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>>10938931 (OP)
does moon kana still sell these?
yes, though there currently isnt any available. she announced a couple months ago that she plans to launch online sales soon.
Are their any new or active gyaru brands online? everything else has either shut down or shifted to jirai kei and himekaji stuff.
where do you recommend buying decent quality affordable wigs for lolita and other jfashion coords? I like maple wigs in terms of thickness, styles, colors, and price but they all have that fake shiny look and the one dreamholic wig I own is very thin and sheds a ton.
both Maple and DH have their issues. If you're looking for more natural looking wig with bangs I suggest going to a store that sells wigs. The shops geared towards the black community usually have comfortable and affordable options, the price quality ratio is better than Maple and DH. Some brands have unusual colors like emerald green or cotton candy pink, but they're not the norm. Whilst you can find synthetic wigs that have far less of that fake shiny look compared to Maple and DH, as long as it's synthetic you will always be able to tell no matter how many tips and tricks you try. Depends on how okay you are with it not looking real.
You can get a basic human hair wig for 100~150$ which usually comes in a natural black/dark brown, but you can bleach, dye, cut and pluck it yourself. You can get hh wigs that have already been cut, dyed and styled in a certain look for under 300$ in including some unnatural colors.
Beware of scams, these are not uncommon with wig sellers.
Does maple not sell their ringlet wig anymore? If so I need a good ringlet wig recommendation. I love how they look so much.
They just rereleased them.
this is terrible advice. no one here is getting human hair lacefront baddie wigs to wear for lolita.
Does anyone know of any lolita-related brands that have fine jewelry or engagement ring collections? I considered VW but they only sell costume jewelry and Q-pot is a little too food themed
No. You're better off looking for vintage estate jewelry if you want something that goes well with lolita.
I never said lacefront baddie wigs. HH wigs with bangs are more affordable than lacefront wigs and it's really easy to find hh wigs in standard lolita styles.
I know that for some people wearing synthetic wigs is acceptable and that they were used in lolita publications. However, there are plenty of lolitas (myself included) who think synthetic wigs look bad.
Anon complained about "that fake shiny look" and the reality is that you will never be able to get rid of that tell tale shine on synthetic hair. If that bothers you HH is the only other option.
What's happening at moitie salon rn? Any news worth subscribing to?
For really special items like engagement rings I recommend reaching out to your local jeweler to make a custom one, it's not necessarily super expensive compared to buying off the shelf especially if you're cool with colored gemstones and lab gems as opposed to the normie "slap the biggest diamond possible on a plain band" approach. I designed my own ring and sent the drawing to the jeweler, who also made a sample 3D model and a wax model, and it was about $1600.
These aren't specifically lolita-focused brands but Oore has a ethereal nature-inspired style and Soulbound makes delicate vidya and anime-inspired jewelry, they may appeal to a lolita. Oore in particular has pretty fair prices for the complexity of her work, I'm probably getting my wedding band there.
Geez, it's so slow over there. I subscribe and unsubscribe from time to time expecting something new, but they sometimes spend weeks without any update.
Any anons interested in a craft thread? I was going to start one but I don't want to be the only poster.
I’m curious about the OTT Classic Lolita era. Please tell me how it came to be and how it was influence by the historical costuming community
any advice on securing acrylic stands to itabags?
Wtf is OTT Classic
a mistake. stop asking.
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How much white lace on a black dress is considered to be ita? For example, would the dress shown be considered ita due to how much lace is on it or are the obvious lace monsters the only ones with that combo considered ita?

>any advice on securing acrylic stands to itabags?
I haven't found a good solution either, but I can tell you what I have been using & one method that doesn't work.

>What's currently working
Plastic badge covers (think of those holders for workplace IDs). I've been using them for one of my itabags & it works (or at least is working until I can find something better). Of course, it's going to depend on how big your acrylics are, but for some smaller ones, the badge thing works.

>What doesn't work
Double sided tape. Acrylics don't seem to take very well to the tape since they're so thick. Against a fabric backdrop they hold on somewhat, but separate themselves (the acrylic + tape from the fabric) with too much movement.

Here's some links as examples for the badge covers.

Good luck anon!
That dress isn't ita, although it's not really to my taste. There isn't a hard and fast rule about quantity of lace, it just depends on the quality of the lace and the design as a whole. BTSSB's Elizabeth OP is covered in contrasting lace but it's one of the most iconic lolita dresses ever.
Do you hace any tips for ironing lolita dresses?
It's not really about the amount of lace. More about the quality of the lace and the fabric, dress design and placement of the lace.

>>10940579 brings up a good point by mentioning Elizabeth.
Use the general ironing advice for the fabric it's made out of. Some fabrics shouldn't be ironed or require extra care. If you get smooth results with a steamer alone then don't bother ironing.
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Does anyone have recs for a good jp proxy service that has IOSS that isn't zenmarket? My customs are hell and always try to upcharge my items value + charges for not using IOSS.
Should I just bite the bullet and give up undervaluing items for zenmarket's IOSS?
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>That dress isn't ita
I didn't say that it was, I was asking if it would be considered ita because of its black & white with lace combo.

>There isn't a hard and fast rule about quantity of lace, it just depends on the quality of the lace and the design as a whole.

Mentioned this as well.

>BTSSB's Elizabeth OP is covered in contrasting lace but it's one of the most iconic lolita dresses ever.
I haven't kept up with anything BTSSB related in a long time, so I had to look this one up. The dress really is definitely cute in pink & all white & all black versions, but it just feels odd to have so much lace on a dress like that. Maybe something like the Elizabeth OP isn't for me, but I'll do more research when it comes to lace on dresses.

Pic is of the first two dresses that I bought last year when I first started wearing lolita officially
2nd ayrt,

I understand the Elizabeth design in the colourways with more contrast can be a lot if you're not used to seeing it/you're not into old school. I have always considered it a dress that I liked looking at on other people but would not wear myself because it's just not me, despite loving old school btssb in general.
Given what >>10940567 mentioned you could possibly experiment with creating your own plastic covers for bigger stands using non-adhesive plastic book covers. I've also used modified TCG card sleeves to secure smaller acrylic keychains and miscellaneous merch onto an insert.
Alternatively if you're using a hard mesh insert you could try using clear fishing wire to "tie" the standee to the back (could thread it through the cloth if you're using a cover on top of the mesh) but this is very dependent on the standee's pose, or else the figure might slip out over time.
Am I too big for most old school skirts if my waist is 27 inches? I really want an older cotton skirt from AP or Baby but whenever they come up in the market the waist is always around 23-25 inches
just lose weight then retard
possibly? if the skirt has partial shirring, you can always alter part of the shirring to better fit it, though. i'm only an inch smaller than you but find i'm basically max on a lot of them and need to alter the shirring or move buttons around to be comfortable. but ymmv. some people don't mind feeling a little constricted.

also idk much about ap but if you want cotton skirts in old school style, there's always the btssb classical series stuff which appears to be sized slightly larger.
Opinions on AngelEgg?
The owner is an amateur, but the pricing isn't bad for 100% cotton, so you mostly get what you pay for. Her customs are higher quality IME. I miss her headdresses.
She's improving in terms of both skill and design, and the skirts are good for daily wear. Worth checking out.
Has anyone been able to identify why Japanese secondhand clothes all smell the same? No matter if I buy from ClosetChild or Mercari, there's this light, clean scent that smells divine, and I now associate it with lolita. Is it a detergent, a fabric softener, or something in the air?
I think it's mothballs.
Don't those smell bad though? The secondhand smell is pleasant.
Anti mold spray
Steaming is your friend
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Is amavel considered a lolita brand?

Since in Instagram they always tag their clothes as lolita but in western jfashion spaces still consider them to be a girly-kei brand
anyone know when lacemarket will be back up? any plans from the mods for maintenance?
It is not, but some people use some amavel stuff in lolita coords like blouses etc. But no I wouldn't consider them a lolita brand.
like >>10941162 mentioned some of their items can be used in a lolita coordinate but they themselves are not a lolita brand. Not to westerners anyway, I don't know how japanese lolitas categorize Amavel.
It's back up!
it's loliable, but not a lolita brand per se.
Most seem to call it lolita-esque. Not too different from what the west thinks of it. You'll occasionally see people calling it lolita but most of them seem to be normies or newbies.
Thank you. That was informative.
From what I'm getting it seems like they have similar arguments over "what is and isn't lolita" in Japan with similar (if not the same) discussion points that we see in western circles. Generally speaking it's agreed that these brands (Amavel, Axes Femme, etc.) will occasionally release items that can be loliable but the brands themselves aren't considered dedicated lolita brands.
I remember seeing that "do you consider this lolita?" poll about Pink House on one of the old Japanese lolita forums, so I'm not surprised.

Ime most of the time there are no significant differences between the western and Japanese comm, I keep expecting there to be more but then nearly always find out how very similar the two groups are.

The biggest difference I noticed is that a lot of them overpay for Chinese brand. Some out of ignorance of the brand's pricing in China, others do it knowingly because they think it's too scary to use a shopping service.
lolitas is the same. the main distinction i've noticed is that different regions define the substyles differently-- ask a japanese, chinese, euro, and burger lolita to define classic and you'll get at least 4 different answers.
I've been told that Enchantlic Enchantilly is considered sweet lolita to some japanese lolitas. I don't know how common that opinion is in japan. I found that surprising. Sure they have some sweet pieces but sweet isn't what comes to mind when I see the brand as a whole. I find a lot of it leans more classic, or some pieces that are difficult to categorize.
I've heard some japanese lolitas consider prints in general to be sweet (or otherwise not classic), which could be why. Not sure if that's a common opinion or fringe standard, though.
Is Moitie re-releasing Silent Moon in black x gold? I saw the photo they uploaded from the tea party and didn't see anything in the salon about it.
>I've heard some japanese lolitas consider prints in general to be sweet

That was the explanation I was given too. That doesn't make sense though, MMM has border prints. And then I was told it's a combination of the print and the cut/trims/theming.
Yeah, that's why I specified some just view prints as "not classic"-- sweet is just more common.
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what's the best chinese gothic lolita brand?
don't even bother buying from chink brands, you'll end up disappointed with the quality and stuck with something that you can't easily sell off.
Ngl,Taobao looks tempting rn since I don't want to piss off my mum and my family, despite me being adult with the cost of jp lolita stuff.
My mum dislikes my jfashion hobby since she thinks it makes me look a like a kid,she thinks it's expensive and it's some sort of fetish.
no one asked for your cringe blogpost but good luck being a permaita i guess
A lot of second hand actual lolita is priced about the same as half-decent taobao
I recommend buying jpn brand second hand, it's generally better quality than cn brands.

Who spit on your sandwich?
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It looks tempting because chinese people approach the fashion with the mindset of "it just needs to look good on photos". Their designs and the quality is all over the place, and even 10+ years of taobaolita later, none of them come even remotely close to brand. Stock photos and worn photos are filtered back and forth, because it's the appearance of the end product that counts, making it incredibly hard to assess the quality until you actually hold the piece in your hands. To be fair, you can put together something okay if you match a decent taobao dress with better accessories, but stuff from there never retains it value unlike most burando. Chances are however quite high you will end up disappointed.
kek what game is this?
I grabbed it off /cgl/ or /a/ years ago, so I'm not quite sure, but it looks like something that's could have been made with RPG creator.
Are there any resources for actually getting into shironuri? Minori has a tutorial but besides that I'd really like to learn more from a detailed "this is how you actually pull it off" perspective and not a gawky touristy one
I actually think it's more insidious than them filtering the photos, I think they actually make a different set of clothes for the shoot. The way they the fabrics look, fall, and fold are always completely different than what I see in posted worn pics.
Come the fuck on, anon.
If you really want to get Taobao shit then Surfacespell comes to mind for decent chink gothic brands, but iirc most of their dresses are made to order and can take up to 2-4 months to ship.
However, you'll also be able to get secondhand AtePi pieces from Mercari or Lacemarket (at typically decent to good quality) for roughly around the same price or less and with none of the manufacturing wait time for shipping.
If you're an adult and earn your own income then just buy what you love the most.
If your parents are very strict ("our home, our rules and we forbid you from going out like that.") there are workarounds. I would say you can gradually get them used to j-fashion by starting with stuff that is very mainstream adjacent, but your family thinking it's a fetish is a big bump in the road since they will still have a problem with it once it gets a little bit too close to what they think j-fashion and lolita look like, and then they'll probably watch you like a hawk and prevent you from wearing anything they do not see as normal.
If you want some freedom when living with your parents and you think getting along with them is important, then you will eventually need to talk to them (preferably both at the same time) about the way they see j-fashion and lolita. They won't just believe you because if they did they would have come around by now, so you're going to have to show them something someone else made that quickly explains what lolita fashion is and isn't. If they're not willing to take 2 minutes out of their life to see a video about something you think is important that is causing friction between you then there's nothing you can do.

You could take a huge bag/trolley bag with your outfit with you when you travel to a meet, and change clothes somewhere safe before you get to the meet. Your parents are eventually going to find out though. The question is if they'll make a big deal out of it or not. And what will they do if you continue buying lolita fashion? If they're going to make a problem out of everything you do related to lolita fashion then move out. Short term solution would be to live with friends for the time being. A more long term solution could be to rent a room or an apartment somewhere on your own or share a rental (for example with friends).
I'm not in Europe so I don't know anything about IOSS, but I've been using Japonica for a while now and they're accommodating for almost any request and a friend has asked them to undervalue items on a declaration form. They can probably do whatever you need.

I used Zenmarket in the past but numerous problems with them not buying items in a reasonable timeframe (24H+), buying items only after they go on sale and pocketing the difference etc and starting to collect sales tax for my country has put me off them entirely.
Where do you get rainwear that fit old school and bigger sizes (but not plus-sized)? Looking for both raincoats and winter coats that can take a downpour. Most brand coats are too tight around the shoulders and bust for me.
Melody Basket has cute coats that fit but they don't seem to work well with old school
I recently came across some options. Whether you think they're old school appropriate is another thing so I'm just going to list whatever I've seen and you can see for yourself what appeals to you.

-btssb has at least 2 rain coat designs, you sometimes see them second hand. -lumiebre https://lolibrary.org/items/indie-lumiebre-mal-damour-rain-coat
and https://lolibrary.org/items/indie-lumiebre-noir-rose-rain-coat -chess story https://www.lolitawardrobe.com/chess-story-sweet-rainbow-lolita-rain-coat_p0574.html

I just searched and I found this thing https://www.my-lolita-dress.com/Rabbit-Ears-~Sweet-Lolita-Raincoat-Pre-order-closed-p904167.html
diamond honey https://i.pinimg.com/736x/50/da/53/50da535eaaf1ee98b8aa029ea533ccbd.jpg

For coats that have less of a contemporary sweet style I suggest looking at cute j-fashion brands such as axes femme, MILK, fint, etc.

If you're expecting heavy rain I would not suggest getting a knee length one. Your leg wear will get wet. Getting a rain coat that is either ankle length or comes down to halfway down your lower legs, combined with rain boots or waterproof boots is probably the best way to stay dry in style.
Thank you anon! The Baby and Lumiebre coats seem a bit snug on the shoulders unfortunately, but the Chinese ones could work.
For heavy coats, the brands you mentioned are usually pretty small, I've had the most luck with Melody Basket or occasionally Jane Marple. I'll look into Chinese brands, or suck it up and get normie coats I guess
thanks, I'm gonna try and look for jp brands second hand
Newfag here, can someone give me a good rundown on how to become better at identifying if a piece is more suited for sweet or gothic?
Simple: is it cute? Probably sweet. Is it more mature/classy more than it is cute and mostly black with gothic styling? Probably goth.
I feel like there are overlaps between some blouses sometimes, that's what always gets me. Like there are obviously sweet blouses but some end up toeing the line.
>I feel like there are overlaps
Well, that applies to all of the fashion really. There are no hard lines drawn with lots of room in-between. Typically though, gothic gravitates towards a more mature look. Clear lines, elegant dark romantic looks, use of gothic influenced iconography and symbolism, more use of texture variety are just some points that come to my mind in general. For sweet you tend to have a more fluffy playful look, more round lines, use of typical cutesy imagery and objects and a variety of different colors ranging all the way from soft pastel looks to mature jewel-tones to monochrome looks.

For blouses in particular, it can become quite tricky since you can combine different pieces in various ways leading to case-by-case decisions based on the coord as a whole. Gothic oriented pieces oftentimes tend to have a less playful vibe and are more sober (unless you go for stuff like princess sleeves) while sweet orientes blouses have more round lines (e.g. peter pan collar) and oftentimes more stuff going on with their design.
What insoles would you recommend for wearing with typical lolita shoes?
whatever you think is comfortable. It really is trial and error so I suggest starting with cheap ones and trying them out by taking short walks.
What >>10942272 said, when it comes to blouses there are some that are flexible and can be worn with multiple styles and look good depending on the rest of the coord. Ime nothing helps more than just taking in as many visual examples as possible for this kind of thing. I recommend going to lolibrary, slecting blouses and then narrowing by brands that specialize in sweet (AP, Baby, IW) or gothic (Moitie, Sheglit, Boz) and looking through the items until you start to get an idea of the patterns.
a lot of chinese brands make lolita outfits that come off more costumey but i don't know if it's considered lolita even if i think its cute. and even if it's lolitaesque does that translate to being ita? obligatory not lolita yet just curious
Most of the time these costumey coords don't actually look that great outside of the (heavily edited) promo images, so yes. I've seen a few of these costumey chinese dresses pop up in secondhand stores and almost all of them look (and feel) like shit for most part.
What petticoat do you use for lolita? What shape/silhouette are you going for? How much did you pay for it? Do you find you have to layer petticoats to get good skirt volume?
Is there a way to fix peeling pleather bags?
>What shape/silhouette are you going for?
>What petticoat do you use for lolita
Depends on what style you're going for, there's not necessarily a one size fits all scenario. Sweet you are going to traditionally want a short cupcake style but gothic and classic you normally want A line and potentially longer. However it's not a hard and fast rule.
>How much did you pay for it?
A good one shouldn't cost you more than $60
>Do you find you have to layer petticoats to get good skirt volume?
Again, a good one you shouldn't have to layer. If you're layering then you bought the wrong kind or the one you have is starting to deflate/die (or you're going for something extremely OTT, but for the average coord, 1 good one should be enough)

what >>10942346 said. These look much worse irl. I also get the impression chinese brands are generally not concerned about whether something is considered lolita or not. If they think it's cute, or if it will sell really well, they make it.
I would recommend not buying any of the more costumey pieces. There are brands that sell more casual cute stuff that can be used for a variety of styles, including lolita.
shape and poof depends on the dress/skirt. Instead of wearing two petticoats it's much more comfortable to buy a variety of them and just wear one. I have petticoats of varying lengths and poof levels. Layering is unnecessary.

I think most of my petticoats were between 20 and 30$, from Aurora & Ariel and Boguta. If you want to support a very heavy dress or get an immense amount of poof I recommend looking at Aurora & Ariel's "violence" level petticoat.

If your dress is extremely heavy for some reason, then it might be best to use a petticoat that has multiple adjustable hoops and 3 or more petticoat layers on top (to hide the hoops). This is a sort of hoop skirt and petticoat in one and really convenient for certain situations.

not that I know of, sadly.
You can never restore them to the way they were, and it's usually not worth the effort, but you can reupholster a peeling purse with fabric or sand the pleather down and cover with crafting paper and mod podge. I wouldn't bother unless you're really attached to the purse or very, very bored.
there are some products on the market that slow down deterioration of PU before it gets to the peeling stage, but these just postpone the inevitable and they only work in some ways, for example deterioration due to sunlight. I don't know if there's any way to slow down moisture loss over time.

It's not a real solution but >>10942362 could consider hunting for real leather bags. There aren't a lot of those so it's probably going to be expensive and time consuming to get one.
Another option could be to focus more on buying vinyl bags. "faux leather" for lolita bags is often PU, but sometimes it's vinyl (to be specific PVC) and afaik that doesn't peel. The problem is that a lot of brands don't say what they're using but instead just say "imitation leather" or "fake/faux leather" or "synthetic leather". Btssb store doesn't even mention it. AP just says "synthetic leather".
It isn't always obvious from stock photos what's being used specifically. Some older AP bags are pvc, I just don't know if they've been consistently using it for rereleases of popular bag designs.
It's also not a solution but it's cheaper to buy some bags from Loris (on taobao) and use those instead of brand bags. If they peel you've wasted 15$ instead of whatever you're paying for brand bags new or second hand.
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Dunno where else to ask this but why are the model photos for VM so strange these days? The models are pretty, but they look tired and splotchy due to poor lighting and editing.
Any gulls out there with hammer toes? What kind of shoes are you wearing with lolita? Everything I try seems to have a shallow toe box or too high of a heel and becomes too painful to wear. Looking for some cute mary janes and boots that fit sweet and classic
Opinions on Distant Melody?
what do you want to know?
General quality, if it's worth the money and how durable it is
It's fine for the price. Her patterns are fairly simple (impossible to screw up) so while they're nothing groundbreaking, they're still good for daily wear and wardrobe filler. A lot of western brands are only bad because they start off too ambitious. Distant Melody knows her skill level and works with it. I expect to see really nice things as the brand progresses.
The good; I agree that it's great that she's not trying to do anything outside of her skill level. And she's not charging absolutely delusional prices.

The neutral; the pieces have that handmade look to them due to a combination of the material choices and that they're all beginner level projects, which imo is charming in a way but if you have time to sew and you think it's fun to sew then you could make something just like her products even if you're a beginner. People who have an intermediate skill level with sewing would most likely not buy these things.

The bad; the pricing seems to make sense in isolation, but not when compared to OG brand pricing. Items like those need to be priced below OG brands otherwise a lot of people are going to prefer to buy from OG brands instead. Some of her items are in a price range that makes sense, others are priced too high. Her camisoles are priced higher than some better quality brands, same goes for her skirt+hair accessory sets and the shirring OP. Of course she does deserve to be compensated for her time, but she should rethink her pricing in comparison to other brands if she's not getting as many orders as she would like. I doubt that this is her day job though, so perhaps it really doesn't matter that much to her.
Compare her prices to secondhand OG brand pricing and the outcome is obvious.
What type of shoes would you gulls recommend for gothic if you plan on walking around a lot? Planning to go to Tokyo this coming year and don't want to be that guy who wear sneakers in lolita.
To be fair the kind of simple solid pieces she makes are generally pretty hard to get, brands sell out of them fast and they get swooped up second hand pretty quick too. She’s probably pricing for demand more than quality
Good point, but then any beginner at sewing could make those things themselves. I suppose anyone who buys her camisoles only has themselves to blame.
Wtf is with that sizing though? If you're the standard size for lolita you're already at the higher end of the size range for the bust. Is that a typo? Or did she forget to add its size XS?

It looks like the other stuff has a more usual size range, so this was probably a typo or there's some missing info.
Why is looking cheap and messy considered ita?
because it's ugly. what kind of question is this?
What is Mur Melche's sizing like? I can't find any of their stuff on lolibrary
No shit. I meant like where does it come from? Does it have a specific reason? Or is it just what it is
Are you asking why being messy and cheap looks ugly?
Does anyone know of any notable secondhand shops to look for lolita pieces in Osaka outside of closetchild?
No I meant that in other subcultures no one will call you a poser for looking cheap
Does anyone know where to get these types of wigs (that are actually good) from?
I thought maple sold the oldschool ringlet wig and not these which mostly look like 2010 ott sweet wigs with clip on twintails. I guess the bottom ones are a mix of ringlet wigs with clip ons.
nayrt, it's a bit of an oversimplification but it generally holds true that it used to be (and still is) important to the fashion to put together outfits in a deliberate manner and emphasize construction and material quality. Just throwing together an outfit without much thought, or because it's the only stuff you have, and being fine with absolutely bottom of the barrel quality goes against those principles.
In the current lolita market we've accepted that quality standards have declined somewhat, but mass production stuff and absolute lack of coording skills still gets a disgust reaction from the community.

The lolita community doesn't use the term poser though, the meaning of that term doesn't really capture what itas are.
Other fashion subcultures do have similar problems with people going against basic principles of the fashion whilst still claiming to be a part of the community.
Don't think that "poser" carries the same intent as ita does. Even well seasoned lolitas can end up posting ita-tier coords from time to time, but that doesn't exactly make them less of a lolita. I feel like the closest thing to posers that lolita has are those people who don't actually own anything lolita but call themselves one because they "act" or like one or because they've supposedly "researched" it enough.
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It's not safe to buy 2ndhand ap anymore.
Does anyone have nail inspiration for sweet lolita in pink/white?
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First time shooting my shot at a baby lottery reservation at the SF store, has anyone gotten an email back?
has anyone ordered from chocochip cookie before? what was the process like?
Who is bothering to make a replica of this? It wasn't even that popular of a release and it's easy enough to find secondhand...
Does anyone know if Baby, or other lolita brands, will be at New York Fashion Week next month?
For Baby and VM they had already announced that they were going to be there by now, so I'm thinking there maybe won't be a lolita brand this year.
>buy something from wunderwelt's storefront that's marked as being in stock
>it's marked as pre-order on my order summary
Has this happened to anyone else? I'm confused.
Any relevant news from the salon? Considering subscribing to it next month

Yes, and it's normal. Don't worry it's not a preorder if it wasn't marked as such when you bought it. Happened to me more than once when buying from sheglit and Nah+

also fuck this 900-seconds-captcha thing fucking damned trashy forum
Thanks anon, that's good to know. I ordered with other items and was scared it'd hold up the order
Anyone ordered this blouse from baby lately?


Could you tell me how large are the sleeves at the upper arm please?
I’m not sure of the measurements of the blouse but I had no problem with when I bought one at 26-27cm bicep circumference
I feel so dumb for buying two of the same OP, in the same exact colorway too. I just love the release so much and couldn't decide which one to keep once I saw them both in person. Does anyone else do this or am I cooked?
one to wear, one to keep
Why is old school sweet not considered a different style from modern sweet, even though they look so different?
Are there any actually decent TaoBao shops around for lolita nowadays??? All of the TaoBao masterlists I could find are from like 10 years ago and most of the shops on them have either shut down or have no options. The secondhand market is dreadful right now and I just need somewhere where I can buy basic, decent-quality wardrobe staples like cotton blouses, lace-topped socks, etc. Does anyone have any recs?
VCastle makes nice blouses in cotton and Roji Roji makes staple basic lace top socks and socks that have that ballerina ribbon wrap design. Modo, angelic imprint, antaina, and sosic shop make nice shoes to fit plenty of styles.
it is considered under old school umbrella, god sweets are so fucking dumb
Calm down ESL-Chan. Way to show your newfaggotry. Old school is considered sweet.
Because historically old school developed into modern sweet.
How are people shopping from Taobao nowadays?

I'm based in Australia. Last time I shopped from Taobao was around 2020, and the most I paid for shipping back then was around 40 bucks. I'm with Spreenow, who charges 10% service fee, and just paid 477CNY to ship a 3kg parcel. If I'm just getting general stationery stuff, I'm thinking I might as well just shop from Aliexpress. What do you all think?
If you're in Australia, just buy direct from taobao. They will consolidate packages for you if you ship to their warehouse. Shipping from taobao is more expensive than in the past, but definitely less than what you paid.
Are there any brands that have old school style pieces that are reliably in stock? Bigger brands sell out of them right away and so do small indies I find.
Is it acceptable to wear mesh lace and cluny/crochet lace together? These two lace types seem to be from different eras of Lolita and have different feels. But maybe I’m overthinking it and it looks alright. I’m asking because I’m currently a big mesh lace fan but am looking to get into old school
I think while you're building up a new part of your wardrobe using style sensibilities from a different era of the fashion, some mixing and matching of the "wrong lace" is inevitable.

Nobody with a brain will expect you to wait until you amass bloomers, socks, blouse, headdress and wrist cuffs all in new lace and varying coordinated colors before you take your cute new main piece out to wear because that's just not realistic. Definitely invest in those over time, especially blouse and socks with torchon lace but the best part of the fashion is actually wearing it and having fun!

Also in my opinion, putting torchon lace blouses and socks with main pieces from more recent eras of styling tends to look less out of place than the other way around, so every new blouse you add to your old school wardrobe will have a place with items you already own for the most part.
Thanks for the advice! I was going to hold off on introducing my torchon lace pieces to my coords, but your point makes sense. My all-modern coords were beginning to look a bit stale, so hopefully this injects something new
NAYRT: matching lace looks very polished, but i can't think of a single person who would consider it mandatory, or find a coord ugly for not having it.
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How do we feel about Miss Point? I seen some people talk shit about Chinese brands but I’ve not run into any issues with them.
>t. Newfag
jfash adjacent, are there any sites like circlly where you can create your own buy/sell and auction shop and have users post their wares? i have an idea for one for a community that is lacking in something like this, but i have searched and have failed to find anything like it.
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Does anyone know where to buy vkei fashion/ Japanese punk?
afaik they're one of the better taobao brands
2nd hand: closetchild
1st hand: brand websites

sexpot revenge has a good range of sizes and styles, hnaoto is better quality
I have, I used a shopping service because I had to communicate with them and I didn’t want anything to be misunderstood, but they were very nice and shipped pretty fast. I also got a freebie with my order which was unexpected but very sweet.
Hey do you remember that style chart that used to be posted around here 5-ish years ago about a style called "princess of the anime club" (translated from japanese)? I can't find the picture anywhere. Does anyone still have it?
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https://warosu.org/cgl/thread/9233559 this thread. there's a lot of different images
besides rojiroji, any taobao brand recs for sweet lolita socks?
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Anybody have this dress from Strawberry Witch? Never bought from them and have heard mixed opinions but I can’t find anything else that would suit the classic/Victorian nautical look I’m going for..
>>10938931 (OP)
If you’re a white Caucasian piggu who discovers they have some Asian blood (like less than 1 to 5%) does that automatically make you more kawaii than any full Caucasian?

Also you get a pass on “Asianfishing” right? Since in your case it would just be an attempt at bringing out your already natural features?
Seen this dress a couple times before in secondhand shops and it looks pretty bad IRL. The way the sleeves are attached to the bodice kind of made it look like a weird T-shirt at times.
Side note you can find a lot of the older IW sailor OPs for cheap in Mercari, you might want to look at those instead. Better quality construction too.
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there's a classic style sailor OP by VM (royal marine op, but missing the bow) on closetchild right now. been sitting there for months.
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Is $500 a good price for this OP? It's a full set with no damages, I'm thinking about selling mine and can't do an auction
I'm interested if you would like to email me and work something out, can go higher too.
Are there any shopping services that still let you undervalue packages besides Japan Shopping Service?
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Anyone buy from a brand called NyaNya? they realeased a Madoka Magica collab and I was intrigued. Not sure if I still want to get the dress judging by the pictures I've been seeing on xhs.
does anyone have any good alternative/ouji makeup tutorials.... im broke and cant afford to buy unique pieces so im just thrifting
How forgiving are favorite's clothes? It seems even the M-L lists 162cm height as a limit.
Check the buyfags guide
Is there a way to buy from the chocochip website https://chocochip-cookie.ocnk.net/ I may be stupid but I can't tell if they are still active or not, and if so, it looks like they just take japanese bank transfers as payment? Is there a particular shopping service that I would be able to use?
Ouji is not a fashion you can thrift from the western market, everything is too unique. You're gonna look bad. Save up and buy secondhand AATP or boz.
do a "clean" look: smooth even skin, no eyeliner on inner corners, natural lip color. fresh-faced is the idea.
am i alloud to wear lolita dress with the puffy skirt and jeans underneath
If you want to look stupid, sure
Any orthotic users that can recommend shoe brands? I'm tearing my hair out trying to find a pair of loliable mary janes I can walk in all day without killing my feet
go a size up and use insoles.
Does closetchild no longer allow PayPal as a payment when shipping to a tenso address (or I guess when delivery address is in Japan but billing is international)? I noticed this at least a month ago and thought it was a glitch, checked again and the option is still gone. My last order was around November/December 2024 and I paid with PayPal then.
What is the quality of Q-Pot's pleather like?

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