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I know Canadians here don't like attending conventions but I just wanted to post here to see who was attending this con.
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Seeing that I'm not Canadian, nor am I in Canada, nor do I attend any event with the cursed "Fan Expo" brand attached to it, I will NOT be here. However I enjoy your bizarre Leaf banter
Nuke Israel and burn the filthy kikes until they're nothing but ash. Tkd total kike death
Cursed? Why do you say that? I wish there were more events where I live but unfortunately that's not the case.
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Are you the OP of this thread? >>10931985 If so, we've already talked. As for your question, Fan Expo is a corpocrap "chain convention". Outside of that, their parent company also runs the universally hated Anime New York City and MegaCon. Honestly you can spot a shitter just by how generic the name is. Of course Canada has far more limited options, and if you're not used to more fan-oriented cons, you probably won't notice anything wrong
No I don't want to go to "Pay $100 to get in then pay $50 to get an autograph" The Convention™
based, nuke india while we're at it

poos and jews are bad news!
Nah, I’m not the OP of that thread but you do have a point about the whole Fan Expo being corporate as hell. But don’t autographs and photos of invited guests cost a lot of money anyway, no matter the con? Unfortunately though, it’s probably the most popular con in Canada so not much I can do :(
Any bets on whether or not Fan Expo bans Funko Pop autographs, or does something to cuck the reseller shitters?
>But don’t autographs and photos of invited guests cost a lot of money anyway, no matter the con?
Yes. The great thing is, though, that you don't have to worry about silly things that if you're attending a non-corpo con. There's plenty else to do. At ones like this, the guests ARE the event. And is this really the biggest in the country? Not North or AniRevo?
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Okay fair enough, you made good points. And honestly, I’m not sure. The Fan Expo branded conventions are the ones that get mainstream media coverage
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>Fan Expo branded conventions are the ones that get mainstream media coverage
I'd class that as another red flag desu. The outsiders trying to peer in all blindly work on the "line go up = good, highest line must therefore = best" mentality, which is almost as far from the truth as can be. Smaller venue, medium size crowd always produces the best results
idgaf about fan expo and neither am I going
but what is with people insisting theres some phone theft issue at TO cons? "literally stolen out of their hands" my ass, no thief is making such a scene for a paltry sum arent niggas stealth about this shit?

least iphones a stolen one is borderline useless other than for some parts? But those parts are dirt cheap in new condition on aliexpress rather than whatever scratched up shit Sahil's had.

asking for bag checks on the way out is some grandeur disillusion worse than what i've seen from this board's most retarded
holy basodado
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I am just outside and yeah it just dont feel right. Thank God that I didnt pay for it.
Also I think there is an Islamic convention going on too? Its just so jarring to see skimpy normie Overwatch/Miku/Genshin next to totally covered up hijabbies.
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At Fan Expo branded cons. Apparently it’s been a huge problem since attendance is super high. I went on Friday and it was crazy
Islamic convention? Haha. I love seeing skimpy cosplays. They’re god’s gift to mankind
That's a man
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I love her
Looks like the artist alley disreputables are back at it
Saw that post too, and that’s really unfortunate. It gets super crowded especially on Saturday.
Madoka, my love
Yeah nowadays you gotta keep your money strapped on you in a fanny pack or something at all times. Having a separate cash box or bag is just too risky
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