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We're approximately two months out now. Anime Weekend Atlanta is from December 12th, 2024 to December 15th, 2024. The venue has moved from the Cobb Galleria to the Georgia World Congress Center. Who all is attending? Any cool panels being hosted? What will you be cosplaying as?
haha fuck that noise
For all the people (girls) virtue signaling about how they're picking AWA over HolMat...I wonder how many will actually follow through. Hmm. Probably not many
Atlanta in December is vastly preferable to the scorching wasteland that the city becomes in May for MomoCon.
I'm picking HolMat over AWA, and I will follow through!
Just got confirmed on one of the panels I'm doing, hoping the other 2 go through as well.
Hopefully the cold will keep down the funk on people.


>I'm picking HolMat over AWA
Good, AWA is getting too crowded now.
Why would anyone want girls at a con anyway
My first AWA plus my first out of state con by myself. I'll be 33 by then.
I hate the GWCC so goddam much
>huge labyrinth with 3 floors
>walk an actual mile to get to the center of action
>no maps anywhere to point where the fuck you're going
>only 2 hotels within reasonable walking distance are like $600 a night
Literally just a big architectural wank to complement their overpriced stadium
It's not so bad once you're used to it. Plus it's fun seeing the fatties have to walk a mile to get to anything.
Why holmat over AWA? Without the resort hotel holmat is now a below average con.
There are a few reasons. Mainly, its that HolMat is closer and I know more people who are going there. Also, I haven't been to HolMat since 2019 while I've been to AWA every year since 2021. So, it's all stuff independent of the quality of the con.
I just want to meet my long time crush Sylvia. I miss her so much and seeing her at AWA is the only highlight of my life.
How does this compare to dragoncon
From someone who was pretty unimpressed after one outing at Momocon and two for AWA, I went into Dragon with tampered expectations. It ended up being my favorite, not just of the year, but ever. Make of this what you will
A still present but noticeably lessened party atmosphere, obviously more of an anime focus rather than general nerd culture, events are less spread out. For me the concerts and dances are a big appeal that AWA has over something like Momo.
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Curious to see if turnout will be affected at all by the change from October to December. It's unfortunate that the con switched locations as soon as AWA actually figured out how to manage the lines.
Happy early birthday, Anon.
AWA and Momo Con are not the same punching weight as Dragon Con - people fly from across the country to go to Dragon Con. People might, at most, come from across a state or two at absolute most for Anime Weekend Atlanta. It's good but it's not legendary. Dragon Con is known as "the party convention" and like the other Anon said, it's typically geeky and nerdy things in general. If anything, Momo Con is more along the same lines. If you've only time, energy and funds for one, Dragon Con is superior. But AWA is quite enjoyable.
Unsure what I'll be cosplaying if I do but mahjong is pretty cool. Might see if any other seagulls might want to get together for lunch or a drink or the rave like last year. Shoutout to the homie with the cool-ass camera who likes dirigibles if you see this. You and the gang were absolute real ones.
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Was just informed that my panel about sexy high school anime girls was denied. Unrelated but I'm setting the over under on "black/trans/faggot anime fans" panels at 5. Truly the people that run this convention are swine.
Shoulda gatekept better
It's present at all cons. The time to gatekeep this stuff was 10 years ago.
>Unrelated but I'm setting the over under on "black/trans/faggot anime fans" panels at 5
What does this even mean? Also cringe.
These conventions are often littered with panels about being a black anime fan, being a trans anime fan, panels about general faggotry, etc... I'm betting that there will be at least 5 of these at AWA this year.
Oh, true. I can agree that it's pretty obnoxious. Though I typically ignore them because they're not worth the mental energy. I'm gay but I don't need a stupid panel to act like an echochamber to reaffirm my own outlook. I just want to do anime shit. But it's okay because I'll be enjoying other fun shit instead.
Does anyone ever get sucked in the bathroom at AWA
With as crowded and busy as those bathrooms are? You'd be caught almost immediately. Closest was one really unhealthily rotund Touhou cosplayer telling me he wanted me to pee on him after being nice complimenting his cosplay. Needless to say I exfiltrated the area rather quickly.
I've been going since 2015 and I don't plan on ever not going, although I'm seething over the venue change. The Galleria is damn near perfect for the convention and most of the issues could be solved with better management and planning. Ironically, last year seemed like it had the best crowd management of all the AWA's I've been to. Hope the GWCC is even 1/3rd as good as the Galleria, but since it's Hall C and not the MomoCon hall, I'm not optimistic. I've got friends ready to abandon AWA in favor of HolMat but I'm hearing that it's likely going to be even worse. My friends are hosting a couple of panels but mine got declined. I'll be Doctor Strange one day and Captain Kyoraku on another. Looking forward to it not being the boiling hell outside that it was during MomoCon.
Swing by the mahjong room if you want to learn some, in the very least receive a brofist. Still deliberating what I'll cosplay.
Agree completely. When I think of AWA I think of the Galleria. Last year totally resolved all the venue issues. I started going in 2021, the lines for badge pickup were awful each year. Once you got in everything was fine though. I think saying "AWA outgrew the convention center" is more an admission of "we don't know how to properly manage a convention".

In spite of all of this AWA is my favorite con so I'm still looking forward to it, just hesitant to see how the vibe and culture of the con changes with this move.
My thoughts exactly. Last year they changed a few things they should have changed a long time ago. Lobby conners were a huge issue until last year when it was fine.
>I think saying "AWA outgrew the convention center" is more an admission of "we don't know how to properly manage a convention".
I whole heartedly believe this as well. The Braves stadium moving to Cumberland likely put more pressure on the Waverly to increase room prices in October, but all AWA had to do was negotiate the convention into November and there would be no threat at all of Braves games interfering. Admittedly, the AWA King seems like the kind of guy that gets really pissy really fast and you could tell he has serious beef with the hotel.
The Cobb Galleria was what made AWA special for me and is terribly tied to its identity, I'm sad I missed the last couple of years there. I'll be going this year anyway because I'm tired of missing it but like everyone else I have no idea how much the venue is actually going to change the vibes; for one, I'm going to miss being able to make a quick trip to my room for changing so I'm probably going light on cosplay. I can't decide whether it's worth it to spring the extra ~$150 to stay at Signia versus the Omni which looks several buildings away. I'm not fat or anything I just know the inconvenience adds up over a weekend and starts to affect decision making.
>The Cobb Galleria was what made AWA special for me
Agreed. I'm in a hotel about thirty minutes walk away, so says Google, but I've confidence at least getting the parking pass too means I can just go to my car in case if necessary. As uncomfortable as that might be. I wouldn't spend that much of a hefty chunk on hotel because I feel there'll be guilty for investing so much in case you don't make liberal use of it. I had thought maybe someone cute might come back with me so I might get a closer spot, and then remembered I'm not the kind of person with pull like that and decided to be humble.
Believe in yourself bro. Worst case you can always get an obese Sailor Moon slampig. Though the 30 minute walk might be a dealbreaker for one of those.
i need me one of them chocolate maids they keep advertising on the website
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Surely the rave will be added to the event docket soon, right?
Anon, you should know by now how monumentally awful AWA is about not only making timely announcements, but actually announcing them on each social media platform.
Have they announced anything beyond the Hololive concert and the stuff that happens every year? Still haven't seen an event schedule and we're less than a month out from the con.
You're right. Guess all the fuss with the new location has me paranoid.
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ever since anime got really popular with normies around 2020, they started giving a shit about gay shit like fictional characters having ages and these characters being treated like real people, and artists who draw lewd fanart of these characters get sent death threats and shit (aka they're treating fiction like reality and harassing real people over fiction)
we should've gatekept better basically
Agreed. I don't understand it.
>"I'm black and I like anime, what do I do?"
Continue to like anime, I guess?
those panels exist so that those groups get to circlejerk about how le oppressed they are. also the disability related ones are full of disability fakers
is it worth going to this con from out of state
I think so, just be warned there's gonna be more people because stupid bitches are "boycotting" HolMat
Agreed on all counts. I think it partially comes down to a cultural difference between cons too, as Momocon has always let me do literally whatever I want in terms of panels, while AWA seems much more restrictive and geared towards faggotry.

Why are they boycotting it?
My friends and I drive out from St. Louis every year. AWA has become our home-away-from-home con.
I'd say it's worth it and then some, but I know some would probably suggest waiting for a different, bigger con if you're traveling far.
>Why are they boycotting it?
Not that anon, but I think it's because HolMat changed venues to a shittier location that doesn't allow booze. According to my friends that go to it, it's a lot more of a party than it is a convention.
If it was still at the Galleria, yes absolutely depending on the state. Since it's at the fart end of the World Congress Center now and none of us have been to an AWA there yet, we're all a little pessimistic about it.
It's because of last year's "roofy" incident, which anyone with two braincells can see is 100% fake
Clout chasing by virtue signaling should be illegal.
if that was actually even remotely real it would've knocked out hundreds of people and been considered a terrorist attack that would've made national news (like the furry con gas attack), instead like 3 out of shape weebs passed out
100000000% agree. I fucking despise how gullible most people are and just believe social media posts at face value
Wait, is there no alcohol allowed at the GWC?
giving you a (you) before the ACK
Excited to go. Coming from the midwest specifically for the Hololive shit, but I've been going to all the big ones in the Chicago area for 15 years. It'll be fun to see the differences for cons in different regions. Any suggestions on yearly panels worthwhile? Food places walkable nearby? Is it safe to walk to the nearby hotels at night? Any activities outside of museum of coke and the aquarium you'd recommend on non-con days? Anything I should expect that isn't the norm at other cons?
>Food places walkable nearby
That place is good as hell but you are not walking out of there without haven't spent at least $50
I just like the big platter with the pickles cheese meats mustards and the really nice beers. Cuz if I'm remembering right, I made 3 trips there during Momo a couple years back and was satisfied every time
nevermind I can't read
That's exactly what I get too. Added the goulash or whatever it's called as well and you really can't go wrong with all that and a giant beer. The mexican place around the corner is incredible as well but also very pricey.
Really just depends on your interests. There's plenty downtown, but I would be wary of wandering around there too late at night, as it's chimp central. I wouldn't roam too far away from the CNN center area.

Are there any /cgl/ meetups planned yet?
Hoping a certain anon remembers he has to pay me back from last year of "forgetting". You had enough money to go to other cons so I know you got cash.
Can you compare DragonCon to something like NYCC or AX, or is that like comparing apples to oranges.
Yeah I would compare DragonCon to NYCC or AX in terms of scale/draw, but it blows both of those trash corpo no-fun cons out of the water.
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Is AWA security fucking retarded, or do they just not know how to draw. The figure has two different panties. I know that the second one is not covering her ass. Did anyone stop to look at this before it was posted on socials?
What, you've never seen thong panties in the front, bloomers in the back?
It was all the rage in 1968 in the greater Atlanta metropolitan area.
That is called high cut.

There boy shorts, briefs, high cut, bikini, and thong style underwear.

Now you know.
huh pants aside can guys still be topless or not
Male virgin hands typed this. I have underwear exactly like that you dork.
You have dimensional panties that change depending on the angle you look at them?

Bussin,where do I get these?
>tatsumaki cosplayers will have to panty up now
Again, like >>10941772 said they're called high cut underwear.
You must be the staff member that drew this shit. Probably a tranny mimic if you think you are fooling people with this image. Why do the men also have to cover up to their necks and have more coverage? Is this your revenge to get back at the patriarchy or something? Go dilate or something.
wait a minute just noticed.. are they actually disallowing men to be topless? That's insane..

I fear that AWA is actually dead..
>assuming im a tranny because i know how women's underwear works instead of just being a woman that wears this type of underwear
rent free
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>>staff defending this picture suspiciously hard like they paid for this slop and have buyers regret because the picture got called out for being retarded
Anon are you implying that the people that run AWA haven't always been borderline retarded?
>I got called out for being wrong... Must be AWA staff!!
Nigga are you autistic or just want to be right. I'm a guy and can tell this does not even match. Sit the fuck down with your MSpaint bullshit.
Just google high cut underwear you fucking autist
Looks like I'll be driving an hour and some change for early badge pickup next week. No doubt the line for registration at the actual venue is going to be a total clusterfuck.
And arm flesh counts as a dick and inverted dick skin holes leaking puss and bacteria ick count as a period right?

Those are not the same panties, give it the fuck up. The straps are thinner between the two photos. I am going to wear a thong and use this photo to prove the policy that it's allowed and you staff fucks have no idea how to actually run a con. Fight me at the con about it. Let me record you trying to enforce this when you can't even get the photo right.
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what are you fucking talking about. take your meds.
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why are you trying to gaslight us?
You know a con has gone woke when it straight up lies to your face and samefags like Sweet Baby Inc. The picture they post does not even match what people point out. They are either playing dumb or actually that dumb. Someone needs to start looking into the staff and see if they are associated with Sweet Baby.
this is schizo behaviour to think that everything you dont like involves sweet baby inc lol
Badge arrived the other day. The attached map says AWA is a "24 hour convention", what do they mean by that?
Surely people go back to their hotels at like 10PM or 11PM.
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>Surely people go back to their hotels at like 10PM or 11PM.
I'm thinking of going Saturday but with no hotel room means I'll have to stay awake for at least 36 hours
i could lend you my extra bed maybe if ur cool with trusting a stranger and nobody else responds to me for being a +1
Any of yall going to the clubhouse in Norcross to pick up your badge early?
Yeah I'm going today. Long ass drive but it's a smart choice because registration at the new venue will probably be a total clusterfuck.
I'll be going as Char Aznable. Anons may know my cosplay from DragonCon and MomoCon. I hope it'll be a good con with parties but who knows. I got a cheap hotel within walking distance so worse case I'm not out a ton of money.
Are you the Char I keep seeing? I'm the Professor Utonium you keep running into at cons lmao Hope to run into you at AWA again too, dude, your Char cosplay is fuckin sick.
NTA but let's see them if you're such a tough cookie.
Yes! We should exhange socials so we can hangout at the con. I personally like going to the con parties, informational panels, and vendor hall a little. I plan on doing some more updates to my Char cosplay before AWA as well. (Basically fixing everything that broke at DragonCon lol)
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>Surely people go back to their hotels at like 10PM or 11PM
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>Surely people go back to their hotels at like 10PM or 11PM.
[spoiler]I probably will, to be honest, only because the people I know will have other plans and I've little faith in making connections at conventions.[/spoiler] That said, if I'm not, I'll be playing mahjong and/or welcome to reasons to stay out if the opportunity presents itself.
Anyone have spare space in an on-site hotel? I have lodging that’s a 5-7 minute drive but it would be super convenient to be able to store extra cosplays, booze, snacks and whatnot at the con. And of course, I’m willing to share the food and booze!

Might even be down to just get a spare bed if anyone has one in an on-site hotel room.

Hey is this offer still open? I’m down to be a +1.

I don’t know if you were the same Char I sat with during last year’s AWA closing ceremonies but I’m down to link up as well!
Hell yeah I'm down dude. What socials you got to exchange? I've insta and twitter/x. I'm planning on going as Utonium all 4 days.
Most likely! I think I was the only char there ? Did you and your friend have gunpla? I think the people I sat next to had some. I asked the question at the last AWA Q&A about having cosplay contests for different eras of anime such as 70s, 80s, 90s, ect. rather than just trending stuff.

My twitter is @CharLiterallyMe
I think I did have some Gunpla, yes! I’ll add you on Twitter as well
>doesn't allow booze.
You're joking right?
I got roped into working for someone setting up and tearing down at that con. I'm gonna be so bored all weekend
I've been to plenty of cons that don't technically allow booze, they've usually never stopped me from bringing in a large solid water bottle in filled with the stuff.

But yeah I'm not doing a travel con for that shit lmao fuck Holmat
Even if you're an autist and don't want to break into social circles, shit like game rooms, board games, and panels are running until 1-2am at least for most of the medium to big cons.
Are they ever going to post the schedule?
They wait until frustratingly close to the actual event to do so.
NTA, but it's a week away FFS
Unfortunately it's like this every year. My friends that are panelists know when their panel is and the photoshoot leads know when their shoots are but that's about it.
AWA is disorganized and godawful at keeping the rest of us updated.
The "app" is updated. It's just Guidebook again. No opening ceremony this year because I guess they went too overboard with musical guests.
What's the name of the app? I love setting up a schedule I probably won't keep to, but looking at all the panels is always fun.
Guidebook. And to the anon that was saying something about half a dozen panels about being black and liking anime or being gay and liking anime, you were right.
Ah yes, "I'm Black and I like Anime (I'm Black)". Many such panels these days.
What's also crazy is just how much idol panels have begun to spring up. I don't care that much, but there used to be 1-2 tops and looking at the schedule for just Tgursday, I see like 7.
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Are you allowed to leave your car parked at the convention parking center over night? Something tells me no. It grinds me gears parking for hotel fees and for convention fees both, especially with how tight my schedule is that I might not bother and just walk the 30 minutes from my hotel. But I also want to use my car to rest or store merchandise, supplies, food and drink just in case.

I miss the old physical schedules. Though I will say the Guidebook is useful, nothing quite like finding your panels and circling them to commit to memory. Also very bummed there's no opening schedule.

I stayed up until 5:00 AM working on my schedule, down to the very minute with indications on what can be substituted for what and with room for variability of 15 to 30 minutes on each end when possible. It feels fun in an autistic sort of way to plan it all out. Though it has also made me realize how old I am when I'm frowning that I either have to sacrifice my sleep to 6-8 hours a night or worse if I want to have a social night life. And with no time to socialize, either, unless I gut time out of visiting panels and browsing the dealer's room.

>Are you allowed to leave your car parked at the convention parking center over night?

I'm actually not sure how well enforced it is. I always buy the daily parking passes for Momocon that say get in by 5am leave before 12am (same lot as upcoming AWA this year).. But I've never actually once left before 12am, I always leave at like 4am or something and my car is fine.
Oh, I see, I see. I'm the paranoid sort and would move my car early. Though considering I'm volunteering for things that will have be busy from 8 'til 12 typically, that does make me a pinch anxious. I'll have to figure something out. Or magically find your car and park next to it for good luck. I hadn't even looked at how much it'll cost yet. Something tells me I should have a while ago.

I've been parking there for years during Momocon at this point, every year since it moved there, haven't had a problem, doubt they have anyone checking. You just need a current parking pass to get in that's it.

That aside it is a bit late to buy parking. The official overnight one for the whole weekend is a whopping $160 on

https://gwcc.parkingguide.com/ (search anime)

The dailies are much cheaper at ~$16/day which is what I get, but some of them aren't available at the same lot so you might need to move your car from one to another certain days.
>The official overnight one for the whole weekend is a whopping $160 on
Holy shit. Guess I'm even more lucky than I thought. Got my entire weekend parking pass for $14 while the website was glitched. They came back a day or two later and said that they will still honor that purchase. Sorry to anons that have to pay that price tag just to park.
I only have three or four panels that I'm interested in outside of the couple that my friends are doing so it'll just be mostly a weekend of hanging with the lads. Slightly disappointed with what they approved while denying my own application.
It seems very hit or miss this year. It's very evident that AWA is significantly stricter about what they'll let you do than Momocon is. I have never had a panel denied at Momo, never gotten one approved at AWA. Try adding black or faggot representation into yours and I guarantee it will get approved next time.
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i searched up momocon and this is what i was greeted with...
seems AWA is better
AWA at the Galleria trumps everything overall but I'm not optimistic about not only being at the GWCC now but also on the weird side of the building.
dress warm, anons. Just because it dont snow, dont mean it wont get below freezing in Georgia
One of my cosplays gets hot as shit while wearing it so I'm looking forward to cold weather
Same here. Its hot and humid as fuck in this state outside of November, December, January, and February, so like having a stuffy cosplay kind of works out a bit in these months.
How about you keep me warm?
Anyone else doing a Christmas themes cosplay? Any specific days to do it? I'm thinking Thursday.
That'd be cute. I only have two staple cosplays but my hair is thinning, I feel insecure about it when it comes to cosplay, and I don't have a wig, so I might instead just get my hair cut and dress more nicely than I typically would instead. Wearing something Christmasy is a nice alternative. Thanks
Just had a look at the map for the layout and good god this looks like shit as far as convention space
Momocon is always held at the GWCC and the ATL Comic Con is held there too. Its not a bad venue for those places. I don't know what the fuck they were doing at Momocon this year by cramming us all on that one escalator to the vendor hall. I'm hoping they don't do that shit this year. What the fuck was up with that?
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After over a year of planning on going to the convention, my entire group has cancelled on me the week of the event. Guess I'm going solo.
Hey man nothing wrong with going solo to cons. Every con here in Atlanta, I always go solo. Like its so much more fun in my opinion. Like yeah groups are fun and all, but like going by yourself means you're left to your own devices and you get to do a lot more at cons that way.
I always go to cons solo. It has It's own benefits since you can leave whenever you get bored of a panel without asking anyone.

Disney had some retarded card game event going on at the same thing so it was sectioned off completely separately. Shouldn't happen again.
MomoCon has Hall B which is four floors and a wide ranging convention space plus the gigantic dealers hall they had this past year. AWA has building C which is tiny in comparison. Take a look at the map they put out. Hell, even Hall A is huge compared to it. What kind of beef did they have with the Galleria where that was preferable?
Kind of hoping that HolMat is a pile of shit too, otherwise half my group is ready to bail on AWA in favor of it next year.
Ah damn, you're right. What the fuck then? Like theres nothing on that part of the building, why the fuck couldn't they hold it anywhere else in the building? At least at the ATL Comic Con, it was in Building C and it wasn't too bad there.
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>Will be busy until midnight volunteering
>Parking asks to vacate at midnight
>Had to take Yellow Park for Saturday
Groan. Going to have to think of some nonsense because I'll be real mad if some meter maid decides to be a prick and fine me or tow me for being a few minutes or an hour or two late. Thanks for the heads up, >>10942543

If you're interested, I'm volunteering every night teaching mahjong if you'd like to swing by any time up to midnight. I'll be spending most of my convention outside of that alone as well; you're welcome to come pester me. I might either have a Christmas hat on, a goofy-ass tall hat, and/or a gaudy mahjong shirt on. I'll keep an eye out - nobody has to be alone if they don't want to be at these things. <3
It just seems like instead of negotiating for a good spot, AWA just accepted the first offer the GWCC gave them. Very stupid of them.
Have you guys been to building C? It's pretty big, especially if they are using multiple levels of it.

My biggest concern is where is the 'hangout' spot gonna be..
Speaking of, would y'all like to meet up and hang out? Last year was fun even if it was just a few of us guys. I can't guarantee I'll be able to make it depending on the day and time but it'd be fun to plan at least just in case.
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>Kind of hoping that HolMat is a pile of shit too
Well that's not a very nice attitude to have! (t. had SIX people bail or pick the other) That said of course, I'm really skeptical of both for the same reason: Not a fan of big downtown centers
just a lurker who barely uses the board but have kept up with this thread since I plan to attend, how are meetups n I can say a place and time if no one else is gonna
I’ll be there, what exactly is there to actually do at a con? I’ve been to two so far, I’m not great at socializing but not a total autist either, the panels also never really look interesting to me. Ive mostly just been going to see people’s cosplay and enjoy getting lost in the crowds and visiting the merch booths for some figures and shit, but I’d like to get more involved this year and maybe attend an after party and make some friends or something. Any tips? What do you guys usually get into and do while you’re there? Ill be dressed up for the first time for 1 or 2 days of it so maybe that will help with approachability
Since this is a new venue (but the same one as MomoCon but a different inside location), this is kind of a tough question to answer. If I'm at a convention alone, I usually just do a shitload of walking, people watching, and going to panels.

I've got social anxiety with people I don't know but I'm happy to stop for a picture if I'm cosplaying before immediately making a beeline for my friend group.
I also am a lurker because I barely browse /cgl/ outside Momocon and AWA so I feel you. Apparently in yonder years a decade or so ago they were chill and none worried about creeps. I was told last year by male Anons that this has since changed and most female Anons have stopped coming to meetups due to this. But last year the lads and I had a fantastic time. We had well done mixed drinks and went to the rave and hung out and chatted. Maybe we can pick a day and time to meet for lunch and shoot the shit or just say howdy and go about our business either or!
I'll be playing mahjong around 4 until midnight if anyone wants to join. I'll be in a maroon shirt and khaki pants.

Whoops meant for >>10942992

For me, I'm there to represent and support my club by teaching people how to play mahjong. It's a vehicle for socializing and exercising critical thinking skills while indulging in a weeb hobby. It, and going to conventions in general, helped me come out of my shell and gain experience in facilitating conversation and interaction in a relatively safe environment. Say you feel uncomfortable or run out of social steam, you can just pull any reason out of your hat like "I'm going to check out the panels" or visiting dealers rooms, going to go rest, et al. And barring someone isn't being too difficultly persistent, things can bow out there. It's a nice vibe to meet people who share your interests in person. I've been to exactly one after-party and it was mostly awkwardly trying to flirt with cute people, watching /fit/ cosplayers strip and compare muscles and slender figures, and good drinks before a migraine set in. This year with my free time outside volunteering, I'll go browse stuff to buy, take pictures of cosplayers and try to strike up some small chat with folks. Hopefully make a new friend, maybe meet someone sexually attractive, and try to find one new thing to learn or experience in general while I'm at the convention. Usually like for reasons >>10943000 mentions, I try not to overstay my welcome with folks and tend to do a lot of yap to ease the burden of focus on generating invested conversation until if they've something they'd like to chat about. As far as tips? See a cool cosplay? See a panel you've only barely become a little familiar with? Yet to try out some electronic or tabletop games? Put your foot in the water. At the end of the day, 99% of the people you'll see here you might not bump into again so there's zero social pressure to invest in existing in their lives at face value.
To add to this because I did forget to mention, I did go to a /cgl/ meetup around a little under a decade ago or so and was one of the few guys, but it didn't feel odd or anything. Though I wasn't a seagull natively so I didn't have much in terms of board related subjects to talk about. But thankfully this is an anime convention and folks like games, so it was pretty chill all around. We'd met briefly in a lobby area and after folka chatted a bit we somewhat segmented into conversational groups to go get food at the food court where we dispersed after. Nothing wildly exciting, but pleasant. To the Anon who might somehow still be here that made the League of Legends Poro dolls, you're a real one and meant to see if you could help me repair one of the little guy's horns but misplaced your card and couldn't find you since. Hope you're doing well if you read this.
Finished my Christmas themed cosplay, I can't wait to show it off.
It is cold as hell. Also don't rely on security for directions. None of them know what they're talking about it seems.

I saw someone in a super cute Christmas outfit. I'm glad to see the vibe from folks. Would be fun to see if folks would be interested in doing a group Christmas photo if enough people are doing a Christmas theme.
wtf is this trap sushi ticketed event going on at the same on friday at AWA? Who would pay for that when there is the actual rave going on?
New venue is so small. I wonder how they’ll make this work. I think they really messed up getting themselves kicked out of the galleria. Still seems fun so far though, so I’ll be optimistic.
So can anybody on the ground give me a rundown? Cuz my local crew(s) don't really bother with AWA but they sure did this year. Makes me wonder if it's any more crowded than usual
Please come to the Ace Combat panel on Friday at 5:45pm. It should be good.
Is it the same panel group from MomoCon? I hope the sperg in pjs doesn't show up to it LOL.
I don't see it on the app
that's your banking info SS anon kek
So i did
Guess you met some of the same people I did then, lel. Because that absolutely did come up. Worth noting, though that I put out the call for a meetup not long ago and got multiple girls to turn up
This parking is some bullshit, I was only there for two hours and had to pay $15. And why TF did the badge pickup close so early? it wasn't even 9:30 p.m. and they're just sitting on their ass doing nothing but saying they're closed.
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learning mahjong was very fun, excited to continue and glad to have a place to retire to when tired/want to game
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for showing up, Anon! I had a really great time teaching and playing. I've zero idea if we played together or if it was with someone else, but over all it was absolutely lively. I didn't expect so many folks to turn out for a Thursday. I'll be doing it again at 2000 and we've a panel before then too, but I might be there earlier possibly depending on how much the club's in need of folks to be there.

The parking is quite frustrating for sure. This morning it wouldn't scan me in and I couldn't back out because a queue was piled up behind me and it took forever until the bloody thing worked.

I won't be able to make it I think but have fun!

For a Thursday it was a surprisingly good turnout. There's a whole lot of pretty damn good quality Artist Alley stuff for sale too.
Tomorrow I will be Gendo Ikari because I literally only have two cosplays. Lol. Feel free to pester me if you see me and would like to chat - I'm always happy to provide yappachino.

Truthfully? I myself would consider paying for it. The race has always given me migraines and socializing is next to impossible with how everyone already has their gang by around that time. I'm more shocked AWA allowed it. That said I probably won't though due to busy and trying to pace myself financially because I saw so much stuff I want to be. Seeing Teto Kasane make a resurgence in popularity heals my soul.
Just got back home.

Thursday was pretty fun but light, late night panels were good as usual. The few dances that happened were very sparsely populated but desu thursday at AWA has always been that way. Very interested to see how it fills up over the weekend.
Welcome home. I wa surprised how many people cosplayed today. I'm excited for the weekend. I will now become parallel to my bed and cease higher brain functions for several hours. Sleep well when y'all do.
I think it is but the huge space made it feel more sparse. Certainly more panels. Normally Thursdays are a ghost town in the Waverly, but it felt decently busy in the exhibit hall and some panels today, which is crazy since it's so much larger. I suspect attendance will be on par with last year but hopefully more spread out.

Saturday is the real tell.
Yea, I just bought dailies, it was like $5 more than I paid at Waverly garages.
Are you just chilling in a corner teaching people in the boardgame room? If so I might come by to leaen.
Yeah, I'll be teaching starting at 8:00 in about 40 minutes and will be 'til 12:00. Just as a head's up though there's a waiting list I think and I'm asked to go to whichever table is free. But I'll be heading over to vibe in advance in a few. I'm still as Gendo Ikari but with a goofy-tall fishing hat.
More specifically we've a dedicated area in one of the boardgame rooms, there's a giant pink banner for our club out front.
Not the anon in question but my buds and I stopped by earlier today and had a pretty fun time learning and playing for a bit, your guy's efforts to teach people are appreciated.
Maybe it's just the bigger venue but it definitely feels lighter on attendance. Didn't know it was in building C so I wound up wandering around for a bit before finding reg with someone else who was in the same predicament. Interested to see how Saturday goes
I would have preferred something slightly more indepth rather than just a rundown of the games and meme videos but that's just me.
Might drop by and learn tomorrow, always good to learn new stuff.
Really? It feels busier to me. Way more panels and the panels are getting more people. I was walking around in costume and way more people stopped to take pictures, though that may be due to the massive space rather than the utterly crunched in Waverly.
Just saw my first ever fist fight at a con. White dudes against black dudes. Don't know what started it though. Hope they don't get banned from AWA.
This mahjong waitlist sure is taking a long time bro .
Who won?
I was there. That shit was ass. You guys clearly love the series and are really passionate about it but goddamn the execution was rough
Hell yeah. That's what I love to hear. I love the game but, more than that, I moreso love seeing how people process it all and interaction and seeing people get the hang of things. Especially when they get some awesome beginner's luck. Thank you super much for swinging by! I'll be back tomorrow again at eight to midnight dressed as Okabe Rintarou from Stein's;Gate in a lab coat.

Hell yeah! Looking forward to it!

Who won?
All the cute guys and girls going to the rave and such. I wonder where the energy went. Would feel too awkward going just for the sake of flirting with people. Time to head home and catch some zzz's. Travel home safe and sleep well, Anons.

Yeah, I'm sorry about that. We were a bit understaffed and under tabled for the crowds today. Shocked that so many people took an interest. We at most limit our tutorial tables to 75 minutes to try and keep people having a hard time or literally falling asleep and zoning out from feeling pressured. Felt so bad, last table had a guy who zonked out between every tile discard.
Black, but not by much. One of the black dudes had a lot of blood coming out of his nose. But the black dudes got more hits in.
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never gone to a rave, but so many people go to them at these I wonder if I should try one out tomorrow? I don't dance or anything so I sorta assumed I'd feel out of place if I went (not expecting to flirt with anyone, but potentially meeting people in new situations is always nice)

I swung by a few times checking in to try out some fun play again but saw yall were swamped, all is good though and is nice to have more than enough than not any I'd imagine!
I had a better time than the other anon, as someone who never played Ace Combat beyond 4 and Belkin War when I was little. The Homelander mod footage got a giggle out of me because it came out of left-field while you were obviously showcasing the game's graphics otherwise.

In the future I think you'd be better off ditching the format of explaining the differences between each chronological release, it keeps the audience aware of how much time has passed which always. Instead maybe start off with an explanation of the more milquetoast aspects of the series, before letting the whackiness sidewind the people who don't already know how >anime this plane game is. Then you can dive autistically into the journey of one of your favorite characters or start recommending certain games in the series. Thanks for hosting!
I feel that, we kind of just winged it this year unfortunately. I was hoping some of our other panels would have gotten in instead of ace combat, but it was the only one they accepted for some reason. I could have been more organized but we were trying to have a bit more audience participation since rather than some panels that just regurgitate information at the audience while reading off a script.
Appreciate it anon, we'll try to do better. Any advice
Thanks anon, we're probably gonna retire this one unless we can figure out an interesting angle for it.
Having trouble sleeping. I went to the one last year and enjoyed Teddyloid but I think the sounds and lights made a migraine flare up for me. I might not be as exciting an option but would you like to hang out, Anon? You seem very cool.
I went for teddyloid in previous years as well, but I'm not hanging around midtown that late since I'm taking fucking marta.
>Mfw probably gonna hit the fucking fwa rave tonight instead
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Sure man I'm down and flattered my vibes come off well. I can meetcha at the mahjong place if you want or wherever else if its easier when not teaching, just woke up n getting ready for day now
Good con so far but not really interested in most of the panels. Hall C isn't as bad as I thought it would be but the Galleria will always be superior. Got tipsy on mead with friends last night and had a great time. Signia hotel fucking rules with the private lounge.
Oh? What's the FWA Rave? Also I don't blame you. I'd feel sketched out having to use the Marta late, too.

Hell yeah. I also just kind of woke up. Woke up in the middle of the night with such severe stomach pains throwing up I almost blacked out and had to lay down in the shower, so my sleep is fucked at the moment and I might be a bit zombie-like. I'll be going to take pictures at the Vocaloid Photoshoot around 2:00 and the Genshin Photoshoot around 3:00, and I don't start my teaching shift until around 8:00. I decided I'll just wear my Mahjong shirt today with the giant goofy green fishing hat again. I've definitely been meaning to browse the Dealer's Room more and get in some games in the Game Room, possibly too on the auto table in the Mahjong room. I did bring my own tiles too so worse come worst I can set up on a table behind so we don't have to worry about a reservation list if it gets too crazy. Did you have any particular times you were free and might want to meet up? Otherwise so far I'll definitely be at the aforementioned at those times.
Mead is based and so is having a good time with friends. I'm happy for you, Anon.
I won't be able to make it to the Vocaloid Photoshoot in time and I might not go to the Genshin one, but that means that time is absolutely certain to be open for whatever. Some folks from the club have expressed interest in playing Cardfight Vanguard as well at some point. What's a good time for you to meet up?
The Yellow Lot is literally the abyss. Lmao
what do you mean
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Anyone want a free ticket to Mint and Doki’s concert?
My friend couldn’t make it and I already bought both of the tickets so it’s just gonna go to waste otherwise
I can't go because I'll be preoccupied teaching Mahjong I think, and have a bit of a headache, but I'm sure someone here would be interested. I can try to find someone for you if you'd like.

Were we still going to hang out, Anon? I only have two more hours left. At best I'll be lucky and assigned as your table's teacher if you do show up later. No pressure if you changed your mind.
The sound mixing made things hard to hear. The background music was more foreground music and was often louder than the panelists. Same problem when you guys grabbed the guy that played infinity up from the crowd. Couldn't hear the first few minutes of anything he said. The memes were great but I think organizing the meme folder would've helped a lot. It would've been cool to talk about some of your favorite missions.
Please gather more gameplay footage

Despite all that I've said. I think you guys should hold this panel again in the future
If you want to find someone, I’ll be checking the thread. I lined up for general admission though and the line is 4 blocks long so they ought to show up soon kek
Sure, are you in cosplay? I'm about to buy a needlessly expenses burger to help with my blood sugar. I'll be free for a fistful of minutes.
Oh I'm dumb and misread sorry. Yeah, I asked some folks and nobody I talked to was free for it or noticably interested. You're a good Anon though.
Everyone interested already bought a ticket it seems
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I'm super sorry just got dragged around a ton today and sadly dealt with some terrible parking shenanigans where they kept saying my spots not right when it is
sorry I did wanna meet you seem fun too, maybe it's in the cards tomorrow but I'm super sorry I kept you waiting and didn't update man
It sounds like your day was chaotic. You don't need to apologize for that, I'm sorry to hear. Are you at the convention presently or will be after midnight? I wouldn't be opposed to staying an hour after tonight. What time did you plan on being here? I've dealt with some nonsense to do with parking the past few days, so I feel you. I'd still like meeting though I'll be a pinch squeezed for time between speed running the Dealer's Room and teaching from 12 to 4. I'll probably be Okabe Rintarou from Stein's Gate.
ill be at the convention again in around 15 min or so, wanna catch then?
For the sake of thread continuation, sure!
It was a lot of fun playing Mahjong! I'm glad (You) came! I'll be there again one more time from ten to four tomorrow, too. I hope everyone has had a fun weekend.
Had a very good time and some good luck, you guys are very comfy people to be around. I don't know if I talked much or not but was torn between wanting to keep up with yalls pace n it was nice just to listen a bit. Funny coincidence on where we were from!
Thanks for the good time and I hope i can at least get one more game in!
That all makes me really happy to hear. Also fuwa fuwa fluffy tail.>>10943201
I hope the same, and if not maybe we can next time you're in my typical neck of the woods. And you'll be able to reach out whenever too! I become parallel with the bed now. Sleep well!
Also realized I mistyped when I'll be there, from 12 to 4 and speed running the dealers room at 10. Irresponsible financial decisions ho!
At 39 years old, I've now come to the realization that anime Cons just don't mean the same to me anymore. The magic is gone and now I'm just constantly reminded of the things that I can't be/ have anymore. This might be my last one for a while.
I'm also starting to get to get the this feeling. I used to be so eager to try to visit a bunch of panels, and race to get figures. Now I'm passive about if I missed a deal and I haven't visited a single panel (albeit due to timing). I was able to go to one photoshoot and thought how I'm only really there for my friend, what will I do with these photos of characters I like? I take a few and send them to friends but overall I don't feel the compulsion to, say, find as many Hu Tao as able. I'm exhausted only being at 12 AM when I remember being up by 7 and being back by 4, and now how I absolutely need sleep at 12. Parties? Sex? Yeah, I'd love it, but it just isn't happening. It all feels a bit bittersweet.

But there's a joy to be had in breaking away from the mundane and shelving your worries for a weekend, and seeing how your hobby has taken shape. Admiring what people are able to do and the moments you might still find by happenstance. I'll hope something magical does happen in even a simple way for you today, Anon.
Thank you very much, I am having a better day today. Yesterday was probably the worst for me, I've never felt older. Also my feet and back hurts like hell, I can't hang like I used to, maybe I'm more resentful because I was lonely/ horny and wanted to have fun and connections like some many others did but can't pull/ having decent social skills like I used to. The light of these conventions just seems to slowly fade away for me. But today is better and I hope your overall con experience was a very good one.
I sometimes have these feelings. I'm 38 and it does feel odd seeing the youths all mingling and having fun while I'm so far past that. But then, I had my time.

I end up finding joy in cosplay with my wife, just choose ones that don't require me to be a teen boy, in games, in merch, in showing my irasha, and in complaining about youths having shitty power levels.

Basically, find the sections of the hobby you have the most fun with and lean into them. Ignore the 20 year old bunny girls looking for dudes to fuck in the lobby, were past that time
I also did quite feel it laying down in bed wishing it wasn't such a big bed with just me in it. It'd be nice to be able to have one good con with a hookup but I suppose if I hang onto those feelings I'll always lament about the things I miss and how there will always be something I miss out on. It's rough trying to reign myself in and be happy with what I do end up having at the end of the day. At least though this time around I had a room to myself and got to sleep uninterrupted and got to go to the convention when I felt like it than prematurely woken up by a roommate and forced to drive over without a shower, for instance. I do feel bad being age gated out of it but I'll try to enjoy what I can because of my age while I'm still able to, least I keep focusing on yesterday and lose today, too.
Solid 7/10 for me. Panels were mostly ass so I did a ton of walking around waiting for friends to be freed up. Friday and Saturday nights with friends were absolutely incredible. It was a pleasant surprise and the news about likely moving into Hall A or B (likely B) next year makes me expect more room for better panels. Galleria is still better though.

(Sigh) Both of you are very much right. That time for me has passed. And while it's very sad, I also have more freedom and don't have to be held back by depending on others and their inconveniences due to me having my own money now, I didn't get a chance to have that kind of fun when I was younger too much because I was a late bloomer, but I can still have plenty of fun in other ways just not there for me.
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hey gendo I saw this mahjong shirt and thought of u
Hell yeah! I did buy that very same shirt the year prior to this. A bit on the expensive side but I do get so much mileage out of it. Also thanks, I'm flattered! I saved a good handful of pictures that I'll post once I get home Wednesday!

As a late bloomer, I feel you. Maybe if we're lucky that kind of fun will find us sometime. Maybe when I'm 40 some chick might have a thing for large lads or bald men, yeah? Haha

I do miss the Galleria. That will always be peak AWA for sure. The new dates for next year are a bit wild though. Like... Going into the 21st? Four days before Christmas? That's going to be dicey for folks out of state. I didn't get to go to the panels but shout-out to the fact there was a ska one, and if anyone managed to go to the Vocaloid photoshoot I'd love to see pictures.
I know I'm in the minority but next year's dates actually make it even easier to get off work. The AWA King was saying yesterday that according to their data it'll be easier for high schoolers and college kids to attend because they'll be on break. His words not mine.
thats good, we need more high schoolers and college kids attending
It being more fair for kids and college students would be pretty cool. That's respectable.

some things you just have to find new ways to enjoy, because you're not the same person you were then, and the experiences you were having then were also different.

but never understood how quickly many people just dismiss the things they used to enjoy without even looking or thinking about additional ways they enjoyed something.
>I hate the GWCC so goddam much
>>huge labyrinth with 3 floors

Space is nice, much better than smelling people whether or not you want just because you have no elbow room. also multiple elevators and escalators.

>>walk an actual mile to get to the center of action

that does suck. the Omni Hotel was definitely a walk, and the Omni is laid out pretty confusingly

>>no maps anywhere to point where the fuck you're going

yeah... no argument with that. There were lots of directional signage, so if you knew the right name of your destination you've be fine. But maps were not easily found and maps is how you get familiar with a space.

>>only 2 hotels within reasonable walking distance are like $600 a night

everyone who wanted to pay less than $300 a nite were able to.
GWCC is trivial to navigate once you know where you're going.

Omni to building C is annoying, but at least you can do the whole walk inside.

Also what was up with the hotel situation? There was nothing else going on that weekend, did the Signia really not give AWA that many blocks? If the prices were reasonable feel like they could have really booked a lot more people.
>There was nothing else going on that weekend,

you're, um, sorely misinformed.

>Usher concert
>multiple football games
>at least 2 private formal events

there was other stuff, but the GWCC/ Stadium calendars online don't keep past events easy to find once they're over.
What other cons are there like AWA that go late?
My friend that bought the hotel room at the Signia got so ass destroyed that he missed the hotel block so he instead went in and bought the absolute best possible hotel room package.
>early check in / late check out
>private lounge with breakfast lunch and dinner buffet 6am-10:30pm
I don't know how much different our actual room was than anyone else's but it was incredible. The shower alone made me feel like I've just got a rusty oil barrel with swamp water to use at home.

I absolutely recommend the Signia, holy shit 10/10

is your friend a baller? the fucking signia 'best' packages are $800 a nite
>never understood how quickly many people just dismiss the things they used to enjoy without even looking or thinking about additional ways they enjoyed something.

Trust me this has been going on for years, it wasn't just something I decided to do this con. I can still enjoy video games and anime and everything by myself, but when I try and do it in a group I feel almost completely isolated as if I don't belong. I see people far older than me, disabled, and all types of stuff so it's a place for everyone, but I just don't feel it. I was also thinking today if I just skip Saturday, maybe it'll be easier for me. That's when it's the most crowded, making things the most awkward for me. And when the most boobs/ ass is out, tormenting me with unchristian thoughts and desires of things I can't have.

yeah, not saying you fell under that particular rubric, anon. Just lamenting.
$800 a night is a lot, but it's not some crazy figure. Most upper middle class folks should be able to swing that fairly easily. If I didn't live 10 minutes away it would be a real consideration due to the amenities and not having to deal with the poors cramming in 30 people to a room.
>But maps were not easily found and maps is how you get familiar with a space.

They had maps of the convention center in the app and they were good enough I had no issues with navigation. For maps of the entire con or hotel, there's the GWCC website which has fairly good 3d maps. https://www.gwcca.org/interactive-floor-plans

In fact, despite its large size, it felt easier to navigate than the waverly.
>high schoolers and college kids

Fuck. Gen Alpha, Zoomers, and parents are already angry about the 18+ area, this only makes it more likely to be banished from the con. The ever present march to make everything vanilla and kid friendly continues.
He's a work from home tech worker and also a hermit that never leaves his house
I've lived in the metro Atlanta area most of my life and this was the first year I went to Momocon and AWA.
It was a lot of fun, but I'm hoping next year I'm a lot less shy asking for pictures and going to panels. Going solo was nice but I felt like I was just wandering for most of the day because of that.
The rave was fun though, and I really liked cosplaying. Are there any other conventions that do late night like that?
Who'd you cosplay as? Glad you had fun.
A Blue Archive character. I met a few other people who were doing the same and I regret not keeping in touch after getting a few photos.
But thanks, I'm definitely gonna go to more cons next year! I'm sad I can't make it to Momocon, but Dragoncon is definitely a priority and AWA of course.

they start at $800 is what they should have said. Several special packages and a couple suites there are $3000 or so a nite. Thats pretty rare air for anyone who doesn't have an expense account provided for them, which is also a highly exclusive population.
>They had maps of the convention center in the app and they were good enough I had no issues with navigation.

Thats online. The point on those posts was a map in person was non-existent.

>In fact, despite its large size, it felt easier to navigate than the waverly.

yeah, nah. they aren't terribly different when you take out the shopping mall part, which did have any con functions most of the time.

In fact, finding your way around each hall, a, b or c, are a bit weird with how they tiered the escalators. But there were plenty of elevators as opposed to just one. Some plusses, some minuses.
A little late, but which BA character were you cosplaying? I think I might have taken a photo with you one of the days I was doing BA.
All my friends except for one have bailed on AWA in favor of HolMat next year.
It's ogre, for a whole year at least.
What's so great about HolMat?

Morons, unless Holmat really hit it out of the park with their new venue this year and programming.

AWA is chill and fun thursday-saturday night and they don't kick you out at 1AM.

Holmat was fun but that was purely carried by the venue, getting kicked out and forced back into your rooms at 1 was annoying af.

Unless they're more local to Orlando than Atlanta. Did they give a reason why they're going with HolMat?
I want to believe you anon. It seems like their reasoning revolves around it being more 18+ friendly (???). One of them who lives on social media says that "everyone" there is saying that it's amazing right now.
How are you an adult and your still letting things like ''everyone' says!' determine anything for you?
Couldn't tell you. Maybe a mix of them being chronically online and being autistic. Personally I'm pretty much ride or die with AWA.
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I haven't gotten a clear consensus from anyone. Surprisingly a lot of people did both, and I've also heard "It was great", "It was ass" about both
Soo. How bout them con pics? Anybody got any?
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I've got a handful, though I've only uploaded to my PC the majority of mahjong pictures I took over the weekend, so it will be a while for me to port over the rest. Should I post them individuall, or make an album, or a little of the first and then an album just for fun?
You can upload them however, you like, they're your pictures so whatever's easiest for you.
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A short clip.
I went as Toki, which character did you cosplay as? I didn't see too many but it was cool that there were people cosplaying Blue Archive to begin with.

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