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Anon loskhrglehgolhqweo I'm weak
why aren't these girls showing their bare legs?
Because it's not very common to leave most of your leg uncovered in lolita fashion.
it's still lolita, die mad
typical newfag. it's called "ero" lolita
they didn't say it was impossible or that you couldn't do it, just that it wasn't common. "ero" is not common at all, and 90% of western ero is just bad/ita
Ayrt, I was thinking about hot weather coordinates with ankle length socks. Those outfits usually leave most of the lower leg bare. I also did not say bare legs does not happen, just that it is not very common. Most outfits have UTKs, OTKs or tights.

But considering the way you wrote your comment I'm going to assume it was a joke or satire.
i was the original anon who asked the question about the bare legs, and I was genuinely curious btw
We know why you asked don't worry

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