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For the Canadian gulls, now that Anime North and Otakuthon are over, what conventions is everyone still looking forward to for the rest of the year? Will anyone top the truck rave at Anime North? I need a reason not to kill myself.
I’m going to JapanFest but that’s about it. Not even a convention but I’ll cosplay there if it doesn’t rain.
Canada doesn't have any good conventions. Dogshit cons for a terrible country.
fanexpo ig.
thoughts on dressing up as a musician and not some shit from a tv show or movie or series?
Fan Expo. Once I have the means to live alone, I'll be traveling to more conventions prayge.
will be at fanexpo
And again, I see the Leaves are quite active these days. I'll join yu one day, I promise
Fan Expo fucking sucks
Is Kei con still happening? Is the venue still undetermined?
>Oct 18-20 2024 - North York Central Library, Concourse Event Space
I don't know how they're charging those prices for hanging out at a library for a few days
Because they know retards will pay
Because it's North York and they're legally required to charge enough to keep the poors away.
>no cons until next year
Sadge. Especially since Anime Toronto seems to be a bust now?
>My name is Can Ngo - founder and President of Anime Toronto. I started this event with the help of a collegue and her investors. I was brought on because of my experience at Anirevo Vancouver ( animerevolution.ca ). While we did our best to bring you the best event we could create, there were some issues that I encountered that could only be rectified if I had complete control over all aspects of the event.

>After some discussion, I decided it would be best to walk away from Anime Toronto. Effective immediately, everything that you had known about both International Fan Festival and Anime Toronto will be going away. My colleague who will continue Anime Toronto ( at least, that's what I think she will do ), will do so without my assistance or guidance.

>With that said, I don't want to give up on Toronto and have decided to bring Anirevo, a company and event that I fully own, to Toronto. We are in the early stages of planning and hope to begin our event in 2025.

>Until then, I want to thank this entire community for how kind and patient you have been with us. I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Can Ngo more like Can Not lmao
Is Anime Revolution a good con? I've never attended.
One of the best cons in Canada
There's not that many good cons in Canada to begin with. What's it competing with, Otakuthon?
we need more con in QC !!!!
nah fuck french canadians
french cons are way better anyway
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how long before you get the Canadian Miku cosplays showing up
Is G-Anime happening in January?
I've been noticing that there are too many literal children infesting our local mid-Canada cons, especially in the last 2 years, no parents in sight, no older siblings, nothing. What the hell happened?
Mid-Canada has cons?
>still no Anime Toronto updates
It's over...

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