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There has been a big rise of these types of events across the country for the past couple of years. 18+ conventions aren't new, but specifically 18+ ecchi events seem to be its own kind of thing. What is more, I see a ton more sex workers at these cons, and it kind of reminds me of a porn convention. However, for some reason they still have everyone wear pasties and no one wants to be nude like a porn convention. (perhaps that is the "ecchi" part coming into play but it feels contradictory to me for some reason).

Do you think these types of events are a blessing or curse for the con scene?
>>10940346 (OP)
A blessing. The cosplays are eye candy and creative. Also they touch you when you take pics with them
>>10940346 (OP)
The further degeneration of our modern society. Likely not a good thing
Hentai Matsuri in San Diego was a blast, towards the end of the night one of the girls let us all have a turn grope her ass and tits.
That's it? No blowjob or anything else? So it's just a strip? kek
More and more conventions have to be strict about 'keep it G rated' which is kind of hard when you're talking about a culture which birthed Kill la Kill. I see the rise in 18+ events as a result of this. Used to, conventions didn't exactly care about being family friendly, that's sort of a recent thing. Booth babes weren't even a problem until way more people's kids started showing up at conventions.
>>10940346 (OP)
Its just further proof that scam artists and creeps can get away with anything in the con scene as long as it looks "professional" and no one gives a fuck in the end.
>>10940346 (OP)
It really boils down what anime intends to do. It's sad but it gets to the point.
I haven't been to a regular anime con in a long time and don't intend to go again, but I have never wanted to attend ecchi cons.
Having said that I do genuinely enjoy naughty anime (sexual themed anime that isn't fully hentai) as long as it's funny or the story is good.
Here's a good example https://myanimelist.net/anime/51678/Oniichan_wa_Oshimai and of course https://myanimelist.net/anime/40010/Ishuzoku_Reviewers

>for some reason they still have everyone wear pasties and no one wants to be nude like a porn convention. (perhaps that is the "ecchi" part coming into play but it feels contradictory to me for some reason).

afaik ecchi just means naughty, not full blown (animated) porn.
>>10940346 (OP)
Over the past ten years, I've watched gooning go from being something shameful to being something like weed where people will just go "they're not hurting anybody!" if you do it, so to me the increase in ecchi cons is just a symptom of gooning turning into a mainstream hobby. Based on what I've heard about ecchi cons, it sounds like it's neither a blessing nor a curse but instead its own self-contained thing for zoomers who prefer the bright colors of cosplay porn over the energy you'd see at normal porn conventions.

>More and more conventions have to be strict about 'keep it G rated'
I've been hearing this sentiment ever since the lockdowns ended, but from what I've seen it doesn't seem like it matches up with reality. Most cons I've been to in my state post-covid still have 18+ porn panels in the evening, and there are still boomers selling doujins in dealer rooms. Maybe I'm missing something that was there a decade ago before I started going to conventions?
>can I have a house?
No those are only for millionaire here’s your hentai convention with hookers
>>10940346 (OP)
I think it's good to have seperate cons for people that want more adult rated cosplays and I don't think it's a bad thing necessarily, especially if it can be a more comfortable place to try a lewd cosplay out.
>>10940346 (OP)
>kind of reminds me of a porn convention
Porn cons are already full of weirdo coomer people, just youtube that All Gas No Brakes video of him at AVN. Adding weeaboo culture into the mix just escalates everything.

Having a sexually charged con meant to cater to some of the most sexually unfulfilled people in the world is awkward at best and a complete disaster at worst.
tsumicon is pretty cool.
bought a rare doujin.
I'd love to go but I don't think there is anything like that in Europe is there?
Any experience? Thought they just had a small 18+ area
Yunicon/Kokorocon in Austria have a whole floor for it
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>>10940346 (OP)
I don't know if its the same on all countries but here the 18+ conventions got hijacked by literal prostitutes, not even being an incel, real prostitutes who found out that they can charge 10 times their usual rates by just wearing a 2b cosplay.
The biggest 18+ con here was heavily penalized because the girls would start offering their services inside the con instead of having the decency to rent an motel or something.

I think one of those prostitues even has a video of the whole thing on porhub, so no, it's not a rumor.
It's kind of sad, but if a unpopular cosplayer does ero cosplay here, chances are is that she's indeed, a prostitute.
>afaik ecchi just means naughty, not full blown (animated) porn.
Ecchi, or H, is short for sex in Japan. Ecchi and Hentai have been incorrectly translated into English.
More like "perverted" or "dirty." The Japanese actually usually use "ero," short for "erotic," for the kind of stuff we'd call "hentai" or "ecchi" - "ero-cosplay," "eromanga," and so on.
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>>10940346 (OP)
The only reason to visit an "ecchi expo" is if it had a cosplay is consent policy with legal and civil waivers to sign.
I would pay hundreds of dollars to experience this
More pics from these ecchi expos please
or learn to keep your hands to yourself like any other toddler
Cosplay is consent
look up failninja
somehow he has hundreds of girls stepping and sitting on him despite being sort of a chud
What country is "here"? I need to know so I can... avoid cons in... that country in the future...
are there recordings for stuff like this? i wouldnt even mind a bit of a paywall to watch this stuff. cant really find anything of the sort on youtube and porno sites have soulless whores getting fucked in shitty cosplays of characters they dont know or care about
they get paid to do that. theyre not doing it out of the good of their hearts. he pays them money to sit on him
Are the cosplayers at these kinds of cons chill?
I mean the cosplayers that arent literal prostitutes.
I mean its kinda obvious why males intend to go there: buying ecchi and henti stuff and to take pictures with good looking cosplayers and I hope in a polite and no creepy fashion. It would be a real shame if you would go there and the majority the cosplayers have a stick up their butt and dont want to be photographed when u ask them for a picture.
I'm kind of interested in going to one of these. I've gone to similar events in Japan such as cosholic and cosplay rom complex. It's a lot of fun taking photos of the cosplayers and buying their photo books along with all the other simps.
I wouldn't recommend going unless its tsumicon in Vegas. The some of the others are kinda subpar and trashy. Especially the ones in Texas where people were using the community sex toy for every one to see. I think the one japan is the best it will get.

Unless you're a female, dressing sexy or there to really simp for these cosplayers, you may feel like an outsider. A lot of the cosplayers there don't mind their photos being taken like at a regular con.

Also making money at these ecchi con is super easy if your a photographer. FOMO really kicks in because this is like the one time they'll wear something a very reveling outfit in public.
Oh wow, I thought I was the only anon on /cgl/ who'd even been to cosholic, I was certainly the only Westerner there the one time I went.
>>10940346 (OP)
They haven't made it to my country yet
>the 18+ conventions got hijacked by literal prostitutes
So same as normal conventions then?
I would pay money for that. He's lucky.
Maybe, in a few years, the people behind YuniCon and KokoroCon will also do an hentai/ecchi-con
Who knows

A few years ago, there was an anime convention in berlin, while they had a porn-convention at the next hall

It's the closest I can think of
Asking for photos is always ok
Bro, can we meet up at the next yunicon? What will you be cosplaying?
Won't go to Yuni-Con this year
I want to visit the grave of my grandpa, and one day doesn't sound enough for
But I will go to Aninite, and Hanami
And Lori-Con

Maybe Austrian Comic-con too

Might go as Gregor Eisenhorn
Bring grandpa to Yuni-Con
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>imagine Phil at the anime porn con dude holy shit

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