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That has got to be the worst ita I've seen in a while.

It don't like that skirt as it is, but that person managed to drag it down even further.
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The choice of socks and shoes with that dress just screams sissy
As if you couldn’t tell from the man hands and dad watch on his wrist

Why can’t men ever fully commit? They want to be included but half ass every coord. Whether it’s this fugly watch or keeping their lawnmower 3000s on their feet
Reposting from last thread but I hate this stupid fucking print. Every time I see it I am angry. It makes me think of some kind of camp cabin from old horror movies set in the 70s that probably smell like pine trees, poop and bologna sandwiches.

>Had someone tell me "oh but I thought you love brown prints like this"
No bitch, I love delicate florals and centuries old antique designs in charming warm tones that sometimes brown. I don't love retro pop art and lazy trim details. Itas will never understand.
another anon suggested that for them it's enough to just dress like a girl because they get off on the humiliation of dressing like a girl, they don't think they need to dress well.

Although I had already seen this was a man, that fact alone does not bother me. It's the ugly outfit and the obvious fetishistic intent.
> Why can’t men ever fully commit?
Because they physically can’t. All lolita garments are structured and measured for women, meaning they will always look ill fitting in those clothes because it isn’t made for them. This is a variety of factors:
> Skirt length being to short
> Bodice length being to short
> Straps being to short
> Cuff circumference isn’t wide enough
> Not enough room to support a big enough petticoat

These are issues all men in lolita experience, the only exceptions are a few gay men and non binary people that are biologically female. Although I do understand that being a fetishist is a common factor, I think it’s their body that’s the issue more than anything. If you don’t believe me just look at that sutiblr guy, his a man but actually looks good in lolita because of his body type.
>>10933627 I wouldn't call it ita, but I've always felt the same way about this print anon. Especially the black colorway, I remember mentioning before to friends that it looks like hunters' clothes. You would not be visible hunting down turkey in that gaudy thing. Maybe that increases the appeal for some.
Gobelin isn't generally a print (though gobelin-style printed fabric exists), it's a type of weave similar to tapestry fabric, and it's one of the most quintessential materials in lolita since the beginning. You know nothing.
how do you even find your way to 4chan being this illiterate
Every single piece clashes so hard, nothing goes together at all. wtf.
>I think it’s their body that’s the issue more than anything.

nayrt, and although I agree that a lot of men will have fit issues with lolita because it's made with women in mind, things not fitting all that well is not an issue I have with men wearing lolita. There are also options such as buying custom sized stuff, getting things made for you, making things yourself and altering stuff you've bought.

It's the styling choices that are usually a problem. A lot of guys into lolita are perma itas, not because they can't get things that fit them that also look decent (they have options) but because they have terrible taste and do not have coording skills. A lot of them also don't seem to be interested in developing skills or taste. They also, ime, typically only want ass pats when they ask for concrit. You could give them genuinely good advice so they can dress better, but they usually shoot down any suggestion you make. Over time it will become glaringly obvious the large majority of them are not in the comm because they love lolita fashion so much.
nayrt, I've never liked this set (cape and skirt) but I don't really know why. Maybe it's the size of the print, this specific mix of colors, the contrast with the lace, how busy the print is. But like you said, it's not ita. And imo looks a lot higher quality than the Ginza Kissaten Groovy Cafe Skirt. The latter looks like it was an 8 year old's first sewing project.
I do see how the btssb set reminds you of hunters clothes though. Still, I think it has at least some charm when the ginza skirt hasn't got any.
Lurk more and learn about replies and image contributions. The hated print that posted was referring to was the post they replied to (the brown ginza print). The gobelin was added as an example that the poster loved, and to emphasize the mistake the anecdotal ita made by thinking they were equal.
Oh my God is that Rosie bow
Not sure if you're retarded or just larping but I've owned the print and it's a gobelin print. Are you the one who recently spent 77k yen on the set in auction? Way to tell the difference.
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Post real itas
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It's definitely not good but I envy you if that's the worst you've seen in a while
>golf clubs in background
Lmao, still a white man at heart.
cropped weirdly cos this was the only ita in a normie group photo
It's him. I'm having flashbacks now. He wore a bonnet the wrong way around and I'm pretty sure he made a yt video where he did something against yt policy (which then got removed).

that was until I saw this guy again >>10933669

A lot of things about this suck but the shoes stand out the most to me. Terribly gross and ratty.
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what the fuck
Watch this get posted to r/lolita and gain a million comments about how bRaVe it is.
Just because it's important to the history doesn't make it magically not ugly.
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Meanwhile this bag of filth is getting praise as we speak. One look at his profile and you can clearly see he has a diaper fetish. Why are these people not banned?
the wig, the shape of the dress, the moobs
there are other things that are wrong but I had to contain my laughter.
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>As if you couldn’t tell from the man hands and dad watch on his wrist
Or every other element of form. Pings a mile away.
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Lol, think he blocked me. Do they not know you can just log off your account and see whatever you want?
This isn’t ita. The makeup is well applied. The wig seems to be decent in quality and looks nice. The dress shape is weird and short but doesn’t break the entire coord.
nayrt, but imo it is ita because the dress is incredibly ill fitting, the makeup style (not the colors) clashes, the leg wear choice looks out of place (no other element it matches or mixes with), those bangs look bad (get blunt bangs or air bangs or side swept, not whatever this is), that headdress is not supposed to sit like that it's very awkward looking.
Wigs do need some cutting if the bangs are too long, which in this case they are.

Now I am curious what the shoes look like and what this dress looks like on the size it was made for.
Stop posting. Picrel is a quintessential ita.
sorry you got posted
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This looks horrible
>tfw i make hime gyaru bows for myself and don't sell them but they look miles better than lara's hot glue disasters
maybe i should sell my stuff...
The picture of the little girl in the back… this is dark.
Oh sweet Jesus, is that like an age player/sissy's version of a fursona?
That looks like a real little girl he's skinwalking as (happens more often than you think)
The main problem for me is the fabric roses, they are trimmed horribly and the leaves look so fake. I think this is fine if your wearing hime casually but I wouldn’t wear these if someone’s taking a photo of me close up.
the middle of the bow is fraying. she's selling these. to me this is like a practice version that i would toss out.
Is there even a non ita way to style this shit OP?
actual fucking abomination to lolita or fashion in general

great dress, bad shoes and socks. what the fuck was the thought process

amazing dress, mid coord, shitty cringe makeup

yeah this is ugly. the cut and lace of dress is pretty, but the print itself is disgusting

dress, blouse, bag, i can forgive, theyre ok. tights are a bad choice. demonias? gtfo

needs better socks and pose

HOLY FATTY what the fuck is with the mask and VANS WITH LOLITA?! actually die

obvious amazon rip off and ugly as fuck both of them

oh my god 50yo reddit tranny. theres so many on r/lolita. the dress sucks too, the petticoat puffiness does not fucking suit it

trans or does porn. cute dress, but no petticoat, shitty Amazon thigh highs, and unmatched shoes

if it has a better, long petticoat i could forgive it just a bit. still bad though. especially the makeup

not even lolita this is extremely vkei

these are awful. nothing looks right

theres gotta be, if you really try. its an ok piece
Yes, do you really have problems with coordinating b/w op? Lol
your takes are so new it hurts
It's not even a BxW related thing. That lace looks ugly and cheap.
am i particularly wrong in any of them?
if you have to ask
>great dress
no and that's a man
>amazing dress
looks like cheap glittertale garbage
>tights are a bad choice, blouse and bag fine
are you fucking stupid? the blouse and bag are horrible
>needs better socks
you're fucking blind if you think that's the only thing wrong here
>better, longer petticoat i could forgive
these coords are not salvageable.
>extremely vkei
uh, lol....
She is selling these for 40 dollars a pop. The quality just isn't there.
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huh? That's ok? nothing excessively ugly about it.
>not even lolita
>extremely vkei
sorry you got posted
get a dress that fits and accessories that don't scream devilinspired victim, surely neomoitie quality would be enough for you and some of their new releases are fully shirred
are you blind? the dress looks halloween costume tier.
no amount of styling will make this not look cheap. if you own this i would definitely sell
nayrt, imo this looks bad but not bad enough to be ita. Dress is obviously not good quality but not the worst I've seen, the glasses don't suit lolita, she's fat and not conventionally attractive, she has frizzy hair. The actual clothing isn't terrible, nor did she coord it in a terrible way, it doesn't look terribly ill fitting either as far as I can tell. I saw this and thought "would the person who posted this still consider it ita if she was slim and beautiful with non-frizz hair and contact lenses?" I think that if she was what I just mentioned this would just be considered a mediocre coord.

I can see why this one is ita. For me the shape and length of the corset, plus the boob shelf and the proportions of the entire outfit ruins it. The glasses and unkempt hair again. I can see what kind of look she's trying to achieve but fails at.
the dress is awful but as the other anon said the coord is not awful enough to be placed in the ita thread. but whatever this kind of discussion is not worth it as it will soon derail and yada yada
Summer out in full force today. Holy fuck, /cgl/ is a ruined cesspool of newfags.
calling newfag someone who is so used to cgl's stupidity that they even anticipate the usual derailment a discussion would cause.
>anyone who doesn't agree with my vendetta is a newfag

As it was, as it will always be.
nice double post 30 seconds apart. sorry you got posted, ita!
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>any comment disagreeing with me has to be the same person

touch grass
Anon, you're so new you don't even know that regular users have to wait between posts...
Her taobao dress is literally fraying at the seams. Her looking like a fat bob’s burger character doesn’t help but if you think this isn’t ita you need help
I saw the fraying and the ugly lace, it's still not the worst dress I've ever seen. Most of the ita thread stuff is worse. She also didn't coord it horribly. It's just a very standard beginner coordination with white headdress and black leg wear. Nothing about her clothes looks wild or clashes. It's bad but not bad enough for me to consider it ita. I expect a certain level of hideous-nous from the ita thread, this did not meet that bar.
Beginner? This troon has been a “lolita” for over 2 years
are you stupid this is that underaged femboy "gender special it/its L from death note kinnie" from tiktok, retard. you really think that thing would go on 4chan?
2 years is still a beginner.
is this your way of justifying still dressing like shit?
Every troon dresses like shit no matter how long they've been wearing women's clothes.
ayrt. Doesn't look like a troon to me, although I'm open to seeing some proof. It looks like a really homely woman to me. She should lose some weight, ditch those glasses (get lenses or glasses that actually suit whatever she's wearing), do her hair properly, get better quality clothes obviously.

2 years is a beginner, this level is pretty common for that amount of time. I mostly lurked on LJ in my first year to learn as much as possible, then when I did start making/buying things I fast tracked it for the standards of that time. I went from 1 decent outfit at the end of my first year to 5 jpn brand main pieces with lots of blouses, accessories, bags, shoes and socks for more styling options at the end of my second year. All jpn brand or decent quality home made. That is quicker than it goes for a lot of people, even today.
If someone doesn't have at least one decent outfit by the end of their 3rd year it's either they're a perma ita or just not really all that invested in the fashion so they don't really think it's important to build a wardrobe within a common time frame. The latter might grow into a decent lolita they're just taking a lot longer.
He refers to himself in the third person with a name he has chosen for his girl-sona
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Infinity ita
Nice dresses, just too bad they're at least 3 sizes too small for him so he has to put on a corset to squeeze into them and then they still don't come up high enough.
As a maximalist, I love this
Not ita
Not ita, just casual.
Not ita.
this guy is wearing a replica of btssb's elizabeth jsk and it doesn't even fit him so he put some eyelets into it on either side of the zipper to he can (sort of) wear it. The blouse he's wearing isn't lolita. The legwear (which shouldn't be worn with lolita at all, unless you believe in the existence of ero lolita which this coord isn't) and shoes don't match the aesthetic of the dress. Neither does the bag (which is also low quality and crappy looking). The way he posed his head bow looks ridiculous.

be a maximalist all you want but coording this main piece with the leg wear, shoes and these colors is tacky as hell.

Those shoes aren't lolita and can't be used for lolita. The sailor top doesn't work with the dress, that hair is an eyesore. What is that belt even? I'm not even going to say anything about the leg wear.

this is way past casual, it stops being lolita. Those shoes also don't work, no matter how you style them. The hair and sunglasses don't work with the dress (or lolita in general) either. You can't just slap on a jsk, bloomers and frilly socks and call it a day.
Three blind mice kei
She still wears lolita? Her account is mostly weird lingerie shoots.
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This has been a well known tranny for years. Check the old ita threads and you'll find proof.
You seem to miss the “over” in my post. It’s been like 5+ years of being fat and ugly and dressing like shit
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Already checked, lots of accusations but no proof.
you know way too much about this girl with big tits
Nayrt, he says it himself. "Trans woman and model". It's also on btb.
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It's evident to anyone with functioning eyes.
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its an underaged guy

his stupid shit keeps popping up in my insta reels feed
How do you know it's not a "he/him" woman? My pooner radar is going off with this one.
God I am so beyond sick of gender nonsense
pretty sure he made posts on tucking and stuffing for cosplays a while back im like 100% sure its a biological male
>>10933968 and >>10934800 are the same person who is a tif
>>10933978 is someone else but also a genderspecial. maybe there was some missclicked replies along the way.
oh i genuinely thought both were the same person. they do follow eachother and yeah its another gender special but looks female

i also found that dress and i realised the dumbass doesnt even fit it and thats why it sits so horribly. she cannot fit the bust part at all so her chest sits below the chest line. holy fuck just bind
>holy fuck just bind

Nayrt, it's still so weird to me after 15+ years that some people do this in the lolita community in order to fit into dresses. It's been a while since I've seen anyone bring it up, I hope thst means less people are doing it. Imo binding is going way too far, just get something that fits or get it altered.

Inb4 "it's no different from wearing a sports bra".
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it/its in bio more like tit/tits
with j-fashion getting something that fits for large chests is difficult, and spending $100-$800 on a dress and then having to pay for alterations can be ridiculous. so i can understand doing it to wear clothes you enjoy

ive been thinking of doing it myself because free sizes fit everywhere but my bust and then plus sizes fit my bust but are baggy everywhere else. im aware its dangerous but goddamn is it frustrating to not find stuff that fits right without paying to alter it
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I want to cry
Not ita.

Though concrit
-hair isn’t really styled
-cardigan is either too small or they’re not wearing the proper bra size
-gold shoes seem out of place.

Coord seems really comfortable though
It’s the smug expression that gets me
Skirt also too small. I cringed.
What about that top is acceptable to you
Why are fat itas always so smug looking?
>only dresses in female clothes
>all female hobbies
These girls come from a factory. I don't want to make fun of her tits though, she's probably already got an appointment to chop them off for her LARP. Many such cases.
idk I think this is cute as is. There's things I personally don't like or would change but overall pleasing to look at.
>Posting minors on 4chan

Don't do it. Binding long term is not safe, and can result in reduced lung capacity and deformed ribs. It can also damage your breast tissue if you do it incorrectly. If a compression sports bra doesn't do the job, please just visit a tailor.
You've never seen a cutsew like this? AP and Baby make them all the time. They're great for casual coords. The cardigan is too small, her hair is messy, she needs different socks and shoes, but this is honestly just a mediocre newbie coord to me.
It's kinda ita but not bad enough to have earned a spot on this thread. It looks to me like beginner or experimental/a la mode lolita inspired outfit. Agree with the other anon >>10934839 on her concrit especially the hair, and I would personally wear some sheer skin color tights to make the knee area look cleaner if you're going for the short skirt+utk sock look.
The dude is 17 anon, his an adult in a lot of countries and states. The fact he calls himself a EGL fashion designer but shows nothing related on his ig is hilarious to me.
if he's not old enough to use 4chan he's not old enough to be posted here. this has been the norm for a while.
every time a tranny looks up "lolita dress" on amazon and buys this dishrag an angel loses its wings
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… yeah way “too small”. Not only are you an absolute dumbfuck, but you’re obsessed enough to make a fucking collage. The last pic isn’t even in lolita.
And DDD tits with a 26 inch waist, how the fuck do you think a dress would fit? Dumbfuck. Also shut the fuck up with “too big for lolita” this is a fucking fitness trainer, bikini model for fucks sake. And at least she has style and can afford these dresses. Let’s see if you can look better than “him”. Stay obsessed, loser.
Weird? Define normal. She works in fitness and as a model, she wants to showcase her body. What’s the issue? And what’s it to you?
Still in better shape than anyone on this fucking board.
Prove it asshole. Where? You wanna make that claim, where’s the proof of a tucking video? It’s not there because she never made a video about tucking.
Still better looking than your mom
This isn’t even ita. This just looks like a vendetta post. The coords are good, you just don’t like the person.
keep going nonnie he might fuck you if you post a sixth reply in a row
Sorry you got posted, ywnbaw and no amount of plastic surgery will make you pass as one. You will forever be a hideous bogged male.
It's fucking disgusting that you want any type of fetishist in lolita spaces let alone these fetishist MALES in lolita spaces, you should feel ashamed of yourself.
Most lolitas don't want to see NSFW photoshoots on their main feed. It'd be nice if she made some kind of side account.
ntayrt but i'm sorry your vagina is the only thing you have going for you anon
>free sizes fit everywhere but my bust and then plus sizes fit my bust but are baggy everywhere else.

Same, but I still think binding goes too far it doesn't look good and seems uncomfortable. Why would you do that to a healthy body? Getting your clothes to fit you properly seems like the most sane approach. Of course if you're fat then consider losing the excess weight through sensible methods, but I'm assuming that isn't the case.
I understand altering is a pain in the ass but it's just a one time investment of time or money, for a piece you will hopefully love for years to come.
Nayrt, the skirt doesn't work. The upper tier is too small for her.
Hahahahaha, I'm sorry you got posted.
Wearing clothes way too small for you is ita. Thinking you look good in lolita with those proportions (a corseted waist with huge fake tits) is ita.
One of those dresses ends at the mid bust when it's supposed to come up way past your boobs. You cannot be this delusional.
Also who cares if you're a trainer, you could be a professional wrestler or the hottest fitness model to ever exist, and it would still look ridiculous to wear clothes that are multiple sizes too small for you.
It really doesn't matter how fit and strong you are, that's not what's important in lolita fashion.
Oh, hun, I don't need to see your genitals to clock you.
and I'm sorry your botched bolt ons will never distract from your linebacker shoulders!
why would she post a photo of herself making a face like this?
also anon, saying she has a "26 inch waist" makes it just sound like you're her so stop lol. she didn't have to buy DDD boobs if she wanted to wear stuff like this; she could have passed with smaller tits.
He probably would have passed if he didn't get implants and didn't wear corsets. The fake look just emphasises the maleness. I do not fully understand why they do this if they want to pass. Actual women don't look like that. The blow up doll look is not the natural state of women. Only porn sick men think that their artificial female ideal is better than actual femininity.

Also getting large fake tits is dumb if you want to wear lolita. It just makes it harder to fit and look good in lolita, and it makes him look less cute.
He reminds me of that image of the porn star trying to wear jirai kei.
You look like you were stung by a bee
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Same vibes
I'll call them all personally and make sure they know, thank you so much for your time and input
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Yeah, it's ita, but it feels obvious this person is going for that early 2000's anime lolita look instead of a real attempt.
She initially posted the outfit on r/lolita, people gave her constructive criticism and telling her it wasn’t Lolita.

So now she’s backpedaling saying ITS LOLITA INSPIRED
honestly this is nostalgic. an old fashioned 2000s ita. it's not lolita, but it is cute and took me back, so i'm not mad about it.
Doesn't change the point in my post though.
how is this not lolita
it's more lolita then some of the stuff chinese brands and innocent world are trying to pass as lolita now a days
Skirt isn’t full enough, let alone long enough, arm warmers, furry headband (not stuffed animal ears KC/clips). It’s really nostalgic and cute imo but very not lolita. And that’s ok!
nayrt, it's already been mentioned but this looks like what early 2000s anime thought lolita was. We differentiated the two (anime lolita and actual lolita) and considered anime lolita not lolita. I understand that stances on this have probably changed, some lolita brands have released outfits/sets that weren't anime collabs that still look like early 2000s anime lolita. The community thought that what chi wears in the chobits manga/anime wasn't lolita, but I'm pretty sure the current comm would have a lot more people in it that do consider it lolita. The amount of different aesthetics that are considered lolita is just much bigger than it used to. Chinese brands experimenting contributed a lot to that.

imo the outfit is cute and nostalgic, but imo it's still ita if this is an actual attempt at lolita. I particularly hate the ears. And I would much rather look at this than regular itas.
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I hope this was a replika
This is disgusting
Tiktok itas are a different breed
Begging to be spoonfed? Lurk more you stupid newfag.
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This is probably the worst thing I've ever seen
Meh, if you're cute and skinny like this you can pull off a blouseless coord, she could use a better petticoat though.
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Usakumya did nothing wrong to deserve this
I hope you're joking. She's clearly not wearing a petticoat and that dress is horrible
Holy newfag
Apparently she fell asleep at a punk house and woke up to him like that. She said she found it funny and kept him that way but I'd lose my fucking shit
Fell asleep at a punk house? Sounds like she nodded off on fent wtf
I also like to go on the internet and tell lies
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Since when is muumuulita a thing?
Since Kuniko Kato split from Meta and started her own brand.
Is this Mr. Bean?
are we just gonna ignore that she has a meta shopping bag framed and displayed on her wall?
Why is that important?
Stfu Lexi ywnbaw

> I do not fully understand why they do this if they want to pass.
They don't really, because it's a fetish
second ayrt, so what is the fetish exactly? I have noticed that the ones that try to look like blow up dolls try to get male attention and are pick-me's.

I understand what your average middle aged "bearded man in a dress" sissy/agp is trying to achieve. The blow up doll lookalikes seem like a different sort imo.
>what is the fetish exactly
Men dressing up to look like women, getting surgery to imitate women, pretending to act like women, doesn't ring any bells? Are you completely empty on the top floor?
I hope to god she hit her hard
So like extreme cross dressing?
It's important because it's trashy as all hell
People comment on people's rooms in the background all the time
I genuinely did not know where you were going with that comment and considered multiple scenarios, which is why I asked. But yeah, I agree it's tacky to frame shopping bags.
Lolitas have been pasting shopping bags to their walls for a solid decade or more by now. I agree that it's tacky but not new and not really worthy of the commentary imho.
second ayrt, and yeah, people were already doing this in the 2000s so really nothing new. Like you said, tacky but not worthy to comment on which is why I asked why it was important to talk about it. Her outfit should be the focal point here, it's not like she lives in a hoarder house with actual trash on the floor.
its not impossible to bind safely lmao
doubt, but if so it still doesn't look good.
it is, actually. you can practice harm reduction, but even so over time it reduces lung capacity, can cause circulation issues, and damage to the tissue. much worse can happen if you don't follow harm reduction protocols to the letter, which most people don't. binding is intended as a temporary stopgap measure for those considering surgery, where the immediate of suicide outweighs long term risks of binding. there is no safe way to do it regularly or long term, and i don't recommend doing it for lolita or cosplay in particular because the amount of layers increases your risk of overheating or being unable to quickly remove the binder in an emergency.
Extreme body modification does not a woman make. Nor is it a right
"I'm a woman. It's my right as a man"
reminds me of mandrea's blog

it's that shitty poly lace you see on taobao releases, what were they thinking?
the fact that you don't see how crazy that cardigan looks... it's supposed to go ACROSS your tits. Also you could at least change up your typing style a little bit.
>Stay obsessed
No-one here thinks about you when we don't come across your coord pictures. You're being treated the same as the other itas, literally the only reason you were posted is because of how terrible you look in your outfits.

>at least I have style
you have zero self awareness of how other people in the comm perceive you
>DDD tits with a 26 inch waist
>fitness trainer, bikini model
This has to be the worst selfpost on here since
>I wish I had her body (those upper arms, omg), face, makeup skills, art skills. She has mode girl. Her coords are cute, her art is amazing, she's made a name for herself in the lolita community
>doesn't know how bra sizes work
>thinks a 26 inch waist is small
oh no no no kek
She’s so annoying, most of her Lolita’s outfits are not even lolita, or cheap
Nailed it. 100% of the naysayers have cellulite and flabby arms. Stay mad, haters.
The jig is already up, I'm not sure what you think is going to happen here.
Cellulite is a normal female secondary sex characteristic. YWNBAW
90% of the population has cellulite, not really the "gotcha" you think it is
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Yeah I don’t really get the hate for this person maybe I’m missing some backstory.
They don’t even look particularly male to me like I might not have guessed if people didn’t bring it up every time they get posted. Like I’ve seen a million way uglier trannys. Maybe they are someone’s personal lolcow or something but they don’t stand out as like worth posting to me compared to most people in the thread.
Nayrt, you're missing backstory.
I wasn't there for the earliest stuff, the first time I saw she got posted she already had a reputation for being drama prone and backstabbing one of the few friends she had in the comm. The first post I saw on here or maybe btb was because she was wearing (iirc) a sheer blouse with a corset and bra visible underneath it. People on COF pointed it out and she got pissy instead of using it as a learning moment. It then got posted here or on btb and she came over to say how transphobic everyone was and how she looks better than anyone criticising her. She has done that every time she got posted afaik. I probably missed some stuff because sometimes I don't visit cgl for months.
A later time she got posted for wearing a jsk that didn't even cover her nipples. Another time for posting fetish photoshoots on the same account she uses for lolita, another time for wearing a tight lacing corset that gave her comic proportions in order to wear a Japanese brand skirt, etc. People keep doing it because it summons her.
Nayrt, she's terrible to be around. She acts like a bully, gives awful advice to newbies, and expects to be tiptoed around when she bothers to participate in the community at all. If you disagree with her, she calls you transphobic, even if you didn't know or care. If you search rufflechat, she's always getting into petty arguments. Even people who aren't transphobic can't stand her.
ayrt, that's even worse than I thought. Textbook "crybully" aka someone who intimidates or harasses others while claiming to be a victim of ill treatment.
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Why does every ita thread devolve into sperging about trannies or fats? Shut up and post itas.
Lexi is a he. A spoiled, crybaby, pornsick, misogynist man from a wealthy family that owns multiple properties. At one point he tried to garner sympathy because they had to sell their summer home during covid. He's also a fetish model. Fuck that attention mongering turd.
The tranny in question derailed the thread himself with his autistic meltdown. No one would have thought twice about a run of the mill ita being posted in the ita thread if not for his lolcow behavior.
It's a shame the farms are down. Would've made a funny post.
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Itas like this always confuse me. She looks like she’s been in lolita for a minute but decides to buy this awful Amazon dress and headdress, not to mention the ill fitting tights. It just makes no sense to me, you can wear all the lolita dresses in the world yet you decide to wear this garbage.
ID on this dress?
lolibrary exists for a reason retard newfag
kek those implants aren’t nearly big enough to make up for your A-line pelvis, HSTS faggot. you look like ita robbie white
wig looks weird but i would actually kind of like this if it was a thin young girl
this pose is fucking disgusting
It's all cheap ugly shit, get better taste.
someone rescue the girl on the far left
Here you go nonny. Next time please use the search features of lolibrary.

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she's the best dressed but her outfit is not great. The makeup is the worst. The socks look low quality and are at an awkward length, the shoes don't suit the aesthetics of the jsk imo, and that bag isn't even lolita.

And a nitpick; wearing a blouse with tulle lace with a main piece that has torchon lace doesn't work that well.
Can't even tell which headdress that is.
That jsk is doing all of the heavy lifting here.
you have terrible taste.

I get second hand embarrassment
this could be so good w a different pair of socks and shoes.
I thought this was tranny lol
No the fuck it couldn't
It is a tranny, keep up.
Troons are just so uncanny valley. This guy is gonna look ridiculous when he gets older, even more than he already does.
christian instagram influencer "trying" gothic lolita
probably the worst shoes she couldve picked jesus fuck
Her makeup reminds of a TikTok ita
41% chance he won't have to worry about that
Is this that zelda cosplayer who has been self posting here?
Zelda has been terrorizing us with her coords for a while now. This isn’t even all that bad for her, her sugar bouquet strawberry corset monstrosity on the other hand is legendary
is that the one where her dress is literally on backwards?
>>10936611 would be so nice if not for the yucky drag makeup. Same with the leftmost girl in >>10935065
>>10936544 I'm going to argue with you here because sure it could be slightly better with better matched accessories but this is a lot of nitpicking. Aside from the makeup it looks great.
2nd ayrt, I'm not saying that outfit is ita. Imo this is below average and also gives the impression she's a beginner. If you want to make a great coord, then you will have to do some "nitpicking" (aka having good coording skills, good taste and standards) as you call it, to make sure that things go together well. I'm not saying you have to adhere to a formula, you absolutely don't have to in order to make a great coord. But the coord cannot look messy and inconsistent aesthetically/thematically.
That's not a replica nonnie it's the romantic dream rose JSK, which isn't relevant because it's still ita sissy shit either way. Scrote just ruined real brand trying to fit into it instead of a replica
Ayrt, I came across that jsk not long after I posted that picture and was a bit ashamed for thinking it was an Elizabeth replica, but I forgive myself since I'm not following btssb's new designs. I was horrified he botched brand.
>>10936682 That's fair nona. Sorry for arguing with you. Nothing wrong with good faith concrit. I agree, looks like she got the main piece and then grabbed loliables off Amazon or Shein or something.
I was thinking she may have borrowed the dress from a lolita friend. The other items look like she wanted to dip her toe into the fashion and got lower budget chinese brand options, which there's nothing wrong with as long as the coord is cohesive.
boohoo my snowflake brand made this so it must be lolita all meanies r wrong
Sup, nigga
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Why do her shoes have cameltoe?
Rocking horse are not gothic imo, also that dress looks awful, doesn’t she have the budget for sock?
It’s okay you can breath
I mean it’s clearly an attempt at gothic lolita, just not a good one.

She must be horribly uncomfortable.
those are hoof shoes/tabi style shoes if I am not mistaken
they look terrible and like they hurt.

this looks so weird. What is that arm even doing behind her? Is she pulling her blouse tight? That blouse is also a bit more sheer than she thinks it is.
In case anyone gets mad I'm not criticizing the actual outfit; the skirt looks awful because it's just not a good design and the bottom lace looks weird, the socks are too small (lace is almost flat against her leg), she does not have the legs to wear a skirt this short and she's better off wearing skirts and dresses that do not come above mid knee, the blouse is too tight (look at all the pulling lines, but that might be her pulling it back as well) and looks low quality, her hair looks like it's in such bad condition it will fall out when she sneezes. The only things I like about this coord are the shoes and the headdress (assuming that's the bodyline one with the roses).
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I wish every "jirai" kills themselves before they get into lolita and ruin our burando dresses with blood stains
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ita, sure, but it's also nice to see 2000s itas
Does being fat automatically make you ita?
Yes, the only people who will disagree are other fatties and skinny girls who want to look better next to you by comparison.
Like 99% of the time yeah since the silhouette is so integral to the look. If you're only a little fat and not deathfat, maybe but you have to have a lot else going for you all at once to make up for it.
short answer: no

imo body shape is a more important than size but size also still matters. If you're apple shaped, regardless of your size, then a lot of dresses aren't going to work for you and you're stuck with very high waisted cuts or sack dresses.

Coording skills are always important, but they're even more important if you're overweight or even obese because you have to compensate for it. A slim pretty lolita can elevate a mediocre coord. If you're fat, no matter how cute your face is, you simply do not have that superpower.
If you're fat then your clothes have to fit you very well. If it's too baggy it will make you look fatter, if it's too small it will make you look fatter.
>find out there's a local lolita comm
>this in the first few pictures
There's one girl that looks promiscing as she has burando, but most are taobao itas.
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stop destroying lolita

Obviously there are extremes, but if you're not so fat that you can't balance your coords with a wider skirt then you'll be fine.
The ears are really creepy.
If I were in your shoes I would join the comm, hang out mostly with the girl who is at least halfway decent, offer advice to the taobao itas, then enjoy the comm when more of them turn into proper lolitas. I've noticed a lot of lolitas these days start with absolute garbage, garbage which they don't know how to coord either, but as they get more experience they can turn into decent lolitas. Usually if they actually wear jpn brand (specifically decently constructed cotton stuff) just once they simply can't go back. Just seeing someone wear jpn brand helps, but actually wearing it themselves is what often what does it.
At least 5 lolitas in my comm have followed that trajectory or are in that process. There are a few who started with very low tier taobao, and one who started with terrible western indie designs. I'm not saying you have to lend them an outfit if you don't want to, but stimulate them to buy their first jpn brand piece second hand.
There are people who don't like jpn brand aesthetics, they can't be saved.
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sometimes even JP brand aesthetics are pretty bad
True, but I never said everything jpn brands make is pretty. We have an ugliest dress thread every year.
you think the dress is the only thing wrong with this coord?
you mean this coord? >>10936987
If so, then there are a lot of things I hate about that coord and I would feel ashamed wearing it in public. But I've been told I nitpick too much so unless you want the entire breakdown I'm not going to list everything.
I don't think it's bad enough to be posted in the ita thread though.

IMO it should be for stuff like this >>10936943 and >>10933906 but I'm also not going to tell you that you aren't allowed post stuff like >>10936987
absolutely not, she’s wearing cheap clothes, and some of them are not even Lolita
dude, you can't be serious. Some of that isn't even lolita. The other stuff is just cobbled together low quality crap.
It’s 4chan you are not supposed to defend yourself, I know you are young yet don’t be that much stupid
People need to learn that just because a piece has an animal motif and want to make a coord following it, it doesn't mean you have to go balls deep with it and makeup like a freak. Animal ears are ok, but only if they're in theme and look good unlike >>10936943
I'm getting furry vibes from >>10936943
she looks like she'd rather be wearing one of those kigu fur heads. especially with the gloves.
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every time a fat lolita goes blouseless a puppy dies
yeah it's blouseless and the pinks don't match but this feels like a vendetta
seconded, most of the time i'm not a fan of blouseless coords but i'd say this is one of the better ones i've seen. not perfect by any means but definitely could've been a lot worse, wearing black wristcuffs and/or shoes would help balance out the colors imho
No one wants to look at your ham hock arms
Fat lolita wants to make a coord that only looks good on skinny lolita
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I love blouseless coords, but this looks more like a pastel stripper coord.
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Arms like that are a perfectly healthy and normal level of body fat on a woman. You've just been bamboozled by the media to think this is something to mock and undesirable.
the coord itself isnt even that bad, a wig and different makeup would make it better
no petticoat and the white in the tights doesnt go with anything im gonna be sick
desu this isnt even that bad! the hair doesnt rlly go with lolita so a wig would improve it, sanrio jsk+bag super cute together, replace legwarmers with sax/light pink or white socks/tights and light pink mary janes
honestly not much is wrong with this why tf is it here. and dont give me something subjective
desu this is so pretty!!! the shoes dont have enough black to go with the dress but i appreciate the attempt <3
also im tryna not be a hater for once rn
OH MY GOD????? HOLY FUCK THIS ACTUALLY KINDA WORKS (also the arcade looks like one near where i live a bit)
ayy think ive seen this girl on reddit
pretty sure these are coords for everyday so ofc theyre gonna be a bit ita
It's not a good coord if you have to replace so many components to make it look decent.
I agree that she needs more lolita appropriate hair. But also 1; that salopette usually looks best on slim lolitas with a small bust. Most salopettes don't work if you're not slim. It does not look good on her but if there was no other choice than to build a coord with that main piece then 2; The petticoat is the wrong shape(too full on top) too voluminous imo and too long 3; Swap the bag for a solid non character bag in a color that coordinates with one of the main colors in the main piece 4; ditch the "shoes". She should get simple mary janes that are either pastel pink or a light blue that matches or is close to matching the blue in the main piece. 5: It looks to me she's trying to cover up her leg tattoos with semi opaque flesh colored tights. The large majority of tattoos look trashy as hell when worn with lolita, she probably already knows this. She needs fully opaque tights with a color or print that goes with the main piece. 6; the blouse does not look good with that main piece. She needs to get a cotton blouse. 7: stretched ears do not look good with lolita.
she's coordinating the skirt and blouse in a non lolita way aesthetically speaking. This wouldn't look good according to lolita standards on anyone. The hair, jewelry, makeup, belt and double use of fishnets move this outfit into the direction of a different alternative style. The wrist cuffs, headdress and socks also do not look good quality.
I do not passionately hate this, I do not think it's a good coord though and it deserves a place in the ita thread. Hair; too big of a contrast with the aesthetics of the main piece. It takes attention away from the main piece. Glasses; really suit the hair, but not the main piece. Choker; looks low quality and just not a suitable design. Blouse; just a large block of black, making it feel unbalanced. These leg tattoos and shoes don't go with the main piece. Way too many piercings to go with very sweet lolita. Same if those are ear stretchers.
it's not horrible but would be improved a lot just by picking different shoes and leg wear. The darker pink accents and the bone buttons on the cardigan do not go with the main piece, the aesthetics clash.

Nitpick but not unimportant; steam your wig
Sweet lolita isn't automatically ita. That's really no excuse. The main piece just doesn't work for any lolita coord. It looks low quality and the upper tier is too narrow. Her turtle neck sweater/shirt is too mainstream looking, nothing about it is lolita. The color of the shoes don't really mix or match any of the clothes.
If that's what you need to tell yourself to cope then go ahead but you look like shit shoving yourself into dresses that don't fit you.
>Delulu pornsick male chasing hollywood figures where the only softness of a woman is tits and ass
eat less
This is ita but not just because it's a blouseless coord on a fatty-chan
Ok American
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She’s so annoying
Male hands typed this post
She tagged it as lolita but I don't think that's what she's actually going for, probably tagged it that way for reach. This is very clearly Jirai/Dark Girly. Not trying to defend though IO don't think it looks that good either way.
No. There's a fatlita who gets posted here every now and then and sometimes people push back on it because most of the time, in my opinion she looks good. She mostly does old school and actually finds shit that fits her which is the point here. Most fatlitas flop because they can't find things that fit them and their shape properly and instead go for like ill fitting cheap Chinese slop. Meta has plus size but they still choose to go for the cheap stuff. Lolita is an alternative fashion that helped break rules of Japanese society and has a somewhat feminist background, I see no reason to exclude other women just because they're fat, and instead offer concrit and help them. Exclude those unwilling to learn, fat people included.
fat sausage fingers typed this post
Most normal healthy sized people find you fats disgusting, just because women are socialized in a way to not say it to your face doesn't mean we aren't thinking it. You definitely sound secure in yourself though kek.
Nayrt, I think a lot of people aren't as passionate about fat people as you are.
The problem with the "we're all thinking it, were just not saying it" line is that you could say that about a lot of topics and there's no way to be sure. You could just be making assumptions about what other people think based on your own beliefs.
Sure, being obese is undesirable in western and Asian societies but that doesn't mean that it's something people think about for hours a day or that they are ready to commit a hate crime whenever they see someone who is obese.
I really think that most people are not bothered by seeing obese lolitas as long as they get stuff that fits them properly and they coord it well enough. It's pretty obvious to me that there is a higher % of itas among obese lolitas for a number of possible reasons, but we point out normal weight itas as well so it's really more about the fact that they're not dressed well than the fact that they're obese.
I'm not bothered by fat lolitas in general, what annoys me is not their size but the mindset some of them have that brands should make every possible size and if they don't they're fat phobic. It's a combination of entitlement and an unwillingness to do something that would benefit them in multiple ways and solve their issues with not finding stuff in their size. But even that mindset that I think is annoying is not something I think about a lot. What also annoys me is when they seem uninterested in developing their coording skills when they're obviously not good at it. But that annoys me when a normal weight person does it too, so that's not about their weight.

I'm curious what you consider fat. And do you really think none of them are dressed well?

I'm bringing genuine questions to what I'm 98% sure is a trolling attempt or someone with a fat fetish, but I am curious.
I don't have a fat fetish. I'm just saying that >>10937166 and
>>10937103 are absolutely average and normal levels of body fat, and have been considered so for millenia.
>stripper coord
Tell me you’ve never seen a stripper without telling me
>you must be over the age of 18 to post in this board
All these imperatives sound really phallic of you kek
The dress is way too short on her, and she chose to style it blouseless with fishnets, garters, and heavy makeup. It's giving anime convention prostitute.
How would you even recommend she style her hair when it's clearly too short for lolita? She should either grow out her hair or get a wig if she insists on wearing lolita
the statue doesn't even look fat. she looks way smaller than the lolita posted. you're delusional
Who's more passionate, the person writing a collective three sentences on an imageboard ripping on a fatty squeezing herself into clothes that don't fit or you typing out this whole insecure ass validation seeking essay?
>my male depiction of a woman is more valid than your male depiction of a woman!
also kek at the implication that these are remotely similar body types.
>you typing out this whole insecure ass validation seeking essay?

Now I'm sure you're a troll.
The upper arm pudge is the same on both, which is the crux of the insult.
Maury but nah, the statue is smaller.
the texture on her legs is scaring me
Nobody genuinely cares about this women’s body fat level, we care about how her clothes are fitted. I’m being serious when I say that 60% of the itas on these threads could be avoided if they just wore clothes ment for their body type. You can even get away with a dress a few sizes smaller if you style it correctly, but you can never get away with a garment not designed for your build, especially with lolita where everything is tightly attached to your body.

This is why I generally avoid r/lolita and other lolita platforms outside japan. Most people interested in lolita will never understand how the way your clothes fit can completely change the way your coord looks, and instead larp as a “cute lolita girl” whilst being completely delusional as to what they actually look like.
So which platforms do you visit for lolita outside of Japan and CGL?
I mainly use more image driven sites like Pinterest or tumblr as my main source for lolita inspiration. Cgl is almost exclusively the only place I visit for talking to other lolitas, I think people often forget that socializing with other lolitas isn’t necessary for being apart of the fashion. I live in a small niche town so there’s no comm or anything fashion related where I am. Sometimes I lurk on Reddit but overall I avoid places that are woke.
Wait, you go to r/lolita?
If so, why? It's a cesspit.
is this that girl who called another girl fat on Facebook when her own profile picture was herself with a shooped Dorito chin? the size of her wrists, hands, waist and thighs makes me think this image is badly shooped too
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