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I will begin with Umi Sinonome.
not fat u retard
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>not fat
God you r9k faggots are so fucking stupid
She is not fat. She is thick and considering she's Japanese, probably in shape unlike the flabby white women.
This is what a normal non fat japanese girl looks like.
Are you being figurative or literal?
Oh I was being figurative but that's great kek
>turbo incels going to the girl board to sniff pussy posts
I salute you, absolute chads
Not really...
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I've been seeing alot of bunnies getting posted on media lately, and wonder if this thread was a stealthy contribution to that
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She has fat on her belly.
She's average at most. Calling her fat because she has a bit of belly when you're probably 4x her weight but insistent it's only because you've got an endomorph body type is great, though.
bros how do I get thighs like that
This is how a cosplayer should look like.
Perfect tier.
I see you're into traps.
Seethe more, you will never anime like body proportions.
yeah no shit, I don't need to look like toriko.
Bunny suit is the greatest
>this is considered morbidly obese in Japan.
if this is considered obese there, I want to go whale hunting
chicken wings with lots of sauce. maybe even fried chicken wings. also sit around a lot, i mean a lot. no exercise for a month. that includes regular walks.
Hunt 101 onto getting trap gf (male)? i promise they will never carry my child, just my seed.
She is not a trap
why not
real american hours
that's not what I asked, anon-kouhai. i need tips to getting a trap gf (male). preferably US or Euro-states
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Your Reddit gold, my good man !
Umi-chan has chub in all the right places as is just how Japanese girls have been bred for centuries. Umi-chan just so happens to be near cameras and revels in showing her smooth to the touch skin, flaunting and teasing guys (and some gals).
i also think she has really big areolas.
anon has never seen a fat chick before or has bulimia
What a stupid bait thread. This feels like the triggered fatty from the fat lolita thread is trying to make people who hate actual fatties seem unreasonable.
I think the guy with the fat fetish who started the fat lolita thread (fishing for material) also started this one to stir the pot. Seems a lot more likely than your out there theory
it's 100% the same guy.
Yep, and this >>10932832 is OP, lol.
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>Post cosplayers that look great even if they are fat
yes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqwFfAV9qb8
She's pretty overweight, just look at her arms and thighs.
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Gorgeous perfect bodies, makes my cave man brain activate.
This is the kind of women who can pump out big strong babies while still being soft.
Women aren't just baby factories faggot
Women are great people, and also baby factories.
2 things can be true at once, anon.
That's their entire biological purpose, to reproduce.
nayrt, "just". >>10935722 means women are more than their biological purpose and the stuff they can do for others.
we must fulfill the biological imperative
be cute n able to hold a conversation t.
Are these photos of her onlyfans or obviously AI generated?
These are thin girls with build muscle. 100% sure they hit the gym every week.

These are men. OP fag confirmed.
>no exercise
>they hit the gym

this is all too confusing!

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