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I want to make a Char Aznable cosplay as my first cosplay, I got everything else ready Since I have glasses, I can’t have the mask and helmet, so I’d like to have the best wig available for Char.
But I know nothing about wigs. Is there a good place to buy some ? How are custom wig made ? (Also I’m from Europe so this limit me as many US based shops are offlimit)
Thanks in Advance
I suggest looking on Aliexpress or Taobo
I'm from Europe as well. I buy mine on Epic Cosplay. They are more pricey but the quality is good. However they can't be used out of the box, you have to cut them and style them, which adds even more to the cost.

If you want something ready to wear AliExpress has a lot of options. The quality is not very good but they are very affordable and come pre styled. You can look for wigs of specific characters if they are popular enough, or from characters from other series with similar hair.

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