Any landmines on here? Post inspo, aesthetic pics, outfits, hair, nails and general jirai pics
Op spam incoming
End of spam
I loved this thread last time such a good idea to make another one
>>10933831I barely browse this board so I don't know if that's sarcasmwas the last landmine thread a shitshow?
gothic lolita or visual kei or bust
>>10933989I know this is 4chan but why does everyone here have to be so negative oh my god
Is anyone able to identify where this skirt is from?
>>10934133>friends with Addy Harajuku>can't figure out how to read a video descriptionSounds about right
>>10933810i just received my new fluffy heart taobao brand blouse :D would post but im fat lol
>>10934147Good :)
Can anyone post some cute jirai ita bag inspo
Can anyone suggest where I can go to watch tomorrow I will be someone’s girlfriend *illegally*. I refuse to bend at the knee to the corporation known as Disney to watch my cute jirai show.
>>10934717does kissasian still work? just pirate it there
Thoughts on the Jirai Kei subreddit? It's seemingly full of ugly fatties and tifs going "omg can boys wear hyperfeminine clothing uwu" and getting hundreds of upvotes validating their delusions
>>10935117im one of the fatties on there and all my posts get a huge amount of upvotes so i like it
>>10934133>>10933813jira kei is mid af, but these are pretty good, so at least you girls are good at picking up the diamonds in the pile of trash
How many of you jirai wearers would say you do have a moderate to severe menhera condition like depression, borderline, bipolar, ED, PTSD, general self loathing?
>>10935224i have depression and self loathing but its moderate. i have severe anxiety and some sorta episodes where my depression mixed with anxiety turns kinda manicto my knowledge i dont have bpd or bipolar, i have autism and suspected ocd
>>10935224I'm BPD as fuck. Regularly smoke, drink, cut, and starve myself of food and sleep. Love showing off the scars on my thighs while wearing jirai. (Captcha HM-SH lol)
>>10935271OK we get it, you lack a real personality and like attention
>>10935335I do, and so does every Jirai and Lolita and Harajuku fashion wearing fucker out there. If you're wearing an alternative fashion that's drastically different from the norm, you're all a form of attention seeker one way or another using your appearance to make up for a lack of an identity.
>>10935224I have the common anxiety/depression/ptsd wombo combo but I also like most j fashion so not sure if there’s any real correlation.
>>10935425Speak for yourself, I would actually prefer no one give me any attention when I wear alternative fashion.
>>10935610nayrt and same. I like wearing lolita in general because it feels like me and I like looking cute even if it's just for myself home alone. I also wear casual more comfortable lolita at home (with fluffy slippers instead of shoes) alone to relax in unless it's super hot and humid. It don't like standing out, but it's a unfortunate side effect of wearing lolita.I think assuming lolitas wear lolita for the attention says a lot about the person making that assumption.
the english speaking jirai community is starting to feel like a more tiktok polyester version of the 2014 lolita community but i think it can be saved... i think we should not spoonfeed or have "rules" for people who dont care enough to develop their own style. being "jirai" is just as general as being "emo" and if people like AH or other influencers misrepresent it its better to block and ignore. its such a cute, cathartic, indulgent style and if you dont really get it, other jirai girls can tell and it doesnt matter what normies think. sorry for the manifesto ive been seeing a lot of passive-aggressive, gentle-policing-type gatekeeping and im getting war flashbacks. i really like this style and i want to keep connecting with people on social media in a way thats not awful.>>10934133if you had been on the liza lisa website once in the last 3 years this would be obvious>>10935224i have severe brain damage and im outside your house with a gun
>>10935610>>10935647nayrt but same here too. if i had the chance to dress how i do and not receive any attention, comments, glares, i definitely would. fashion is a huge part of me and its my passion, not a quirky thing i do for attention>>10935706the western jirai community absolutely sucks. the twitter one is filled with asian worshipping they/xe/it/neopronoun teenagers who dont dress the part but feel the need to police everyone else on what they feel is right and wrong when they are OBJECTIVELY wrong on everything they saytumblr is filled with bullies, reddit is ragebait but its ok, this board can be ok too. instagram is nice because no one fucking actually caresi just want to dress cute and make friends
>>10935712So just do it and don't post about it. Fuck nobody actually gives a shit
>>10935712i think only instagram is worth the time bc people are doing their own thing>>10935718groundbreaking idea
>>10935718Nayrt, she can do both. Let her vent.
>>10933824>>10933825>>10933826>>10933827>>10933828>>10933829Where do people get those? Are they surgically removed from Jirai Kei girls?
>>10936340I make my own nail sets.
>>10935224used to. I'm in recovery for my ED & bipolar depression. As for PTSD and anxiety yes>>10936340they're press-ons, anon. you can find some on etsy
>>10934133Liz Lisa. This skirt gets so fucking expensive on mercari wtf>>10935188Most jirais put a lot of care into their appearance (excluding cutting themselves lol) like doing nails, getting hair professionally done and i don't think I've seen much fat girls around compared to lolita. Plus most are teen girls or women in their 20's>>10935224I have BPD and ADHD and years-long self harm habit so i'm pretty much a stereotype. I'm also recovered from anorexia but still get brainworms from time to time
Is it true that girls wearing this style of clothes are usually prostitutes in japan?
>>10936382theres less fats because most of the jirai girls have severe EDs>>10936383some kabukicho girls do but its gotten pretty normified in japan as well. like i think its rare to see a jirai prostitute now
>>10936628kill yourself
>>10936628no one wants you especially jirai girls. kill yourself
>>10935117the subreddit is full of idiots that are incapable of using google, but it is inoffensive because it's all about clothes. 90% of people on that subreddit can't dress (the ones that can dress know they look better than the other girls so they post for engagement), but it's better than the twitter community. the twitter community is a cesspit full of teenagers that don't post coords and think that having destructive tendencies makes them real jirai girls KEK>>10936383it was associated with the runaway toyoko kids that hung around kabukicho but it's more of a fashion style now. a lot of girls who are interested in underground idols/visual kei music dress in the fashion
>>10937466This reply made my day, it's too accurate
>>10933810My outift, no idea if its jirai kei enough or even considered jirai kei but the skirt was from rojita
>>10939439skirt is, top isn'ti dont understand why people keep asking what is or isnt. you could open a tab and look at jirai kei. its not a flexible style
I've been an outsider looking in on this subculture for several years. is eye of the storm for the more sadder Toyoko side of it.>>10935706>>10935712I hate how Tiktok and influencers in general bundle up subcultures to sell to people in small, neat packages like this, resulting in nothing more than a surface level understanding by their audience who eats it up. They're wearing a costume, not clothing.
Is there an updated taobao buying guide with jirai-kei items included? Need to find some more stores on there.
>>10941046>webmdamn, top-tier slutwhore
>>10935224Autism adhd possible ocd and probably something else
if anyone itt is from aus and interested, i have 2 pieces im trying to sell, 1 dupe 1 dearmylove piece
i dunno if this is a strange question to ask buthow often do you all go out in general and how often go you go out dressed up
>>10942528I don't go out very much at all personally. If I go out for small shopping of basic needs like groceries, I won't, but if I'm going to see friends I will, since I see that as a special occasion.
>>10942528I go out almost every day for work and errands. I dress up when I'm with friends or doing something fun
Any tips on getting into jirai fashion while built like a fucking wall
>>10935117can someone please teach the fatties how to iron their clothes? it would make them at least a little more presentable.>>10935224dx'd npd, bpd, & bipolar
>>10942846Don't be built like a fucking wall?
>>10942933Absolutely wonderful idea i will now go and modify my genetics ill also take out some of my mental illness too so easy and so simple you gotta try it
>>10943111The same answer I would give anyone about fitting into j-fashion:-lose as much weight as you can without compromising your health.-buy stuff that fits you well, if the clothes are a little bit too big that's not much of a problem. If they're a bit too small that's a problem if you're putting strain on the seams or when you get gaping between the buttons.-make your own.
>>10935224I have asd, ADHD, depression, and anxiety my psychiatrist thinks I may have schizophrenia or bipolar because of my paranoia and hallucinations soalso cut myself and have no friends what so ever
>>10943152>and hallucinationsnta, I have been in the receiving end of psychiatry and schizophrenia, hallucinations are a clear sign of schizophrenia, just know that the pills can:. make you fat as fuck. make you feel extremely uncomfortable, physically, hard to explain. make you almost not able to walkBut it's complicated because it also depends on the person, each person tolerates the drugs differently. Just... good luck lil girl, and get a friend or two, that's actual mental health
>>10935224My close friend and sometimes roommate was jirai, or at least jirai-adjacent, and had pretty much the whole laundry list, except surprisingly BPD. It evolved into drug addiction and homelessness after she left her husband (for reasons I don't clearly understand) and lost her health insurance. I just found out that she died yesterday, I don't know how but it was probably an OD, she'd had a lot.
>>10943152nice to see some other jirais with something other than BPD, hope you are able to get some help ^^
Is there any jirai discord servers worth joining?
>>10943486i found this the rules are a lil boring imo but it exists
>>10935425You have an impressive amount of self-awareness for a woman.>>10935610>>10935647>>10935712The objective of fashion is to modify one's appearance in such a way as to affect their perception, to affect the minds of the people around them, and to influence the behavior of the people around them. E.g. to curry favor with certain people in certain contexts, to attract a mate, etc. Fashion serves no other purpose. (The functional utility of clothing is separate from fashion, and that is not what we are discussing here.) You can go the roundabout mental-gymnastics route if you want, and call fashion an art (and it is) but the objective of art is the same -- to influence people. Sometimes, merely influencing people to pay attention to the artist is as far as the influence goes, and as far as the influence is desired. Even if you don't display your art, or claim that you don't want people to see your art, you actually do. Or to be more precise, what you want is identity, and your art is a route of pursuing that. You're simulating in your mind what people would think of you if you were to look like "X". What you're doing is no different from an artist drawing sketches.
i’m an oldfag and i know young people don’t have a lot of money but most jirai clothes look so cheap and they are, why do people recommend dearmylove so much for jirai and tenshi kaiwai? i get it, it’s inexpensive but it looks like crap. ive seen liz lisa up close and it’s nice but it still looks like cheap taobao in photos. at least you can find some seemingly nice-looking lolita on taobao. some of you have never experienced good quality clothing so you find your trash bag fashion acceptable
>>10944177dearmylove isnt actually that inexpensive compared to most other brands, its recommended as its one of the biggest and has more sizing optionsits basically all really crap material desu. ive bought from a good handful of jp brands, taobao brands and dupes. ive found that taobao brands and dupes actually have higher quality than most jp brands. its like the complete opposite of lolita with jp brand being the bestliz lisa definitely has the best quality of jp brands and is fairly decent, even a fair amount of dupes of their pieces are quite good qualitybut most cn brands, especially shengzhongwei, actually are high quality and feel high quality. kittybxllet is the cheapest quality one but at around $10-$30aud per piece you cant complainbut yeah the fashion is really cute though (at least to me) so i put up with the shitty quality for it
What are yall doing for new years
>>10944374going to watch fireworks. my friend whos also jirai couldnt come so im going alone
>>10944109>Fashion serves no other purposemoids have no vehicles of self expression other than pornography and violent acts. bleak. I would kill myself if I was born male.
>>10944535stop falling for the bait
Are secret honey setups trash or actually decent quality? Also, I get the sense that jirai as we know it is dead or dying in Japan, is that the case?
>>10944902im pretty sure they have decent quality, in terms of jirai quality at leastalso nah it seems its still decently popular. slowly dying but i see new accounts of jp jirai girls popping up all the time
Does anyone know where this dress/setup is from?
>>10944910Hey I have that Kuromi too.
Am I the only one confused by the current "jirai = ryousangata because ryousangata is anything popular" narrative? I've only started seeing it pretty recently and it's weird how people don't want to acknowledge ryousangata has became it's own thing just like jirai has
>>10946686i havent seen that for a while, thought it was solidified that ryousan is its own thing now. although i still see "ryousangata is a slur" stuff i dont think the community knows what theyre talking about 90% of the time
>>10944929Looks like some top with the Michell Macaron skirt
>>10946847You're right, thanks!
Why do western jirai girls have such ugly unkempt hair? I don't wanna wear a nice coord if my hair looks like shit. I at least try and make it look neat and fix my bangs. Imo jirai needs bangs and hair that looks like you did more than roll out of bed
>>10947264lmao lemme guess, jirai reddit?
>>10946777>thought it was solidified that ryousan is its own thing nowYou are saying that when ryousan as term is used for Snidl girls now in jp which looks nothing like the 2020s version.
Does anyone have pics of Many Hearts Afternoontea Set Up in different colors for inspo? Trying to decide which one I want