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Anyone remember Anime Expo '92?
Anime Festival Orlando clearly plays up its oldhead status, since it's from 2001 (yes there are a lot of older ones but I THINK it's Florida's first). They had a load of panels about these kinds of topics, and even played that exact same AX footage. Pretty cool
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this is /cgl/'s future and it's
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For anyone who thought wrestling at a con was some weird or new novelty, here's Dragoncon 2000
Is that GWAR in the ring
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Correct. And then you've got Sleazy P Martini as announcer
Here's a whole load of other photos from Dragon 2000
>Ninja High School
One of my friends mentioned DC wrestling to me recently. I said "what the hell, DC has their own wrestling thing too?" And it's been going for 25 years? Jesus Christ
>"was anyone here for pixyteri?"
>I raise my hand and reach for my cane so I can push myself up out of my chair
>in my hoarse old man voice I say as loud as I can, "I WITNESSED HER"
It's weird to realize that everyone shown in that video is now in their 50s and 60s.

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