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Can I cosplay big boobed girls if I have a nearly flat chest? There's silicone boobs but they look kinda fake.
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Flat = justice
well the fake look doesnt matter for girls like in that pic
only matters if youre showing cleavage
Some silicone boobs do look fake. If you're not showing cleavage, they're expensive and unnecessary. You can stuff a bra with all sorts of cheap things that work better- socks, rice in pantyhose, giant balloons filled with water or diaper gel.
If you're showing just a little cleavage, you can use the multiple bra technique to make small breasts look much bigger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsqcPsd5kUo
If you want a lot of cleavage, silicone breastplates are the way to go. They're not all created equal, so shop around. I think the Eyung 8th & 9th generation "bloodshot" ones look the best. https://eyung.shop/collections/breast-forms

Good luck- hope this helps!
This. Take advantage of your rare body type and cosplay all the characters lardtits can't, OP.
Thank you anons
Very enlightening responses, this has been most helpful (:
>giant balloons filled with water
best choice for dem anime physics
stop shilling that overpriced site. it's not like anon needs realistic ones when she's going to be cosplaying in her room.
its not necessary but you could. If you're going for accuracy to the character you could get em. But otherwise they are not necessary because a character in cosplay is not always gonna have every part of them. I mean Goku isn't black but we don't see black dudes shedding their skin to do it.
We don't really see black dudes putting in effort either.
that's just cosplay in general. people slap on a dumb robe from Demon slayer and call themselves Tanjiro or whatever.

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