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>D Piddy (the Deadpool cosplayer you've probably seen around) cosplays as P Diddy
>makes a video of him raping a Justin Bieber cosplayer at Tsumicon

Is this acceptable? Should he be banned from the con?
banned? i dont know about that. but while i personally think its kinda funny to do something like this, doing it in public is fucking weird. especially at a con. this is something you do at home for a few tiktoks, not at a fucking public place like a con
>Black people make Diddy jokes left and right for weeks
>two white people make a Diddy joke
>omg wtf that's so fucked up! Cancelled!!
Yayahan is a woman in her 40s still going to cons and hanging out with teenagers. If anyone is a creep it's her.
It's funny. nigga we had niggas cosplaying as Hitler in cons in the 2000s
D-Piddy isn't white he's asian

IDK if you think this counts as blackface
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idk but I've been watching this Gale cosplayer go absolutely nuts crusading against anyone with even the vaguest associations to those two. His stories on instagram have been mildly entertaining to watch.

There are many people that attend cons in their 40s, but Yaya is the only one that dresses up in scantily clad shit.
>2 of the most annoying con celebs just lost their credibility and reputation
Couldn't happened to a nicer pair.
What credibility did these guys have?
This. "Joking about SA is never okay!!1!" So do they seriously expect us to go after anyone who has ever made, liked, or shared a P Diddy/Diddler meme?
They're perm banned from Tsumicon and the rumor mill going around is that D. Piddy is also now banned from AX Chibi and ALA. It looks like his e-celeb revenue is about to dry up now.
zoomers love making Epstein and Diddy jokes, to the point "Epstein's disciples" became a term for fans of any "pedo" media like Monogatari or Konosuba
>What credibility did these guys have?

As chronically online as the sounds, their high follower count + their circle of friends who also have a lot of clout in the community.

People having a ton of social influence can make people scared to call them out because they don't want their army of fans to go after them.
People should learn to loosen the fuck up again. Humourlessness only makes the world more miserable and volatile.
>Julia cut ties already
>Danny and Arny probably doing the same
>discord server plunged into civil war
It's ogre
I just think it's weird that we still have content creators making edge-lord content like it's 2006. We're no longer in the days where people dress up like PedoBear at cons and most people are over it.

For the record, I'm not arguing for or against cancel culture. I'm arguing that it's crazy that content creators see people get pushback from making content like this all the time, but they still do it and then act all shocked that nobody likes SA jokes anymore as if Cancel Culture hasn't been a huge topic since 2014.
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His entire schtick was making SA jokes, groping women etc.
I guess the difference here is that he was making fun of a real life situation
Rip the white boy swag.
You think he'll end up like momo-kun in a way?
I'm just amazed that, out of all the things to try to virtue signal about surrounding TsumiCon, it's these cosplays, and NOT the numerous people in the SenpaiSquad and con staff that have some pretty gross allegations against them, like Marvin Squarenoodles and David Zheng.
C*ncel c*lture is not a real thing
oh lmao i know that guy
didn't think he was that edgy
Captcha: KYS2XH
>and con staff that have some pretty gross allegations against them,
Do go on? Can't just leave us hanging like that.
In other news Good Omens season 3 will instead be made into a telemovie that ends the show after allegations of sexual misconduct from co-creator Neil Gaiman.
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Honestly wtf did he think was going to happen
>cosplay community is overwhelmingly left and female
>all have very strong opinions against rape save for a few perverts
>most probably can tell the difference between a powerful celebrity using abuse as a means of control vs a character like Mineta being horny for laughs
Naw, still laughing over here.
Too soon? Yes.
Funny as hell? Hell yes.
Does anyone else get Onision vibes from this apology? Everything from the long pause at the beginning to how he "cries" and speaks all feel like a bad Nickelodeon actor poorly mimicking emotions.

Idk, maybe he's actually sad that he hurt his friends with this content, but the way he expresses himself feels so off.
You sound like a jealous senior citizen.
Yeah I could edit those 12 minutes down pretty succinctly
>hi everyone
>I made a joke cosplay that was in extremely poor taste
>it sounded funny on paper but execution not so much
>I'm deeply sorry for my actions and I apologize if I upset you
>the video will not be uploaded
>I will never do something like that again and will think more carefully next time I brainstorm skit ideas
These people really need to stop apologizing, especially to people that don't care if you apologize. Make a joke, make people laugh, and ignore those who don't. If you get banned from a venue, then fuck those guys and be a man somewhere else.
>Bro you CANNOT make jokes that are funny because the year is now DIFFERENT
I dressed up as pedobear the other day. A woman recognized it and appreciated the get-up. I will never stop making the jokes I want because some nobodies said to. Even if a somebody said to stop I wouldn't because fuck that guy.
I saw some chick get mad at Chris Chan cosplayers because "they're cosplaying a rapist". If the masses didn't want edgy content these edgy ecelebs would've never been famous in the first place. Stop listening to a vocal minority that just want to humiliate you and will never accept your apology
>I dressed up as pedobear the other day
my local con has him banned as a "pro pedophilia mascot/message, ex: pedobear"
It sounds like the mgmt cited this, LOL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLAn92F38oI

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