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>INB4: it is all chinese filters
Even when westerners are using filters, they don't look as cute as asians. That's a fact.

Keekihime even in her best days, didn't come close to this photo I posted.
Neck yourself. fpbp /thread
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Every race has its hotties
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Non-black hair and non-brown eyes look weird and unnatural on asians.
Yes and most white women are too fat
There certainly are a lot of adorable Asian girls out there.
No, Asians just have more experience with soft anime style cosplay makeup that flattens your face so it's more 2D ish
Still expecting for any Asian to reach the level of Sailor Bubba
Counterpoint: Have you ever seen an Asian girl stare you in the eyes with those fake colored contacts? It looks uncanny, bordering on creepy. Not as bad as kigurumi masks, but still very uncanny.
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They’re good at immature/coomer animes where you just need a 2d face, but they can’t do a character like pic rel
When it comes to women definitely. I think male is better but still not quite there.
you just havent seen the right one.
No they're not. Anime is just much bigger in East Asia, so the cosplay and makeup towards it would obviously be more sophisticate. Remember there's bad looking Asians and good looking Euros too, there's no master race in this world.
Cause they use hair dyes and coloured contacts which will always look garbage no matter how popular they are. Most Asian people obviously have black hair and eyes, but some of them do have naturally coloured hair and eyes. It is primarily Central Asian people that have this feature like picrel.
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White women are, by far, the most beautiful.
If the character is Asian then yes. If the character is white, a White person looks infinitely better cosplaying them.

Call it controversial but I've always found Asian features easier on the eyes than deep European features. Yet black eyes and lack of phenotype diversity are undeniably ugly and boring. East Asians with red hair and blue/green eyes are the real master race.

There were more in the past, tragically assimilated into black eyed black haired groups. More beautiful features are usually recessive.
I dunno about all this superiority shit but I definitely think white people cosplay European inspired characters much better than similarly attractive Asians. Elves, knights, those in clearly European attire, etc., but I guess that makes sense.
who is the cosplayer? they are beautiful.
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>Keekihime even in her best days, didn't come close to this photo I posted.

Then get off the internet and come to Asia fuckwit
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This fins are based as hell, only people who can out drink me.

Women are great everywhere OP
Female cosplayers here, but I'd say (and you can take it with a grain of salt) that it's got nothing to do with race, but more with the combo bone structure + body/face fat distribution, more or less following the Kibble body types. (Also for what I'm about to say just assume that I'm always talking about skinny people)

Every race has these body types, but the superior ones really depend on what you're planning to cosplay. Like it would be the tall, angular Dramatics to cosplay male anime characters/bishonens in general, and shorter and more childlike and feminine gamine/romantic ones to cosplay lolis or just young bishojos, then very well balanced Classics and Romantics again for more bimbos/older bishojos types characters.

What do you guys think about it?
>Is this nonwhite group better than white people at anything?
Pay attention to this DEI shit
Ah, also, we'll assume the cosplayer has already decent makeup and grooming skills, and has at least an average face.
Definitely. The faces even those extremely abstract ones are more asian leaning with no brow ridge, asian eyy shape and wide IPD. >>10936016 is right though. Non- asian men make better anime cosplays the non asian women partly because there are decent amount of rugged characters. I've seen some good FFXV Ignis cosplays by white dudes barely edited even they probably couldn't pull off Noctis or Prompto though since again they're drawn with those soft asian featuers no brow ridge and the eye shape and hte lip shape.
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Gabo is best girl

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