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All-white lolita coords
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>daaaamn Daniel, back at it again with the
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There are not enough pictures of Shiro coords in the snow
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what is going on with >>10934272 legs and >>10934373 left leg and left forearm? bad shoop or anorexia combined with a bone deformity? if it's shoop, what in the world possesses people to edit their pictures this way??
good dump otherwise
I wouldn't automatically assume either options. -The waist/torso size of both these look completely normal. -Some people just have joints like that. Mine do and I'm not slim. - posing your legs a certain angle can hide the calf volume so they look much smaller than they are. Happened to me a few times accidentally. I think it looks weird but not weird enough for me to not use that photo. -some people just have long thin limbs. -I see no tell tale warping but I'm also no expert. -I doubt anyone would want to edit to achieve the way the limbs look.
first one is definitely the leg lengthening + thinning filter. second one might just be a combo of awkward angle and long torso
ayrt, and I forgot about how filters can do stuff that doesn't distort the surroundings. I was thinking of manually editing. But still, it looks weird. Why would you want stilt legs but leave everything else alone? It just makes her look wider in the middle. .... but then I remember certain people in the international lolita comm who over edit their faces and it ends up looking alien like. Can't argue about taste I guess
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best i can do is posing with a white background
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These are really cute as well. Thank you Anon!
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