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Colossal North
November 22-24, 2024

Who’s going?
Any cosplays planned?
Photoshoots or meetups?
Going to any panels or spending all weekend in the waterpark?
I'm going with 2 of the lads. It sounded like a good time and was close since I live around Chicagoland.

Was going to go for both a good time picking up random merch and looking at panels but mostly to get absolutely fucked those nights.

Didn't see much of anyone discussing it here so far sadly so I assumed no one here was in the area.
None of us are going in cosplay though since it was a bit sudden. Was going with another group originally but got booted from the trip so no point in Cosplaying my shit anymore.

Picked up a Childe cosplay for flying solo but I ain't that slim. Should of done a character a bit more built but this is just encouragement to work harder on abs in the gym going forward.

Hotel was cheaper than I thought with the resort honestly. As long as no one an hero's, it'll be a banger.
this guy reddit spacing in my /cgl/ bread baka
Eat shit. It's been a long day and I'm tired.
who is that?
The guy who got told to be quiet at a speedrunning event
Are you for fucking serious? LEL I saw him at a party a couple years ago, being gay (literally)
Anyone getting up to some shit tonight during the Rave? Drinking in the hotel room with some friends beforehand then going to see if they have a good show.
Slow night eh
Drama free con. Yay
Made it back in one piece. Looks like Saturday was very tame but Friday was a clusterfuck. I got sexually assaulted by 3 very horny dudes and 1 pretty lady (slightly better but still).

Some girl had a seizure at the rave too but all things considered, I expected a lot worse. I thought the midwest one would be a bit more unhinged. The panels were phenomenal this year though. Definitely going back next year with some better planning because that was fun.

Stay safe Colossal gang. And to Joe in a Hawaiian Shirt who was wandering around at 6am helping some drunk idiot in a black dress shirt get back to his hotel room Friday night / Saturday morning, thanks. You're apart of the story as a hero.
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Sorry to hear about the assault and the rave, anon. I saw an Instagram story about someone going on hiatus because CCN was a mess; aren't most ColossalCon events like that or was this weekend really bad?
No idea. This was my first time going to Colossal so I had no idea what to expect. It seemed organized well and the staff were really cool. Someone even got the DJ to take a shot on both nights.
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Colossal is by-and-large pretty big on parties, so that's generally what to expect. I've been to Prime three times now, and most of the experience was very tame save for going to one of the villa parties. It was very hot and uncomfortable so I didn't stay long.
I believe the staff do mean well but it's impossible to fully account for people getting shitcanned at the convention and doing abhorrent things. If you intend on coming back, be vigilant and make sure you have your friends with you in case things go south.
So much they/them pussy
Very temping and yet, no matter where I go, the rule remains firm: it's easier to chat up someone who's half naked than a they/them
I've only been to ACEN twice and this was my first Colossal so still figuring out how to navigate the scene since I enjoy the late night shit as much as the panels. All 3 of these conventions, I've come back with an interesting story so it's been a blast.

Yeah, there was this one guy I met wandering around who was super friendly but my instincts were telling me that he was unhinged as fuck at 5am and probably shouldn't be followed anywhere. I was able to help a few people myself who were either throwing up around the resort or this couple bawling in a skywalk together.

What do you mean by "villa parties"? I passed through the main building for Sea and Hillside which were having their own big thing but wasn't aware of much more. It was a bunch of complete strangers up to random shit but I was by myself at 4am and didn't want to whip myself into there.
I'm a decent looking guy in good shape so I tried talking here and there but I was also by myself so I couldn't really do much else without setting off some weird signals with how late it was. Given I was sexually harassed by several dudes, I imagine a lot of the girls / they / thems are super careful.

But fuckin hell you're right. I thought the outfits at ACEN were wild but Colossal had some people damn near naked after 2am. I gotta start getting a better outfit together for the 2nd day. Being some dipshit in a nice t-shirt that day was not the call.

Seriously though, some of the guys at this place were creepy as fuck and that's coming from another dude. At least at ACEN, I got hit on by a few traps but this was a first.
>What do you mean by "villa parties"?
My friend...it means 'you ain't seen NOTHIN yet'. Come to Ohio, and you'll find out real quick
I can only really do Colcon North and ACEN due to life. Colcon was a 3 hours car ride but still doable. It's a shame because any group I'm in was dead regarding Colossalcon North. I'm in a discord group for ACEN since they have a bead on parties, but they were dead silent on it along with here.

Kind of surprised /cgl was as quiet as it was. Thought for sure that more people from here were going but I guess that's the downside of the midwest.
Midwest threads are usually some of the most active too, but trust me. This is night and day. People don't fly out from overseas to Cornfield, Ohio because they wanna see a convention, let's say

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