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Take three to a thread from last year that went well, let's try it out again. What keeps you coming back to cons? Even /cgl/, as small as it is, shows there's a billion possible combinations to explain: "Why?" Some answers, but definitely not all, would be
solo, group, admiring, meetups, photography
>What the event itself offers
Guests, shops / artist alley, rave, game room
>The social element
Parties (unofficial), hookups, meet new folks, mutual friends flying in from different areas
>Hanging out
People watch, the weird experiences only cons can provide, that one time in the year "the gang gets back together"
And of course any reasons I forgot to include are always encouraged. The floor is yours, gulls.
Watching nerds cut loose is a delight, even if the music sucks
I wish, flirting is far more likely. Half these girls are underaged
>Shared interest crowd
Meeting people who I know share at least SOME overlap with me is always nice.
Halloween is my favorite holiday and there are precious few chances to dress up without looking like a tard beyond that.
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getting a cosplay gf
the only place i can play lovelive still
Easy, I like travelling, dressing up, spending money on dumb crap. Conventions perfectly wrap that all up for me.
not gonna happen, they are either there to shill there instagram, have a boyfriend, are underage, or will be orbiting someone way hotter than you from their gay ass friend group.
Speak for yourself, nerd
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Seeing friends again that are too scattered around the country to meet up with on a regular basis. And cosplay photography usually, sometimes while cosplaying myself. Room parties and hookups are just an added bonus that comes with the above two things. If a con has good guests from overseas, that's a good bonus too.
Wondering myself
I'm kinda in the "why I'm still doing this shit, I'm getting too old for it"- face
Well, maybe I get the cosplays done that I have planned next year
But propably, I won't

But I kinda gave up already

Can confirm
>I'm kinda in the "why I'm still doing this shit, I'm getting too old for it"- face
Basically everyone who tells me this is under 25
I attend conventions because it's the only affordable "vacation" and escape from my boring life. I'm just here for the cosplay and atmosphere (and arcade games if they are any good)

It's a chance to see my non-normie friends I no longer live close to, a chance to spend a week drinking and partying and sperging out about interests I can't really discuss with anyone IRL day to day, and a chance to get my weiner touched by cosplayers
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>solo, group, admiring, meetups, photography
THE reason I go to cons, I get to dress up and be fashionable and wear makeup and whatnot without being shunned (I live in a very conservative area)
>Guests, shops / artist alley, rave, game room
most guests are either dub VAs I don't give a shit about or cosplay people I don't give a shit about. I care bout Japanese VAs and actual animators being invited though!
the artist alley is mainly just shit I can buy cheaper online who gaf
the rave is actually very fun since I get to look le epic in comparison to out of shape nerds, but seeing out of shape nerds get loose is very fun
game room is fun for DDR and touhou games that's about it
>Parties (unofficial), hookups, meet new folks, mutual friends flying in from different areas
parties are meh since it's just people trying to hook up. I never gave a shit about hookups even when I wasn't single, just not my thing. "demisexual" is a gay af term but it describes me pretty well. also hooking up at cons is way too risky consering how many underage bitches and crazy bitches are at cons. it's not worth the rape accusation from a BPD hoe. meeting new people and old friends is very fun though
>People watch, the weird experiences only cons can provide, that one time in the year "the gang gets back together"
the other main reason I go to cons, I like hanging out with non-normies and people my age (seriously America where tf are the young people at???)
to be fair it's not an invalid feeling to have considering most people at cons are underage and how our culture encourages those people to act as infantile as possible (especially the girls)
>wasn't single
I meant was lol myy baad
I attend conventions as a form of escapism and leisure if i don’t have the opportunity to take a a
vacation to japan or europe.

Also i just crave the
sensory overload of many toys and colorful cosplayers. Speaking of cosplay, cons are the only place i am
confident enough to dress up as a fictional character
I only started attending cons at the age on 23 interestingly
same here, I didn't have an opportunity as a teen because my parents thought every single hobby was satanic, and then covid hit in my early 20s, so I only started going to cons last year when the gay restrictions ended. Our consolidation prize for being late bloomers is at least we get to legally drink at cons
Also same, but also AYRT

My first con was in 2019 at the age of 25. It's never too late to start
For me it was more like i didn’t know or aspire to attend conventions when i was a teen. Grew up in the philippines,Family was broke, pre made cosplays weren’t a thing, no time after high school/Uni, i was too skinny as a male to cosplay any character i wanted.

Fast forward to recent years (25-30 years old) i live in the USA with an OK paying job, can buy most of the genuine merch and art i could look at. I can drive or fly to several cons. Also i am now more physically fit to wear cosplay that is more easily accessible today.

Life is good
It means being able to see eye candy cosplays
I really like being amongst friends who I see rarely.

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