How can you cosplay as a chud outside of using masks? Hiding your facial features instead of using them to fit a character is lame but do chuds like me have a choice?
I know this a meme post, but unironically look up aging makeup. Contouring right can give you the right features without hiding your face. You'll have to get the right hair somehow though.
>>10940344It's not a meme post anon... I'm mostly talking about lower face
I think the real question here is, why would you want to? Not for anyone's sake but your own. It's the same confusion I get when seeing a "Background extra" tshirt
>>10940382Unless you want to get into prosthetics to make yourself a silicon chin, masks and makeup are you only options.
use face paint. White face paint will help make it clear
If you're a chud, you can simply go outside and people will think you're cosplaying. It's all about having the socially unacceptable phenotype.
>>10940343Just cosplay as one
>>10940343>How can you cosplay as a chud outside of using masks?I just go as myself and a MAGA hat.
>>10940343Open yourself to the gospel of kigurumi>>>48255336
>>10940343This entire thread is full of illiterate retards. OP IS a chud, asking how to cosplay, not a normie asking how to cosplay a chud
>>10940343Everyone itt misinterpreting OPHonestly as someone cursed with the face of a chud, I just don't cosplay