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FAQ (last updated: May 19th, 2023): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-URQl5wxxBzP4-VWfMKfLG8ZqOkGt9Yoyo6Qbm333vs/edit?usp=sharing

Cosplay recommendations thread: none atm
Crossplay/crossdressing thread: >>10907099
LARP thread: >>10873579
Sewing general: none atm
Makeup, hair, skincare general: none atm

Taobao thread: >>10903761
Stupid j-fashion questions thread: >>10915427
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I'm making a dress that's going to be quite heavy on one side (pic related), I've made a hoop skirt but it still tilts to the lighter side when all 4 skirts +the leaf thing are on it. Any advice?
A cosplay of mine has a cape of sorts that's supposed to hang off the back just above the shoulders, but due to the weight of it, it sags down all the way yo about the elbows and ruins the look. Is there anything that can be used to support it's weight? I tried fabric gluing 5 snap buttons across the back two on the left and right and one in the middle, but the succumb to the weight and fall, I'm thinking next maybe a massive velcro strip, but even if the velcro itself supports the weight, the glue it uses may not
Anyone know where I'd look for tips on how to make decent-looking epaulettes?
You're going to need to hold the weight going forward over your shoulders. Can you rig a pair of suspenders under your shirt and attach the cape to that? The best bet would be just sewing the cape through the shirt into the suspenders.
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How do I keep the cone of my hat from collapsing? One video recommended stuffing it with something. Will cutting foam to fit work or would something else be better?
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Is it even possible to avoid the "foam armor" look? What alternate materials are out there?
Maybe it's all in the paint-job but I find it really unconvincing somehow.
A friend of mine suggested sewing in a line of hooks & eyes which sounds good too
Depends how elaborate you want to be and how heavy the material of the hat is. If you have decently thick foam around that should work or you could just roll up some card in a cone and stick it in there.
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Newbie thinking about getting into making homemade cosplays, is going with a guide as a first project a good idea? Or is it recommended to do everything you possibly can from scratch?
Rather than a hoop, you may need an asymmetrical petticoat.
Yes, follow a guide for your first few costumes. Then as you get familiar with the materials & techniques you'll be able to freestyle it.
Most important is doing something you want to do. If you're in it for the crafting and you aren't terribly limited by time and money, then using multiple tutorials for specific crafting methods to achieve something you want would be better than following a single tutorial for a character you don't want to do. Definitely don't try to reinvent the wheel though.

If you just want to wear stuff buy a cosplay and modify starting with excessories. You'll learn crafting and still get the satisfaction of looking good.
>If you just want to wear stuff buy a cosplay and modify starting with excessories. You'll learn crafting and still get the satisfaction of looking good.
Yeah that does sound like a better idea. I want to get into this and the gore magala template is something that I want to do but I'm not sure that it would come out looking good at the end or I wouldn't drop it after a month. Almost none of the cosplays I want to do can be bought for less than a grand so would piecing together pic related be my best bet as a beginner.

What are you trying to avoid specifically? You can 3d print, or cover your foam in worbla, vinyl or just use metal. Good luck getting into a con with metal though.
If aliens are real why haven’t they try to contact me yet?
My guess would be historical costuming or vogue sewing books.

This picture is probably a bad example since these monster hunter armor sets are meant to look like natural goods in their world like fur, hides, and dragon scales. They're pruposely textured this way.

If you want a smoother finish,the priming, paint, and finish is as equally important as the material. You can get a foam piece to look like metal with the right techniques. I agree with the other commenter that you need to be a little more specific about what you're looking for. Maybe a picture that's a positive example of what you'd like to do?

Instead of eyes, try a hook and bar. They can support more weight.
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My problem is the skirts are open at the front so any petti longer than the short skirt would be visible. For the hoopskirt, I can hide that in the lining of one of the skirts.
This wouldn't be too hard but making it look good comes down to understanding basics about mens dress. Matching colors and textures/materials for the vest, making sure the belt isn't too bright and matches the suspenders, well fitted collared shirt and vest etc will be critical for looking good.
Yes! You'll often see them used as trouser fly closures
Had another idea, what about sewn in magnets with parachute clips, would that work or should I stick to the hook and bar?
I can't figure out where to find a suit similar to Hinrigh's from HxH, forgive me for being dumb.
when in a skincare routine do you use a toner? do you use that with a cleanser or is that a swap with cleanser kind of thing
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Making MGS2 Raiden from scratch, and while I have a base spandex suit chosen already, the suit has two tones, can spandex be painted or will I need to buy two suits and cut one up? The one's I'd use are at the bottom left
After cleanser, before serum/cream. In general layer according to thickness from thinnest to thickest product.
i don't think it would look very good if you just used a single spandex bodysuit
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I need motivation for working out. What's a good cosplay for a short guy that shows off physique? Maybe not something as blatant as shirtless but opened shirt or exposed chest might be good.
So should I get the two? Can you elaborate a bit?
NTA, but I would use a leotard on top of a body suit.
It would allow for the color change, give volume, and you could layer attachments easier without compromising the body suit.
Master Roshi!
Thought about that, but obscuring it's "straps" may be more trouble than it's worth
True, I had thought the shoulder guards had extended closer to the collarbone.
That said, why not try both, and see what works? They do make leotards that offer full covering to the neck, after all, and if it doesn't work the way you want, you haven't lost any real ground.
That's true enough, there's no reason not to try it out, just gotta find one that fits the bill, haven't seen anything close on amazon so far
the elastic straps around the bottom will at least give you the support up front that the suit has in the source material. what generally doesn't look that great (imo) is when someone doesn't have that kind of support up front that needs it (think boner robin)
I refuse to be boner robin and was going to get a cup for that
i still think if you look at raiden's suit support in the front is a dramatically apparent feature and one i wouldn't ignore
Yep, precisely
The magnets might be overkill with the paracute clips, but they're also a fine choice. They're probably more visible unless you have a plan on how to hide them in your costume though. Some people will make a slit in the shoulders of their costume and slide the other half of the parachute clip into then attach it somewhere on an undergarment of a costume.

The benefit of a hook and eye or hook and bar is that by nature, they're covered by the piece of fabric that is being attached to them, but a parachute clip would be able to handle the most weight.
You can paint a bodysuit. You just need to make sure that you use paints that are flexible and stretch with the 4-way stretch of the material otherwise you'll experience cracking. Adding fabric medium to a quality, thin airbrush paint would probably be your best choice.

Nowadays cosplayers will design a print file with all of the details on his suit and have it sent off to a known sentai suit maker. They'll print the fabric on the same spandex kind of material and then the cosplayer will sew it up.

Most super hero movies use a combination of leotard and suit like the other anons recommended because it's easier to move in, get those sharp angles, and attach armor to.

So in short: I'd suggest researching your various options and really deconstructing the pieces of the costume to figure out which one might be the best choice.
Thanks for the feedback anons, it's extremely helpful
What are some good ways to fix a paint fuckup?
I accidentally touched an area with paint and it's bothering me.
I was thinking about sanding it down, but it'd need to be down to the foam layer which is black, and i'd need to reprime it.
Is it possible or will I get ugly bleed through?
I was considering going as the Rabbit Hole Miku/Pure Pure to a convention.
Looking around, most costumes seem to assume that you want to go with fishnet tights, but I wanted something a bit closer to this design, which seem to be just regular tights. However, for the life of me, I'm struggling with figuring out what colour those are. Maybe I'm a bit colourblind?
In my eyes, they look to be some shade of purple but I'd honestly like a second opinion because the other colours are messing up my perception of them. Also, on a similar note, will regular tights end up looking tacky compared to fishnets?
stop calling it pure pure you zoomer retard.
you could go with a low denier black; it looks purpleish/reddish because of the combination of a warm skin tone underneath cool (desaturated) tone low denier tights
Sorry, I should have said 初音ミク. Thanks anon.
I'll try that out, thank you.
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>Comes down to understanding basics about mens dress
I can resort to asking someone that knows more than me about that. Appreciate the advice and as a last question any good starting places for the mask. The design on the forehead is something else but I can't seem to find a balaclava that even fits the base with the little holes.
My girlfriend isn't into cosplay but I am. Is there a website or something where I can meet someone in Tokyo who wants to do a pair or group cosplay? Something like, "hey, I'm cosplaying as Zelda, is there a guy who wants to be Link?" or "I've got a Sailor Moon cosplay, is there a Tuxedo Mask who wants to hang out on this day?"

I especially want to do a pair costume for Halloween this year.
If you're just wearing it for a shoot then magnets are fine but even strong industral magnets are more trouble than they're worth if you're walking around a con all day.
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I am a gigantic retard and need some maximal babysitting on how to use my sewing machine. I couldn't find any classes locally that weren't a month or two out. Help, I keep getting stuff like this happening.
Is it worth it to volunteer at a con just fo make friends as an adult?
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I'm in a bit of a rush and I could use some advice on how to do the texturing, more specifically the lines, on the berserker armor. The thing that almost everyone does from what i've seen is to use a wood burning tool and just carve them into the EVA. My problem is that I don't have such a tool and won't get it in time for this build. The other alternative i think is feasible would be to use a dremel and just do the texturing that way but from my tests, I can't get the texture to remain there after I heat seal the foam. Am I stuck with this or is there something i'm missing?
There's a couple of different avenues you can go down to learn how to sew. In person classes aren't mandatory to learn at all, but are a great resource. Most people learn to sew through the use of books and videos on Youtube.

Start by getting a sewing reference book. They're essentially all the same, so it doesn't matter which you buy but reader's digest complete guide to sewing is a good choice. Read through it as it will give you the overview of sewing basics, then move to youtube for specifics like threading your machine, troubleshooting, and etc.

On youtube, you'll mostly find videos that center around one skill, project, or method for troubleshooting. If you're looking for that guided learning then you could try exploring some of the channels to see if they have a playlist made or a dedicated website like Skillshare. For example, looks like you're having an issue with thread tension on your machine (aka the most common problem). Start by looking up a video on how to fix tension issues (as indicated by the thread nest you're seeing). Some good channels to check out are: Professor pincushion and Evelyn Wood.

From then on, learning to sew will be attempting a project, reaching a gap in your knowledge, and then researching a way to fix it. With each project, try to attempt one and only one new skill. For example, most people start off with a pillow case or drawstring pants/shorts. Then, they move on to t-shirts with have curved seams and bias binding. So on and so forth.

Lastly, start watching videos of makers attempting projects that interest you, even if you have no intention of making those items. You'll start to osmosis the sewing process and terms and you'll start building your excitement to increase your skills.

1. Buy sewing resource book (ie. reader's digest complete guide to sewing)
2. Watch tutorials on Youtube
3. Attempt beginner level projects, learning one new skill with each one
4. Watch sewing projects on Youtube and osmosis
Perhaps your dremelling isn't deep enough for the texture to remain? I've seen people use blades to cut the lines like that then deepen them by going over them with the heat tool. If that doesn't work then perhaps a pencil with pressure could make those tunnels deeper? keep running tests.
Not really, I worked a booth at a con once and only one person stuck and as an associate at best
If I make a sword sheath out of eva foam, wouldn't it be squishy since it's hollow? How does it maintain it's shape?
You use a higher density foam so it's more stable
Any recommendations?
What kind of jacket and pants are these and where to cop
I used polystyrene for the sheath, cover it with a mesh such as cheap dark fabric and glue them together. Wouldn't want the bits to fly everywhere so the fabric is important.
What are sequins made of? I'm trying to recreate the jacket made out of sequins like this VS model but couldn't tell the right size for it to appear glam and not too tiny.
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Anyone here met someone at a con in cosplay and planned a date then were disappointed with how they looked irl out of cosplay? I'm wondering if this sort of thing happens a lot.
TNTCosplay used to be popular, but there's Lumin's Workshop and nowadays you can find foam at places like Michael's and Joann's (there's some discussion about its quality though ofc). For more info about foam, I defer to the experts like KamuiCosplay, PunishedProps, KinpatsuCosplay, etc.
They're shiny plastic circles with a hole at the top for the needle to pass through. You can buy them in bulk
tips on contacts? I've never worn them before but I'll need some for this cosplay I wanna do. I'm pretty apprehensive since my eyes are pretty sensitive to things
best non-intrusive way to put them in? how long till you get used to them? does rubbing your face accidentally move them? if they move are they easy to put back in place?
You should be impressed by how good their makeup and presentation skills are.
There are no ugly people, just people who don't know how to apply makeup and dress to flatter their body.
I'm trying to print a pdf blueprint for a sword, but it's not acting right, when I go to hit print, it only shows the very end of the hilt with only 1 page to print, where is the rest?
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Has anyone had any issues regarding uniqso’s free lens cases recently?
I bought 3 pairs and all the right ones only shriveled up so I’m assuming their lens cases are defective but I already complained to them that the wigs I received were low quality too so it’d feel weird to email their customer service about a second problem with the same order.
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Gonna do joker 2019 face paint, I’ve had no experience with face paint before, what is a good non irritant brand that won’t get itchy and washes off easy?
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I want to buy Narancia cosplay, but I'm fairly tall and am having trouble finding options that look good and fit me. Cosrea does custom fits, but the quality is pretty bad relative to the price. Miccostumes (picrel) looks better than most other options I've seen, but the size of the costume itself doesn't work for me. I fit the Large bust, waist, and hip dimensions, but the XL height is still way too short for me. I was thinking about getting the Large and buying the pants elsewhere, but I'm worried that the top might be too short (made for 5'6" to 5'8", I'm a little over 6"). Is there any way I can make this work, or is there a better spot to buy from?
>Height: 73.5” - 186.5 cm
>Shoulders: 45” - 114.3 cm
>Bust: 38” - 96.5 cm
>Waist: 30.5” - 77.5 cm
>Lower Waist: 34.5” - 87.5 cm
>Upper Thigh: 21.5” - 54.5 cm
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I was thinking of doing Levi's S3 outfit. Is it recognizable enough? I don't want to do the overused attack on titan uniform.
I bought a 3d printer prop off etsy, and I don't know the best glue to use to assemble it. I live in Australia so am limited to what I can get from Bunnings
Will a corset help me as a guy to get the "wide shoulders narrow hips" proportions?
I find a lot of armor fits bulky and wide on short guys like me despite the fact that I'm skinny
If you also get his hair, I don't see why not
90% of Levi cosplay is nailing the hair. You could wear whatever you want if you do that.
I know the underlayer is a seifuku, but is the top layer supposed to be exaggerating any real style of clothing? I feel like I've seen jackets like it before on other characters, but I can't place the name.
Corsets only impact the waist unfortunately, it won't compress hip bones. You'll have to alter the armor to your proportions if you're making it.
I recommend not getting daily contacts so you can wear them around the house a few days before the con so you can get used to them.
>best non-intrusive way to put them in?
Lots of optometrists have made videos about this but this is how I do it as someone who had never worn contacts before wearing them for cosplay in my late teens.
>Before starting make sure you've soaked the lenses in contact lens solution (NOT the saline they come in) for a good few hours and clean your hands and fully dry them off before starting
>Put the contact on your finger and check that it's the right way around (2 ways to tell, the colour is usually lighter/faded on the inside and when it's the wrong way around it forms more of a V shape instead of the usual C shape)
>With your other hand fully open up your eye you really need to make sure you're pulling up/down on the edge of your eyelid, a good test is try and close your eye, if you can't you're holding it right
> Put the lens in, I find it useful to look away because I can't get myself to do it if I can see it and you probably shouldn't be touching the important part of your eye anyway (the lens automatically goes over your pupil so your initial placement isn't important)
Your eyes might water a bit at first, if this lasts longer than ~30 mins try taking the offending one out, rinse it with solution and put it back in again.
>how long till you get used to them?
It probably varies but I forget I have them in pretty quickly
>does rubbing your face accidentally move them?
>if they move are they easy to put back in place?
They go back on their own, I guess it's something to do with the curve of your eyes but by the time you've fully opened your eye after rubbing it they've snapped back into place.
I'd also recommend putting them in first before doing your make-up so you don't smudge it if your eyes run
Best bra options for a low back cosplay? If it's relevant, the front neckline is sweetheart and the sleeves are dethatched.
>inb4 go braless
I need a push-up or at least something I can pad to get proportions close to the character
very thorough explanation, thanks a ton anon!
I'm thinking of going as tomoko kuroki for my cities con next month and I bought a long black wig that I think I can style into tomoko. any tips?
Jacket is similar to a cropped jacket but fantasy. Real-life clothing generally won't have this much structure/thickness/stiffness. It basically needs you to use a non-textile material to make it, or sandwich heavy but lightweight support in-between the fabric layers to give it that much shape, and it WILL break down quickly in high-stress areas (e.g. elbows, armpits, across the back, where your arms rub against the bodice)
Doing my first ever cosplay, bought one from dokidoki.
I'm hesitant to wear it because I dont know what to do if it gets dirty. How do you guys clean your costumes? Im worried soaking or machine wash will cause color transfer to the white bits, and I don't know if I should trust a dry cleaning service
If it's cheaply made enough that you can't hand wash it safely without it running then it's not worth dry cleaning.
That's good advice thanks. I can't tell how cheaply made it is out of inexperience, but it feels sturdier than I expected. Zipper & button jacket with a liner
I'll do a spot test and go from there
I was thinking of using a heavyweight interfacing between some twill for the collar area and maybe some lighter interfacing for the body section, but that all makes sense. Was hoping there was maybe a name for the specific collar with that jacket that I can look up for patterning... Regardless, thank you anon!!
Have you considered a sticky bra? They have push up ones.
Hand washing with lingerie or spraying it with an alcohol spray on very delicate stuff near sweat spots is how I usually go about it, but I agree with the other anon about dry cleaning.
Good luck on your spot cleaning!

unironically think this video is a pretty good introduction to doing "white face with contrasting pattern" makeup if you've never done that sort of thing before https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1cC15UrKi4
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Is there anywhere to buy sclera-lenses made to look like jumbo circle-lenses?
Any good AK47 props worth recommending?
I had my eyes on the UKARMS brand spring AK47 toy because it has a sling swivel and it functions like one a bit. Which would make it a little sketchy for some cons however I haven't had a poor gun turned away yet. I brought an airsoft gun stripped down to CTCon and got it in alright. I also like the swivels for a sling so I don't have to carry it. I would strip it down to disable it to bring it into cons.
Otherwise I had my eye on those foreign gel blaster models although they are a bit more premium.
I figure a non firing static prop replica is the next move but I guess I do like being able to remove the mag and cock it as well as the swivels. Its for cosplays like Nathan drake, CSGO, etc...
So I'm going to my first con in Cosplay soon-ish, I only have one cosplay.
Should I cosplay only for one day, or reusing the same cosplay for two days is good too?
Also, as a man, is it good to use a little of foundation makeup to hide scars or physical imperfection? Is there a good tutorial for this?
Should I put the makeup before going to the con or when I'm on site?
I cosplay a character with a mask. It turns out my glasses are too big to fit them, contact isn't an option.
Should I just cosplay my character while half blind?
wolverine, dragon ball has a lot like vegeta and frieza, dozu, seijuro akashi, Soujiro Seta, yugi moto, Finn Deimne, Aurther from ghosts and goblins or viewtiful joe if you want a deformed look
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does anyone know what brush/tool/app some cosplayers use to hide the background like picrel
If you have an old pair of glasses you don't use anymore. Mutilate them into something that will fit under your mask. You can even 3d print some thin frames if you have a printer
>Should I cosplay only for one day, or reusing the same cosplay for two days is good too?
There is literally nothing wrong with wearing a cosplay on multiple days. If anyone even notices they'll think "hey, it's that guy again! neat" rather than "an outfit repeater? what a LOSER"
>Should I put the makeup before going to the con or when I'm on site?
it's just some kind of blur/mosaic effect, any camera app like facetune or snow or beautycam will have some kind of blur tool
I'm going to attach some led lights on the inside of a zentai suit. Any tips while I do this unusual task?
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Has anyone else had luck with making boot covers? I've tried the wrapping saran wrap around my leg thing a few times with no luck. I'm just trying to make some basic medieval knight looking fantasy boot covers.
I really want to go as Dr. Robotnik for Halloween. I'm very tall and premade costumes do not fit me.
>How hard would it be to make this red vest? I have 0 experience with sewing or costume making
>I don't need a fat suit underneath. I would want it to fit me regularly
If I could just get the red vest down, the rest of the costume is a cinch even for me
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Also, given the tight deadline and my lack of experience, I was thinking the most sensible thing to do is
>find a red Mao suit that fits me
>use that as a base, alter it as needed
But I'm just guessing as I have 0 experience
What was the issue when you made the clingfilm pattern? If it was too small make sure you either add seam allowance or use a stretch fabric, also make the pattern while you have the boots on. If you had an issue with them falling down, consider the fabric you're using, if you're using something flimsy consider backing it in a more sturdy fabric or adding bones into it to hold it up.
Since other anon answered everything else I'll take this
>Also, as a man, is it good to use a little of foundation makeup to hide scars or physical imperfection? Is there a good tutorial for this?
Foundation probably isn't what you want here, foundation is basically a base that you put on your whole face and looks a little weird if you're not going back in with contour/blush/eye shadow etc to redefine your features, unless you specifically look for something that is very pigmented, it's not good to cover up blemishes. What you want is concealer which is for covering up small areas. But even then, especially for guys, make-up is optional, unless you get a break out the day before the con or are particularly self conscious about a blemish then just do what you're comfortable with and have fun.
I wasn't able to translate the clingfilm to a flat 2d pattern - I wasn't sure where to make the fold cuts.
While the tape is still on your leg draw on where you want the seams to go (usually down the front/back of your leg) then cut down these lines to free yourself from the tape/cling film when you lay the pattern out it should lie flat
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Need to do this hair. Can anyone share a side ponytail tutorial? Can't find any on youtube.
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I'm unsure if this is the right place to ask this question, but I will ask anyway. I have this pink shirt that I want to draw some kind of edgy design but in the form of a joke. I was thinking about going for a Smiley face and it has the words Prozak written on top of it but as one of those heavy metal band logos but I'm not sure. Any suggestions?
I'm looking for a cosplay outfit on eBay, and I'm seeing a few sellers with duplicate outfits and identical photos for their items. Is there any way to know if some of these are just selling inferior items using photos of better sellers' stuff, and which ones are more legitimate?
If you're buying off ebay just stick to resellers selling things second hand, if you want something brand new you should get it directly from a reputable seller's website.
hi /cgl/, I I want to do a cosplay from the movie HEAT (1995) and I want to do the opening scene where the crew knocks an armored car. However I'm an idiot when it comes to clothing names, what are the heisters wearing in terms of shirts/pants? is this just a simple grey suit with a patch on the side? is this something paramedics wear? or is this like a military long sleeve and pants?
I have the mask, the patch and the plate carrier but I don't know what the long sleeve jacket and pants combo is called. Any help would be appreciated.

Here's some pictures i put together and the scene in question. Thanks!

another pic I found online. This is what i'm trying to emulate kinda. I might play around loosely but anything close to this would be appreciated.
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They're a single garment rather than separate jacket and pants; "coveralls", "jumpsuit", "speedsuit", and "boiler suit" are all used interchangeably to describe this article of clothing.

Notably, McCauley and Shiherlis are wearing matching jumpsuits while the rest of the crew all have different ones, judging by your second post I assume you're going for that one by your comment about the patches.
A few details on those suits stand out to me:
double zippers and velcro-fastening collars. Both of these are very uncommon - your typical jumpsuit (think Ghostbusters, Top Gun, Michael Myers) has only a single zipper and a shirt collar that doesn't fasten. I don't know that they're specifically EMT coveralls as those typically have reflective material on them for safety; seems more likely they (the characters and/or the production) just nabbed something reasonably close from military surplus.

But this is where you decide how much you're willing to compromise. Is it going to bother you if the chest pockets are wrong when they're going to be covered by the vest? Is it okay if the collar doesn't fasten since the characters keep it open? etc. I would place more value on matching the shade of gray and overall fit rather than fine details of cuffs, pocket shapes, and so on. Picrel is an example of a random jumpsuit I found googling that doesn't have the right collar or zipper but is "close enough" in the secondary details.
What mm eva foam is good for a katana sheath, and the katana itself?
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While looking for clear can badge covers I accidentally bought a set that has a little graphic on them like picrel.
I don't want to waste them, so is there any way to remove the graphic? I was thinking alcohol, but would that ruin the pvc?
Re: Pattern drafting
How deep on average should I make an armscye, relative to chest width?
So I randomly got my hands some some sorta katana. Halloween is just around the corner and I wanna dress up as the guy from Sword of the Stranger. The thing is I have no clue where to even get started. Do I just look for clothes that look like what he's wearing? What even is he wearing? I'm pretty lazy and retarded so I'm honestly not looking to cosplay him 1:1, I don't even have long enough hair. I guess my question is how can I go about capturing his aesthetic?

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