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Kumoricon happens on November 8th to November 10th 2024 in Portland, Oregon

>Are you going?
>Do you have a hotel?
>What's your cosplay lineup
>Stories from Kumoricons past
>General Kumoricon discussion (good places to grab a bite near the con, party plans, things you’re excited for etc)

Me, the humble OP? I'm going to be partying hard.
I'm going to try to challenge someone to a drinking contests
My plan is to hang with someone who is clearly NOT the OP of this thread
>Are you going?
>Do you have a hotel?
I have lodging.
>What's your cosplay lineup
>Stories from Kumoricons past
I missed the con rave because I assumed it went later than midnight.
>General Kumoricon discussion (good places to grab a bite near the con, party plans, things you’re excited for etc)
There's not many food options within walking distance of the con center, huh?
>There's not many food options within walking distance of the con center, huh?
this place rules
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Added it to my Portland map, thanks!
Metropolitan Tavern is a rooftop restaurant at a hotel across the street, pretty cool views if the weather is clear.
NANO just confirmed for a music guest! Loved her at Otakon a few years back. I was starting to worry being a month out with no big music or industry guests. Hopefully this is a start to them making more announcements.
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>That name
Hopefully this year I won't miss Teddyloid.
Links to their stuff?
Seconding this place
If you mean Teddyloid, he did P&S OST:

If you mean Kumo guests:
Did he somewhere confirm he's attending?
add me if u want friends to chill with during the
con I will be going to the raves on both days


where? Discord?
yes discord, my bad for not clarifying that

also im looking for people around my age plz dont be 24 or over
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if only i lived in the U.S. ;-;
>Are you going?
>Do you have a hotel?
Staying at Eastlund again, come by if you want to drink. I went home with a surplus of alcohol last year.
>What's your cosplay lineup
>Stories from Kumoricons past
This is only #2 for me and I learned Kumo is about as much of a party con as Sak.
>General Kumoricon discussion (good places to grab a bite near the con, party plans, things you’re excited for etc)
Zero plans, haven't even looked at the guest list. Last year we went to a kickass hole in the wall Chinese place but unfortunately I can't remember the name or specifically where it was. All I can tell you is it was about a 30-minuite walk from the con center. Can also vouch for Metropolitan Tavern. It's on the pricey side but the food is solid.
Looks like the schedule is out despite no announcement yet

This is a new spot for registration, right? Hope this doesn't cut the market space too much
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>All day karaoke
Based. Rare. Biblical. MAJESTICAL. If it's Youtube / official instrumentals instead of MIDI crap, they've earned my undying gratitude
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Looks like it will be raining the whole weekend...
It's November in Portland, what were you honestly expecting?
It's currently sunny until Thursday, not like we don't get breaks from the rain
I've lived here for years but am always out of town when this happens reeee.
>walking distance
It's right next to a MAX station, which can throw you over the bridge to better dining/entertainment options in like 10 minutes. It's $2.80 for 2.5 hours or $5.60 for a day pass and you can get it on your phone (Hop Fastpass). Taking the green line to Ground Kontrol puts you around some good stuff.
>>Are you going?
>>Do you have a hotel?
>>What's your cosplay lineup
no cosplay, just attending
>>Stories from Kumoricons past
my first time
>>General Kumoricon discussion (good places to grab a bite near the con, party plans, things you’re excited for etc)
i'm part of the staff for kumo2024! i'm pretty stoked to be involved
as for food, like the other anon said, max access is great and it's downtown PDX so there's shitloads to do.
hahahah why would you join the staff imagine doing that for free
i got to help out, meet people, get outta my comfort zone, and i get free membership to the con + way cheaper hotel :D
Who else is gonna audition for the karaoke contest tomorrow? I'm super excited. Catch me singing Kakusei Heroism.
Didn't know this was a thing but it looks like I'll be joining now! The song depends on how picky their mc is
>no cosplay, just attending
I bet you're all cute.
>Are you going?
>Do you have a hotel?
>What's your cosplay lineup
Celty sturlson friday and gloomy bear Saturday (say hi)
>Stories from Kumoricons past
Last year I went as Ness and was stalked by a 12 year old who was also Ness and had to ask his mom to make him leave me alone
>General Kumoricon discussion
I'm GONNA find a con party this year, ive gone to Kumo for 7 years and never seen one
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>I'm GONNA find a con party this year
That could probably be arranged, with relative ease...
Last year we couldn't find anyone to party and wound up going home with a surplus of booze. Please come drink ours.
I spend 99% of the time in the model lounge if you want to extend an invite..
Well The invite will go out soon enough. Of course, a man needs their own room number first
>surplus of booze
Just say where
Eastlund room 406.
I was there for an hour and a half and didn't hear it. If you saw me, I did "Daddy Daddy Do!"
Well you just misses roughly 3 hours of drinking so now you'll have to wait until til around 11:30 when we finish bar trivia.
Is this real chat?
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You yell me. (The RTIC cooler has a small keg in it and the room fridge is also full of beer.)
Tell*. Also we have half a bottle of vodka left.
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Well fug how was I supposed to know :(
yes it's real. go there at 11:30 like he says
>had a neckbeard refer to 16 year olds as young adults in conversation with me today
>he had a camera
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Update: We're grabbing more beer and heading back to the room.
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I am inside your walls
Also bring liquor you pansies
Get back up here you coward, we just got back.
We are in front of the elevators let us up desu
i'm headed home. catch you all tomorrow
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They accidentally gave me a weekend pass instead of a day pass. let's go!!
I botched my prep and didn't get to try out :/ I sang on open mic later on.
>go to kumoricon only on sunday every year cause of work
>make no effort to talk to anyone and no one will interact cause i do not cosplay
>go home and bitch about how people dont talk to solo people
>go to a couple dance parties/raves
>Dont get why people are dancing, feel awkward as hell
>Go to dance party last night drunk as hell, start having fun and music gets better
I get it now
aren't you afraid of people taking advantage of you when you are drunk though? i read a lot about bad things happening
Its obviously a guy bro
well still for men and women
I cosplayed for the first time yesterday. I had someone come up and ask for a photo and they were super excited.

It made my day :3
As the other poster sussed out I'm an ugly moid but there is some risk prevention you can take like only drinking your own booze, having a tolerance and the hardest part is having a trusted friend nearby.
fuck you
Fuck you bro. Don't worry about him m'lady.
why bother you are not gonna get pussy mind your business
Lmao, crab in a bucket behavior. Go out and have fun sometimes.
Seems there were two /cgl/ parties last night. Can we link up tonight? I'm in Hyatt

I will get the Bocchi vendors to hang if you do this. Even if I have to get help, I will make it happen
You gotna discord or somw.shit
After party sounds fun, I'd be down.

I do.
email me at redmitton@gmail.com
Happy 4 u bro
Aw man, forgot to post this morning but if anybody saw a Porco Rosso that was me.

Now I'm just sitting here looking like a dork with a camera waiting for the cosplay contest.

>900 second rare limit on mobile internet.
Fucking Portland.
The Eastlund room is tiny. If your Hyatt room is bigger than a closet we can load up our booze and truck it over.
Alternatively if you just want free alcohol just come to room 406 at the Eastlund and we'll just hand you beers and half-full bottles of rum and vodka. I don't want to take this shit home.
just give it to the homeless outside?
I might actually take you up on that.
Bring a backpack.
If you're gonna be at the dance party and need glow stick just ask heavy weapons guy I bought too many
How was the contest? Any good costumes?
I'm trying to recruit for room party and went to eastlund but couldn't get to room because key card

We'll be outside the Eastlund main entrance at 10. Guy in red hat & girl in pigtails
do hotels even allow non guests to roam their rooms?
I'll be waiting in the lobby when you come back.
Depends. Seattle and Portland? Hell no. Areas with less homeless people usually have unlocked elevators.
You still giving them out? Kinda just wanna say hi to a couple of anons
Yup. I'm down in the Eastlund lobby right now waiting for >>10940985.
Oh we're in the hyatt right now. Is the eastland possibly in it?
It's the hotel across the street my dude.
I plopped onto a bench outside, just in case there is a party after all, but I will also drink your liquor if you have excess.
Also I am a different anon>>10940989
On my way down.
Gimme a minute I walked away coming back

Back. Wearing headphones
Are you at the Hyatt or Eastlund? I see zero headphone-wearers. Black/white flannel shirt, currnlently in the Eastlund lobby.
Eastland. Outside on a bench
Fun party :D
If anyone in the Hyatt party room is still around one of our guys left a cooler in there.
I thought so. I'll get some photos uploaded when I get home tomorrow night.
Hotel internet is just way too shit for uploading dick.
>go to hoyoshit meetup
>still dont have the balls to speak to anyone there
Blind cunt here. Many thanks for the company and the booze. Went way outta my comfort zone and y'all made it worthwhile. Headed homeward now. Hope to see you again next Kumo
you fags said karaoke was gonna be good but when i went there on sunday there was no one?
did you come to the room party at Hyatt Regency?

Wait, how are you reading this
nah i didn't make it to that one. saturday night, right?
>Wait, how are you reading this
i have trained a parrot to read 4chan posts. his name is Font Size
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Guy cosplaying as Harry/the OP here. Thanks to all the seagulls who came out to party :)
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Thank you, Harry. ( And iiiii helped :^) )
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It WAS good, obviously you didn't come when I performed then. Which was like 6 times
anybody got good video footage of kumo2024?
is anyone in Portland ready for kisuucon?
>go to facebook group for kumoricon
>see people's pics of them enjoying themselves
>slowly get angry
please don't feel that way, anon
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>go to kumo for the first time ever
>didn't know what to do at all
>didn't know anyone at the con besides my random old coworker
>went to hyatt meetup
>pic unrelated but related
>gonna keep coming back now
thanks Harry for the fun party. also whats the kumo cgl discord everyone was talking about?
and eastlund too of course :)
everytime i go go kumoricon or any local con i get jealous of people meeting new people easily
trust me, anon. it isn't easy for most of us. it takes a lot to meet randos, and you'll be successful at it eventually. you just need to build some confidence. booze helps lole
Do what I always do: Acquire an excessive amount of alcohol and advertise that you have an excessive amount of alcohol. Got me two room parties.
booze definitely helps, just don't overdo it.
paid the price there, but it was worth it :) that lap could fix me
But you can't fix that lap. Nobody can.
what if i dont drink though?
then you have to raw dog your way into confidence. i don't envy you that task. i'm certainly no good at it, but you can be
First I'm hearing of it. I might go.
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Hey Mr DuBois, some friendly advice if I may? A revised section in your *article* that tells spergs to drop their pretenses about feeling superior than "normalfags" or that dropping the "Can't do it" attitude is step 1 2 and 3

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