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File: 71pTAgNSIDL._AC_UY1000_.jpg (57 KB, 742x1000)
57 KB
i'd like to have a cosplay that looks like the picture attached but much better looking, and i was originally planning to sew everything myself, but i feel it would be too much of an undertaking for someone like me with little sewing experience. so i got an idea to buy this premade costume, but replace the skirt, buttons and collar since making those myself seems easy enough (and remove the black piece of fabric on the waist)
is this a good idea, or a waste of money? i don't want to experience the hell that is making patterns or spending even more money to commission one
The material will probably be vastly different but if it works then go for it.
yes! as long as you have an idea and plan as for what to change and you know what youre doing

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