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5 months of the old thread and not much has happened.
Summer cons have been and gone and once again everything is fundamentally different. I don’t think we’ll
Go back to pre lockdown glory.
Ho hum.

Theres a few more bits and pieces before con season is over but I cba looking them up this time.
Ok, guess I can post cons. As per usual, stolen from first Google result. Thread does not endorse any event, do your own research etc. if you know of more, especially more traditional cons rather than modernised trade shows and what not then stick em in the thread.

Dates Location
Sheffield Anime & Gaming Con 2024 September 14-15, 2024 Mercure Sheffield St Paul's Hotel & Spa
Japan Fest Buxton 2024 September 29, 2024 Pavillion Gardens
Newcastle Anime & Gaming Con 2024 October 5-6, 2024 Event Northumbria
Animangapop Brighton 2024 November 2, 2024 Holiday Inn Brighton - Seafront
Brighton Anime & Gaming Con 2024 November 9-10, 2024 The Old Ship Hotel
Animangapop Cardiff 2024 November 30, 2024 Future Inn Cardiff Bay
AnimeConUK abusing their mailing list to send out information about a completely different event
which MCM is better to go to?
Whichever you have to pay the least amount of money to get to
London in May
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A MID con doing MID things fr fr
I miss Britgulls

Can't we go back to the way things were before minus the preds (Wib, Demo, Dairy)
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hey Jeff, how is single life treating you?
Don't forget Mic
He'd probably rape a ham sandwich if you left him alone in a room with it for long enough.
Weren't some of them at Kita last month?
MCM Birmingham or MCM London May, skip MCM London October
Did Lea just deleted her Instagram?
Aw, he got dumped?
He seemed like such a nice guy and a real breath of fresh air for the gulls while it lasted.
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I work with animecon and it's now being combined with Dcon a design con
I can't find any info at all about what Dcon is about
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It checks out, it's on their company website. I think it's a con about selling designer stuff. No idea why they would combine it with anime, I guess it's a loose crossover with anime and stuff. I don't even know what designer means in this case
Is there anything to go to in Autumn?
I guess there is some level of crossover, i wonder how much of it is going to be people shilling their art course though.
From their website
>DesignerCon is an annual art and design convention that smashes together collectible toys, customs, plush, designer apparel and so much more with urban, underground and pop art! We are a celebration of all aspects from the world of design.
Can't be worse than Rakucon.
What's the issue with Rakucon? I can imagine it was just small 100 people and weird.
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As insanely late as it is, this board's got a small pool of posters and crazier things have happened so I'm putting this out there: if you posted this and there are any good cons happening next summer (i.e. when Oasis are playing Wembley, Heaton Park or hell, even both) yes I am around and open
Finally finished Stocking's sword. Had wanted it done for Animecon back in June but was busy with some IRL stuff.

If you're at Liverpool Comicon in november and see me, come say hi!
don't forget to only wear one stocking
>I don’t think we’ll
>Go back to pre lockdown glory.

World economy's fucked anon.
Nothing's going back to pre-lockdown glory for the foreseeable.

Don't recall many anime conventions during the dark ages innit.
It really isn't helping that a typical con costs as much as going on an actual holiday these days.
I'm only really bothered about going to whichever MCM is closest and if I make an effort to go to a con I'd rather go somewhere in europe, at least I can take a few extra days either side to see somewhere nice and new rather than fucking London or Birmingham.
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So true, xister. I heard two weeks ago that in two more weeks, comes the announcement for two more weeks. We'll be able to say then that, well and truly, definitively, unquestionably, demonstrably: IT'S OVER
Probably wouldn't be quite as expensive if they didn't keep giving half their capacity away as "creator" tickets to absolute nobodies.
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>weekend ticket is £70-£100 now
>hotels are extremely expensive across the board
>train strikes every now and again making travel annoying
>petrol is expensive too
>most cons don't even bother to get guests any more, just MCM, MegaCon, and whatever that Final Fantasy fan-run convention is (not Fanfest)
>cons only give out "creator" passes to people who will shill them the hardest on social media rather than actual creators
take me back to 2009 please
Take the American pill, US cons are just so much better, it's still pricey to fly out but £300 for a return flight to LA for AX, just so much better than anything the UK can offer
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Did anyone here go to Sonic Con in Manchester yesterday?
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Nope, was it as shit as Raku or what?
No and would be no to gingers too if you were serious about minus preds.
anyone going to the con in exeter this weekend?
bold of you to post demo alongside actual sex offenders
You know it anon!

also goodness October has gone quick. Anyone else decide they're going to Liverpool come november?
Black Ops 6 release collided with MCM.
Christ, I thought they were at 2 still because they weren’t very good. Treyarch or something. No midnight release for us then unless you want to turn up dressed as some guy from Bleach. That’s still popular right?
so that was fun
>drive down to MCM london nice and early
>get off at the wrong exit on royal albert way bcuz im a tard but ended up in my favour
>half way to the car park stopped by security and asked if i'd booked parking
>sorry mate all 750 spaces are fully booked you'll have to park in the premier inn
what the fuck? every MCM london i've been to, on the sunday i've rolled up around 9:20 and had my pick of most of the car park, what was that all about?
they overbooked the prepaid parking too so people who actually paid beforehand got fucked over too
carlets btfo
Well... Hotaru is a shit show.
Just seems super unorganised, people leaving early.
are they still at that tiny hotel
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You c*nts ready for MCM?
Moxy is fully booked as usual.
It seemed better than average for hotel con organisation! Had a good time here but skipped the awkward ceremonies and just did panels and parties and the talent show with friends (which was suprisingly good) Didn’t go back up on Saturday after they kicked everyone out of the main hall but the DJ sets were good even with some cringe on the dancefloor

The hotel was less shit than last time but I got one drink at the bar and now I have no money :) :) :)
First time going to MCM in Birmingham tomorrow.
did you enjoy it anon
Has anyone done Tokonatsu before? Is it a good solo con?
Toko is great if you enjoy attending events that welcome sex offenders with open arms
I had fun. But I havnt been in years. Different atmosphere certainly, but it’s chill. Better with friends, but the campsite aspect and bbq, fires etc make meeting people easier as it’s a much smaller event.
any cosplay conventions soon?
Are there any still active residential/social round-the-clock cons (like Koko, Kita, Ame, Hotaru) that do on-site sleeping bag accommodation? Whether having some of the rooms dedicated to it, a sports hall turned into a camping zone or just tacit approval for people to crash in random places?
That's more of a European thing rather than a UK thing.

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