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Sweet lolita coords with cozy, warm layers, using soft or casual items like sweatshirts, sweaters, jerseys, slouchy socks, cardigans, relaxed cutsews, etc.
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nice execution 2bh
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that cringeprint, such a shame, when did cringeprints become popular? it's always a similar pattern "HYUG BUNNY/CAT/HEART/CHURCH AT THE BOTTOMO OF THE SKIRT" I'm confused as to why do they think that looks good, it ruins it 99.999% of the times, I'm starting to think they do it in purpose to pump non cringe print pieces up in value
...border prints? pretty sure these have been a thing since forever?
Don't respond/engage, its some stupid moid who shits up every lolita thread with his opinion nobody wanted or asked for
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>"take your mouse cursor off me"
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A lot of coords itt are ita af but this one is super cute, love the hair
Absolute fucking mess
The plastic wig ruins it
None of these items make sense together, from the granny sweater to the cutesy JSK to the abilletage tights to the fucking lav sweet shoes. Absolute eyesore

There’s a serious lack of AP hoodie OPs ITT. Too bad it’s so hard to make posts here or I’d try to contribute

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