larp thread again as the previous one is yet again in auto sagenow 37,8% slower than everprevious thread>>10873579
>>10936832This last weekend was the big bongland fest, so now I'm back my current project is fixing everything that broke over the event. I need to order some new buttons for my coat and doublet, derust and protect all my armour, do some minor weapon repairs and all that jazz. I've got a 13th C game coming up fairly soon, so my next "real" project will probably be making some new soft kit for that. While my existing stuff is fine, it's a bit larpy and generic, and I'd prefer to make a new tunic with brighter colours than my current one.
Kit progress. I've added some stuff to the arsenal. I have a dress sword now for when I wear fancy clothes, because it will work better than the big swords for that. The purple elvish blade is a cursed weapon I'll carry on campaign, for the occasions where I might need to fall back on my weebness because it looks and handles like a katana without being one. The buckler is a small punch shield that I plan to use in tandem with an incoming studded club for if I want to get boffer-y in a fight, with omni strike surfaces not beholden to blade orientation. The fancy hat is a fancy hat for the aforementioned fancy clothing; the pic doesn't really show it but it's purple and gold, because while I'm not expressly stating that I'm going to try and propagate a Slaanesh cult into this fantasy LARP, I'm probably going to propagate a Slaanesh cult into this fantasy LARP. The character's religion is basically gateway Slaanesh, and he's quite delusional already, so it's not a long leap to make.I need to go and buy some tin snips to finish trimming the chainmail arms. My little wire cutters are struggling with the steel gauge. At least I know for certain it was built as advertised, it's definitely not aluminum.More to come as I build up.
Where do you folk buy your armour? Sites, brands, etc. I'm geographically close to Greece/Cyprus if that matters. I wanna get something sorta along the lines of pic related, arguably with a different helmet, or minus the tassets or something.>>10937384This looks like a cool kit and you sound like a really fun player
>>10937889I shop with a local guy (therionarms) almost exclusively.
Hey Hungarian (and other anon as well guess), how was 97 poets?
>>10938071I really loved it, the Rolling guys made something uniqe yet again, but the first run was sadly plagued by problems outside of the organizers control. First and foremost there was a flood situation in the city which fucked up the site a little, so they had to deconstruct and rebuild a shitton of props. But even then they managed to run a great game which tells you all about their skill level. Maybe later I will do a storytime or something when the pictures are out. But if you have a specific question just ask
Does anyone have the link to the latest version of the Historical european maker database excel sheet?
>>10938095A storytime would be excellent hungarian, if you have the time. The one element which I was intrigued by was the Unseen roles, especially as I think a lot of larps would have just made them NPCs. Got any takes on that?
>>109380714chan has eaten my post twice now so I can't be bothered to type it out again. Long story short: it was amazing and you should go there if they do re-runs.
>>10937213>now 37,8% slower than everGod, true. I do wonder whether adding thread questions to the OP, even just a "what game have you been to recently" or "what kit have you been working on", might spur some more posts.>>10937889I mostly get mine 2nd hand off of reenactors. Low prices for (generally) high quality, even if you generally have to derust em. Check out local FB groups as a good starting point. I hear Kult of Athena are fairly good as well. >>10938767Sorry to hear the basket weaving forum has harmed you like this, as I'd have liked to hear the long story long. I've heard almost exclusively good things (albeit with some caveats, like the workshops mostly just retreading things in the design document at incredible length).
>>10939217the workshops were okay, especially considered all the setbacks the game had with the flood and everything. My biggest problem were that most of the players were way too western european for my easter european self
>>10939217>now 37,8% slower than ever>God, true. I do wonder whether adding thread questions to the OP, even just a "what game have you been to recently" or "what kit have you been working on", might spur some more posts.Nah. There is just one anon who is salty that clownfag fucked his girlfriend or beat him at a tournament or >>10938764something.
Then I will be doing my part by asking inane questions no one has answers for.Does anyone know good resources on making medieval furniture, especially 13th century chests or a grainark? It might be nice to have a place to store my clothes that is a bit more waterproof.I can probably try to make something from pictures but It would be nice to have some actual schematics instead of having to randomly guess. Especially since it would be my first woodworking project that is more than a few planks stuck together.
>>10939347Rosalie Gilbert has a guide on her website on how to make a 14th C. box that I know several friends have used before, pic related. If you search up Regional differences in medieval chest construction there's a decent academic article that goes into a lot more detail but is far less of a tutorial.>>10939231How so? I've got a bit of an interest in East vs West Euro larp so intrigued to hear what you mean.
>>10939417tl;dr version would be (in abscence of better english terms, because I have a lot of good terms in hungarian) a lot of toxic positivity, virtue signalling and circle jerk over unimportant things and every second minute telling everyone how great they are. I know I'm more on the introvert side and culturally we keep way more distance from random people we just met but even so, sometimes it was over a treshold.But I have nothing to do on the weekend so ask me tomorrow or something and I will have time (and pictures) then
>>10937213Going on my first larp, anybody got tips
>>10939417The tutorial was a bit too ahistorical for my tastes but that article is a really nice source. Thanks for that and I'll give it a go. >>10939470No clue if it is helpful but here are my eight cents.1. Be early and arrive late so you can talk to the people outside of the larp. This is also good for keeping a clear divide between the people and the characters they play, especially if the characters were your rivals/opponents.2. Bring more booze to share around at the campfire.3. I don't care how cool and deep you and your backstory are, there is no excuse for black clothes.4. Be a retard, Jump into plots, go overact, don't keep information hidden. You have time to learn subtlety later.5. On that note, have a thing you can do like a job or a mission so you are not dependent on others bringing you plot. 5. Being a retard is not an excuse to be that guy and ruin the game for others. 6. Read the rules and memorise the basics, doing that makes you better than 80% of all the players. 7. "Winning" in a larp means you have fun and create a great story. Not ending up with the biggest pile of marbles/arbitrary coolness points/referee dicks sucked. 8. Know the right amount of seriousness. Don't go "It's just a game" but also don't tryhard the fun away. Commit to the world but keep the game in mind.
>>10937384>I'm not expressly stating that I'm going to try and propagate a Slaanesh cult into this fantasy LARP, I'm probably going to propagate a Slaanesh cult into this fantasy LARP. Do it. An old French Canadian namefag that doesn't post anymore managed to get it started at bico, and we have people pretty much in every single guild and household nowadays.>>10937889For me, it depends on if it's for combat sports or if it's for LARP/ living history. There's actually a lot of good cheap stuff coming out of India if you know what to look for. I got a decent 18 gauge sallet from India off of eBay for like 40 bucks US. I buy a lot of stuff from individuals off of Facebook, but The guy that's been making my custom pieces unfortunately passed away. Alan Baldree, Master armor of AB Hammer/ Creation Time armory had made pretty much every piece of sport armor that I've worn since I was 16.>>10937889Hal is good people.>>10938767It's been glitchy lately. I wonder if that's because of the supposed upgrades that are being made? >>10939331Pic related.>>10939347There's an excellent a series of diagrams and patterns of the Westminster Abbey 13th century chests that might be up your alley.>>10939429Is it butt pats to try to keep player retention? Basically love bombing them to keep players coming back? >>10939470If you need weapons or equipment that you don't have as a new player, contact the group /game organizers. It's normal to have somebody who holds an official office as a noob wrangler, whose job it is to help you integrate and loan you equipment as needed. Don't get hung up on having a perfect costume or character right away. Go for comfort and quality as best you can, and don't be afraid to be a little plain. Consider volunteering for NPC and monster shifts while you learn the system and get to know folks. Bring snacks. Bring water. Don't die. Dying makes the game look bad.
>>10939519>Is it butt pats to try to keep player retention? Basically love bombing them to keep players coming back?you should either do more drugs or less, it's too early for me for that kind of sentencesIt was all the players doing, and I blame it on how some of the playerbase was from the stereotypical Disco Elysium fans, and the cfact that some of them from the US didn't help either. The kind that honestly think communism is the best idea ever, and gets offended on a lot of things but always try virtue signal in the process.The kind that sign up for a character that is in the "sewer people" group, in a game that is held in an abandoned hospital, get surprised that the "sewer" in the game is the (well lit) basement area, get a panic attack and leave before the game starts. Just to tell a completely random example
>>10939470Early on, it's better to focus on soft kit (clothing) rather than armour and weapons. People are generally happy to lend the latter but less so the former. 100% Wool is the uber material, it's just fantastic and the more you can get the better. Just throw yourself into it. There's no point in just sitting in a corner or not talking to people, everyone else there is going to be a fucking nerd as well.What game are you going to and where, in very vague terms if you don't want to get too chummy on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. It'll allow us to give better and more focused advice.>>10939533Huh, that really wasn't a problem with Run 2 as far as I remember. The org did do an announcement at the start of the game to basically go "try not to be Western 21st Century real life liberals if you're character isn't PLEASE", so I wonder if that was due to how run 1 went. Also the announcement to not piss in the black box rooms was apparently due to some run 1 shennanigans. There were a few "haha whacky" RP-ers, but they seemed happy to mostly keep that RP within their small groups.
>>10939539the game wasn't that bad, it was mostly before and after the game, I guess you seen the discord and what went down there. Also the saddest part about the piss poor incident that it happened in TWO rooms.On a lighter note, don't hide the taxidermy animals under the matrasses (and someone needs professional help)
>>10939498>>10939519NTA but this is all really good advice, thanks.
>>10939519Sup clownfag? Feels like you haven't been posting much.
>>10939540I havn't really looked at the discord that much, other than looking at some of the post game art. What happened?
>>10939937nothing singular just the sheer amount of posts and circlejerk at a point gets overwhelming when there is little substance behind it. But maybe it's just me being antisocial
>>10939542Life hasn't been great lately. I won't blog, but I've been dealing with a lot and didn't really feel like making it worse being on 4chan.I've been working on a couple of projects lately though. First up, a HEMA/SCA fencing bollock dagger. Dickstabs forever!
>>10940262Forgot my name.Secondly, I'm going to be doing a one night, Mordheim skirmish event at a local 17thC site, So I dressed up a Indian made skull cap I've had sitting around for a while.
American friends, are you okay? New Zealand just declared you a hazardous country to visit starting in January.
>>10940893At the current trajectory, no.