Anyone remember Anime Expo '92?
Anime Festival Orlando clearly plays up its oldhead status, since it's from 2001 (yes there are a lot of older ones but I THINK it's Florida's first). They had a load of panels about these kinds of topics, and even played that exact same AX footage. Pretty cool
this is /cgl/'s future and it's
For anyone who thought wrestling at a con was some weird or new novelty, here's Dragoncon 2000
>>10935095Is that GWAR in the ring
>>10935149Correct. And then you've got Sleazy P Martini as announcer's a whole load of other photos from Dragon 2000
>>10934003>Ninja High Schoolomfg>>10935095One of my friends mentioned DC wrestling to me recently. I said "what the hell, DC has their own wrestling thing too?" And it's been going for 25 years? Jesus Christ
>>10934422>"was anyone here for pixyteri?">I raise my hand and reach for my cane so I can push myself up out of my chair>in my hoarse old man voice I say as loud as I can, "I WITNESSED HER"
>>10934003It's weird to realize that everyone shown in that video is now in their 50s and 60s.
>>10935209I went to school with pixyteri (Sarah). She asked me out one time and I said no. She sped off in her yellow 2000 Mustang GT and I only awkwardly saw her around classes for a couple of years. Victoria, TX
>>10938094you gay?
>>10934396First Florida con is Anime Express, which ran from 1997-2010. My understanding is that it ceased to exist due to organizational problems/leadership breakdown with the hosting organization and a bad relation with the venue. It was run by Anything Goes Anime Club at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Basically, it grew too big to handle and the club staff weren't experienced enough to run it.This is what has been relayed to me by word of mouth, so take it with a grain of salt.
>>10934003is anyone else going??
>>10941905 I was there 3 yrs later. Life was changed forever.
>>10937688I wonder if they feel melancholy from seeing the fandom slip away and becoming fish out of water.
You unlock the platinum achievement trophy if you went to one of these cons and still go to them to this day.
fun times
>>10945145How old r u