big these days.
I hate the muggy heat and the cold too. SPring is the only bearable season in Quebec imo.

Do you guys know if there are any other events in the Montreal area for weebshit and cosplay? I've only been to the con on saturday, I feel like I missed out on a lot and I don't want to wait a whole year to do anything.
True, but I still sat through it. I got interested in Dr Slump. The 1978 panel was much better in terms of educational panels.
too much rain and bipolar as fuck weather, plus its depressing minus the violets that spring up for like a few days and then die.
"late" summer/fall is the best
>July&aug are not always above 30c or even 45c without the humidity
>It was just a freak weekend
Bro the river fucking microwaves us with deadly uv heatrays my man one second its nice and comfy at like 10-15c turn your head and poof its 30c+ for weeks
Dogshit con. Least Otakuthon has a ton of things to do compared to it
For other events, there's a new thing called Chi parties, you can find more info on their website https://www.chisai.party/ , you should also join their discord. They're cosplay and gaming parties taking place at npc lounge, near berri-uqam. Basically its a small venue with a bunch of gaming consoles, a bar and a dancefloor with dj. I've been to 3 so far and its honestly pretty cool, you can cosplay or not, the drinks are a bit pricey starting at 12$, they have photographs, people are chill and if you don't wanna dance or socialize you can just game
There's the minicomiccon in december and that's not an issue.
>where are you from?
Maybe not in December but at least when the temperature is more like 10-20 degrees (celsius) or something
Cool, thanks for this!
Is this some kind of e-thot thing?
Yes so put your best thong on
I mean, yes there's some e-thots in attendance, but that's to be expected for a cosplay party these days. There's a lot of guys in attendance if you're worried about this being a girls only party. Also a lot of the pictures are from the beach bunny girl themed one, its usually not so whorish
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Based BA friend. The lines were a pain this year.
do you get to fugg them or is that extra?
I'm not sure it's ok to share the photos I took that show the people's face that I don't know. I shared the Kamen Rider Build>>10932098 cosplay because it doesn't show the person's face.
>retard doesn't realize hes on 4chan
I'm aware I'm on 4chan. I assume most people wouldn't want to be associate with the site to see their face online. This is where I draw the line between full suit covering someone's face and someone else not wearing a full suit.
I'm sure most people are fine with it. 99% of the people posted won't even know it was posted here. I wouldn't stress over it too much
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This is a Mecha Godzilla that I took, but it was last year (Otakuthon 2023), the heat was more bearable last year. This year it was quite awful. I was sweating with just plain t-shirts and shorts and I couldn't imagine what it was like being in a full costume.
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I though there would be BA cosplays and merch everywhere. I was surprised by how little of it there was. I guess it hasn't popped off in the west yet even if you might think otherwise from online. Still got these nice posters at least

The lines were such a pain in the ass this year. Even worse if they'd clear the rooms in-between panels so if you wanted to do two panels back to back in the same room tough luck buddy
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I don't know why when I take photos with my phone it's always heavy. I had to open PS to reduce the file size for web for this...
Huge Godzilla posters that I got.
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The question is where do I place those posters now?
Missed both the dances but had packed days, good food, friendo meetups, and spent too much at dealers hall and AA. Good otakuthon. Fuck the 401 tho and FUCK left lane cruisers
You need to coat your entire room in posters so it'll cover up that ugly blue colour.
>I keep vomiting and nearly feinting when it gets this hot&humid.
skill issue
did it use to be a summer con or was it always winter? i'm trying to picture how a party con works in winter, in OTTAWA of all places.
Normiethon is more like it.
I was surprised that Mogoon sent someone to sell his prints. He has some very nice BA art.

I didn't go to many panels. They're hard to get into like last year.
that's every anime con nowadays.
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I missed it

The hip pop closing ceremony dances were grating.

Francophones are chill. Especially if an actual discussion can happen in english. Though I tried meeting girls and this 1 french girl couldn't understand me 80% of the time which made it painful and awkward.

Saturday after dark panels were too full. Couldn't go into most of them.

Yeah, the amount of dudes cross dressing and being traps isn't funny and overdone as fuck. I kept thinking, "another character ruined by this cross dressing cosplay".

Dance was great, would be even better if they would grow some balls and add a bar to it.

>I might have gotten a little too drunk and too regrettably retarded at some points but that's the classic con experience.
That was me in the would you rather panel.

It was great weather, no rain.

Based doujin buyer
I didn't buy anything besides glasses, massages, and doujins.

I love mogging all the wannabe weebs in my poloshirt. I'll try to cosplay next time though.

I didn't get to meet my waifu for my 1st time at otakuthon. But it was fun going for the 1st time.
>That was me in the would you rather panel.
I'm sad I only caught the last like 5 minutes of that panel. It seemed like it could've been a fun time.
People post photos of random cosplayers on this board all the time. Assuming you asked for them for a photo, they should basically assume it's gonna end up online by accepting.
The "what makes great visual novels" panel was gay, the guys have this weird "we should only talk about all ages games, no eroge/BL allowed" and the general tone was meh, I went back to the rave. Oh they apparently were gonna get to Rance later. The JAST industry panel was great, you could feel the guys passion and he gave some honest answers about his thoughts on gatcha. I dont get complaints about the heat, the building itself had nice AC. For next year I should remember that quebec taxis rip you off and you guys dont sell weed vapes, wasted 40 minutes inline at the SADC. They should host some of the r18 panels at 2pm for the busy degenerate who likes to party late night.
I wish there were 18+ panels all day, I never understood why they're all stacked up at the very end of the night. And in my case its not even because I want to party its because I want to go to bed at a reasonable time
>I might have gotten a little too drunk and too regrettably retarded at some points but that's the classic con experience.
relatable. 4am at a room party I had no braincells and called Subaru from Rezero the n word and freaked some people out, opps, I should get off the internet. Also autismed out by talking about a too niche otome game with a girl, and didn't realize there was no way she read it. Still my smallest spaghetti spill.
>Also autismed out by talking about a too niche otome game with a girl
Don't worry. That's just called "Autistic Rizz" and it 100% worked on her. Women love that shit.
I went to the free crafts / art room a few times to keep my streak of daily drawing and I never realized that drawing in a room full of people drawing is actually kind of chill. I wish there was a place like that nearby because I'd just go there every day
I skipped the draw a face panel on Sunday because I already done that the Friday and instead went to the DJ boss/Eurobeat panel so I felt stupid to carry my laptop on my shoulder all day with my small intuos draw tablet.
Maybe its becuase kids/familes can walk near them? But they should just throw up some sort of curtain like blockbuster/video stores had for porn in the 90s.
>Dance was great, would be even better if they would grow some balls and add a bar to it.
Just come see us next year anon, dancefloor mafia will hook you up with a beverage.
>called Subaru from Rezero the n word
Based, sounds like you were at the wrong party though
>dancefloor mafia will hook you up with a beverage
If you're all good with a boomer drinking away all your precious booze then I'm down.
But I did bring some gatorade booze the 2nd night.
There will come a time when we will call on you to return the favor, but until then you're welcome to share with us.
So kind of like the god father?
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I got this Maomao keychain for myself
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I saw >>10932548 and took pictures of the two girls on the left and master Roshi >>10932554

I haven't seen any of the others.
Cute and based couple
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I didn't take that many pictures because I'm a shy person by default.
cute Maomao
why is she so hot
doesn't look like happy I asked for a photo. if you're not going to be happy just say 'no'.
To be fair, I have a bad smile so I also don't smile in photos ever. Maybe she's just like me frfr.

I honestly hate getting my photo taken but I enjoy running around in cosplay. I miss when everyone was forced to wear a mask. Made that shit way more bearable.
Isn't that just Stocking's default expression in the anime
Those parties are organized by an girl who enjoys public humiliation and other exhibitionist kinks, it is absolutely an e-thot thing.
I told Roshi he had a sick cosplay.
and she's advertising on 4chan, amazing.
had both a shit time and a great time.

shit time was a lot of pre-con bullshit that wasn't in my control and a lot of work but we fixed it eventually whew.

the great times were honestly the people. The people i worked with were all real homies, the new people i met were cool, and just when i felt like killing myself due to the bullshit a whole group of cosplayers showed up and made my day.

also two cute girls asked for my insta, i'm winning bros?!?
Dear God, I wish I could finger blast her in a portable toilet.
For me it's wishing that the red bunny girl stocking sat on my face
Now that the con is over, how can a WFH like myself meet a waifu? I'm not feeling like waiting a year.
Join nerdy facebook groups and be on the lookout for meetups
Download a dating and use an old trick called 'lying' to get matches
Go outside
>Join nerdy facebook groups and be on the lookout for meetups
Sorry, too schizo for that shit. No, I do not want to put my full name, phone number, pictures, tagging my face, my workplace, my social security number, my thumbprint, nor my DNA into this service and be accepted by everyone.
>Download a dating and use an old trick called 'lying' to get matches
Already trying these apps, they suck ass. I won't use fake pics.
>Go outside
Already do and approach some girls in day time or at clubs but normalfag girls are boring. If I reveal my powerlevel their pussy dries up fast so have to normalfag it up. Plus they aint down for calling me goshujin-sama or onii-chan, only daddy.
rather than try to find someone with exactly your tastes and already into cosplaying, just find someone who matches your vibe and get them into cosplay
your anon ass is not competing with all the con chads and paypigs
>your anon ass is not competing with all the con chads and paypigs
You're wrong, I'll make all the con girls absolutely drenched in their panties when I tell them all my superior anime taste. And when I tell them that I prefer manga over anime, they'll literally fall head over their cosplay heels.
Many anons embody an archetype that's quite attractive to some women, their downfall is typically being too afraid of rejection to approach. 90% of the anons I've met are not terribly fat/ugly either, despite how we like to imagine the average user.
What was the best cosplay you've seen? Going with this man.
>Already do and approach some girls in day time or at clubs but normalfag girls are boring
Go to goth clubs or undeground raves if you want to meet non normie girls
those are just daddy issues flavoured normie girls
thats not where I'll meet my socially awkward, otome loving chubby gf
Real non normie girls don't even go outside
what arch type?
>simp party
no thanks, I don't support this stupid shit. This is the very reason why anime conventions became an attention whore normieland where importance is focused on photography porn culture and self-inflation of a worthless 3dpd whore's ego rather than anime,vidya,interweb culture.
> rather than anime,vidya,interweb culture
pray tell what you think cons are missing to 'refocus' back on that? more panels? more vidya? more anime watching rooms?? you sound like a newfag the way you larp like cons in the past didnt have even more degenerate sex driven nonsense, con foids were even more run through back then
im surprised to find the party mentioned here i went to the last one during the otakuthon weekend and it was nice to play taiko and mario kart with randoms but apparently their AC wasn't working that day so it was kinda hot
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>also I hate how they are constantly checking every seat with flashlights
wtf canadabros is this real?
>cons in the past didn't have even more degenerate sex appeal
They didn't. People were more creative and simply didn't do that shit unless they were paid/sponsored to which was more of a comiccon thing. Early otakuthon 2011, lulzcon, and before that, people were more inclined to hang out with their friends and walk around the exhibition hall all day, and fly a nyan cat rainbow trail on Heelys, dress up as Shia Laboeuf and shout catch phrases.
I went to otakon 07, and sakuracon in 08, ganime in 2014 and there was none of the monetized slut culture that you speak of, and didn't even come close to the protected glamourized tiddy culture today.
>overly defensive and accuse others of being a newfag
Sounds like you're the newfag who's deflecting and simp. I don't give two shits about your simp party. Kindly kill yourself.
ah yes that degenerate that got banned of the palais underground area because she was shooting OF stuff there butt plug in her ass and all and returned anyway to shoot some more
The "lad who's always up for a fun time and doesn't take himself too seriously" archetype
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Not trying to defend her, because I don't know the whole story, but apparently this was made up by a rival group of hers yeah gang beef among esluts, who would've thought
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I don't know how much is true and what isn't but there is litteral picture proof of the multiple said shoots
saw the set leaks float around last year the porn pics are all shot indoors but bought it for the vid when i heard the rumours and it was a waste of time, all shot indoors

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