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The signups have finally opened, for this year's /cgl/ Secret Santa event!

>Rules, Hints, FAQ and More:

>Sign-up Form:

Please don't hesitate to ask if you got any questions! You may use the thread, or the following email:
I signed up! Let’s make this year special!
signed up! other classic lolitas... sign up too...
Alright, I signed up. Could be fun
Signed up as a fellow classic
Thanks for organizing the event again this year! Signed up too, not classic but sweet
One week left ish
how many sign ups so far?
So far, 10 people have signed up.
How many are jfashion vs only cosplay?
Sign ups should probably be extended
I don't think detailed signup statistics should be shared before the event has even started, I may share it later.

They can't, it already started too late, and people are already getting less time buying gifts than I'm comfortable with. But keeping the thread bumped on page 1 may increase the number of people who see it.

But even if the total number ends up being on the smaller end, the people who do join can still have an enjoyable event!
sorry anon, this is going to be shit
anon asked over a month ago about sign ups and you said you wanted to wait until closer to the date. next year you should start sign ups more than 2 weeks before the deadline. at this point it's barely worth bothering.
the deadline is december 13th, retard
They meant the deadline for signups.

How many did we have last year?
stupid question but what's a good anonymous way to link wishlists/inspo? Not sure if I just link my pinterest because it's connected to my real name
my match last year used https://mywishlist.online/ which worked well imo. you could also make a new pinterest account, i'm assuming.
Just signed up! Super excited for this year.
Last year, we had 22 participants.
Signed up!
What does every one like getting as extras outside of the main gift?
Why no $150+ spoiling tier this year? I looked forward to the extravagant gifting every year
Partly, it's another consequence of the signups opening as late as they did.

The general issue is that /cgl/ is getting less popular each year, and with fewer participants, it gets more likely that matches can't be found in the group people chose.
If the $150 tier had been made, it'd be more likely that some people couldn't be matched, and that would have required more time between signups closing and matches being sent out, so that people could be asked what tier they'd want to be moved to instead.

I can't say for sure that the $150 tier would have been made, even if the signups had opened significantly earlier, because it's still not a great situation to have to discuss moving to different tiers with a lot of people, but it could at least have been considered.

The $20 tier was removed for the same reason.
Signed up!! Can't wait
Am I able to still spoil my giftee or is that frowned upon?
There is no upper limit to how much you can spend.

If you write that you want to join the $150 tier on your signup form (at the end, not as your joined tier), it's possible you could be matched with other people who also write that, instead of what you actually joined, if anyone does and it works for the event overall. The same goes for the $20 tier. Don't expect it though.
Anon I used a read only mail unfortunately.

>Additionally, you mention that you would prefer to [...] If any other people express the same desire, would you like to be matched with them [..]? I can't make any promises though!

If anyone else expressed interest in it then yes!
also I fixed the name/address a bit
You really need to use an email that you can actually send from, remember you will need to send proof that you shipped your gifts! And there could also very well be other things that you need to be able to send emails about too.
Secret, I sent you an email on the 28th, now that the deadline is almost here would you please take a look and let me know?
I'm sorry about not responding sooner, I didn't know what to say, but I'll respond with what I'm able to!
Twelve hours and a little bit more until the deadline!
(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Dang, didn't get a match. Hope everyone else has fun though.
No one has gotten matches yet, I'm sorry about going past the deadline. All matching has been done, so it's just a matter of putting together the emails and sending them out.
Do you have an idea of when matches might go out? I’m just wondering if I should be keeping an eye on my email or not.
Matches just went out! If anyone didn't receive an email, check your spam folder and contact us!
hehe just saw my match
sending her my dick pics on polaroids and a nice dildo
hehe just saw my match
sending her a headdress, merch of her favourite husbandos and the OST to her favourite game
anyone already finished shopping for their match?
Nearly! I've definitely gone overboard, though. Super excited.
me too. my gifts are $40 tier but i've bought 1 main and i'm already in the process of making a second main piece for each. my matches have really good taste this year.
Your giftees are so lucky! I'm excited to see what they get.
I've gotten some things for my matches but I might shop for them at Ursa Major GLM just a few days before the shipping deadline.
I think Im like 80% done. I got a couple of thing off of my matches wishlist and found a main piece I think they will like. I feel like it needs some cute accessories or filler before I'm done though.
#6031, who is your favorite Animal Crossing villager?
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Hello 4145! I'm your Santa in the $100 tier. I've finished shopping for the main parts of your gift, and I'm waiting for them to arrive so I can put it all together for you. Some of the prints in your wardrobe are also in mine, so I'm very excited to have been matched with you!
Santas, what are you most excited about in your gifts? (Be vague, no spoilers!)
#1945, a few questions!
>which ap postcards do you already own?
>do you have a favorite pastel or do you love all pastels equally?
#1293, do you have a specific clothing style you dress your dolls in, or do you not have a preference? Are you looking for boy or girl clothes?

Also, you mentioned not wanting anything with white lace — is ivory okay, or would you prefer to avoid the white color family entirely? Do you have any examples of dresses or items you already own in your wardrobe, for some inspiration?
I was able to find a wishlist item for my giftee, pretty excited about that.
#1945 here!! Pink is the most prominent pastel in my wardrobe, sax is a close second though with a few mint, yellow and lavender main pieces. As far as postcards, I don't have have many (been so focused on the lookbooks) Melody Toys, Dreamy Baby Room, Decoration Dream, Wonder Cookie, and Space Toys to name a few. It's nice to see you active on the thread, and thank you for asking for specifics
I have all-female dolls, so girl clothing is best! I often dress my dolls in lolita or other j fashion adjacent outfits, but I've been wanting some more casual outfits for them, too, so anything cute will work! My dolls are mostly 1/6 and 1/4 scale.

Ivory is okay, beige and ecru are preferred! I don't mind if it's avoided outright, though. I don't really own any main pieces with white lace, so white lace accessories tend to clash. I don't have a wardrobe post, but my wardrobe is mainly MM. I wear the rosettes and square headdresses (particularly my Saint Claire) often. If it helps, a lot of the main piece designs I like are more minimalistic, so little or even no lace is perfectly acceptable. Think Whyteleafe OP or Elodie Doll. You can't go wrong with corsages, either. I'm a huge sucker for corsage hair clips and combs.
Yay! Thank you for your efforts, Santa. I'm super excited.
Canadian anons, keep in mind that packages will be heavily backed up as canada post is striking.
Sorry I saw this late! My favorite villager is Lolly.

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