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>which hotel are you staying at?
>is sabo mid now?
>will the elevator lines ever get shorter?
>why is it so hot?
Drove by this place today, looked like a bunch a fag's I could beat the shit out of.
Not a single hot women, just uncontrolled Children, troons and fatties.
What's happend to my state?
>which hotel are you staying at?
>is sabo mid now?
First year here, out of state, heard about sabo from AZ cosplayers I met. Fun con but it's definitely a "you gotta make your own fun" vibe where if youre a sperg who cant you're gonna hate it.
>will the elevator lines ever get shorter?
elevators arent too bad, you wait for 2 at most
>why is it so hot?
>Phoenix, Arizona

You were probably looking at the stoners on the bench outside, kek.
nuh uh
any hotel room parties happening tomorrow?
I'm going tomorrow, wondering if it's gonna be dead since it's the last day?
Also has anybody spotted Josie?
Jesus, evening on the third day and a basically dead thread. Had fun, got a good haul but I wish there was more Phase merch. Saw the drag show, would be nice for it to be an a stage next year so 90% of the act isn't blocked if you're not in the first row. I'm not sure if most of the programming is just bad or if it's just not for me, but so far watching vines for an hour was the most fun. I still haven't made it out to the second hotel.

What sorta cons do you not have to make your own fun?
I sound like a miserable cunt here, I'd like to clarify I did have a good time. Lots of cool artists to see and cool cosplays to appreciate.
Stop acting like Arizona isn't filled with fat townie children and old rich snowbirds
Anon... I...Arizona cons is the closest thing you can get to being in con purgatory without being forced in some place like New Mexico or Utah where they have like 1 con a year.

The problem with Arizona cons is that it's just the same blood year after year after year. Ganbatte is trying to break in but man that's still a cluster to it's own. Everyone knows everyone in AZ cons and petty drama shit just compounds and festers into everyone, it's nearly high school level cliques each AZ con. Don't even get me started on the shit Taiyou caused. You go to this con and AZ cons because it's coinvent and cheaper than flying out to something in LA or whatever. No one here is really professional cosplay levels of good, it's mostly everyone doing a cheap weekend and the B-side cosplay that they are prepping for bigger events. Probably the only thing I didn't expect was not running into a 2hu cosplayer I've seen years prior. The other people just come in doing the same old same old cosplay each year it's easy to know exactly who everyone is within 30 seconds. It's fun to meet with friends around here and see how they are doing but man is the location and con such a fucking minimal effort shitshow

I like sabo but it hardly deserves a thread.
Man you'd think the explosion in anime fans would help but Greg cons have just been going downhill for years. These threads used to have hundreds of comments of people excited and talking about plans, it's so sad now. I'm shocked Connichiwa is even happening
>Hundreds of comments
Anon wake up it's not 2016 anymore
that's exactly when I'm referencing, am I old? rip
Connichiwa has hardly even been a convention since Greg got booted from the TCC. Miscommunications with staff aside, at least the Starr Pass was a nice hotel in a nice place, not crack central. Somehow every year I find myself more and more confused with the decisions he makes.
Sabo was fun and I do almost enjoy how consistent it is year to year, but man are some of the fucking staff the power trippiest retards imaginable
I went to Ganbatte once in Glendale in the middle of April and thought it was alright. Is it worth going now?
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>What sorta cons do you not have to make your own fun?
You're absolutely right about that, but I just didn't want to water it down as "Sabo is a party con!" because that is also used to criticize cons that are "boring" and people party to compensate.

i was new to Sabo, from SoCal, so from the outsider perspective of everyone knowing each other was nice that you talk to one person, someone else will soon just join in cause they know em, and original person does a thing but you've already went from a 1-1 nice chat to having a new bubble of 5 people!
I did definitely hear the gripe that yes AZ con scene is small so someone else's highschool drama somehow affecting you is unescapable.
>I did definitely hear the gripe that yes AZ con scene is small so someone else's highschool drama somehow affecting you is unescapable.
This is what seriously kills the anime cons in AZ for me, I get le meme man greg is LE BAD, but holy shit I still hear about shit from 2016 on people. What makes it worse is I guess now everyone needs to use the reddit server for meetups after the lolita gull discord implosion.
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Hopefully I'll be back next year cause I had a lot of fun.
I mainly tumbled and fumbled around and luckily had fun convos with very open people and not cliquesburg like SoCal cons can be. I know we hate discord because it takes attention/anonymity away from this board and or people think they're "important" simply cause they made the discord, but I wish I found a sabo relevant one before I showed up to vibecheck into the AZ community.
I'm incredibly lucky that I somehow dodge drama or people just keep me out of it else I just leave. Like let me know if someone is a rapist, steals art, or abuses their pets, otherwise idgaf that A broke up with B then dated their best friend or sells their old cosplay at obnoxious prices.
>he doesn't know about the fagstaff incident
lol I wish I had the same ignorance as you, it must be blissful
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>the fagstaff incident
My newblood ignorance probably isn't as blissful as you'd hope because we have our own happenings we really wish we didn't know about!
I wish our drama was that level to warrant something on par with ALA.
Ours is
>ASU students think everyone who isn't democrat a racist sexist and homophobe
>that weird time the lolita community tried to out's all males as sexpests and then accidently leaking their shota server/channel thing
>flagstaff touhou fan sperging out some guy called it "space invaders on steriods"
>Taiyou con 40 yo owner hitting on sexpests
>that split of 2016 where anyone making trump meme's was labeled a racist
I could go on but lole
We definitely have plenty of that shit in spades, but we're so disjointed that shit doesn't appear on your radar unless you were ground zero. Since we have some form of con every/every other month, not everyone is around for everything, shit get smokescreened and downplayed easily.
Don't do ganbatte, the owner is a freak and everyone I know who's associated with him regrets it. There was also a k-pop contest where the MC humiliated a contestant until they cried on stage for no reason. They're only successful because they actually gaf about what people are interested in unlike Other Events but I think we need higher standards than the guy who names his cosplay guests groupchat "sex kittens"

other than two things this is none of the AZ drama this is just teen cosplayers not following you back on IG
heh, no way id fly back out there for a small ass 1 day con.
>this is just teen cosplayers not following you back on IG
most con drama is basically this anyways kek

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