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Youmacon announces a new chairman 2 months before their venue-less convention is supposed to start.
Morgan is vaguely 'still involved' (meaning still owning and collecting profits). No word on his vice chair who co-founded Youmacon with him 20 years ago.
What do we make of this? Are we being scammed?
Nah. Everyone's cool with Youmacon and everyone is going back like nothing ever happened
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Their media department head potentially confirmed the venue about a few weeks ago. Not sure if this is true or not but we'll have to see later on.
This has been known for a long while. They already had a contract with Huntington/TCF/Cobo for this year. Morgan would have escaped it long ago if he could.... but then where would they go? A stadium? A college campus somewhere?

Also, the union there sucks and those people deserve to sleep outside in the cold when it's raining, next to the homeless dudes selling their CD mix tapes. Fucking union thieves.
Thread hasn't been posted to in nearly a week.

Discord is all angry weebs yelling at the new guy running the con and talking about how much they hate Morgan.

Con is 2 months away but no tickets have been sold.

Won't even have a video game room this year.

Con is dead y'all.
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new management likely made Youma staff change their minds regarding the game room.
What does Youmacon actually have this year?
And how can you change chairs 3 months before a con? Is Morgan still running everything behind a puppet?
they pulled the same stunt on us last year with tickets
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Tickets on sale now.
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first guest announcement
Over a week since the last post.

Con's dead.

Con's dead y'all.
As if 4channers determine whether a con is alive or dead
318 days and no shipping refund on badges
Only guest announcement lol
Very late on new guests but 6 other guests were announced. Those being Ricco Fajaro, Dawn Bennett, Allegra Clark, Britt Baron, John Bentley, and Kirk Thornton
Anon just be thankful a con in the midwest hasn't exploded, please don't jinx this peace...
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>Over a week since the last post.

>Con's dead.

>Con's dead dead y'all.

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