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File: anime weekend atlanta.jpg (246 KB, 2048x1463)
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We're approximately two months out now. Anime Weekend Atlanta is from December 12th, 2024 to December 15th, 2024. The venue has moved from the Cobb Galleria to the Georgia World Congress Center. Who all is attending? Any cool panels being hosted? What will you be cosplaying as?
haha fuck that noise
For all the people (girls) virtue signaling about how they're picking AWA over HolMat...I wonder how many will actually follow through. Hmm. Probably not many
Atlanta in December is vastly preferable to the scorching wasteland that the city becomes in May for MomoCon.
I'm picking HolMat over AWA, and I will follow through!
Just got confirmed on one of the panels I'm doing, hoping the other 2 go through as well.
Hopefully the cold will keep down the funk on people.


>I'm picking HolMat over AWA
Good, AWA is getting too crowded now.
Why would anyone want girls at a con anyway
My first AWA plus my first out of state con by myself. I'll be 33 by then.
I hate the GWCC so goddam much
>huge labyrinth with 3 floors
>walk an actual mile to get to the center of action
>no maps anywhere to point where the fuck you're going
>only 2 hotels within reasonable walking distance are like $600 a night
Literally just a big architectural wank to complement their overpriced stadium
It's not so bad once you're used to it. Plus it's fun seeing the fatties have to walk a mile to get to anything.
Why holmat over AWA? Without the resort hotel holmat is now a below average con.
There are a few reasons. Mainly, its that HolMat is closer and I know more people who are going there. Also, I haven't been to HolMat since 2019 while I've been to AWA every year since 2021. So, it's all stuff independent of the quality of the con.

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