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This isn't a convention, it's a glorified pop-up shop. Their goal is to trick you into spending as much money as possible and then leave.
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>Cities with major conventions
Atlanta, Chicago, DC, Houston, LA, Seattle
>The biggest city
The cons run by Leftfield Media or Reedpop, the two shittiest organizers in the game. Sad stuff!
You're not wrong, but can't the same thing be said about most of the major comic and anime conventions?

But anyways, I'm going to go for one day this year. I'm just praying that the Javits Center air conditioning can handle 60k weebs in the summertime. If not, I dare not even imagine the smell....
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>but can't the same thing be said about most of the major comic and anime conventions?
If they're run by those companies in particular, yeah. Otherwise, not really

The Javits is big enough and professional enough that it hasn't been a problem even with NYCC crowds. Just avoid the most crowded parts of the dealer's room and food court and it'll be fine. The same can't be said of the line in, because the con runs that and they'll def fuck it up.
what happen to the soul
Mainstreaming destroyed the convention scene. Once normies discovered anime, like parasites they flooded the ecosystem and contaminated it with mob rule.
Enjoy the:
>stuck up Asian girls wearing aliexpress genshin cosplays who refuse to let anyone other than the fat chinese guy they hired to take pictures of them while hogging public spaces for hours
>mystery meat muscleheads having literal hissyfits if you don’t let them do whatever they want
>gymrats of both genders filming sexualized content that they would never have the balls to do outside of the convention (last year it was the JJK/chainsawman Domplay)
>a bunch of sweaty nerds giving you an attitude if you’re a friendly guy in the vicinity while they try to smash someone clearly not interested
>a bunch of retarded mid weeb girls with huge overinflated egos that think everyone is hitting on them/doesnt see the irony of complaining about being seen as a sexual object while sexualizing the living shit out of an otherwise tame anime character
>BLACK CREATIVITY (outside of a few genuinely creative black cosplays)
>trannies complaining that people misgender them, then immediately start talking down to someone that respects their pronouns as if they’re better than them
>the “i have a boyfriend” cosplay influencers dragging their boyfriend along
>retarded high schoolers on day 1
>6.5ft autists refusing to move unless a woman is in the vicinity, then blocks your path again hoping to heightmog you for attention
And the classic
>scalpers selling shit the official booths are selling/sold at a huge markup
Personally I’m hoping to enjoy this year.
I'm running both Hoyoverse shoots this year
Give me something funny to put into the graphic

ZZZ. Then ask any ZZZ cosplayers that show up to leave.
>>stuck up Asian girls wearing aliexpress genshin cosplays who refuse to let anyone other than the fat chinese guy they hired to take pictures of them while hogging public spaces for hours

What's the deal with that, the whole lower lobby that was taken over by Chinese cosplayers/photographers that acted like dicks to anybody else who wandered into that section? I've never seen that at any other con, although I haven't been to that many.
Ask them to show up at my room actually
Demographic/population thing. Huge concentration of rich cn international students/fobs in nyc. They do come off as very snobby/stand offish bc they are, but they also hate speaking English /cant so it's extra weird. Anyc is the one con where I hear more Mando than English just walking around.

t. Been approached by these photographers asking if I speak cn and then they just say oh sorry and walk away when I can't
Time is money and they're using the con as free studio space while they produce paid content for their patreon/gumroad/ko-fi/OF/Fansly pages
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anyone seen these guys before? worth going?

Why is NY so dead when it comes to weeb convention stuff? You would think they could have daily cosplay events, but there are barely any, and small local cons don't even exist.
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I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here, a two syllable word, starts with "mo" and ends with "ney". But of course the whole Northeast is dry. The moment I knew it was over, someone telling me
>Hey it's not so bad! FlameCon, that's in Time Square!
>Look it up
>The World's Largest Queer Comic Con
"LOL". LOL x2: I see it's actually in 3 days
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I don't hate Flame Con, but even though it's supposedly a non-profit con, it is exactly the same experience as the big Javitz Center cons. The only draw is the dealers room, and you are expected to go there and buy stuff, and do nothing else. The panels are barely there, and it looks like they are actively discouraging cosplay.
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I made a fake ticket to go in last year. I could do it again, but why bother? I don’t even get to see any Tokusatsu guys since the date lines up with Power Morphicon. Walk around, look at stuff I don’t want to buy at bloated prices, and get tired since I find it difficult to break ice with con goers that supposedly like anime. Hell, I didn’t even expect it to work at all last year, the shiny sliver holographic logo would’ve given me away to security with functional eyeballs.
The star rail and genshin ones?
Managed to make some dude that heightmogged me butthurt once. Recognized his gf's(?) niche cosplay complimented it and asked to take a photo, so I hand the dude my phone so he can take it, she lights up and we start talking about it and it's really fucking cool, suddenly I'm getting my phone back, fucking retard took 4 pics before I was even ready or aware and ushered her to quickly leave the scene.

What a jackass
They didn't need to use that word, just wanted to sound fancy
>This isn't a convention, it's a glorified pop-up shop
Every post-covid con I've been to in my area has been like that. I'm trying to hit up all the huge cons I haven't been to on my bucket list next year, after that I might unironically drop out of the scene entirely.
Are AWA and ACEN consider major anime cons?
Anime Boston mogs this stupid corporate nigfest
Kek, honestly don’t understand why these guys are so fucking insecure. Don’t date cosplayers if you don’t want your gf interacting with the public.
I managed to make another dude feel that insecure with zero effort, so at a certain angle, feelsgoodman.

Seriously don't get it though, with that height how are you intimidated by any dude shorter than you
Height is all they have, I suppose.
I like how nobody has a single positive thing to say about this shit show.
>a single positive thing
It has vtubers. 3 days of them this year.
The only thing I'm personally looking forward to.
I'm gonna try to meet someone if they actually live here, don't got time for LDR shit
As an NYC resident I was really looking forward to an anime con after NYCC ate anime festival. I could tell from year 1 it was going to turn out as corporate as AX but I didn't expect it to be THIS bad. Went 2 years ago and the most fun I had at the con was the after party you didnt even need an officialticket for. Also they despise letting local artists into their AA so expect the same exact artists as every other con. CPAC is 10x more fun.
I liked CPAC a lot, but I also had a hard time really appreciating it since I was alone doing it. Next time I gotta find friends to go with/hang with before I actually go.
I'm going as Aki from CSM on Friday. Is anyone else going. I'd love to hang with someone.
I did Young Kishibe at katsucon and pretty much no one recognized me, he's way too niche for a manga reader and outright unknown for an anime only
I'm going since this might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to experience a huge con.
I don't really know what to do at anime focused cons except playing games in the arcade, but combined with the vibes, that's good enough for me. What do normal attendants actually do to fill up the time?
I feel that, I went as Quanxi, most CSM cosplayers didn't recognize me except for a Famine cosplayer, which made my day.
CSM fans were more enthusiastic about the series before an anime was even announced than after it aired
That's wild that even she'd be unrecognized, it's been a mini goal to find one as YK so I can take a pic with them and even pretend simp a little if they get it
I go to the panels
Watch anime
30M oldfag here. I go to AX, Otakon, and ANYC nearly every year. These are spot-on observations for the big-cons. Not so much the smaller cons like AnimeNext, puchicon, kogaracon, etc. To add, dont forget the creepo videographers/"photographers" with their unnecessary overpriced "gear" and gimbals and f-1.2 lenses, with reflector umbrellas attached to their hips and back. Also, the "professional" cosplayers who try to one-up each other by pointing out whatever flaw they can. And if they cant then they resort to racism, classism, lookism, or saying that the other person probably is less of a fan based on some absurd criteria like not attending an autograph signing or concert or getting their wig from a certain manufacturer, or not using a specific foam on their cosplay. The worst offenders are the overseas fob chinks coming in as a group in their aliexpress genshit cosplay they think theyre cool for some reason but it ends up looking like cringe and.. whats the word.. oh yeah- insufferable.
That sucks. I saw a young Kishibe cosplayer at FanExpo Philly and we got some pics. We also hung out at the meetup.
Damn, this threads got me a little nervous. Going for the first time tomorrow and dragging a friend along, hopefully there's still fun to be had. Any recommendations for which afterparty to prioritize?
Went to the AX one and it was a great time.
Just got myself a ticket. Might as well go all in with this on Friday and Kikuo on Saturday.
Looks like there are some interesting panels further down the page. Thanks!
where are you picking up your badge?
I already picked them up from Kinokuniya
whens the fag meetup
I'll be going as chainsaw man Friday and Foot Soldier D Saturday/Sunday
Does anyone here have pics of the Akiba Hobby booth? They're booth #2443. Just wanna know what fumos they have
Today was kind of whack.
How so?
This con definitely made me feel lonely, I think I'll prepare for more social interactions starting today. Any advice on going from asking for a picture to a conversation?
does nobody fucking care about security i swear i saw someone walk in with a badge from last year
Depends on the guard, the ones I walked by forced me to show them my badge and walk through the gates.
I'd recommend going to meetups and panels. That way, you already have a ready-made topic of conversation. Also, wearing a cosplay helps.
This is my first con and I quite enjoyed it. I guess without any frame of reference, it's kinda fun to just walk around and see everything. Like there's zero community there, but there's still that novelty to having your niche interest appealed to in a real setting. Like, where else in New York can I buy a loli doujin while staring the underpaid Fakku representative dead in the eyes.

It's sort impossible to interact with anyone you don't know already. I'm guessing because most people didn't come to the con to interact with like-minded people, they came to indulge and consume their interests with a crowd of people doing the same thing so they don't feel weird.

And the audience is so vast that you have no idea what anyone's interests are or how deep they run. This must've been so much easier before, when you knew that everyone at the con was extremely deep into anime and internet culture because there was no way they'd be there otherwise.
>where else in New York can I buy a loli doujin while staring the underpaid Fakku representative dead in the eyes
I know what I'm doing tomorrow.

Regarding your post, I don't even know what it means to be "into anime" at this point. And I don't mean this as in "kids these days are not serious about it". If anything, they are more serious than ever, and with the amount of online resources available, there is almost no limit to how into it they can get.
I had an eye-opening experience playing AnimeMusicQuiz with some relative strangers at a con earlier this summer, and it's crazy impressive how serious some people are about that, for example. Not to mention all the vtubers that are probably an endless source of new "content" that I don't keep track of at all.
There is so much stuff that being into anime just doesn't narrow things down enough.

I'm also going solo. Feel free to say hi if you see a guy with a beard in an oversized Marisa Kirisame t-shirt. Good night!
Any of you guys here today?
The ones I passed on Friday checked the badge front and back.
would never be a problem if they had scannable badges
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Did any of you guys see kyatorin?
Can this con not be retarded? I thought they learned their lesson trying to put cosplay meetup in the entrance by moving it back to river pav which they did except they put the meetups in the fucking narrow hallway instead of the spacious back area. Can't this con do fucking anything right?
>Can't this con do fucking anything right?
>by moving it back to river pav which they did except they put the meetups in the fucking narrow hallway instead of the spacious back area.
Yeah, what the fuck is with that?
>here's the cosplay area
>basically a conference hallway
I was feeling a bit lonely half of it. I met a few cool people though. Later in the night I got dragged into a group because someone wanted a pic of me and I just stuck around with them. We had dinner together after the con.
>'m also going solo. Feel free to say hi if you see a guy with a beard in an oversized Marisa Kirisame t-shirt. Good night!
hey, were you the guy I talked to today about fumos at the Touhou booth? the description sounds close to whoever it was I talked to
Why are you cosplaying in a public event if you don’t want your picture taken?
Nope! Must have been someone else.
I didn't even know there was a Touhou booth, despite walking around the vendors all afternoon.
I might have to check it out tomorrow.
I'm happy to see the relatively large amount of people doing their own comics (fan comics or originals): I'm not really into merch since I don't really know what to do with it, but I love comics (well, manga) and games.
>I didn't even know there was a Touhou booth, despite walking around the vendors all afternoon.
I might have to check it out tomorrow.
It was the Akiba Hobby booth between 3A and 3B. They were mostly selling keychains, CD copys of the touhou games, and fumos (might have all sold out by the end of saturday)

>I'm happy to see the relatively large amount of people doing their own comics (fan comics or originals): I'm not really into merch since I don't really know what to do with it, but I love comics (well, manga) and games.
The OC manga and doujins are fun to look at. There is also an entire game section on floor 1 with a subsection for game developers to show off their indie games. Its nice seeing the creativity
Sometimes they’re busy exploring things to shop, or they have to get somewhere, or they’re tired
In this case, a friend got scoffed at by a cosplayer people watching.
This con became the AX of the east coast and that's not a good thing. No passion or enthusiasm from anyone here. Really does feel like one big mall. Last year coming here. Shit is wack.
why? ax is the best con ever. no other con is better.
>why? ax is the best con ever. no other con is better.
I assume I'm being trolled but I'll choose to believe you are being genuine to vent. I've been to a ton of cons across the country and AX and now ANYC are the most soulless ones bar none. There is zero community or passion among the crowd goers. No one seems excited to be there. Just a sea of people mindlessly buying things and then walking around like zombies. There is music blasting from a DJ at the center of the con and not a soul is interested. 2 years ago they at least had a group playing music by the exhibitor entrance and a huge crowd was there having a grand time dancing. None of that is present anywhere now. Even the cosplay meet ups are stale and lifeless. ANYC wants to be AX so badly and they got their wish. A mall with an anime skin.
>A mall with an anime skin.
I'm not much of a con-goer, so the barometer I compare ANYC against is like a flea market or special interest exhibition at a typical convention center.
>go there
>look at the stalls
>buy your shit
>see something neat or get some food
In that sense, it seems pretty much on point. All vendors, and a Japanese food "market" consisting of a selection of restaurants in stalls.
I dunno why people complain about the con goers so much. I've been going to a lot of cons over the course of the last nearly 15 years and I'm still having a good time. Folks are always cool and friendly, cosplays are only getting better and better as well. I had a great time this Saturday.
ANYC definitely feels more like an expo than a convention. A good con in my opinion consists of more than just a dealers room/artist alley. I had a good time at ANYC but I probably won't be going again because it just doesn't seem to offer enough for the price/trip and I can get more from other cons.
I don't know if those were the few cons you've been too but I can assure you they weren't always like this. The stuff being sold is very neat if you've never been but once you've had a taste for a convention where all sorts of fun shenanigans are happening then you start to see where corporate run cons are lacking heavily. A good convention to me is a mix of both good shopping and good vibes. ANYC has no vibe left. I miss the days where you can throw on an anime ost and have a couple people sing a long or start cheering. Dare I say, I miss the over enthusiasm that bordered on cringe. It was a place to let yourself be free to act weird with other people, now everyone there is too reserved just like every day life. The closest thing to those feelings are the folks recording tiktok dances. I'm glad you are having a good time though anon.
>ax is the best con ever
If you like Hololive this shit was awesome. Sorry shitty seagulls.
I do miss the 'BUTT SCRATCHER' and 'MARCO' even 'WHAT TIME IS IT?' vibes of yester year. Those were good times indeed.
It was alright for Hololive, they could have done better. You would have had more fun as a Hololive fan, but it was otherwise pretty mediocre.
holy crap this con sucked ass
NYC has no good cons, all these people and not one good event in general.
All the soul got priced out.
There's a joke about black people, gentrification and soul somewhere here
No yerr though. That one can die.
What's a good con city or state?
North Carolina
Define hang out, cause I also did it at fan expo philly
Nothing activates my hatred of fat people more than cons. Fat, fucking slow and beyond retarded
Just me or were the vendors at the M-Rage booth kinda hostile?
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>new yorkers and tourists to a new york convention whining and behaving like typical new yorkers
>ax is the best con ever.
You have to be over 18 to post here.
You can easily tell who's not from here by how retarded they walk, doubly so for whoever acknowledges the mixtape "vendors"
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Heard from an exhibitor friend that the back end of the convention is now owned by Crunchyroll. Everything makes way more sense now.
I assumed this because every sign and logo it says Powered by Crunchyroll
>All those malding replies
Kek fuck vtumors
How about less gook stuff like Nikke?
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Holy shit, the North building entrance was even worse this year. It was totally cordoned off with red dividers and I was stopped by security for even trying to walk over to the newsstand inside the roped off area. Why is there a segregated part of the con? Obviously there's a VIP section, but even my friend who had a VIP pass couldn't go into this area.
They pay the bills. Cry harder.
They really could have done better on lines and crowd management around vtuber booths. I don't know if the PC booth had the same thing on Sunday, I wasn't there, but the Hololive booth and Hololive adjacent vendor booths were a navigation hazard on Friday and Saturday, spilling out into the atrium.
Ultimately, they should have made better use of the conference hall rooms, or set up chairs and cordoned off a seating and cheering area.
come back when you're chinese
So buy shit.
All you retards do is block every booth looking for the cheapest pin to buy then bitch about prices while blocking the artist alley/vendor path.
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>watching tourists get swept up by a group of scholars hawking their 'free' mixtape with nothing on it
That area's chinatown, if you're not part of them you will feel it on your skin, had to go over there to find someone and it was like going through a souls fog door.

At least some of the girls looked at me with smiles which felt nice, but holy fuck do some of them go too hard on make up, straight up stop looking human
I don't use /cgl/ too much so I'm gonna assume scholar was actually the n-word. But yeah, for all your non natives here, the strat is too ignore their existence or have an expression that looks like you'll punch a hole into them if bothered. Then can smell the tourist on you like piranhas with blood

They even had signs up preventing other people from using that area or doing anything there. But they didn't bother to make the signs in english or explain things, so they just acted shitty to anybody who thought that was a free area to wander into.
That last line is wild
I hate chinks
This person privated their account after it was spread around that she tried being a vtuber herself.
whats with vcancer fans deluding themselves that they saved the industry
most the people I hear parrot posts such as picrel never even went to cons pre-covid
Thats the funniest shit ever
Being a vtumor simp requires copious amounts of delusion. It comes with the job description.
None of that shit is official, but it'll keep happening as long as people don't complain to ANYC about them camping that spot. They bring the signs and use the dividers from the coat check spot that's normally there, but not in use for ANYC, but that space is public. The security guy probably thought they were legit
This musta been on friday, I didn't see any dividers saturday
I wouldn't be surprised if ANYC got paid off to let them do that. The money hungry fucks.
just you, if you were the retard who couldn't understand that some jackets were presale samples and NOT FOR SALE.
Oh great now I gotta go back to this shit con, just to show up and have him thrown out. What a fucking clown
Nah, I'm not that stupid, I asked if I could just buy one of the bags cause acheron and silver wolf are some of my favorite characters in star rail and they glared at me with such disdain like I personally insulted them. The "no you have to buy something" had so much vitriol to it I almost felt like I offended them by asking

Pretty sure the pictures clearly stated some shit was on pre-order, so how do you fuck that up
>had to go over there to find someone and it was like going through a souls fog door.
Hearty chuckle. To me it feels like getting a debuff IRL.
Newfag to convention drama. What is wrong with the organizers exactly that you call it a pop up shop compared to other organizers in the USA?
This isn't "drama", not the kind people REALLY into cons think of anyway. There's just an obvious lack of care or respect from those two companies. Some reasons include, but aren't limited to
>High ticket prices (they're for profit events)
>Disinterest or even distaste for community interaction
>Lowest common denominator appeal, meaning no one is catered to specifically or satisfied...
>...in turn leading to boring families or boring Normans who treat it like a mall / Disney World
>Little or no attention paid for 18+ panels
>Banking hard on oversized venues, which make for a more tedious experience overall
>Banking hard on big names guests which mean nothing to con veterans
>Closing way too early
Take it from someone who just did Dragon: being huge can be a great thing but in itself that's worthless. I'll take some puny one day local con before Anime NYC to be perfectly desu
>Little or no attention paid for 18+ panels
Anyone overly eager about 18+ panels is fucking weird to me. I have zero interest in watching hentai clips with a buncha nerds
Good 18+ panels can make or break an entire convention. Otherwise you end up with the same unvetted "ask the character" or "the importance of black people in the anime fandom" slop you see at every shit con.
All the soul left the con scene with the coof. Ever since everything came back it hasn't felt the same. Even the really big cons feel like overpriced flea markets where people are dressed up in ridiculous/slutty costumes.
>what's the fucking point?
You know, I've been asking myself that more and more lately. Maybe I'm just getting old and maybe the convention scene really has gone downhill, but every one I've been to in the past 3-4 years has felt really stale and lifeless. I really do feel the "weeb flea market" vibe as the quality of events and meetups outside of the dealer room have gone down. The dealer rooms themselves are just selling the same old overpriced shit and artist alleys are the same water bottles and buttons and acrylic keychains over and over. Normies invaded the space and it feels like everything gets tamer and blander as time goes on because of them. There's no energy anymore as you watch a bunch of glass-eyed zombies shuffle around spending hundreds of dollars on shit you can get anywhere now.
There are more sexy cosplays tho. I think you guys have rose-tinted glasses.
I don't find stuck up chinks in alibaba genshin cosplays and an inch thick layer of makeup sexy
eh, i wouldn't say they're any more stuck up than most other women. the makeup is definitely a bit offputting tho
Don't think he was talking about that at all, Nikke has ushered in a wave of lewd cosplays that rival peak KLK

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