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File: IMG-20241020-WA0026.jpg (240 KB, 1536x2048)
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My Postal 1 dude cosplay, tried to be as accurate as possible, what do yall think?
File: IMG-20241019-WA0021.jpg (442 KB, 1536x2048)
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442 KB JPG
The wraps around the handguard is a nice touch.
No wig, no facial hair.
You are very cute Anonymous-kun.
trigger safety lol
its a cap gun, it cannot shoot projectiles
You look like a wignat vampire hunter.
twink spotted
That's awesome and all but where's the petition to sign???
absolute Chad
looks pretty cool, would call in as an active shooter threat / 10
>Postal 1 dude
>trigger safety
Mein negger, this is cosplay, not OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY. If the cosplayed character shits on trigger safety, putting your finger anywhere away from that trigger is wrong.
Yes, your ass is also the wrong place to stick that triger finger, don't keep insisting.
cosplay is no excuse for bad habits idiot
It absoloutly is
Uhhh context? Did you fuck?
You look like the second to last person they would let into cons but I am not hating. That looks cool. Nice AK prop
absolutely based
Actual /k/ here.
Priorities, retard. Priorities. You don't put the finger on the trigger of a real firearm or a firearm prop when cosplaying a pro; you don't put it away from the trigger of a firearm prop when cosplaying a character who canonically does that. Being a retard (like you) would be complaining of being character-accurate with a prop, or using a real firearm for cosplay (of any kind).
Which makes you TWICE a retard: one time for complaining about "muh trigger safety" in a case where it would not be used, and another time for even THINKING of using a real gun for cosplay. Filthy /k/asual.
I prefer Postal 2
Are you a man or woman?
Well, at least I'm jealous
That's from Postal 2
why lol? also, jealous for me or for the girl?
Jealous guy here. I am jealous of the girl. I want to put a wig on to suck your gun and also your dick. I'm a faggot.
How'd you get your hair to look like that?
>jealous for me
Women never do that to me
Ok, prostitutes do, but they ain't cheap
no offence, but you look like Harry Potter, if the series was about guns and gunslingers with no magic
I think it would be a big hit at your local Wal-Mart. Visit it with the outfit.
You're kind of a faggot.
You've won, anon.
harry potter and the high school of columbine
Why I'm not surprised there were more people than me who made the Harry Potter connection?
actually.... bowling for columbine would be a baller cosplay
Extremely based.
why no sights?

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