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The signups have finally opened, for this year's /cgl/ Secret Santa event!

>Rules, Hints, FAQ and More:

>Sign-up Form:

Please don't hesitate to ask if you got any questions! You may use the thread, or the following email:
I signed up! Let’s make this year special!
signed up! other classic lolitas... sign up too...
Alright, I signed up. Could be fun
Signed up as a fellow classic
Thanks for organizing the event again this year! Signed up too, not classic but sweet
One week left ish
how many sign ups so far?
So far, 10 people have signed up.
How many are jfashion vs only cosplay?
Sign ups should probably be extended
I don't think detailed signup statistics should be shared before the event has even started, I may share it later.

They can't, it already started too late, and people are already getting less time buying gifts than I'm comfortable with. But keeping the thread bumped on page 1 may increase the number of people who see it.

But even if the total number ends up being on the smaller end, the people who do join can still have an enjoyable event!
>>10939150 (OP)
sorry anon, this is going to be shit
anon asked over a month ago about sign ups and you said you wanted to wait until closer to the date. next year you should start sign ups more than 2 weeks before the deadline. at this point it's barely worth bothering.
the deadline is december 13th, retard
They meant the deadline for signups.

How many did we have last year?
stupid question but what's a good anonymous way to link wishlists/inspo? Not sure if I just link my pinterest because it's connected to my real name
my match last year used https://mywishlist.online/ which worked well imo. you could also make a new pinterest account, i'm assuming.
Just signed up! Super excited for this year.
Last year, we had 22 participants.
Signed up!
What does every one like getting as extras outside of the main gift?
Why no $150+ spoiling tier this year? I looked forward to the extravagant gifting every year
Partly, it's another consequence of the signups opening as late as they did.

The general issue is that /cgl/ is getting less popular each year, and with fewer participants, it gets more likely that matches can't be found in the group people chose.
If the $150 tier had been made, it'd be more likely that some people couldn't be matched, and that would have required more time between signups closing and matches being sent out, so that people could be asked what tier they'd want to be moved to instead.

I can't say for sure that the $150 tier would have been made, even if the signups had opened significantly earlier, because it's still not a great situation to have to discuss moving to different tiers with a lot of people, but it could at least have been considered.

The $20 tier was removed for the same reason.
Signed up!! Can't wait
Am I able to still spoil my giftee or is that frowned upon?
There is no upper limit to how much you can spend.

If you write that you want to join the $150 tier on your signup form (at the end, not as your joined tier), it's possible you could be matched with other people who also write that, instead of what you actually joined, if anyone does and it works for the event overall. The same goes for the $20 tier. Don't expect it though.
Anon I used a read only mail unfortunately.

>Additionally, you mention that you would prefer to [...] If any other people express the same desire, would you like to be matched with them [..]? I can't make any promises though!

If anyone else expressed interest in it then yes!
also I fixed the name/address a bit
You really need to use an email that you can actually send from, remember you will need to send proof that you shipped your gifts! And there could also very well be other things that you need to be able to send emails about too.
Secret, I sent you an email on the 28th, now that the deadline is almost here would you please take a look and let me know?
I'm sorry about not responding sooner, I didn't know what to say, but I'll respond with what I'm able to!
Twelve hours and a little bit more until the deadline!
(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Dang, didn't get a match. Hope everyone else has fun though.
No one has gotten matches yet, I'm sorry about going past the deadline. All matching has been done, so it's just a matter of putting together the emails and sending them out.
Do you have an idea of when matches might go out? I’m just wondering if I should be keeping an eye on my email or not.
Matches just went out! If anyone didn't receive an email, check your spam folder and contact us!
hehe just saw my match
sending her my dick pics on polaroids and a nice dildo
hehe just saw my match
sending her a headdress, merch of her favourite husbandos and the OST to her favourite game
anyone already finished shopping for their match?
Nearly! I've definitely gone overboard, though. Super excited.
me too. my gifts are $40 tier but i've bought 1 main and i'm already in the process of making a second main piece for each. my matches have really good taste this year.
Your giftees are so lucky! I'm excited to see what they get.
I've gotten some things for my matches but I might shop for them at Ursa Major GLM just a few days before the shipping deadline.
I think Im like 80% done. I got a couple of thing off of my matches wishlist and found a main piece I think they will like. I feel like it needs some cute accessories or filler before I'm done though.
#6031, who is your favorite Animal Crossing villager?
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Hello 4145! I'm your Santa in the $100 tier. I've finished shopping for the main parts of your gift, and I'm waiting for them to arrive so I can put it all together for you. Some of the prints in your wardrobe are also in mine, so I'm very excited to have been matched with you!
Santas, what are you most excited about in your gifts? (Be vague, no spoilers!)
#1945, a few questions!
>which ap postcards do you already own?
>do you have a favorite pastel or do you love all pastels equally?
#1293, do you have a specific clothing style you dress your dolls in, or do you not have a preference? Are you looking for boy or girl clothes?

Also, you mentioned not wanting anything with white lace — is ivory okay, or would you prefer to avoid the white color family entirely? Do you have any examples of dresses or items you already own in your wardrobe, for some inspiration?
I was able to find a wishlist item for my giftee, pretty excited about that.
#1945 here!! Pink is the most prominent pastel in my wardrobe, sax is a close second though with a few mint, yellow and lavender main pieces. As far as postcards, I don't have have many (been so focused on the lookbooks) Melody Toys, Dreamy Baby Room, Decoration Dream, Wonder Cookie, and Space Toys to name a few. It's nice to see you active on the thread, and thank you for asking for specifics
I have all-female dolls, so girl clothing is best! I often dress my dolls in lolita or other j fashion adjacent outfits, but I've been wanting some more casual outfits for them, too, so anything cute will work! My dolls are mostly 1/6 and 1/4 scale.

Ivory is okay, beige and ecru are preferred! I don't mind if it's avoided outright, though. I don't really own any main pieces with white lace, so white lace accessories tend to clash. I don't have a wardrobe post, but my wardrobe is mainly MM. I wear the rosettes and square headdresses (particularly my Saint Claire) often. If it helps, a lot of the main piece designs I like are more minimalistic, so little or even no lace is perfectly acceptable. Think Whyteleafe OP or Elodie Doll. You can't go wrong with corsages, either. I'm a huge sucker for corsage hair clips and combs.
Yay! Thank you for your efforts, Santa. I'm super excited.
Canadian anons, keep in mind that packages will be heavily backed up as canada post is striking.
Sorry I saw this late! My favorite villager is Lolly.
How's everyone's shopping going?
Ordered a wishlist item from Indonesia for my giftee a month ago but it hasn't even shipped yet. I'm worried it won't be here before the deadline. It's not the only thing I'm getting them but still a little sad.

Finished my shopping, just waiting for the last few items to come in the mail. I’ve even started wrapping, so I should be able to send everything out before the deadline!

I’m debating if I should find more fillers, I have a few for my card matches, but nothing for my 40-tier. I love spoiling people, but I want everything to be useful, rather than random trinkets people might throw away.

I’m really happy to have found a nice brand item for my card matches, so hopefully they like what I picked out :)
just requested shipping for my buyee package, which includes gifts for my match. hopefully it doesn't take too long. i'm going for quality with all brand this year. hope she loves her gifts!!
One week left until the deadline!

I hope everyone is making god progress!
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Parcel arrived from my shopping service today, so I can get things wrapped up and on the way to them by the end of the week. I hope they love what I've picked out for them, I think it fits their aesthetic perfectly
#1293, #3364, #3034 — your packages are being picked up today. Tracking info was sent to Organizer Santa. Hopefully everything arrives soon!
#9169 your package has been shipped!
#3939 your package has shipped and #5707 i sent your card also. proof has been sent to the organizers!
9492, 9640 gifts shipped!
7084, 1945, 3939 cards shipped!
i hope everyone likes what they get!
hey #1945! i let the organizer know i'll be a little late on shipping--your gifts arrived at my house today, though, so i'll really only be a day late on the deadline. just wanted to let you know!
4981, your $100 tier is on the way via FedEx, ETA 12/16. The gifts are wrapped, so you can take them out of the shipping package without spoiling the surprise. Happy holidays!
Thank you for the update Santa anon
ID# 2575 Your $100 tier was shipped today. Sorry for the slight delay was at work all day yesterday so I didn't get a chance to ship your present.
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Got my first $40 tier in today!

I really love this! I requested bonnets, since I don't have many, and this colorway happens to be perfect for a dress I own that I've been struggling with accessories for. I'm not familiar with the brand, but the quality feels very nice. I also enjoyed the candy. Thank you so much!
that's gorgeous! what a nice gift.
I'm so glad you like it anon! It's from a Japanese indie brand called Private Square that specializes in head accessories. I wanted to gift you something that would fit in your wardrobe so I went with ecru and roses but I was worried about the small purple details-- so I'm so relieved to hear it fits with a dress you own!
3034, your gift was shipped today and is currently scheduled to deliver 12/23/24. i am so sorry for the delay, and i am keeping a close eye on my email & the tracking to make sure the package clears customs smoothly.

the tracking number has been sent to santa anon; my apologies again. a very happy holidays to you, and i hope you enjoy your gift. - 2575
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i was able to pick up the package you sent today and i'm completely blown away!! thank you so so much. this is the first time that i've participated in cgl secret santa after years of wanting to do so. you made my entire christmas, i can't thank you enough and i'm super excited to wear all of these wonderful accessories and drink this yummy tea!

i wish you nothing but the best. thank you for being generous, lovely, and kind. merry christmas!

- #9640
I'm so glad you ended up liking everything! I was worried since it was all small items. I hope you get plenty of use out of everything!
#3034 I just shipped your gift, I'm sorry it's so late.
Hopefully you'll have it in time for Christmas, but it said it may take longer without email or phone number because you need to get a letter to be told to pick it up, but hopefully it'll arrive at your pickup point in time and maybe you can know by watching the tracking?
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#5218 received my card gift! Thank you so much for such a fun holiday card and the super cute pins!
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#9640 I received your $40 tier gift and absolutely love it! Thank you for the Al-Haitham can badges and the absolutely gorgeous Meta headdress! It fits perfectly in my wardrobe and I already have quite a few fun coords planned for it! The note you sent with the gift was so sweet, thank you & happy holidays!
glad you like your items! i had a fun time trying to find the perfect headdress for you, it seems to fit your style and i'm happy you've confirmed. there's a lot of official genshin merch out there so i went with the shiniest ones i could find lol.

happy holidays! stay safe and healthy.

i love everything so much! thank you for your time and effort, i really appreciate it and cherish your gift.
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9169, I got your gift today. I'm speechless! Everything in it is so perfect. I've been really needing a bordeaux velveteen headdress of some kind, and the necklace has a gorgeous angel motif. I already have two dresses in mind both will look amazing with. The purse was a huge surprise, too! I like to carry a lot of items around, so good quality large handbags are always something I can use. The YOSD dress ended up being perfect for one of my girls! She has mint accents on her body blushing that look amazing with the dress. You REALLY went all out and spoiled me! It made my day. (as an aside, one of my best friends is from your town, so the regional stickers gave them a kick!)

Thank you so much! Happy holidays! <3
I really failed as a santa this year, I didn't feel mentally there when I signed up and I never got there, what I sent really isn't to my standard. I need to consider really carefully if I should join again next year, probably skip it if I'm not ready from the very beginning.
hey #7084, I sent your card out a day before the deadline so I think it should have arrived by now or may arrive soon so I'm just letting you know so you can check your mail! -#6031
Thanks for letting me know! I can't wait!
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Thank you #3939 for the thoughtful gift!
The wristcuffs are going to be a perfect match for my Cotton Candy Shop and Dream Fantasy salopettes. I am so happy to have some new AP jewelry to add to my collection too! The Decoration Heart necklace is such a pretty shade of pink (and so glittery) in person, my photo does it no justice. I'll have to try and find the matching earrings so I can be matchy matchy.
Have a Merry Christmas!
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Thank you #3939 for the adorable card! The message was so sweet. <3 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! #6465
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Starting to assume my gift to my match has either been 1) stolen, 2) lost, or 3) has something horribly wrong with it (?) because tracking lists it as delivered.
They may just be waiting until Christmas before they open it
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The album of past gifts has been updated with photos from 2021 and 2023!!

Find the link at the top of the FAQ!!
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1293! Thank you so so much for spoiling me with all this for the card match! I love the Miffy plush, card case, all the cute stickers and washi tape. And the tea is absolutely divine! I had to wait until today to have a cup so I could bake a batch of my favorite buttery lavender shortbread cookies to pair with it. It snowed here in the afternoon so it was a perfect day for it. The KC you included is in a shade of pink that is a very good match for the dress I'm missing the headbow to.
Also I plan to start a visual diary for the upcoming new year, and I'm happy to have been given not one, but two rolls of film to kick off that photography project. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Thank you for the sweet note and for making this card match so special. I wish you the best this holiday season!
I'm so glad you liked everything! Merry christmas!
>So far, 10 people have signed up.
Did we ever get an official count on this? And how many participants were j-fash vs cosplay?
There are 24 participants this year, 2 more than last year, with a total of 60 gifts+cards being sent.
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Thank you 9169 for going out of your way for the card tier. At first I thought this was the 40 dollar tier but then I discovered it was just the card tier. Whoa!
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Omg I was so shocked, surprised, and ecstatic when I saw the vintage sweater! I love the bows and I definitely plan on using the container for accessories. Thank you so much 1945 for such a wonderful gift. The gift wrapping itself was so pretty too!
I don't know why the images got flipped to their side.
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Thank you so much 2575 for this amazing gift! I was blown away when I opened it. I can’t believe you got something from my dream items. Also the gloves will be perfect now in winter. Once again thank you so much for this sweet and generous gift and happy holidays! ~ 3034
Yay I’m so glad you liked it!!!!! I tried really hard to find things that would go well with your style description so I’m glad you can enjoy them! I thought the MAM wrist cuffs would go well bc of the color combo so you could have lots of coord options…and what doesn’t go with AP
Yes I really really love it so much! The details on the headdress are exquisite
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Thanks #7084 for the card! In response to ur message I usually go to antique malls/fairs and occasionally Facebook marketplace for Victorian mourning items.

Kind of a long shot here, but does anyone here recognize this artwork?
My SS in 2015 drew it - This is the shitty pic that just popped up in FB memories, but I actually still have the drawing framed on a shelf in my studio.

It's such a silly lil thing, but it's like.. The first thing that anybody ever made just for me. I really treasure it. I'll take a better pic later.
Thank you #5707 for the sweet gifts!! I was ecstatic once I saw the figurine. Made my Christmas, honestly...THANK YOUUU!!
Thank you to my Secret Card Anon for sending me this barrette! It will go perfectly with some of my coords. Thank you so much for going above and beyond! -#6465
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Forgot to upload the image, derp.
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Oh my goodness, you went above and beyond 1293! You nailed my style so perfectly, I could cry. And your handmade headdress was so gorgeous. Incidentally, I got you as a card match and sent you a similar accessory but not nearly as nice as this. I feel like I should have spoiled you more! Also, I was at Ursa Major and regretted not getting that tin so I was absolutely thrilled to see it when I opened the box. All in all, you're too generous, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I'm so glad you liked everything! And don't worry, I just really love going all out for the holidays. Seeing everyone enjoy their gifts is the best present for me <3
Also #7084 it’s #5218 just wanted to ask if there was an additional card gift for me since the organizer told me the gifts were shipped late but not the cards. It’s 100% okay if that’s not the case, just wanted to know so I don’t keep waiting for something additional. Your card to me is very lovely and on brand for my aesthetic.
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Tysmmmmm! #4145 you went above and beyond and I absolutely love everything that you got me. I decided to open the gifts a day early and I can't wait to cord the dress! The socks work with my wardrobe along with the jewelry. I was so overwhelmed and thankful that words can't describe how happy I am! I hope you have a great Merry Christmas!
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My $40 tier gift!
I got it a while ago, but I saved it for Christmas, actually it's the first time something arrived in time for Christmas!
Thank you for the gift!

I didn't get any ID number, but I'm #2013.
#1945, your $100 tier should have arrived last week based on tracking. let me know if if you somehow didn't receive it! it was in a recycled amazon box. <3
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Merry Christmas #6636! Apologies for the delay in posting your gift, I waited to open it on the 25th to enjoy one last surprise of the season. Firstly, I can't believe you found two items from my wishlist in such a short amount of time!!! I love the illustrations on the Pirates dress, it's so nostalgic for me because I am extremely fond of the older style of artwork from the 2010 era prints. I'm happy to see it on a current day jsk (and it's cotton too, yay) Thanks sm for including the barrette as well! I'll probably wear it this weekend, I can't wait haha.
The gingham apron is going to go perfectly with my dream dress, I'm ecstatic to put together a coord with it.
Thank you for spoiling me, I feel like I hardly put anything on my wishlist, and didn't expect any of it, much less two items. The shiny tissue paper and cute note was also a nice touch and I appreciated it very much. Have a safe and happy New Year
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Thank you so much #2013 for this lovely gift! I’m so happy to now have more Jesus Diamante in my wardrobe! I have the dress in pink and so excited to now also have the black version. The top is so elegant and will be perfect for spring. Also looking forward to try the Norwegian sheep ribs, will be my first time! Once again thank you for the thoughtful gift and hope you are enjoying your holidays ~ 3034
I'm so glad you liked the gifts! I had lots of fun shopping for you. Happy holidays!
no worries at all on the delay, i just wanted to make sure it didn't get lost! i'm so paranoid now after having it happen to me lol.
anyway, i'm so glad you love your package! i was lucky to find your wishlist items--i didn't expect it at all so i was pretty excited. merry christmas and happy new year!
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Remember to post an image of your gifts and cards when you receive them!
How many are still missing?
Thank you so much, Santa! (I apologize for the belated post. It's been one heck of a week.) Your gifts are amazing. I already wore the JSK, blouse, and necklace to my knitting club last week, and I will for sure wear the wristcuffs when I coord it less casually. I love how the JSK can be styled for Christmas but also worn year-round. And you are so sweet for finding my wishlist hairclips - I will definitely get a lot of use out of them! Everything was wrapped so beautifully with adorable stickers. I really felt the effort. Thank you for making my Christmas fantastic this year. Happy holidays!
If I count posted images so far 20 give or take out of 60 things have been posted referencing that post >>10943772
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#7420! I finally got your package. I am in love with the wristcuffs; they will go wonderfully with the barrette I received! The kuma kumya towel was also a pleasant surprise! I love it and it is going in my purse right away! The socks will definitely keep my feet toasty. Thank you for the kind message in the card too! I'm grateful to have received such amazing things. Merry late Christmas and Happy New Year! -#6465
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Amazing gift 7768! I really love the Nile Perch dress and Meta dress.
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Thank you for the sock! 7420
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#3034 thank you so much for the gift! I’m sorry for posting it so late. The dress is beautiful and the ring has been a dream item of mine for a long time. I really appreciate how you tried to find items from my wishlist! The cards are so cute too and I have yet to try the tea and sweets but they look very good. Thank you so much! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

I’m so glad you liked it!!
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I have come to accept the fact that I will never know if my match liked her gift or not
I'm assuming that since my match hasn't posted, it means she hates what I got her...
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Oh well
Which tiers?
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Mine was the 40 tier too, but I overspent a bit and got her wishlist stuff + more and individually wrapped like 10 different things with thematically appropriate paper for each. I choose to think she smiled when she opened them
I'm still waiting on my $40 tier gift and haven't received any tracking info so maybe your giftee hasnt received it yet. Be sure to email your tracking numbers to organizer nona if you havent already!
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Thank you so much to my card match for the adorable card! I love the teddy bear illustration, it's so cute. And the message you wrote was so sweet as well. I love the rabbit stickers you included too! I didn't see your ID number anywhere but my ID number is #6031. Thanks again and happy holidays!
I will give people the weekend to post what they have received, but next week, I will have to start asking people for updates on where they are in the posting process (unless tracking shows it's still being shipped, or it's already been discussed)!
wow this is so low effort kek
Looks like it was a card tier and it was a small extra that fit in the envelope. It's more effort than a card by itself
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Thank you so much for the cute letter, the beautiful card and stickers and your lovely message #9640! I was very happy when I received it. Best wishes and happy holidays!
I’m glad you like it!! I was really impressed by how cute the Meta piece was in person, it was cute in the photo but so much nicer once I had it in hand. Happy holidays!
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7420 here, all of my card matches have came in, now just waiting on my gift match. All of my card matches are wonderful! #1945, the cinnamoroll socks ive been wearing alot since its now chilly in my city, also drank the Paris tea yesterday and it was absolutely delish. The stickers and card were also very cute.

#3364, the cinnamoroll pop up tree is way too cute and ill be keeping it up year round but moving to my pc desk. I was really shocked, never had one of thesd but always wanted one! Thank you!

#2013, that Troika bar was way too yummy. I looked them up online and already placed an order for some more. The anime merch is so cute, and ive already placed the k-on card next to my anime figures. The madoka buttons ill be putting one or two on my work lanyard. Thank you!

#7084, when i saw Chief my heart melted. You drew him so well! And in a santa outfit was just the cherry ontop. I have put your crane in my xmas tree heh. Really loved the creativity of your card.

Thank you all so much, I hope you had a wonderful xmas and new years!
Unrelated anon but Chief is precious, I have him on my island and I love that he is always singing with his unexpectedly deep voice
He is literally my husbando, I had a friend couple years back commissioned to make a mini plush of him (think keychain size) hes the best.
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#3364, thank you for this fun card! I got so excited when I saw it, and I love that it plays music and lights too!
Thank you!

I'm #2013.
Yay! I'm glad you both enjoy your cards!
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Thank you #3034! AusPost have FINALLY decided to deliver your gift. Everything is perfect and I love that you were able to find things from both ends of my styles! The BAPE x Hello Kitty shirt is so good and I appreciate you hunting it down and the JetJ skirt is great as well. Both of the clothing items are exactly my style and you chose well! The earrings are also really cute and are definitely the right vibe too. Thank you sooo much again, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
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yay, glad it got to you safely! happy holidays, i'm so thrilled you liked the stickers and card.

to my card secret santa: after a mail mix-up with my family members, i can finally take a picture of what you sent! the envelope was thrown away by someone else before i could see it and i'm not sure what your ID number is. regardless, i love your card, messages, tea, and keychain! i'm going to try the tea right now. hope you had a wonderful holiday season, thank you for your generosity!
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I don't participate in this particular board's secret santa because I don't partake in lolita fashion and come here mostly for con threads but I'm glad you all still do it and keep it alive. Board secret santas are good holiday fun. Also this >>10943777 sweater is incredibly swag.
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#3034 here! Happy to hear the card arrived safely even with the mix-up!

Also sorry for late posting but I have been traveling between Christmas and New Years.
Also want to thank my card match (couldn’t find the ID #) for this cute card and all the lovely stickers! I really appreciate your cute Milky-Chan drawing :)
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Thank you so much #9169 for the cute card and all the extras! The necklace is one of my favorite AP ones and it will go perfectly with my wardrobe! Also thank you so much for all the local snacks, items and description of your local attractions. Always fun to learn about new places :) Hope you have a great 2025! ~ #3034
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#7084-- I just received your gift, thank you so much!! This was my first time participating and you totally spoiled me. Everything fits perfectly into my wardrobe, and I'm especially excited about the mint blouse as I've been looking for a nice mint blouse for a while. The headpiece is adorable, I'm going to get a lot of use out of it! And thank you for the stickers and handmade handkerchief, I'm super smitten with everything you picked out for me
Also, I think I was matched with you in the card tier and sent you a card-- I hope that it got to you safely or will arrive safely soon!

Thank you again and happy holidays!
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Survey for this year's event!


Please consider answering when you got time! Even if you didn't participate this year (or ever)!

The survey will stay open for a while, so if you don't feel ready right away, you don't have to do it now, but please don't forget about it either! I will post reminders in the thread before it closes.
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i'm #6636, but i received no ID on the gift.

hi unknown santa, sorry for the delay in posting my gifts! i was waiting to receive the clothing item you mentioned in your note so i could include it in the photo, but it didn't arrive yet. no worries, though! thank you for the gifts, and happy holidays (belated)!
Thank you #7420 for the card and cute socks!
Every year I forget to sign up and then jealously admire all the nice gifts everyone gave and received.
Thank you so much #7084!! I feel so spoiled, you really got my taste just right. I cannot even begin to express how much I love the striped Algonquins top, “righteous person, lock assholes” is my favorite ridiculous text on a shirt yet. The butterfly short sleeved parka is so cute, it’s a color combo you don’t see often but I have some stuff it’ll look really nice with. The Listen Flavor OP has actually been something I’ve been meaning to get for years so I’m super happy to finally have it! Also this is such an odd coincidence, my match last year got me a black and red minihat that I couldn’t identify and it turns out the tartan bodyline blazer you got me actually came in a set with it originally. I’m so in love with the bodyline parka, the spacing in “my sterious” made me giggle. The polkadot 6% bows have been something I’ve been wanting for ages and I have the glitter bows but mine are so worn out so it’s really nice to replace them! The top you got me is one of my favorite 6% prints!! Also the “Milkies” dress is so good, it’s one of those things that I probably wouldn’t have bought myself but I think I’m going to get a lot of wear out of.
Thank you again, I love everything and I’m so excited to get to coording it! Happy holidays!!
Forgot to say, this is the $100+ tier and my number is 7768
Giftee #5275 here. Thank you so much for the cute gifts, santa!! I really love the necklace, and the way you wrapped the gifts. The singing card is really gorgeous!
Just realizing the # on the image is wrong, my bad!
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To: 2575
From: ???
$100 Tier

To my lovely giftee, who left their name but whose number I was unable to locate: thank you so much for your incredible gift, and I am so sorry for the long wait on posting! I’ve been in very poor health this winter and have been in and out of the hospital, but your gift gave me so much cheer on Christmas and was so greatly appreciated. It was beautifully packaged and put together with the most thoughtful card, and the BT21 paper was so cute (how did you know I’m an ARMY?)! The sweets were delicious as well, and the toffee chocolate was my favorite!
Clearly you had a great grasp on my taste - unwrapping each gift was such a treat! I audibly gasped when I pulled out the beautifully intricate carousel horse figurine. All the little details are so stunning! The Alice charm is adorable, and I’ve added her to my keychain! And the JM velvet ruffle skirt and matching cutsew are so cute! I’ve been into casual styling with skirts in shorter lengths these days, so these are both perfect for my wardrobe, and I can’t wait to coord them!
And the absolute best gift of all: the Excentrique Bible Necklace!! This necklace has been on my wishlist for such a long time, and I am so thrilled to finally own it. It’s the perfect addition to my wardrobe, and I cannot wait to accent my gothic coords with this stunning piece. So obsessed with all the little details!
Thank you, Santa, for bringing me some much-needed holiday cheer. Your gift was truly the highlight of my season, and I could not be more grateful!
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Giftee 7420 from 5275, when I opened this package happy is an understatement. Even the wrapping paper is catered to my interests of cute dogs and cats. You have really outdone yourself. I am inlove with everything you picked. Planning to wear the lavender wristcuffs soon, and I have already been using the stationary stuff! Nico plush made me tear up. I dont have any plushies of her so this was so surprising. And the keychains? Chefs kiss. Also the necklaces are absolutely perfect and fit my wardrobe so well. I think my fave was the drawing of Chief and I, but the art of Nico is so well done too. And the snails?!? Again, really went all out for me. Ive also listened to some of the music suggestions, all very cute and my type of music.

Again really just filled with extreme gratitude. Really felt the holiday spirit opening this package. Thank you so much anon. I hope your cmas was wonderful.
So how many grinches were there this year?
There were no grinches this year.
Did all the gifts get posted?
No, I've been procrastinating posting my cards personally (sorry, I'll do it soon), and I know one of my card matches hasn't posted either.
The gift I sent wasn't posted yet but they received it back in December
#5275 from #3939. Sorry for procrastinating on posting this card! I am still waiting on on one more & was hoping to post them together, but I think it might have gotten lost in the mail..
Thank you for the card! It's very well-written!!
Sorry for the double-post! I am so so happy you like everything. I felt bad sending it out so late due to the strike, so I grabbed a few Nico things from my own collection to add just to make sure you were extra spoiled to make up for the wait!! Im glad you like all the song recommendations as well!! I hope everything fits nicely into your wardrobe!
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Hello to you 7420! Thank you for the sweet super glittery card and cozy socks. Its quite cold here this time of year and I can use all the warmth I can get on my feet. I loved the tiny stickers you included too! Hope your holidays went well and that the new year is treating you kindly
Where is the legwear from?
Hi, I was the santa! They were originally from Cherrycheezy.
Thanks for the quick response! Very lucky giftee
Has everyone received everything? How many people still have to send pictures?
Just a quick count from images but 43/60 items posted
kind of lame. that's a lot missing, no?
There are multiple people who haven't posted everything yet. A small number of gifts are known to not have arrived yet, so they may have been lost.

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