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Previous thread: >>10930368

Some lolitas are far left. Some lolitas are far right. Me? I'm far TING.

Post cgl feels.
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Threadly karaoke anon here, claiming the first post. Looks like, by obligation, I'll be hosting my first con karaoke in a few months. While there's definitely gonna be some kinks to workout once actually on the ground, I already feel pretty good about this. There are a lot of mistakes that hosts make like
>No TV facing the singer
>Crap MIDI instrumentals
>Refusal to allow anything other than safe, generic Western slop
>Insufficient timeframe
>Rejecting people who wanna sing on behalf of no-show's
>Being a stuck up asshat in general
All that's a nonissue. Also thinkin I'm gonna make it random by numbering Post-It notes, shuffling them and going from there. There's been too many nights where I wander in with an hour left and even then know I'm too late to perform. Lookin forward to it
I have a raging hatred of everyone that spams lacemarket with LEAVING LOLITA!! sales
Why the fuck is this even a thing? I don't care why you're selling stuff. Nobody does. Why do so many people put this? I have never seen this in any other subculture
Am I supposed to get on my knees and beg them to stay?
It's not even an indication of someone selling a lot at good deals like a moving or emergency sale, as it's always just a bunch of mismatched junk
I hope everyone who does a "leaving lolita" sale actually leaves permanently. You are obnoxious and unwanted.
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I hate posts like this. Not only they display something I will NEVER have, this also plagues the cosplay community. Sex shouldn't be had on cosplay, at least 'publicly'. Slapping someone's ass is a sexual act. These people doing it for engagement only do not understand the consequences of their actions. By spreading this, they're normalizing sex. Cosplay should be a professional thing and not soething you record yourself in full costume slapping your significant other in full costume, too.

This is unacceptable and I wish I could think differently.
>it's always just a bunch of mismatched junk
So true.
jealousy is a common emotion
After many years of being the only lolita where I live, posting constantly on my socials to encourage people to wear lolita as well, there are finally enough "lolitas" now we can somehow call a community. The problem is, literally everyone is whether an ita, a babylita who barely has any interest in improving, or just will never spend money on brand.
I'm tyring to be patient with them, I'm slowly introducing concrits in our comm, I'll encourage them to get better at makeup and hairstyling. But damn, it's not easy.
Well, at least, the ones who have officially joined the comm at least actually know what lolita fashion is. But there is also a bunch of other girls who will participate to "lolita shows" at local popular anime cons, and omfg they're FUCKING ITAS. like. Unsalvageable. FUCKING. ITAS. It really hurts my soul that the public now thinks that that absolute, outrageous shit ass garbage is "lolita fashion". I'm talking shit-tier taobao/cheap ass costume/anime lOLiTa/lowkey pedobait trash here.
I never show up at these events. I absolutely refuse to give them lolita cred. Fortunately people here are still pretty conservative, animes and alternative fashions aren't as popular as in other countries, so I just hope that stinky mess will never spread
What do you mean "cosplay should be a professional thing"? There are tons of casual cosplayers who go to cons who just treat it as a fun thing. Also, is normalizing sex really bad? I'd argue it's better than normalizing violence.
They want to go back to booth babes paid for by giant corporations instead of small business owners with their own cosplay business and amateurs having fun.
If you mod your local comm then do stuff like virtual meets and monthly challenges or themes to stimulate participation. Encourage the babylitas and penny pinchers to buy second hand brand.
Wearing taobao items is an ita behavior
Thanks anon! I haven't thought about virtual meets and challenges!
Honestly just give up, my local comm is like this, full of poorly dressed weirdos that are embarrassing to be seen with. If you live in America having a decent comm is a pipe dream and I would honestly just give up on the notion altogether. It would be less effort to save up your money and move someplace else.
I am jealous, I didn't deny it.

Cosplayers shouldn't record themselves slapping a cosplayer's ass even if they're a significant other who consented to this.

>is normalizing sex really bad

In the cosplay context, yes. We're too full of weirdos. We don't need to have even more than we have now thanks to the Onlyfans stuff.
I personally think cons are way better now than previously. Con attendance was way down before so you had to interact with the smelly stinky chuds, but now you can just ignore them
tfw this board doesnt have enough coomer threads
some Mormons stopped me on the side of the road and I gave them my real phone number and name. They got high ranking titles like elders too im fucked
Be the change you want to see in the world
Compared to Naruto or Bleach (lol), Fairy Tail still gets a lot of love from cosplayers. I used to respect that for a while...until I noticed only ~5% of them do it justice. The girl I consider the hottest in my local scene has done a really good Lucy but I've only ever seen photos. The majority, though, are fucking hideous. It took years to go from "denial" to "acceptance" but I'm finally here. Oh and I also don't get why no one ever dresses as Juvia *after* she joins the guild i.e. when she's hotter. Sad!
I could have been a professional athlete like shoehi ohtani if I didnt have amblyopia desu. I wonder if theres a treatment for it nowadays for adults. imagine how much more powerful I could be with both eye since im already pretty awesome with one. maybe i could hit challenger in league
and that's how i begun to have sex in my top notch costumes, and it's the best thing ever
nta but I kinda agree
spiting facts
>Cosplay should be a professional thing
imo, it should be a hobby thing for nerds
Should be both. But all the business parts of it should be small business owners. Corporations should never interefere.
I hope more female characters start wearing short shorts and short skirts. I love seeing their bare legs at cons.
Why are cosplayers and cosmakers so fucking retarded? Lacking even the most basic common sense, crying because someone didn't tag them somewhere, crying because they lost the cosplay contest, taking what should be a hobby very seriously.

Holy fuck I wish there was a mental sanity test to be a cosplayer.
Men at conventions just want to bone. Fuck meet ups.
Sorry you got rejected maybe lose weight lol
good comm meet ups = no one brings their boyfriend. no guys dressed up as girls

bad comm meet ups = girls that bring their boyfriend. straight men dressed as girls.

"but I am le man with nice coord and make up! i'm not a threat I swear! "

at any moment you can have a boner and there's nothing I can do to stop you from overpowering me.
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>forgot to buy ticket in time for magfest hotel lottery
someone put me out of my misery
Carry a knife or a gun if youre that paranoid.
Nayrt, but that makes me wonder what a lolita knife would look like, lol
I don't think you'll be assaulted at the meet. Much more likely these guys are getting off on their own at the meet, involving everyone there in their fetish without their consent.
well shouldnt you bring boyfriends so they can defend you from the troons
There wouldn't be a problem in the first place if moids were banned.
ban the girls from conventions, they're always the ones who are stirring up drama :^)
Lose weight.
I would enjoy Anime conventions a lot more if it was only women. too many creeps touching women during photos and too many creeps trying to get an upskirt video. Also dressing us Dead Pool does not give you the right to act pervy towards women. You don't see women dressing as Toko Fukawa making lewd comments toward other attendees.
Sure is fat in here today
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This isn't about conventions it's about lolita meetups, retard. I'm curious about the hostile deflection, do you really think concern for being assaulted by pic attached is equivocal to being gossiped about.
another guy pretending to be a gay crossdresser to trick girls into undressing in front of him. these guys probably have raging hard ons under their skirt/dress. you can tell when you are crying your heart out in front of them venting about your trauma and they have a boner while hugging you.
do you fantasize about this kind of thing a lot?
What about if the woman touches you?
I wish we didn't allow any men in lolita communities, I'm ready to throw the very few of them that can behave normally under the bus if it means the overwhelming majority of them who cause trouble wouldn't be there anymore either.

Just leave. Ad hominems and whataboutism are not valid points.

nayrt, my local comm has three of these guys right now. Most of the comm ignore them but mods won't kick them out because they haven't actually committed any ban-able offence. To my knowledge one of them has been testing boundaries by posting very questionable pictures of himself and has been making comments that are on the edge of acceptable. The mods are waiting until something ban-able happens to even consider removing them from the comm, at which point it will already be too late imo.

"but what about mana" afaik he hasn't tried to join any local comm. He also dresses well. None of the guys I'm complaining about do.
>Just leave.
No, I'm good, thanks. Also, lose weight.
commenting "lose weight" to everyone you disagree with accomplishes nothing.
I don't do so without reason, but thanks for your concern
Sorry about that, nona. It should be ban-able offence just to be male & it should be a given that mods are able to ban them without warning with no reason given for safety reasons. If you can do it without compromising your own safety, you should name and shame him on LC, that could light the fire under the mod's asses to do something about it, since everyone in the community likes to pretend they "hate drama" yet still reads here and there, and they often excommunicate anyone who gets posted there for any reason.
Yeah, too many men are assholes desu
Lose weight
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Hey quick question rite and its entirely on topic, I promise: If you hear loud music, and you're not the one playing it, what is your immediate reaction?
I didn't know LC was still there. I just searched the current lolita thread, didn't find any of the guys there and I doubt any of my comm even read LC. I also think it's going to be too difficult not to compromise myself when I post about them because I'm not sure their content was ever posted somewhere outside of the local comm.
Too many girls are assholes, too. Let's move to the countryside and live on a vegan diet based entirely of things we cultivate!
it depends. I need more data; what time is it when the loud music is playing? Where is the loud music coming from? How loud is loud?

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>BTSSB new release today
>hesitated for 0.5 seconds at checkout
>item sold out
I want to kill myself
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>what time is it when the loud music is playing?
Various options, though none before you'd expect people to be out of bed or after you'd expect them to call it a night
>Where is the loud music coming from?
A portable speaker
>How loud is loud?
Anywhere from 70-90 Db (more noise around, totally independent and drowning it out)
Nonnies i am a guy with an old face just like this fella and i want to try lolita. Am i doomed? How can i be presentable? I dont want to scare nobody but at the same time i loved wearing it. It felt so cute on me. But im afraid to look so ugly and scary that people will avoid me like >>10937733 's comm. Is there hope? What would you do in my case? I want to start right. I also understand that women need their exclusive space too, and i am okay with not coming on any meet i am not invited. How to adress it without letting people uncomfortable? I just want to have fun and not be an intruder. I want them to feel comfirtable with me to the point they would invite me and i would come only if invited.
Ayrt my opinion is that I don't think you should. Most of us would much prefer a space without the constant looming threat of violent male behavior. Even if you yourself know you're not in it for predatory reasons, you were beaten to it by many men who have been given chances and ruined it for everyone else. Why do you want to join, anyways? You describe yourself as visibly old and male, realistically most young women will see you as an "other" anyways, as in you will never be their peers, despite them being polite to your face. You don't have to join a comm to wear something for yourself. If you want lolita friends in general, I would recommend making a social media, post a little of yourself, interact a little here and there, following/reaching out to people who engage back on an individual basis. You will probably still get made fun of online but at the very least you wont be sticking your nose where it isn't welcome. Hope this helps.
I was thinking about a lolita gun. You could probably paint a gun pink and cover it in bows and stuff, put it in a matching holster, and nobody would bat an eye at open carrying it, they'd think it was just some fake accessory.
Ayrt i completely understand you. You just want to be able to be in your space without worrying and i can understand that.
Idk i always see those happy wholesome cute pics of people in tea parties and i wanted a bit of that for me too. Cute wholesome things with cute wholesome people. Thats all that i wanted. And also build cute wholesome friendships with interests in common. I know its weird for a grown man to want that but i guess i just became softer as i aged. I barely can argue anymore kek. I also feel myself more sensitive to feelings if that makes any sense, and im 29 not even that old (but men appearance age like milk ig i have huge nasolabial folds and doubke chin now).
I just wish that people would be happy to have me there and i wonder how could i bring joy enough so people would want me there if im making any sense. As much as i want a wholesome cute thing for me it will never be if i cast that lingering feeling in my comm of fear and uncertainty. I want to add to the people i am with and make people happy to have me there, glad im there.I just wonder how i could build trust enough so people would be comfortable around me.
Would you join a community of just other men wearing lolita? Or do you only want to join the tea party with cute girls?

Personally I don't even want to hang out with other women if they're uggo (and poorly dressed). I'm a cute girl who wants to hang out with other cute girls. You should be with your peers as well. We don't always get the things we want in life, that's why couples and even friend groups generally are peers and have the same level of attractiveness.
how do you know that you're cute and not uggo?
Go do cute wholesome things with other men. Why does it have to be women giving you attention? No, no one will ever be happy to see a crossdresser at meets no matter how "nice" you are. You sound like a closeted troon who ~just wants to be one of the girls~ honestly, which is even worse.
>fabric store closed
>have to go to craft store instead
>velvet ribbon only comes in pastel colors
>buttons only come in bright colors
>satin ribbon feels like paper
>zippers only come in five colors and the size I need is out of stock

JFC no wonder zoomies buy all their cosplay.
Get told I'm cute by other men and women, I'm not pretty or hot just cute. Had an uggo phase in my youth so the difference in amount of attention by peers is noticeable.
>go do cute wholesome things with other men
yes because men famously love doing things described as "cute" and "wholesome" with other men
My city has nearly 1.2 million people living in it, we're about a 3 hour drive away from my country's capital and yet, we have never had a single decent con with a sizeable cosplayer presence in our history. Fucking sucks, man.
The only place I've ever read the word "famously" being used in that way is on Twitter, maybe you aught to spend less time in places like that. I fear it could be warping your perception of reality. I feel sorry for you that you have a tough time relating to your own like that, but it doesn't mean you are automatically entitled to butt into women's spaces.
Ayrt, most (if not all) countries or even individual states have laws about how much noise you can make during which hours. I was able to find regulations about noise in residential areas, let's take those as an example.
Daytime: 07:00 – 19:00 Maximum 35 decibels (dB) for persistent nuisance. Maximum 55 dB for short-term peak noises.

Evening: 19:00 – 23:00
Maximum 30 dB for persistent nuisance. Maximum 50 dB for short-term peak noises.

Nighttime: 23:00 – 07:00 Maximum 25 dB for persistent nuisance. Maximum 45 dB for short-term peak noises.

It seems your loud music exceeds the legal daytime levels used in the example. 90db is described as "the sound of a motorcycle, using a hair dryer or power tools" and 70db is described as "vacuum cleaner, alarm clock" however these claims aren't very consistent.

If you are listening to music that loud you are going into the hearing damage zone.

There are situations in which noises above 55db are unavoidable, for example if your neighbours are doing home repairs and drilling into the wall that separates your apartment from theirs. But these noises are supposed to be short term.

I wouldn't recommend playing music that loud in a residential area.
People won't ignore or avoid you if you dress well and behave normally. However I think the most you could hope for is being tolerated and that people are friendly towards you. Because of the difference in sex and age compared to the average lolita, I'm 99,999% sure they don't actually want to be friends with you and want to see or interact with you outside of community spaces. That is to be expected, since lolitas have to have more in common with each other (than just the shared interest in the fashion) in order to develop friendships. They also most likely won't trust you and never will. You will be seen as "other".
The anon makes a good point by asking you if you would join a group of only men wearing lolita, because if the answer is no it means you have other reasons (other than having fun at tea parties and cute wholesome people) to join the comm. None of those reasons would be good.
Honestly it sounds like you're romanticising what it would be like to be in a comm.
Whiners like this never mention theyre in Botswana or Bosnia or whatever. Move somewhere white loser
I agree, I am in a small group of dollfags and we recently had two woman try and join in too and i don't like that much either. Men and woman just need their own spaces now and again.
>at any moment you can have a boner and there's nothing I can do to stop you from overpowering me.
I think that goes for any man, not just those in a dress. Better not leave the house any more just to be safe.
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Get a grip. For one, the type of men who'd wear a frilly dress out in public are notoriously sexual deviants, more so than the average dude, and for two the meets aren't always out in public they could be at the host's own home for example. It is not paranoid to not want strange and likely fetishistic men knowing your home address or even the kind of personal details you might share in a tight knit comm chat. So take your "not all men" shove it up your ass.
This anon gets it. I don't feel like dolls are a particularly male hobby, but I have experienced a comfy group suddenly turning co-ed, and yes it does complicate things. Sorry to hear that for you.
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>I don't feel like dolls are a particularly male hobby
NTA but the anime-style vinyl dolls like Dolfie Dreams are pretty male-dominated, I'd say about 2/3rds-3/4ths of the community are guys, unlike the resin BJDs that make up the other side of the Asian doll community, where it's like 99% female. My ex-GF was into collecting both kinds and had a side business making clothes for them, she got me into them and I ended up with a few. We used to go to the regional monthly meets and the DD one usually had only 3-4 girls out of 10-15 attendees while you'd rarely see a guy that wasn't a bored husband/BF at the BJD ones.

Incidentally I ended up being one of the few male BJD fans, they're handcrafted small-batch art pieces and are much more diverse (there are a ton of manufacturers with different sculpting and painting styles etc.) and I find that much more appealing than the mass-produced, toylike vinyl dolls, plus the resin dolls have amazing heft and I like the way they pose more. (Especially because vinyl doll skeletons are so easy to break if you move something slightly wrong.) I haven't had any of them out in years though, pretty much since I broke up with that ex, I don't want to deal with friends and family being freaked out by them when they come over and having them out where they could get stained or fall over and break or whatever is a big source of anxiety.
The men you need to worry about are not the ones in dresses. Theyre family members or frat boys in polos.
A large percentage of women have a completely backwards sense of what guys are a threat and which ones aren't, but even saying that I still wouldn't want guys in dresses in my comm if I were a lolita either, they're probably not gonna physically do anything to the girls but they can definitely ruin the whole atmosphere and cause a lot of drama, and personally I just don't like being an accessory to some random person's fetish.
Nayrt, but you're both right. Statistically speaking rapists are usually family members of their victims, or they are in positions of authority (priests, teachers) or someone the victim is dependent on (caretakers of disabled people).
I think she's exaggerating how likely a perv at the meet would actually rape you, but she's right about them being sexual deviants. If you've been in the lolita fashion community for long enough you will hear of multiple incidents with men in lolita communities. It's not just the guys in dresses and skirts, it's also photographers and men wearing ouji or EGA.
Incidents usually consist of inappropriate sexual propositions (including to minors), them trying to coerce lolitas into doing sexual things with them, them not taking no for an answer resulting in harassment, obvious attempts to get lolitas to be alone with them, them exposing themselves to lolitas (showing genitals or underwear), trying to trick lolitas into doing fetish role play with them, breaking group rules by posting inappropriate comments in the local con group, etc.

And like the other anon said it's just not good to have these guys at meets because they are engaging in their fetish during meets even if they're not seen masturbating or exhibit other obvious inappropriate behaviour.
It's a huge % of men in lolita comms who end up causing this sort of trouble.
It's like there are 10 snakes in the room with you, and 8 of them are venomous but you don't know which ones, then in order not to discriminate based on the fact that they are all snakes, and you don't want to offend the non venomous snakes either, you stay in the room with them. You're also not allowed to remove any snake before it has bitten you.
I don't use twitter and I am not a man. Try again.

Do you really think people from Bosnia are using 4chan's fucking cosplay and lolita board in 2024? There's like 20 people that post to this site still.
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For every weirdo man incident there's at least 10 men in lolita who haven't done anything and never will. You ever notice how crossplayers don't have a rape epidemic? It's because for some men, it really is just an outfit. Half a century ago society also thought women who wore pants were sexual deviants.

You can either enjoy the fashion or you can spend all your time working up an ulcer over random men, but they're not going anywhere either way, and the rest of us are pretty bored of hearing you cry wolf.
crossplaying is very different compared to men wearing lolita and being part of a lolita community because cosplay and the cosplay community are different. I get that men have favorite characters they might want to cosplay even though the character is female. Lolita is a fashion, lolitas are not dressing up as fictional character. It's also a hobby with a big social aspect to it with the online and local communities, and those communities are almost entirely female. There are also multiple fetishes that make the lolita community a target for fetishists. At most a crossplayer has a crossdressing fetish.

>Half a century ago society also thought women who wore pants were sexual deviants.
the problems people had with the phenomenon of women starting to wear trousers was not because of assumed sexual deviancy.
They also wore trousers made for women, with women's bodies and aesthetics in mind. Men wearing lolita are wearing clothing designed and cut for women.

So the motivations behind crossplay and men in lolita are not the same, there is no cosplay equivalent of the large community aspect of lolita fashion, your argument about women wearing trousers is ignorant.

That men in lolita communities are responsible for a disproportionate amount of unwanted and inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature is not an uncommon or new observation, it has always been that way even when there were fewer men in lolita communities. I'm basing this on 15+ years experience in the comm.
I can only assume you're either not in the lolita community or you haven't been there for long and don't interact with a lot of lolitas in other comms or you're one of those sexual deviants yourself.
Good luck keep gay males and weirdo dudes out of fashion related events.
[reddit space]
Why is it always homeschooled Christian redditors who think theyre fightan against degeneracy while they find some dyke to scisssor? Just come out of the closet, go through the man hating phase, and live your normal life. Not that hard.
the problem isn't with men being gay or men wearing dresses, it's that men in lolita communities are responsible for a disproportionate amount of unwanted and inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature. I have no problem with men or with men being in lolita communities, I have a problem with the behavior. I would be totally fine with them being in the comm if they could all behave themselves in a normal manner.
Because they know fetishist and predatory men are a common issue some Japanese lolita brands avoid or limit the way men interact with them or buy from them. For example by setting a rule that men cannot wear dresses or skirts when attending brand tea parties. In Japan plus sizing is seen as a negative overall, and the main reason for that is that it's connected to men who are taller/broader and so fit that sizing better. For example meta making the plus plus size unavailable to people living in japan because men generally have larger bodies and so are more likely to buy the plus plus sized options, and making the rental service available to women only. Some stores also used to (and might still) have rules about men entering etc. Because they were not welcome the main way japanese men used to (and probably still) buy lolita is through the online second hand marketplace. However they're not that welcome there either, and you might find sellers who put it in their TOS that they do not sell to men.

But we're all just homeschooled christian closeted lesbian man hating redditors who are imagining a problem that isn't actually there, right?

Your comment contains no actual valid arguments, only ad hominems.
Gay dudes do.
>Half a century ago society also thought women who wore pants were sexual deviants.
why do idiots like you always cite one specific culture for shit like this and then act like it applies to everything? women wore pants off and on throughout history and sometimes constantly in some cultures. also anti crossdressing laws we aimed mostly at men where women used them to protest it was never a sexual deviance thing for women.
cope and seethe. they're not going anywhere and whining about it does nothing but annoy everyone else. you are the cancer killing cgl by turning every single thread into a circle jerk about how obsessed with trannies you are.

Don't kys, hun. Just keep your eyes peeled for resales.
Never is too strong a word but it isn't historically as common. I think his point is more that he finds the notion of clothing being gendered to be wrong however clothing is gendered for a good reason he doesn't seem to get.
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nayrt, I'm pretty sure he thinks he's referring to the changes that happened from the victorian era up until the 70s in the west in regards to women wearing trousers in the west. When I say trousers I mean any bifurcated garment worn on the lower body without an open crotch. iirc it started with bloomers invented for bicycle riding, although technically you could start earlier with trousers being worn under skirts/dresses for horse riding.
Assumed sexual deviancy was not the reason people had a problem women wearing trousers. The reasons they had a problem with women wearing trousers were political, religious and cultural. I understand you think "never" is too strong a word. There are always exceptions.
Political; Trouser wearing was associated with feminism. Religious; the bible had something against trousers as well (if you choose to interpret it that way). Cultural; people weren't used to it and change is often scary. This was also an era with very strict etiquette regarding the way people dressed.
Some activities were impossible or very difficult to do when wearing dresses and skirts, so trousers gave women greater freedom and independence. Trousers also "protected women's chastity better" according to a text I bumped into a while ago when researching (peeking) bloomers as an item in lolita fashion, see picrel. These seem to be minors, but I saw a black and white image of adults with peeking bloomers, so I assume this was a trend.
Now that people are receiving their divine cross I see how ugly it is. I'm glad I didn't preorder it, I'd be devastated at both the shine and the narrow cut of the skirt.
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What is she wearing in the black circle here?
The shiny stuff? Looks like it's a pair of safety shorts.
why is she wearing them?
don't answer this fag let him make a stupid questions thread.
so she doesn't flash her ass?

feels threads are stupid and worthless, might as well give someone useful information
oh true, didnt think of that. im dumb af lol
as a teenager in a smaller remote city i always wanted to go to one of those big anime/gaming conventions soooo bad. now i have money and live near a big city but i dont give a fuck about anime/video games at all. ive lived here for a few years mostly indifferent but i still have a nagging feeling that i should go at least once. i just dunno if that feeling is worth $200 and fucking up a whole saturday. i would be more into it if i could make a fun cosplay but it's just money and time that i could be doing something practical with instead of making a costume. i dont have friends either so itd just be me walking around and people-watching so its not like id be socializing. okay thanks for reading my blog anon.
Cope and seethe
Focus at the apex of the arch. Guess it's dedicated to the currency and slang. Getting my POPD macro and that glass cannon sqash Explaining polynomials to old man. Shit's whack. Vacation coming soon, tag along for photo OP
Shake rattle and roll with my boy. Unity's Free trial for the kids who stay forever alone.
learning a lot about the site seem's like iI'd be more prudent to play house and ask for favorite words. thanks onisama.
Yo- show is welcome to my party
This post is extremely low quality
Why indeed
>i could be doing something practical with instead of making a costume
Like learning how to sew or soldering electronics? You're not spending your time using capital letters, that's for sure.
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I wasn't sure how to respond to this, until something notable came up and it did
>Man at the bus stop playing Iron Maiden on his massive speaker, clearly much louder than 90 db
>No one stopped him
Of course I wasn't referring to a residential area anyway or even staying in one spot. For what it's worth, I also only try to play crowd pleasing stuff which is why most people take no issue with me. The thing is, everybody who DOES take issue has one common denominator
So if not a residential area, where are you playing this loud music?

I also assure you that if people had to stand close to the guy at the bus stop to catch the bus they were bothered.
I was watching a show on my laptop once, in an empty train compartment, but people started coming into the compartment as the afternoon progressed. The sound wasn't loud, just enough to hear it over the noise of the train. And people were bothered so one had the courage to ask me to shut it off, and even lent me her ear phones so I could watch the show.
When people are stuck with you, for example on a full train, or you're close to their place of business, they cannot just move away if they don't like it. Considering these days people are afraid of negative consequences if they do ask others to turn the volume down or completely shut it off, because people do react to that request in an increasingly unpleasant and sometimes dangerous way, I think it's just best policy to avoid playing loud music in those scenarios.

There are also definitely situations where I do not want to hear any loud music even if it's my favourite genre.
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Alright well I've been beating around the bush till now, by design. The "setting" is a convention floor. If someone doesn't like my noise they can go find other noise, no one's being forced into anything. And there have been just a few too many positive experiences with it to feel anything but annoyed when someone tells me to stop
>Late night disco circle in the lobby
>Make my own rave after the official one ended too early
>Recruited to play for a stranger's party cause he liked what I was playing
>People on the street / walking by jiving or saying something positive
I watch it with other people too. Silence for Drake, conga line for Mario 64 Slider. It can be a tricky topic but narrowed I sum it up as: if the mood's right I go for it and if it's not, I don't. Ya know what i mean?
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>artist alley
>artists doing con commissions there
>friend goes to a table and tells him to draw the guy opposite him
>walks off, waits a minute then asks the other guy to draw the guy opposite him
>takes the dudes like 5 minutes to realize they're staring at and drawing each other
I miss going to cons with my friends
>Nigga has never gone to the petting zoo with his mates
Oh jfc, just use some common sense. If you're dj-ing a party, even an unofficial one, late at night in a location (lobby) where there was just an official party with loud music, and people are not stuck there (sounds to me like they don't have to sleep near where the loud music is) and people in general have said they enjoy your music, then it's most likely okay.
Why did you even ask?
your friend sounds pretty based
Maybe you and your tranny pals go grooming at petting zoos, but outside of a trad white Republican voting home men only go to 3 places. 1) Work. 2) The Gym 3)Church
That's just prison.
At least you started honest with why it bothers you but I've gotta let you know modern cosplay outside of historical recreation stuff like battles only exists so it can occasionally and incidentally give me an erection.
The problem with this tiktok is there is a man in it and the angle isn't good to show the woman's Star wars soldier uniform off to me
It's funny because you are mad about these posts but use tiktok and probably Twitter and I am adjacent to the target audience but never will use either
>I tried to get my weird literally named after pedophile literature fetish gear popular with women in my area and only creepy women with bad taste who are autopedophiles joined up after I openly advocated it to everyone I know
Honestly just cosplay normal things instead of innately pedo things and wah lah autopedos will no longer be a diamond dozen
I like working with limitations because it forces me to be creative and learn new things. But boy, limitations are becoming more limiting. Everything is becoming more expensive and stores just won't renew their stock. Especially Leroy Merlyn. It's not like we're living under the Wuhan Flu anymore. What are the factories doing?

Off to Crystal Cafe along with the other transparent bitches with you, femcel.
Of course to a degenerate like you it would sound like a prison. To a trad man it sounds like heaven.
No clue what the fuck you're trying to say tranny.
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>Why do you even ask?
Cuz there's always one complainy pants who wants to spoil that, and they always match a certain type. Those are just a few of the positive examples, but for a negative one that was both recent and ridiculous
Lol ok tell me you've never been to a party without telling me. Also ""amusingly"" I was subjected to someone blaring VERY loud rap right outside the window at 3 AM. Like ya do
I've just seen the video of a Ukrainian guy freaking out in a convention in Toronto because the guy was cosplaying as a russian soldier, talking about the 'Z' and saying it's a 'russian swastika'. Apparently it was in an external area and may not even be within the boundaries of the convention.
Don't be so bothered about some idiot making a ridiculous complaint at a party. In fact do your best to have even more fun just to spite them. But if you want to vent this is indeed the thread for it.
I saw a cosplayer cosplaying a popular video game character doing a photoshoot at a con. I really wanted some pics of her. While the photographer was taking a break, I went up to the cosplayer and asked her if I could take a few pictures, which she accepted. Was that proper etiquette or should I not have gone up to her at all while she was in a photo shoot?
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This Firefly is too hot
I love the suit but I FUCKING HATE THE GODDAMN SHIT out of tHe japanese obsession with giving men heels. They ruined all the Iron Blooded Orphans designs with that faggotry.
Heels were originally invented for men and only used by men, they are inherently a masculine thing
short kings need all the help they can get
Not really cosplay-related, but damn
>exhausted from some diy home-improvement
>could need some blowjob from a woman now
A landwhale would be ok too

I know, so they have an extra grip in styrups
But I doubt they were that big than modern ones for women
It's ok
This looks staged to me
And she didn't look happy
Is that an Isekai?
It should have at least one thread, about con-experiences with sex
I guess most of them are either young and unexpirienced, autistic, or both
No idea if it counts but I went to Legoland recently with a pal
>too many creeps touching women during photos
Sorry, but I don't do overhand
But if you are creeped out by it, just say something
you touch me I'm going to my friends so they rub hand sanitizer all over the places you touched
I would have called the cops on two 4chan looking pedo dudes at Legoland.
I used to be ana and since recovering I gained quite a lot of weight. I refuse to wear Lolita until I lose weight again, but it's hard to lose it in the right way. I'm tempted to relapse.

Any advice on how to lose weight safely so I can wear my brand again?
Go to the gym and eat high protein food. If you can eat 250 grams of chicken breast a day with broccoli every time, you wont' want to eat anything else.
The men you're talking about also wore wigs, powdered their faces, painted beauty marks on their faces, had frilly sleeves, would put a hankerchief up to their nose as a gesture of disgust, had feminine mannerisms and wore white stockings for socks. They were the most enormous faggots in denial in the history of mankind.
Those faggots, as you call them, conquered the world and set up massive empires, ideal societies, and science. They were traditionalist too. So fuck off butthurt retard.
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I guess a lot of it comes down to that sentiment i keep seeing posted here, this total contempt for party people. On one hand I get it, the crossover between those who want a con and those who wanna be drunk all day is pretty small. I've met enough dorks in random hotel rooms who say "I don't really care about this anime thing". Still, neither of us are telling the other to change for our own sake. I think there's enough room (figuratively and literally) for both camps to exist without one telling the other to back off
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Why does she look unhappy?
Thanks lovely. I'll pop the the shops tomorrow to stock up on chicken.
This cosplay is confusing. Her outfit seems to be a sexier version of 10H, but she's wearing a 2B wig.
I'm not sure i can answer this without risking a ban but
Notice that she and all others picture above have something in common
Ugly person.
I really wish I had a bust of myself. It is very difficult to make helmets and neck seals without one.
GLP-1 meds.
Blowjobs are a ton of work, boring, and not mutually satisfying. It's gross that men selfishly expect it as if it has any benefit for the woman.
No, no more normalizing sex. Its been normalized. This isn't the 50s anymore. You can most certainly talk about it but you don't need to infect a hobby with it.
Evidently it isn't that normalized if you bitches are still being this reactionary about it.
It was the one in germany
So noone cared

Well, I sometimes have my needs
And it isn't like I wouldn't return the favour
Hmmm. Today I will learn how to sew gloves.

Marriage is a ton of work, boring, and not mutually satisfying. It's gross that women selfishly expect it as if it has any benefit for the man.
do not cum
It's kinda been the opposite for me, I've never had one that I really enjoyed and feel kinda guilty about getting them so I usually tell girls not to bother but they're the ones who seem to be really into it and insist.

I do like eating pussy under the right conditions so I guess I could see how a girl would be into giving blowjobs. That said it's a bit different because making a girl cum before sex results in better sex, while making a guy cum first usually leads to worse sex.
Or prison. As they should
married men live longer
No woman expects marriage from every man she dates. Men automatically expect blowjobs from every woman they date. Not even comparable
nayrt but if you hate blowjobs that much you probably just aren't attracted to men
Nayrt, Some straight people just hate doing (and/or receiving) oral. Not everyone expects it either. It's very strange to frame it as "men expect blow jobs even though it does not benefit women" and "women expect marriage even though it does not benefit men".
Not every man expects blow jobs, and a lot of women don't expect marriage and certainly not with everyone they date.
Some women love giving blow jobs, marriage tends to benefit men more than it does women (like the other anon mentioned). It's crazy how it's a North American cultural belief that men don't want marriage, it's something they do only because their female partner wants it, marriage does not benefit men, women do want marriage, it benefits women more than it does men, etc, when the data shows men benefit from marriage in general way more than women do.
Both of you quit it with the childish sexism.
they're easy to make, just stick your head in molten bronze
I wish I was a few inches shorter, then I'd have the perfect body to fit lolita
I don't like it when people wear stirrups and you can see a bit of flesh between the legging and the shoe lip. Why not just wear full leggings or socks?

>Not even comparable
Congratulations on missing the point. My point is that you're all me, me, me. Why should your partner do unsatisfying things for your benefit when you won't do unsatisfying things for him or her? You are a narcissistic parasite.

Tall girls are a blessing.
I'm not tall though I'm just western average
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I havent spent money on vidya in years but i dunno this akali with the daggers seem kinda sick
Disregard my comment then.

Play Doom instead. It just might resurrect your testicles.
I have 2 perfectly normal functioning testies. doom is for incels that want to feel special and different. as a sigma lone wolf king lord male i play whatever the fuck I want facts over feelings bitch
Went to a con, it was better than usual, actually shared sleeping accommodations with some other people, and actually spent a lot of time with my possibly favorite con person, despite him warning that he wouldn't have much time for me and he usually not having time for me.
But I still feel down about not having a friend group or even being able to talk to strangers, and I spent a lot of time by myself as well. Everyone just seems to be a big group of connected friends but I, at best, got a few individual people I usually can't spend time with.
And it especially sucks with all the people I used to know, or at least have talked to in the past, but they don't acknowledge me and I really can't talk to them.
And I'm just last priority, if that, in general, people just don't enjoy interacting with me at all and I'm often ignored or skipped over.

It's not just the con scene either it's everywhere in my life.
Maybe you're just not memorable enough.
If that's who I think it is, they're plenty memorable. The mopey lolita who always says it was an awful time. the only reason I think it might *not* be is, she usually writes way more
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Never holding a casual dress meetup again. Two girls wore pajamas, and one wore a shirt that said "My body is a machine that turns dicks into sucked dicks."
oh look it's the creative writer again
"creative" is a stretch
middle dude is me when I encounter a lolita in the wild
>background crowd looks like a county fair turnout
i'm tall
Are you a woman? The kind with no Y chromosome.
I have a y chromosome but I was born with a vagina and functioning ovaries. It's a rare xxy genetic condition.
yea i am an actual woman. not an abomination like that fake poster.
I wish I had a tall woman here so I could make her an Ozen cosplay and take her to cons.
How do people treat you? Do men approach you less than other women? Do other women make snide remarks? Do you wear heels? How do you regard men and women shorter than you?
I've developed good coord fetish, you gulls need to feed me excellent coords but with super ugly faces or something so I get it more under control
t. scroot
>good coords with ugly faces

Make a thread, I think it's an interesting to see a thread filled with really awesome coords but very ugly faces.
I look like a regular woman and have had children. Sorry my genome triggered you.
>I think it's an interesting to see a thread filled with really awesome coords but very ugly faces.
right? let's see if the coord can shine through, cause most of the top coords are by super beautiful girls, either that or there's a strange connection there, I bet uggos can coord as well or better
i love being tall! i wear heels often and get nice comments about my legs. i have noticed some men are "intimated" by me but i don't notice getting approached less otherwise. i have gotten some negative remarks from shorter women, usually ones who make being short their personality though. i actually like shorter men personally. as for women a lot of short women tell me they wish they were taller too. you mean ozen from made in abyss? i was actually thinking of cosplaying her so that's kind of funny. i prefer cosplaying taller characters or ones in heels.
XXY means your retarded.
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>Three months can go by with out even ONE (1) interesting con
>Suddenly there's a weekend with literally over a dozen (12) at once
>Now committed to one on the busiest weekend of the year (Memorial Day)
>Will likely never see Anime Boston, Fanime or Anime North
>in b4 "Those suck"
Don't care I'd rather see why they suck firsthand and I'll keep posting this until it stops being relevant
>tfw Metrocon is on your birthday
>tfw family will insist you come home and visit since your friendless
Projecting faggot.
Last time we had a casual meetup, half the girls wore lolita anyway.
Shouldn't you wear casual lolita to a casual meetup anyway? If you're not wearing lolita what's the point
t. never been to a meetup
>most of the top coords are by super beautiful girls, either that or there's a strange connection there

People tend to judge the entire picture without really thinking about it and will consider the one with the nicer overal picture "better dressed", a conventionally good looking person can elevate a mediocre coord whilst other people cannot. If you get two identical pictures, and the only thing you change is you make the facial features of one picture prettier in a way that doesn't look like it is edited, then that's the picture which will do better in terms of likes and interaction.

Get two people in the same coord, which fits them equally well, and both are good at doing their hair and use good poses and lighting, then using a face sticker for both will be the great leveler.
this is why face stickers are shit. you're meant to wear fashion not have it wear you. if someone needs a sticker to make a coord look good it doesn't actually look good ON them, it's basically a flat lay. at that point just put it on a mannequin.
Considering how psychotic lolitas are a lot of girls use face stickers for privacy.
we're talking about uggos using them, or anons who screech about the cope that is the "sticker" test. you can't just judge an outfit in a vacuum, if the wearer looks like shit it brings the coord down, because it's on them. you need to judge things within the context they exist in. simple as.
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so what you're saying is ugly women shouldn't wear lolita?
ugly people look bad in everything, not just lolita, and lolitas have always been generally homely. most people are. you probably are, too.
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Are these girls minors?
>obvious masculine features, including hips, knees, and jaws
You keep thinking you're gonna trick someone, don't you?
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take your meds
Jojifuku makes me SICK. This shit looks exactly like some pedophile's fantasy. Why the fuck are adult women wearing children's clothing and showing upskirt shots and puffing their cheeks? I don't give a shit what they say. This does not deserve to be an accepted kawaii fashion no matter how much they keep pushing this "clothes have no age" cope
I’m curious about the OTT Classic Lolita era. Please tell me how it came to be and how it was influence by the historical costuming community
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Is 5'3 and 150 considered fat? I want to slim down to cosplay in a summer 2025 event but idk how much i should be aiming to lose.
post a pic of your bod here or on fit and I'll tell you. If you've got juicy ass and tits you might be alright.
94-79-102 measured just now
I recommend tracking your food with an app, small calorie deficit (TDEE minus 250kcal), re-evaluate every 5 lbs, try to get your waist in the lower 70s at most. Take your time, don't do anything unsustainable or drastic.
I wish c*ncel c*lture was real and not a right wing conspiracy
I wish I could talk to my con crush
I wish I could sleep all day
I get so jealous of the friends of the people I wish could be my friends. I'm actually thinking about avoiding a setting where I'll see one of those people, so I don't have to see them being friendly with other people.
Do it. So much in life is unironically "Just Do It".
I wish i had a bf to buy me cosplays. I would model them for him.
Why don't you make your own cosplays?
why not do onlyfans?
Ew, I'm not some whore. I want a committed man with standards to fund my lifestyle. I'm not going to shake my tits and ass for strangers.
inb4 the local spinsters call you a pickme and ban you. But other than that make your cosplays. The crafting part is half the fun. Hunting for materials, learning how to use tools. And then being proud when people compliment something you made.
Looks like the cosplay community has abandoned Facebook.
Everything just keeps getting worse for people with no friends, it's getting harder and harder to find social events, you almost need to know someone to be able to join events now, events used to be open for everyone.
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I love thighs and midriff
I love women set on fire. I find them hot.
I love men freezing to death. I find them cool
That was cold.
Come on guys, chill.
I accidentally rejected a hug on Sunday. Someone made a pose to hug me to say bye, and I raised my hand to wave goodbye instead.
Once upon a time, I would be someone who'd prepare to hug, but I was rejected, even when they hugged everyone else. And having people avoiding me while hugging everyone else is something I've experienced time and time again, and people just generally don't want to hug me, so I guess it's gotten to a point where I'll automatically assume they won't want to hug me and prepare for a minimal goodbye.
Now that person will probably never try to hug me again either, at least it's not really someone who's a part of my life, but it kind of sucks that they now think I'm someone who doesn't like hugs, when it's so far from the truth, I wish I could get hugged way more than I do but people just don't want to hug me.
cant even phonepost anymore without giving janny an email or waiting 15 min. this place sucks. I blame all the anons that post useless shit all day
just get a free hugs t shirt off etsy dumbass
you know what I can see how people end up being fat. after having a soda pop after god knows how long I can't stop myself from drinking multiple cans a day. it's like the cats that i feed. yeah they're always begging for food but im the one feeding them. I cant help but give them treats all the time and before you know it they're in their adult lives weighting over 200 lbs. with the misery known as wageslaving beating them down every single day it's hard not to find solace in a cold can of coca cola tm.
I hope it goes well for you, anon!
Self control is hard. Especially when you've got other things wearing you down. That's why smoking is so common in stressful jobs (smoking, cooking, etc).
I used to have basically no sense of hunger and be close to underweight all my life, now in my late 20s I suddenly started gaining, and just having to think of what not to eat every day is a mental tax in itself.
I know a guy with one of those shirts it's pretty funny
Anime Boston is fun for the most part. Let's meet up, have a beer.
This is a very dumb, elitist, autistic thing to even think about, but it still grinds my gears;

I have this set of Mando armor, and aside from the plastic helmet, it's 73 pounds of steel, leather, and wool. It's uncomfortable, hot, and a gigantic pain in the ass to put on and take off. However, I'm still going to cons or events, wearing it, walking around, without taking the helmet off (because I like attempting to be in character), up to like 14 hours. I'll hear a friend of mine, or some random cosplayer, complain about how "uncomfortable" their plastic armor or whatever is, and I'm screaming, in my head, "shut the hell up, you don't know the half of it."

Picrel, from a Karaoke thing I did last year. Singing Big Iron.
There’s gonna be karaoke with lots of fake blood being sprayed so I’m going to match the theme by singing funkytown
>I’m jealous seeing people have fun stop it waaaah!
Slapping ass isn’t inherently sexual. Soemtiems it’s just people being silly. You think people used to moon one another to get off? It’s a butt, butts are silly. This is sexual, but jfc it’s meant to be funny, a joke. And annoying autists like you think it’s okay to deny anyone else fun, even when it’s between two consenting adults pandering to their audience who thinks it’s funny too.
How the fuck can you tell? Her face is covered. This is fucking retarded. You are fucking retarded.
every girl i befriend in this community comes out as a transman later or is a transman, whyyyy
Terrible luck. There isn't even one in my local comm.
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The girl on the right is taller than me, and the girl on the left is taller than the girl on the right
>wait 900 seconds
>click get captcha
>wait 900 seconds
>click get captcha again
>wait 900 seconds
>click get captcha again
>repeat until you give up and start making burner emails
Why are they so desperate to kill this site?
I've had a lot of this too but I'm in SoCal where "alternative" gender identities are almost becoming the norm among the younger generations.
Yeah you actively have to babysit the fucking thing (or queue up a post to auto-send once the countdown ends) because if you don't the token expires and you have to sit through the entire fucking thing again
Awful website design that won't do shit about what it's supposed to combat
I'll never experience the fun of a group cosplay because my friend groups are either; Normies, Retards that can't schedule anything if their life depended on it, only cosplay by buy body suits from amazon or are just lazy.

I've looked into online cosplay groups inline but some of them are the most elitist fuckers I've ever seen.
I actually couldn't post for like a year before they added the email thingy, no idea what was going on there
I'm almost back to where I was in 2021.
My internet friend is barely talking to me, the people I met through my new hobby are mostly done with me, if they ever wanted anything to do with me in the first place, the one person I had in 2021 hasn't responded to my message, and I have no one to talk to where I study. And I'm dropping out of my studies and losing the will to do my hobby, thanks to the loneliness.

There are some minor improvements since then that still remain but overall things are returning to how they were.
I do not try to bone at cons because I do not have that ability I'm only there to meetup and have fun. Therefore that is not true.

Where is this located? The architecture is really amazing.
Zippertits get the rope. If I wanted to fuck some annoying person with a crustache and a squeaky voice, they better have a dick to justify it.
Lick their pits or get on your fucking knees about it. Skill issue.
This is funny to me. That is how I imagine the average Lolita on here [spoiler]and the average /cgl/ anon in general[/spoiler] looks like
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>Someone filming a cosplay contest / rave / walking around the venue
At this point, I'm thinking less about "Why are you not living in the moment?" and more, "What are you gonna do with that footage?" The answers are of course either A) nothing or B) upload it and get 5 views. The proof is in the pudding: even bonafide celebrity panels don't get any attention when they're uploaded. Shouldn't the "tech savvy" know by now that it's a waste of time? My honest reaction
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Currently at a convention, and look who walks by
I already knew that she is at the convention, but she just suddenly walks by
I forgot her to ask, if she can say "Oachkatzlschwoaf"
Bah, isn't there a photogrammetry program that works without a damn nvidia graphics card? Piece of crap.
>As a teenager
You have to be 18 years or older to post here faggot.
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He was cuter
I HATE the rampant fatphobia in the lolita community. for some reason it has suddenly ramped up, causing me to have some bad mental health episodes. it's making me reconsider if I should stay in the fashion at all. even though I know your size has nothing to do with what or how much you eat, sometimes I feel like a bad person because I start buying into the idea that I should feel bad for not monitoring what goes into my body so I can "be healthy" and "look better" (even though larger bodies look objectively nicer and are nicer to snuggle)
i've also encountered a lot of it very recently was really upsetting. some of us just want to eat our crunch wraps in peace without being shamed for it.
The fat sperging has gotten worse because there are more plus sized options available, so lolita is more accessible to fat people, so there are more fat lolitas, so there's a reactionary response to that. You won't see it as much in real life as you do online, though. Most of these would-be gatekeepers would never say anything to your face, so they like to pretend they're a silent majority. In reality most of the reliable, friendly, and well dressed girls in my community are overweight, and there are thin girls everyone quietly avoids. Your personality is far more important than your weight. If you're nice and contribute to your local community, no one will care what size you are.
Exactly this. No one in a comm will actually say anything to your face, and if they do they will probably get banned. The fat lolitas people avoid are only the ones with terrible personalities, either they bring up their weight all the time or they are awful and obnoxious in some other way. If you're nice and not ita no one cares. Thin lolitas aren't automatically more liked. If they dress poorly and have bad personalities everyone will avoid them too. I suggest you get off 4chan and social media if it's affecting your mental health.
thank you anons, but what you said also worries me because, what if all the skinny people in my local comm are only nice to my plump, rotund cheeks because they know they will get banned like you said? that makes me more anxious honestly
It's doubtful that all the skinny lolitas secretly dislike you for being fat and are faking nice. They likely won't care at all if you genuinely get along with them. The only time people start to secretly resent bigger lolitas is if they are the kind to sperg about their weight all the time. As long as you don't go around being that one person who interrupts every conversation about a dress to moan about how it won't fit them, brands hate fat people and all these clothes are made for children etc. no one will care. That's the situation I mean where people are afraid to say anything in fear of getting banned, because no one wants to cause unnecessary drama. It's the same as any other situation when someone says something rude and everyone just tries to change the subject. I didn't mean that people are secretly holding back insults. Anyone who is like that is someone you don't want in your life anyway. I think you should enjoy being part of your comm and try not to worry about it.
>I start buying into the idea that I should feel bad for not monitoring what goes into my body so I can "be healthy"
>reee people want me to watch what I shove into my fat piehole so I can be healthy but I dont wanna!!! they're all just meanies!!
This is a fashion for skinny girls and you're looking for a hug box on 4chan. You are so self absorbed, it's nauseating. I wouldn't want you as a comm member even if you were skinny.
>fat is more attractive anyway!!
Cope. Wake up.
Based nonners.
I am selling all my lolita and making plans to leave this country. Even if I can't make enough to leave, I'm going to need that money for the coming economic meltdown. I hate it so much but it doesn't make sense to buy luxury fashion when my rights to personhood are about to be stripped away. I need to have money on hand to go out of state or even out of country for an abortion if need be. I hope i can return in the future but it's not looking good.
Lol cry about it
>I NEEED to have unprotected sex!!!!!!!!!!!
fucking grow up
buy a condom, its much cheaper
just punch ur belly really hard
I love Furina, I wanna marry her
It’s not worth complaining here, too many chuds
I took apart a few old devices before throwing them away earlier. Halfway I came up with the idea of using their curved exteriors to make props and costume pieces out of them. I ended up throwing only their internals away and I freeing no space in my apartment. Womp womp.

I am fat and have been for most of my life. People don't understand that we eat because we are depressed and without hope. It is the only thing we have left that feels good and people are sneering at us for it. But being fat is harmful to you. Your hormones get wacky and you become more depressed. Your joints hurt. Your kidneys stop working and you get urine in your blood. Piss inside your eyes, your heart, your brain. You develop gout and your joints swell and hurt more until you can't walk without painkillers. You get muscle aches that prevent you from even turning your head much.
You don't feel it when you are young. When you are in your early twenties being fat only means that people look down upon you and clothes don't look good on you. But early twenties pass very fast and then the medical issues crush you like a press. The people who are trying to talk you out of losing weight are not your friends. They are setting you up to live a very miserable life. You should lose weight for yourself.
I'll second all of this. I'll also add that the regret you feel when you start to get old AND fat is awful, I'm 38 and thinking about all the relationships I missed out on, fun things I couldn't really do or enjoy enjoy because I was too out of shape, etc. makes me want to kill myself.

I'm finally in a position where I HAVE to lose weight, I'm maybe 230 and need to get under 200 at least so that I can start helicopter pilot training in the spring but it's a struggle, I quit drinking beer and eating fast food and yet I'm still somehow bouncing up and down (or at least some of my clothes feel tighter than they were a few months ago) and it's awful, I think it's because I got a lot less active around the time I started eating and drinking better so I need to start exercising more but it's tough with other life demands.
isnt chud a masculine noun??
>Nobody "deserves" kindness and love, incel.
This may be true, kindness and love is something you may experience if someone decides to give it to you, but you don't actually deserve it.
But you could maybe argue that, even if no one deserves having kindness and love given to them, they may still deserve the experience of being given it, if you take an approach that people deserve good things. But then you need to keep those two concept separate, and accept that just because you deserve something doesn't mean that you are getting less than you deserve if you don't get it.
It is a bit sad to think about. It's just the sad reality of things, no one deserves anything good, but it sucks that it is like this. You just need to accept that things are never meant to be good.
I wish there was an easy way to just remove people from the cosplay community, like, prohibiting them from participating, even if they buy a ticket, and if they buy a ticket in another person's name, they get removed. Hell, if these bad persons actually died that would be damn amazing.
My instant assumption when seeing whiners like (You) is that (You), in fact, are the actual troublemaker. Suck shit lol
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my old brother flaked on our hotel room because SLUTS invited him to stay with them. I'm fucking piss
Nope, women invaded all male spaces, forced them to capitulate to their demands and pushed anyone out who didn't bend the knee. You reap what you sow. And always remember, it's your fault that things are as bad as they are,
One time Green Can leaned back too far rippen cigs and broke through tje drywall
> invaded
Anon you are free to leave to your little corner with your friends and ignore other people have fun instead of such a huge bitch about it holy shit
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>Anon you are free to leave to your little corner with your friends

>your little
Tack on "bitch" next time, and you'll have the 1-2-3 ultimate combo that SCREAMS "I aint even mad"
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I ain't even mad, bitch!
nayrt, but this is exactly what men do to the lolita fashion community. And since I have never asked to be a part of a group I wasn't immediately welcome in, and certainly have never asked a group to change for me as a newcomer, I have the right to complain and I did not bring this upon myself.

I don't know if you hold this opinion but there are guys who think of feminism or even just women as a monolith and tell women they brought it (men with bad intentions invading their spaces) upon themselves.
There have always been women who openly disagreed with these developments and have taken action to move towards the way it used to be or at least prevent it from getting worse. They are outnumbered by the naive, the indifferent and the people who think the existence of men with bad intentions in their spaces is a less bad than offending and discriminating against the alleged good ones when men are simply not allowed in at all.
They will not admit to this, maybe they don't even know it themselves, but it's very clear from their actions.

I've dealt with this by making friends in the community and socializing with them irl more than I go to official community meetups (where there are sometimes men I am convinced are there to engage in their fetish), report clear cut evidence of fetishism to the mods, avoid attending official meetups when I know beforehand the fetishists will attend as well, and generally find like minded women in the community to socialize with online. This is the "making your own space" part of your circle of diversity. How do you propose they force their way into our own space? We are not making public groups, the space we create is private and no-one is entitled to entry. No one can force you to hang out with them in your free time.
who asked
>I don't know if you hold this opinion but there are guys who think of feminism or even just women as a monolith
Nta but what do you specifically think made them arrive to this conclusion?
nobody did, just like nobody asked you to reply to me.
stupidity. It's incredibly stupid and immature to think everyone who is a member of the same sex (roughly 50% of the population) is the same. This goes both ways, just in case you say "women do this too, they say all men are x". When it comes to thinking feminism is a monolith, that's also because of stupidity. It's usually a result of someone who hates something, and then decides that is a good reason not to learn about it, but then continues to voice a hateful misinformed opinion. It's an example of feelings over facts. IMO if you want to criticize something you have to understand what you're criticizing for that critique to be valid.
A lot of women do think and act the same way. What I see more frequently is that a lot of women think they are unique and special free thinkers when they have the same alignment and beliefs as the vast majority of women in their demographic group, that also happen to be the same things they see on social media and in women's media. Is it all women? No, but it's probably 60-70% of them.
eh, men are the same way
I am not the problem at all. I just want objectively bad people to go away. People to whom there is proof over the time that they're horrible, and they've changed 'careers' to try and do the same thing in other fandoms. What's wrong with wanting to drive bad people out? At least my group is using social shaming methods like not even looking at them and staying clear of their path, blocking them off all social media and not interacting with them.
post on farms with proof or stfu
ayrt, That's just what people are like in general, they tend to have a lot of similarities with other people from the same circles they are in. If you think 60-70% of women are the same because that's what you've observed it just means you're not being exposed to a lot of different circles. Do you think men are more diverse in their beliefs? If so, that's probably because you're more familiar with men, have an easier time relating to them and noticing differences between men.
If you think men are equally as diverse as women in their beliefs then go out and see the world a little bit more, take an interest (even if it's for a short while) in social groups that are very unfamiliar to you. I understand if you're not curious about that, you decide what's a good way to spend your time, but realize that you're keeping your world view limited to what it is right now if you don't take an interest.
Textured fabrics are so hard to find in irl stores. I am considering learning how to texture them myself.

>IMO if you want to criticize something you have to understand what you're criticizing for that critique to be valid
I agree with you wholeheartedly. But sometimes the ideology is just an excuse and it has nothing to do with the people who claim to uphold it. And then the problem is how the people behave.
I think "feminists" have caused great damage to feminism.

>It's incredibly stupid and immature to think everyone who is a member of the same sex
I think any kind of group has a stereotype for a reason. Most men have stuff in common, most welders have stuff in common, most Warhammer players have stuff in common etc. A person is a multifaceted thing, like a gem. He or she takes a little of this stereotype, a little of that, and adds his or her life experiences.

>When it comes to thinking feminism is a monolith
I think one big reason for it is the social media. It organizes women into one club that goes "We are the face of feminism. If you want into our movement then you must believe this and this, and demand this and that". And any other voice gets drowned out.
Another big reason is that feminism comes in waves. Each wave comes with a certain set of demands separate from the previous one, one at a time after another instead of next to eachother at the same time. And the popular voices that drown out everyone else don't make mention of waves. I think it would do good for feminists to identify themselves openly according to wave.
All men piss on the stains left behind by a flushed dump. In the absence of stains they will piss on the toilet deodorant. It is like man code of conduct.
>But sometimes the ideology is just an excuse and it has nothing to do with the people who claim to uphold it

If that's the conclusion you came to after researching something with an open mind it's already a 100 times better than having a knee jerk reaction because your sex is being criticised.

People ruining the reputation of a group with their bad behaviour is a problem with every group. You have to look beyond that.

>I think any kind of group has a stereotype for a reason.
And sometimes that reason is "I made this up because I hate/look down on your group". Not every stereotype is a reflection of a group. Sometimes it's just malicious gossip/a smear campaign that sticks around for a long time. Some of the traits that group x has according to a stereotype about them I see rarely (or never) with that group in my lived experience.

> I think it would do good for feminists to identify themselves openly according to wave

It goes way beyond waves. Every wave of feminism has sub groups, and one sub group can have drastically different beliefs than another sub group. There is a lot of infighting. What usually gets the most attention are the groups with the most unreasonable demands or craziest world views. That's just how media and social media works, the craziest stuff gets the most coverage.
And whilst these subgroups of the current wave exist there are also groups from former waves who still exist and who have their own beliefs about feminism. People don't usually mention with which group they align themselves. In their own group space it isn't necessary, in general feminist spaces they tend not to do it because it paints a target on their backs, and outside of feminist spaces they don't do it because a lot of people wouldn't know what that sub group is anyway and feminists would be painting a target on their backs by calling themselves feminist at all.
This is why outsiders don't usually know what the groups really stands for.
This made me smile. If I had a penis I would do this too. I think it's just human nature. If women had penises they would pick a urinal based on men's bathroom etiquette as well. It just makes sense.

Sexism in general and the "gender war" (which has gotten really bad lately) have always rubbed me the wrong way. If you're from the US it might surprise you to hear that there is a greater degree of sexism in the US than there is in other developed countries. I even heard it's worse than the global average, but don't take that from me and look up the research itself if you're interested.
I talk to people all the time. I'm older, i travel, and have met many people from many different places in my life. I'm not some shut in who doesn't know anybody. You just don't want to hear that people don't have the same experience as you and that you might not be as special as you think.
sure billy, let's get you to bed.
Joke all you want, there's a reason older people are more racist and sexist - they have met thousands more people than you have
more like because they're stuck in their ways and reticent to change their mind?
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I want these girls in my life
Even when their views have changed over time?
it seems I hit a nerve. I never suggested you were some hikikomori or something like that.

If I am seeing a lot of diversity in people's world views and you don't that does not mean that it isn't there it just means you're not seeing it/not exposing yourself to it. It doesn't really matter if you've seen a lot of people, and have talked to people with different jobs, they can all exist within roughly the same circle. I can travel to another country and meet lots of people who have similar world views to what I'm seeing back home, it doesn't really mean anything. When was the last time you've researched something with an open mind (not cherry picking research) about something you disagreed with? And what was it about?
If you really think 60~70% of women have similar worldviews/beliefs you are not challenging yourself enough.

exactly, the earlier generations (my parents, their parents) got less open minded and more stubborn as they aged. Multiple factors that are often said to contribute to this -if they've been out of college/school for a while they don't get exposed to the diversity of worldviews there anymore -older people are generally more well off financially than they used to be, greed changes people so they may vote for something that is in their current interest (to protect their wealth and their current position in society) even if their vote supports policies that are harmful to people who are not well off. - a knee jerk reaction to society changing at a speed they can no longer keep up with, cue angry rants about "kids these days".- they were always racist and sexist, they just don't feel like they need to hide it as much as they used to. As you get older you typically care less about the opinion of others.
Something interesting that's happening with millennials is that a noticeable amount of them actually get more leftist over time.
One could say the same of you - maybe something about you or people you seek out attracts more diverse people and that's not necessarily representative of the real world. But there have also been studies showing women tend to vote and have opinions on subjects in lockstep. There's also historic evidence. A majority of women in my society tend to be liberal minded. The majority of women in nazi Germany tended to support it. The majority of women in other societies tend to be religious zealots. Etc.
>con coming up
>decide to check con socials and discords
>general chat filled with thots reminding everyone to shower and stay hydrated and simps telling everyone to wear a mask.
>when you tell them to shut up they give you a clearly made up story about how one time at 3am in the game room some 600lbs land whale sat next to them while they played smash brothers.

You have 3000 plus people crammed in a con hall like sardines wearing 5 layers of clothes while partying and raving. No shit cons are going to stink. People are not that retarded and don't know how to shower and are probably going to the moment they get back to the hotel room.
I'm leaving lolita. I almost have fully purged my closet after wearing the fashion since 08. I've only got a few more things to sell, and then I'll be free, but lacemarket has been down for me for hours. . The website won't load at all, and I'm feeling rather impatient. Just let me goooo!
>normalizing sex
It's been pretty normal since the dawn of time. Sorry to break the news to you.
>at any moment you can have a boner and there's nothing I can do to stop you from overpowering me.
good to know thanks for the encouragement
I spent a while working for a Japanese company in the anime industry, where I was the only gaijin, and it might have been the best time of my life.
Came across a youtube channel last night where a guy and his Japanese wife drunkenly critique video games and it really hit me hard, took me right back to hanging out with my friends over there. I miss it so much but my career took a turn that doesn't really give me the option to go back long-term.
I looked up some old weeb dance videos on youtube and I was reminded of how I wished I could be part of something like that. But it'll never happen, like so many other things I wish :(
I'm coming up on 30 and I'm really thinking 2025 will be my last year of doing the con circuit. I had a lot of fun when I was younger and met a lot of copl people all across the U.S., but now it feels like a coin flip on if they're enjoyable or a waste of time & $. Work responsibilities also keep increasing & I was looking at starting grad school on top of that so how much time & energy I'll have for con shit just keeps decreasing.
I hate it. Because it reminds me how I don't get laid yet i'm part of a community for years. I'll b the only single one.
"Nerds don't shower" is the neurodivergent's answer to the classic "Everyone brakes for a car crash to watch". Both are platitudes, both are cynical and spewed by know-nothing retards
We had to cancel cuz of too much noise, but honestly I'm ok with that since I would've missed hosting my own party during the same time slot
Why must the incompetent and clueless be the most eager to spread their "knowledge", it's infuriating.
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That's the standard mode. Difference being, in the past (i.e. only about 10-15 years ago), know-nothings were correctly told to pipe down instead of being given the red carpet

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