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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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Fill out the image and reply to the previous posters with any ideas you have on what could be a good cosplay for them
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Forgot to start it lolol
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I think you’d have the perfect build for archduke Lewis from TPN but also I’m biased because he’s my husbando and would love to see him cosplayed.
Demon hands, you could construct something thin out of wire and paper mache and secure it on top of some black gloves.
Gakupo from vocaloid
Ouughh, he does look really fun. I liked him a lot too, that's a good one. tyy
Jin Kazama could be a fun fit for you. Could honestly just grow hair out too if you don't wanna spend on a wig lol. He has both shirtless n well dressed options too so if you do buy a wig you could reuse it for your goal
Shulk, or daddy shulk or rex from XB3.
omg you would slay as ryo from bocchi, or ozen from made in abyss
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Or Ryu from BOF4! or Fei Fong wong from xenogears

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