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larp thread
again as the previous one is yet again in auto sage

now 37,8% slower than ever

previous thread

This last weekend was the big bongland fest, so now I'm back my current project is fixing everything that broke over the event. I need to order some new buttons for my coat and doublet, derust and protect all my armour, do some minor weapon repairs and all that jazz.

I've got a 13th C game coming up fairly soon, so my next "real" project will probably be making some new soft kit for that. While my existing stuff is fine, it's a bit larpy and generic, and I'd prefer to make a new tunic with brighter colours than my current one.
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Kit progress. I've added some stuff to the arsenal. I have a dress sword now for when I wear fancy clothes, because it will work better than the big swords for that. The purple elvish blade is a cursed weapon I'll carry on campaign, for the occasions where I might need to fall back on my weebness because it looks and handles like a katana without being one. The buckler is a small punch shield that I plan to use in tandem with an incoming studded club for if I want to get boffer-y in a fight, with omni strike surfaces not beholden to blade orientation.

The fancy hat is a fancy hat for the aforementioned fancy clothing; the pic doesn't really show it but it's purple and gold, because while I'm not expressly stating that I'm going to try and propagate a Slaanesh cult into this fantasy LARP, I'm probably going to propagate a Slaanesh cult into this fantasy LARP. The character's religion is basically gateway Slaanesh, and he's quite delusional already, so it's not a long leap to make.

I need to go and buy some tin snips to finish trimming the chainmail arms. My little wire cutters are struggling with the steel gauge. At least I know for certain it was built as advertised, it's definitely not aluminum.

More to come as I build up.
Where do you folk buy your armour? Sites, brands, etc. I'm geographically close to Greece/Cyprus if that matters. I wanna get something sorta along the lines of pic related, arguably with a different helmet, or minus the tassets or something.

This looks like a cool kit and you sound like a really fun player
I shop with a local guy (therionarms) almost exclusively.
Hey Hungarian (and other anon as well guess), how was 97 poets?
I really loved it, the Rolling guys made something uniqe yet again, but the first run was sadly plagued by problems outside of the organizers control. First and foremost there was a flood situation in the city which fucked up the site a little, so they had to deconstruct and rebuild a shitton of props. But even then they managed to run a great game which tells you all about their skill level.
Maybe later I will do a storytime or something when the pictures are out. But if you have a specific question just ask
Does anyone have the link to the latest version of the Historical european maker database excel sheet?

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