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>Fourteen people were arrested and 10 victims were rescued in a human sex trafficking sting at San Diego Comic-Con Convention.
>The San Diego Human Trafficking Task Force conducted a three-day operation ahead of the weekend bust, California Attorney General Rob Bonta said in a news release on Tuesday, adding that among those rescued was a 16-year-old girl.
>Law enforcement officers went undercover as sex buyers to identify and arrest traffickers, as well as find potential victims, according to the attorney general's officers.
>Undercover police also posted ads seeking sex as part of the operation.
is that bear who I think it is?
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Sadly not
Damn so there really are prostitutes at cons
So that's what was up with the cops at comic con.
They didn't find any traffickers because the women are all "trafficking" themselves
There are prostitutes at every large gathering of human beings you mental retard. When you're dead will be a better place.
>you can't get laid at a co-ACK
Not at the actual con but the public street/area surrounding it
One of them was a 16 year old.
>look it up
>it's real
damn. not really surprising that fandom is full of sex pest manchildren pedos and exploited women.
>g that fandom is full of sex pest manchildren pedos

wooo projection. This stuff is not exclusive to these events, prostitution happens around places where lots of people gather like the superbowl , CES, and gasp disneyland florida
oh no, the legal age of consent and well into puberty at one of the horniest times of their life???
Lol have you seen the Olympic prostitutes? They're as prevalent as only fans whores - they're likely to be one in the same.
>Undercover police also posted ads seeking sex as part of the ope

So no lucky meeting up with onlyfan girls at this con. They will never love you only your money.
Now do Anime Matsuri.
Nayrt, I'm pretty sure that if the article states she was rescued she wasn't there willingly.
>disneyland florida

That's wild, I wonder who the clients are. There's no scenario I can think of that isn't weird.
>San Diego Comic-Con Convention
>convention convention
What makes you think that? Articles always say this even if it's willing. You need to trust articles less, they don't give the full story.
I think the fact that she's 16 also helps strengthen the point that she didn't do it willingly. Even if a 16yo girl thinks she wants this (which is very rare), she soon experiences that it's horrible in reality. Most prostitutes in their 20s consider it traumatising, and they're adults which means they're a lot more resilient than mid teens.

I'm guessing you're a young guy who assumes a 16yo girl probably does this willingly because you remember being incredibly horny at that age and you think you could never be forced into this. Although girls in their mid teens think about sex and relationships a lot everything else about their experience is very different. The large majority would consider selling sexual services to be both repulsive and way too scary.
You can say whatever you want, no traffickers or pimps were arrested. That is a fact. Keep an eye on this story. There won't be any additional arrests of pimps or traffickers. Because they don't exist.
Yes, I was once a 16 year old girl too, they absolutely do this stuff to themselves. I think it's sad and CPS should be involved, but it still doesn't mean she was trafficked by someone else.
Eww dude. FBI needs to check on you. 16 year olds being horny is just taking advantage of them even more, because it blurs the line for the victim of how fucked up it actually is if you think about it for .5 seconds. You’re nasty dude.
> I was once a 16 year old girl too

Very doubtful considering your earlier comment. You are extremely creepy dude.
Not that other anon, but it's hardly a huge stretch because I had seen it throughout high school (And once in middle school)
It takes a perfect storm of fucked up issues to reach that point, but it does happen
God dammit
Wow, cosplayers blatantly advertising their OFs are also escorts? I never would have guessed.
>olympic prostitutes


16 is not the legal age of consent in California, and the fact you tried to even play that just tells me Feds should scour your computer
he also doesn't realize that it's not legal to sell sexual services if you're under the age of 18 anywhere, including places that allow prostitution.
And he's working with Cobra Commander to boot, what an operation.
Married couples looking for a third. Secretly gay Christian dads.

You sheltered incels are so pathetic. It's sad having to explain real life to you while you think your opinions matter. When people tell you to touch grass they're not dismissing you or mocking you, they're trying to help you.
This. Even cam work has this effect on people. At 16, the prospect of having sex with a stranger is not at all appealing. I’m 25 now, and when I was around that age of course my friends and I were horny and wanted to start experimenting with being sexually active with our boyfriends or cute guys we saw and got to know and pursue throughout the con. That’s massively different from selling sex, where you have no choice but to commit to a complete sexual act “from the menu” some nasty neck beard ordered from.

This isn’t some cute sexual exploration because there’s a set requirement for what you’ve agreed to do, regardless of whether or not you feel attraction or want to continue to full on sex. Think about your sexual history and exploration. How many times did you make out, finger/hand job, bj, and literally get naked or pretty saucy without actually going all the way? These victims don’t have that agency, and that’s why it’s always always wrong., I’d even argue that the legal age for sex work should be raised to 20 or 25.

Some of y’all are just straight up disgusting people or just so disconnected from the real world that you don’t have a shred of empathy or critical thinking skills when a story like this comes up. Fucking scrotes.
Not everyone has the weird hangups you do. I'm a woman and I love having lots of sex with people I'll never see again. It's fun.
>I'm a woman
She wasn't yet.
I had sex when I was 14. sometimes even with 19 year olds. I lied about my age to do so. Gasp! I even...ENJOYED IT.
Lose weight.
Not everybody is you and your friends. My cousin was fucking older men since she was 12 and bragging about it.
assuming you aren't a larping moid: you're probably still 14 if you don't look back on those experiences and cringe. either way there's a difference between sexually experimenting and sex as a job. a lot of 16 year olds can't even handle a regular job, let alone sex work.


yeah and i bet she's super mentally stable now right.
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Why would i look back and cringe?
[reddit space]
Of course sex work is different. But it's the difference between a hobby and a job. Even if you like playing video games, it's less fun when it's your career.
Missed the whole ass point. There’s a huge differences between sex and sex work. No 16 year old is capable of consenting to sex work. And if you think they are, you’re either coping with your own sexual issues by saying it’s fine, or you’re a degenerate pos. And that’s even ignoring the obvious bs you’re trying to shill here.
Not our fault you collapsed like 10 distinct thoughts in a sloppy and thoughtless way.
1) Work sucks. yeah, no shit. That's why it's called work.
2) Prostitution is human trafficking. In the US that's axiomatic because it's federally illegal.
3) Underage prostitution is bad. Yeah, no shit. Everyone agrees you dumb faggot.
4) Women and girls don't like having sex with lots of people. Even if the generalization is true, there's tons of women/girls who do.
[reddit space]
Glad I could help clear up your retarded mind.
being a whore nowadays must be awesome. you can whore yourself out online and never be touched, and if you decide to go sell your pussy you can just cry muh exploitation when you get busted.
Tons of women get busted. But only if they're associated with drugs or organized crime. Why would you bother a woman who's running a small business otherwise?
All I ever argued is that there's no pimp. Yeah a 16 year old sex worker is mentally deranged and horrible and wrong. That still doesn't mean she has a pimp.
Not my fault you don’t have the critical reading skills to apply any nuance to your interpretation. You sound pretty fucked in the head honestly but I’ve got better things to do than try to convince an internet retard that 16 year old sex workers are victims baka.
>girls go out of their way to target men who are desperate and without any options left
>those poor women are just innocent victims who were forced to make money preying on vulnerable men!

I'll never understand this dynamic. It's not like guys are happy to resort to prostitutes.
Like I'm sure there's sex trafficking out there, but like there's a difference between buying a sex slave or some trafficked immigrant to be your pimped out whore, and some dude just trying to get laid for the first time in his life.
Guess the con chair forgot to pay off the cops abd local politicians. When I worked for san japan, the chairman allowed his friends to ask minors for sex in exchange for staying in their hotel room(soliciting prostitution from a minor). When I made a fuss about it, their security guy quit, then they booted me out, and slandered me ever since for over a decade. For over a decade, every year before san japan I get a social media accoint deleted, or I get doxxee, or find a bunch of death threats in my email and its never going to stop. Why? San japan didnt get rid of the chomos, in fact promoted them higher up the chain.

Nobody gives a fuck. Theyd tolerate children being raped to death, hell, theyd throw the kids in a vat of acid to boil alive themselves if it meant they got to wear a costume and buy overpriced toys at a con. Its just easier to turn against friends than it is to deal with the important stuff. You can just ignore all the bad shit when you remove the person warning you about the bad shit. Thats just the psychology of cowards.
... wut.
TLDR - someone at an anime convention likes Loli, local sperg spergs out, staff tells him to fuck off, he continues sperging
To all the people who think the people arrested were somehow in the wrong....

What color is your Bugatti?
I mean, prostitution should be legal in general. So yes, all the arrests were in the wrong.

It legal in Nevada, and it's literally the same girls selling themselves there that did online just with protections in place.
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>this thread
Why are Americans like this?
There's a difference between jacking off to bug eyed cartoons and actual real kids, although arguably not the stuff that actually traced from imaged of real kids.
The brothels in Nevada are kind of isolated from everywhere else which prevents people that wouldn't have been involve in the exchange of sex for money in the first place from being caught in the crossfire, compare that to the shitshow that was legalized prostitution zole in Holbeck in the UK.
Don't forget the crazy, old, creepy fujoshis stalking gay men and forcing them having sex with them while pretending to be men themselves.
>thin girl is obviously super-duper-mega-drunk and has no idea about what's happening around her.
>creepy dude tries to abduct and rape her.
>her friend notices and protects her from rapy creepy criminal fucker.
>bohooo you're fat and jealous.

Just out of curiosity how many of you (or the cousin) had CSA or emotional abuse or neglect imposed on you before you had your sexual awakenings? In hindsight would any of you say you were groomed into experimenting or is the openness to casual sex something that came entirely from within?
Well, that is because society is set up to help women avoid taking accountability. Hope this helps.
Never happened. Everyone likes having sex. Tons of cultures out there don't shame people for it, so they have tons of sex. Ours shames people for it, so they have less. U r retard
Incels like you give men a bad name. If some old ugly woman offered you $500 bucks to smash her puss you wouldn't even hesitate. And yet you expect a hot 18 year old getting offers way more than that to turn it down? The problem, as usual, is my fellow men. And the fact that you can't take responsibility shows why you're unfuckable and retarded. Try getting a job and working out before you think anyone should listen to you.
I don't care if a man does it either, if a man is whoring himself out HE should be the one getting hit with the punishment, not the fat gross old women he preys on.

The difference is prostitution is almost always focused on women selling to men, and for some reason the men are the one punished for that interaction. If the situation was reversed I'd be on the women's side, but the fact of the matter is that nobody cares if women pay for sex (because they don't need to)
>Go to a subculture of society plagued by whores that walk around in public with barely any clothes on
>Surprised that there are whores that will fuck people for money instead of a drink or two
lol lmao
Caveat emtpor, buyer beware. You are retarded evil scum. When you die the world will be noticeably better. Even nword hookers are more useful than you.
Lose weight.
>Most prostitutes in their 20s consider it traumatising
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>be Commiefornia
>paying for sex is a crime
>looting stores and shooting heroin in the street is fine though
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Playing Zelda OoT and MM got me into vore when I was like four years old.
Specifically with Princess Ruto (Loli form), Jabu Jabu, and Like Likes.
I mean realistically it would be a creepy old gay dude trying to get some ass rather than an old woman. Gay male prostitutes go through plenty of horrifying shit too but any discussion of it usually get pushed to the side ornshut down immediately, mainly by other men.
>Be methlabtown Oklahoma
>Everything from dancing to weed is illegal
>But you can burn down your meth shack and fuck your sister
People make this kind of comment a lot, but it is absolutely your responsibility as an adult to be aware of and understand the age of consent laws in your jurisdiction, both for yourself, and so you can better understand the dynamic amongst others you encounter. This is a crucial element of prevention, which is what you *should* be aiming to achieve whenever you are looking at crimes against children
No, I don’t know of any cultures where women have frequent unrestrained sex with strangers. The one or two women I have met who were into that had mental health issues but at the same time were looking for a partner to settle down with. I don’t know why people on the internet are so hellbent on claiming the complete opposite of everyone’s understanding and experiences of reality
Polynesia pre-contact. Ancient Mesopotamia. Rome. Of course people in our culture have hangups about sex. Because they're shamed for it. How am I opposing anything you've said? If anything, I"m doing a better job of explaining your position than you are. Can you read? What's not clicking for you?
>any cultures
Most modern western cultures, having cast off the structures of religion, no longer institutionally shame women for pursuing carnal desires.
In fact, the CDC of America released a report detailing how women under 30 report more sexual partners than men under 30, and that has NEVER happened in Western culture since such things started being recorded.
Things change, anon.
Ur still shamed for being a slut nowadays. See every other post in this thread you mouth breather. So funny when chuddies try and talk like a grownup. Just stick to memes and talking points.
NAYRT These comments come from the type of guy who thinks the AOC in Japan is actually 13 and get arrested within a week, they're just completely convinced women are born whores and it's the teenagers fault for "seducing" them, and they're so delusional they think that'll hold up in court.
>girl has listed prices for the sex acts she’s willing to do
>Uhh actually it’s the men who forced her to do it!
Why do we still pretend girls are innocent angels that can do no wrong? Like anyone that has been to highschool can easily call you out on your bullshit.
I don't care if she got on her knees and begged, if she's underage it's your responsibility to say no or go to jail.
>Ur still shamed for being a slut nowadays
So are men, by women.
And somehow, you think that the massively decreased social pressure to avoid sex ever actually mattered.
You are clearly a zoomer, go talk to your grandmother about who was fucking who behind their husband's back in her town when she was young. You can learn something.
ah yes, the fabled creepy dude who is just trying to talk to a lady. Jesus christ get fucking help you stupid cunt.
>what is a pimp
>what are assumptions
Unlike you, I believe women to be intelligent, capable and agents of their own destinies, not helpless maids that lay in wait for some big strong man to tell them how to breathe correctly.
Love to see her try that with migrant rape gangs.
You know what they say: Liking sex is bad……unless you’re Chad!
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Ok lardass lol
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Wrong on two fronts but stay obsessed lol
>my fellow men.
Sure "bro".
a sad sight to see

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